AF46393 - AF46431
JUL-DEC. 1977
AF46392 (con.) others. Prance. 255 p. NH: Den teit 6 compilation of texts. 6 Libraicie Larousse; 30llav77: AF116392.
AFH6393. Education et pedaqoqie. Par Jacques Ardoino 6 others. France. 127 p. NH: new text & coapilatioa of texts. Librairie Larousse; 3aApr77; AFU6393.
AF46 39lt. Dictionnaire du francais acqotique et populaire. By Francois caradec. France. 255 p. e Librairie Larousse; 28Feb77; AFil639it.
APU6395. Obiectif BEPC: pratique du francais ae-3e. Par Nadine Chabaud, flarcel Jarraud, Ooninique Jourdain & Annick Hauffrey. France. 255 p. 6 Librairie Larousse; 30nar77; AFI46395.
AFa6396. 6e qramoaire. By Bene Laqane, Jean Dubois & Danielle Leeoan. France. 159 p. (SaToir le francais) 6 Librairie Larousse; 30aay77; 4Ft6396.
AF1(6397. 6e exercices. By Danielle Leefflan. France. 159 p. (Saioir le francais) e Librairie Larousse; 30Apr77; AF46397.
AF 146398. Obiectif BAC: quide pratique de I'eprenve ecrite de francais. Par aarie-Anne Barberis. France. 319 p. NH: editinq. Librairie Larousse; 30Har77; AFI46398.
AFIt6399. GraoBaice et exercices* preaier cycle. By Danielle Leeaan 6 Jean Dubois. France. 277 p. (Savoir le francais) e Librairie Larousse; 30Har77: AF46399.
AF46400. Encyclopedic de I'ecoloqie, le present en question. Par J. -P. Charbonneau C others, conclusion de B. Duaont. France. 487 p. NH: new text 6 coapilation of texts. O Librairie Larousse: 30Hay77; AFueuoo.
AF1461401. Hilieux, hoDoes et civilisations: histoire, qeoqraphie, econoaie education ci»ique, 6c. Par Hare Guidais t Hichel Pierre, atlas de Gilles AlKan, dessins de Alain Gauthier & Denis Horvath. France. 255 p. Appl. au; Georqes Duby. NH: new text, new illus. & coapilation. Librairie Larousse: 30Har77; AF1»6»01.
AF<t6402. Lire en 6e. Par Honique Jehan« Reay Martel 6 Hichel Pierre. France. 223 p. NH: new text 6 compilation of texts 6 illus. e Librairie Larousse: 30Har77; AF't6402.
AF46a03. L^Occlusion; aspects cliniques, directives therapeutiques. By Jose Abiean, Jean-Harie Korbendau, pref. du Bertrand Kerebel. France. 117 p. O Julien Prelat; 30Har77; AF't6«03.
AFa61t04. Laay social. 1977. Sous la direction de Francois Jullien. France. 1276 p. e Laay, S.A. : 30Har77: AFll6l401t.
AF46405. Laay fiscal. 1977. T. 16 2. Sous la direction de Bobert Bonafoux. France. © Laay, S.A. ; 30Sar77; AF«6«05.
AFII6II06. Laay societes. 1977. Sous la direction de Jean Burqard. France. 1107 p. e Laay. S.A.; 30Har77; AF<t6ll06.
AF46407. Le Perou, la Bolivie — I'Equateur. Collection diriqee par Daniel Horeau. France. 160 p. NH: text 6 coapilation of texts & illus.. soae of which have been prev. pub. d Librairie Larousse; 30Har77; AF461107.
AF4640B. Gorqes et qouffres: beautes de la France. Collection diriqee par Soger Brunei, assiste de Suzanne Aqnely 6 Henri Serres-Cousine. France. 1 ». NH: new text, new illus. 6 compilation of illus., some of which have been prev. pub. e Librairie Larousse; 25Fcb77; AFteuOB.
AFI»6lt09. fiivaqes de la Hediterraoee, France. 1 V. (Decouvrir. Beautes de la France) Appl. au: Anqe Bastiani, Pierre Gallerey C Gilles Laabert. NH: new text £ illus. & coapilation of illus. 6 Librairie Larousse: 300ec76; AFi|6u09.
AFIteUIO. Le Lanquedoc et le Boussillon. France. 1 V. (Decouvrir Beautes de la France) Add. ti: Le Lanquedoc. le Boussillon. Appl. au: Pierre Harchant. Andre Severac 6 Christian Plume. NH: new text £ illus. £ compilation of illus. Librairie Larousse; 30Har77: AF46it10.
AFieitll. L*Auverqne et le Liaousin. France. 1 V. (Decouvrir Beautes de la France) Appl. au: Christian Pluae, Hichel Laclos K Pierre Gallerey. NH: new text £ illus. £ coapilation of illus. O Librairie Larousse; 25Feb77; AFtbUII.
