AF46272 - AP46310
JUL-DEC. 1977
AF46271 (COD.) Beilstein-lnstitut fuer Literatur der Orqanischen Chemie« bearb. TOn Hans-G. Boit, unter Mituirkunq von Oskar ieissbach 6 others. Best Germany. 1049 p. 6 sheets (7 p.) Appl. au; Beiistein Institut fuer Orqanischen Chemie, employer for hire. e Sprinqer-Verlaq; 16Hay77: iFil6271.
AF116272. Beilsteins Handbuch der orqanischen Chemie; vierte iufl. . drittes 6 viertes ErqaenzanqsHerk: die Literatur von 1930 bis 1959 UBfassend. Bd. 19, T. 2. Hrsq. vom Beilstein-lnstitut fuer Literatur der Orqanischen Chemie, bearb. von Hans-G. Boit, unter nitwirkunq von Oskar Heissbach £ others. West Germany. 1551 p. ippl- au: Beiistein Institut fuer Orqanischen Chemie, employer for hire. Sprinqer- Verlaq: 25Spr77: AF116272.
iF"t6273. Chemie der Pf lanzenschutz- und Schaedlinqsbekaempfunqsaittel. Bd. U: Pf lanzenwachstumsrequiatoren, Funqizide, Holzschutz. Hrsq. von Richard Ueqler. Best Germany. 308 p. Sprinqer-Verlaq; 12ipr77; iFlt6273.
&Fl(6 274. Chemie der Pf lanzenschutz- und Schaedlinqsbekaempfunqsmittel. Bd. 5: Herbizide. Hrsq. von Bichard Begler. West Germany. 752 p. Appl. au: L. Eue. e Sprinqer-Verlaq; 3Jun77; iFit627a.
AFit6275. Thermochemical properties of inorganic substances; suppl. By Ihsan Barin. ottmar Knacke 6 Oswald Kubascheuski. West Germany. 861 p. Enqlish, French fi German. C Sprinqer-Verlaq S Verlag Stahleisen, a.B.H. : 911ay77: AFa6275.
AF«6276. Diabetes mellitus-B. Hrsq. von Karl Oberdisse. West Germany. 1254 p. (Handbuch der inneren Medizin, Fuenfte Auflaqe, Bd. 7: Stof fwechselkrankheiten, T. 2 B) German. Appl. au: Springer- Verlaq, employer for hire. Sprinqer- Verlaq: 20llay77; AF46276.
&F46277. Ganzkoerper-computer-Tomographie; ein anatomischer Atlas von Serienschnitten durch den menschlichen Koerper— Anatomie, Badioloqie, Scanner. By Joseph Gam- barelli, Gerard Guerinel, Laurent Chevrot 6 Hathieu nattei, unter aitwirkung von E. Galliano fi S. Nazarian, Zeichnungen von J. P. Jacomy, Photoqraphien von D. Amy & H. Soler. West Germany. 285 p. 6 Sprinqer- Verlaq; 25Apr77; AP46277.
AF46278. The Blanket. By John Burninqham. Great Britain. 1 v. 6 John Burninqham; 26Jun75; AF46278.
AF46279. The Friend. By John Burninqham. Great Britain. 1 v. 6 John Burninqham; 26Jun75; AF46279.
AF4e2B0. The Dog. By John Burninqham. Great Britain. 1 v. John Burninqham; 26Jun75: AF46280.
AF1162B1. The Cupboard. By John Burninqham. Great Britain. 1 v. Q John BurDinghan; 26Jun75; AF46281.
AP46282. Hy day on the farm. Japan. 1 v. Japanese. Appl. au: Chiyoko Nakatani, alias T. Nakatani. T. Nakatani: 10Apr75; AF46282.
AF46283. 5797-QHX. Switzerland. Printout. e IBM Schneiz; 15aar77; AF46283. AF46284.
5797-QHY. e IBM SchHe AF46285. 5797-NPF to NPG. Switzerland. Printout. IBM Schweiz; 15llar77; AP46285.
AF4e286. 5797-QHQ, QHK, QBI, QHW. Switzerland. Printout. 6 IBM Schweiz; 15Mar77; AF46286.
AF46287. 5785-EAA. France. Printout. Appl. au: IBM Netherlands. B IBM Corporation; 27Jun77; AF46287.
AF46288. 5788-ABJ. France. Printout. IBM France; 13Jun77: AF462B8.
AF462B9. 5799-&QH. France. Printout. Appl. au: IBM France. 9 IBM Corporation; 31Jan77 (in notice: 1976) ; AF46289.
AF46290. Canadian essay and literature index, 1975. Compiled £ edited by Andrew D. Armitaqe £ Nancy Tudor. Canada. 517 p. e University of Toronto press; 23JU177; AF46290.
AF46291. Hepalean PNF calculator. Canada. Add. ti: Calculateur du FNP. Enqlish £ French. O Canada Packers, Ltd.; 150ct75; AF46291.