AFU6U12. Chateaux forts. France. 1 v. (Decouvrir Beautes de la France) Appl. au: Ives D. Papin, Hichel Laclos £ Philippe Levantal. NH: new text £ illus. £ compilation of illus. 6 Librairie Larousse; 25Feb77; AFit6t12.
AFH6lt13. Quiet as a nun. By Antonia Fraser. United Kinqdom. 176 p. © Antonia Fraser; 26Hay77; AFit6it13. (Reprint copies, 2Dd impression Hay 1977, deposited)
AF<l641>t. Orawinq the huaan head, including techniques and the anatoay of the head and neck. By Louise Gordon. United Kinqdoa. 120 p. Appl. states all new except for the "Study of the transf iquration" by Baphael, the portrait of Elizabeth Brant by Bubens £ the portrait of Archbishop Uareham by Holbein. Q Louise Gordon: 26Hay77; AF'46lt1K.
AFlt6415. The Secret lemonade drinker. By Guy Bellamy. Enqland. 152 p. Guy Bellaay; 7Feb77; AF'16«15.
AF46l(16. The Golden years. By Hollie Hardwiclt. Enqland. 189 p. (The Duchess of OuKe Street, book 2) Eqret Productions, Ltd.; 2Dec75; AF46U16.
AF'16H17. Aqatha Christie: first lady of crime. Edited by H. a. F. Keating. Enqland. 224 p. Ueidenfeld and Nicolsoo, Ltd.; 28Apr77; AF46417.
AF46418. The Spanish traditional lyric. Edited by John G. Cuaains. Great Britain. 179 p. NH; coapilation £ additional text. O John G. Cummins: 27Jun77: AF46418.
AF46419. New writinq in Israel. Edited by Ezra Spicehandler £ Curtis Arnson. Israel. 224 p. NH: compilation £ notes. O American-Israel Publishinq Company, Ltd. £ Institute for the Translation of Hebrew Literature, Ltd.; 250ct76; AF46419.
AF46420. The flagic pencil. Created by scapa. translated by Caroline Gaeritz. Great Britain. 1 v. O on illus.; Arteais lerlaq; 140ct76; AF46I120.
AF46421. The Hagic pencil. Created by Scapa, translated by Caroline Gueritz. Great Britain. 1 v. on English translation; Caroline Gaeritz; 140ct76; AF46421.
AF46422. Labrador. By Bobert Stewart £ the editors of Tiae-Life Books. Netherlands. 184 p. (The Uorld's wild places) Appl. au: Tiae-Life International. Ltd., employer for hire. O Tiae-Life Inter- national (Nederland) B. V. ; 4Jul77: AF46422.
AF46423. Landscape drawing. By John O'Connor. Onited Kinqdoa. 96 p. NH: text £ coapilation of illus. O John O'Connor; 27Jan77; AF46423.
AF46424. Bister. Illustrated by HcKinley Howell. Enqland. (In Boaan, July 9, 1977, p. 44, etc.) Appl. au: Hadeleine Brent. 6 Hadeleine Brent; 6Jal77; AF46424.
AF46425. The Ginqer tree. By Oswald Uynd. Great Britain. 294 p. Oswald Nynd; 8Aug77; AF46425.
AF46426. Landscape into art. By Kenneth Clark. Great Britain. 248 p. NH: additional text £ illus. Kenneth Clark; 20Hay76; AF46426.
AF46427. Diploaatic relations. A short story by Paul Theroux. Enqland. (In Harpers and queen. Harch 1977, p. 134-136) 6 Paul Theroux: 1Har77; AF46427.
AF46428. Change manageaent/tracking (CH/T) , DP accounting for IHS/VS (DPA) , service level reporter (SLB) prograa reference aanual. Denaark. 1 v. (IBH technical newsletter, no SN19-6304) Appl. au: IBH Sweden. Nfl: revisions. O International Business Hachines Corporation a.a.d.: IBH Corporation; 6Jul77; AF46428.
AF46429. IBH Systea/370 planning, control and decision evaluation systea/in teract ive (PLANCODE/1) prograa reference aanual; prograa product 5740-XX8 (OS/»S) , 5746-XX9 (DOS/VS) 2nd ed. Denaark. 172 p. (Prograa product) Appl. au: IBH France O International Business Hachines Corporation; 27Jul77; AF46429.
AF46430. Goid^ systeae. prograaae special nuaero: 5788-ABJ; code dispositif 8339. Prance. 27 p. (Proqraaaes speciaux. proqraaae d'aide a 1 * exploitation) English. IBH France; 13Jun77; AF46430.
AF46431. IBH Systea/370. virtual storage personal computing library print prograa (VSPCPBT). prograa description and operations manual; prograa no. 5785-EAA (OS/VS) Denmark. 8 p. (International field prograa) Appl.
au: IBH Netherlands O International
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