AF46292. 5799-AQG. France. Printout. Appl. au: IBM France. IBM Corporation; 31Jan77 (in notice: 1976) ; AF46292.
AF46293. The Bodley Head history of Western music. By Christopher Headington. Enqland. 351 p. 6 on text except for musical examples £ compilation of illus. ; Christopher Headington; 11Jul74; AF46293.
AF46294. The Bodley Head history of Western music. By Christopher Headington. Enqland. 351 p. Appl. au: The Bodley Head, Ltd. © on compilation of musical examples; The Bodley Head, Ltd.; 11JU174; AF46294.
AF46295. Modelling and prediction of the upper layers of the ocean. Edited by Eric Bradshaw Kraus. Great Britain. 325 p. Proceedings of the NATO Advanced Study Institute on Modelling and Prediction of the Upper Layers of the Ocean, Orbino, Italy, 1975. Appl. au: Pergamon Press, Ltd., editer for hire. 8 Pergamon Press, Ltd.; 18Apr77; AF46295.
4F46296. Sociology in the balance: a critical essay. By Johan Goudsblom. England. 232 p. e Basil Blackwell; 29Apr77; AF46296.
AF46297. The Common Market and how it works. By Anthony J. C. Kerr. Great Britain. 210 p. e Anthony J. C. Kerr; 27Jun77; AF46297.
AP46298. How cities work: an introduction. By Barrie Needham. Great Britain. 185 p. (Orban and regional planning series, vol. 17) Barrie Needham; 27Jun77; AF46298.
AF46299. Les Juliettes; ou, Le Sexameron. By Jean Lecric, pseud, de Paul Claude Innocenzi. France. 188 p. 6 Jean Lecric, pseud, de Paul Claude Innocenzi, & S.E.C.L.E. a.a.d.o. Societe pour 1* Exploitation du Commerce de Librairie et d'Edition; 30Jun76; AP46299.
AF46300. Celebrer Jesus-Christ: I'annee liturgique. No 2: Noel — Epiphanie. By Adrien Nocent. France. 220 p. NM: new text £ compilation of texts. C Jean- Pierre Delarge, Editions Oniversitaires; 240ct75; AF46300.
iF46301. C3lebrer Jesus-Christ: I'annee liturgigue. No 3: careme. By Adrien Nocent. France. 332 p. NM: new text £ compilation of texts. 6 Jean-Pierre Delarge, Editions Oniversitaires; 9Feb76; AF46301.
AF46 30 2. Celebrer Jesus-Christ: l*aunee liturgique. No 4: les trois jours saints, le temps pascal. By Adrien Nocent. France. 386 p. NM: new text £ com- pilation of texts. © Jean-Pierre Delarge, Editions Oniversitaires; 29aar76; AF46302.
AF46 303. Celebrer Jesus-Christ: I'annee liturgigue. No 1: introduction a I'annee liturgique, I'Avent. By Adrien Nocent. France. 257 p. NM: new text E com- pilation of texts. Jean-Pierre Delarge, Editions Oniversitaires; 80ct75; AF46303.
AF46 304. La Bretagne. France. 1 v. Add. ti: La Bretagne touristigue. Appl. au: Laurence Bonnet, Pierre Gallerey £ Hichel Laclos. NM: new text, illus. £ compilation of illus. © Librairie Larousse; 30Mar77; AF46304.
AF4630S. La Cote d'Azur et la haute Provence. France. 1 v. Add. ti: La Cote d'Azur, la haute Provence. Appl. au: Ange Bastiani, Pierre Gallerey fi Gilles Lambert. NM: new text, illus. £ compilation of illus. a Librairie Larousse; 25Feb77; AF46305.
AF46306. La Corse. France. 1 v. Add. ti: La Corse touristigue. Appl. au: Gerald Pechaeze, Jacgues Nosari fi Rosy Judais Bolelli. NH: new text, illus. £ compilation of illus. Librairie Larousse; 30Mar77; AF46306.
AF46307. Polymers for carbon papers and the reprographic industries. By Henry Warson. United Kingdom. 187 p. Henry Warson; 250ct76; AF46307.
AF46308. Jazz people. Text by Dan Morgenstern, photos, by ole Brask, foreword by Dizzy Gillespie, introd. by James Jones. Japan. 300 p. © on illus.; Ole Brask; 20Aug76; AF46 308.
AF46309. Who's who in Saudi Arabia, 1976-77. Editor: M. Samir Sarhan. England. 272 p. © Europa Publications, Ltd. £ lihama; 28JU177; AF46309.
AF46310. Word order, sentence stress and reference in English and Polish. By Alexander J. Szwedek. Canada. 154 p. © Linguistic Besearch, Inc.; 1Mar77 (in
notice: 1976) ; AF46310.
These entries alone may not reflect the complete Copyright Office records pertaining to a particular work. Contact the U.S. Copyright Office for information about any additional records that may exist.