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JUL-DEC. 1977

AF46230. The Canadian yearboolt of international law. Vol. 11, 1976. Editor-in-chief: C, B. Bourne. Canada. 130 p. idd. ti: Annuaire canadien de droit international. Enqlish 6 French. 6 University of British colunbia; 30Bay77: »Ft6230.

6Fit6231. Barbapapa kleurkaarten. Best Germany, ippl. au: Annette Tison. O Annette Tison £ Talus Taylor: it»o»7i»: AFI16231.

AFlt6232. Barbapapa en de dieren. The Nether- lands. 8 p. Appl. au: Annette Tison. sa: translation. C Annette Tison £ Talus Taylor: 15Sep75; AFit6232.

iFlt6233. Die Barbapapas und die Tierkinder. Best Geraany. 8 p. Appl. au: Annette Tison. a Annette Tison 6 Talus Taylor: 8Sep75: AFt6233.

AFlt623lt. Barbapapa et les bebes animaui. France. 8 p. Appl. au: Annette Tison. N8: translation. Annette Tison E Talus Taylor: 15Sep75: AP»623».

AFit6235. Barbapapa and the baby aniaals. England. 8 p. Appl. au: Annette Tison. BH: translation. C Annette Tison 6 Talus Taylor: 15Sep75: AFlt6235.

AFa6236. Le Jardin de Barbapapa. France. 8 p. Appl. au: Annette Tison. NH: translation. Annette Tison 6 Talus Taylor; 15Sep75: AFit6236.

AFK6237. In de tuin van Barbapapa. The Netherlands. 8 p. Appl. au: Annette Tison. NH: translation. C Annette Tison 6 Talus Taylor: 15Sep75: AF't6237.

AFU623B. Im Garten mit den Barbapapas. Best Geraany. 8 p. Appl. au: Annette Tison. Annette Tison 6 Talus Taylor: 8Sep75: AF16238.

AFH6239. Gardening with the Barbapapas. England. 8 p. Appl. au: Annette Tison. NH: translation. S Annette Tison £ Talus Taylor; 15Sep75; AFH6239.

AFii62itO. Der Barbapapa Zircus. iest Gernany. 8 p Appl. au: Annette Tison. C Annette Tison E Talus Taylor: 8Sep75; AF«62«0.

AFlt62't1. Le Grand cirque de Barbapapa. France. 8 p. Appl. au: Annette Tison. NH: translation. Annette Tison £ Talus Taylor: 15Sep75; AFt62it1.

AF1I62112. Barbapapa' s circus. Netherlands. 8 p. Dutch. Appl. au: Annette Tison. NH: translation. Annette Tison E Talus Taylor: 15Sep75: AFH62U2.

AF<*62a3. Barbapapa' s circus. England. 8 p. Appl. au: Annette Tison. NH: translation. Annette Tison fi Talus Taylor: 15Sep75; AFlt62U3.

AFlt624lt. One Journee chez les Barbapapas. France. 1 v. Appl. au: Annette Tison. NH: translation. C Annette Tison £ Talus Taylor; 22Sep75: AFt62lt'l.

AF<t62it5. Een Dag1e bi1 de Barbapapas. The Netherlands. 1 v. Appl. au: Annette Tison. NH: translation. O Annette Tison £ Talus Taylor; 15Sep75; AFit62t5.

AF116246. Ein Tag bei den Barbapapas. Germany. 1 V Appl. au: Annette Tison. Annette Tison £ Talus Taylor: 8Sep75: AFU62«6.

AFa62U7. Barbapapa at the sports day. England. 1 V. Based on the BBC-T? series Barbapapa. Appl. au: Annette Tison. e Annette Tison £ Talus Taylor: 4Auq75; AF1I62U7.

AF«62lt8. Barbapapa annual, 1977. England. 79 p. Based on the BBC TV series Barbapapa. Appl. au: Annette Tison. Annette Tison £ Talus Taylor: 2Sep76: AFl|62it8.

AF4621t9. Coloured Pig ToMn; a take another look book with a colour uheel. By Annette Tison £ Talus Taylor. England. 1 v. e Annette Tison £ Talus Taylor; 10Har75: AF46249.

AF46250. Dyrenes tryllef arver. By Annette Tison E Talus Taylor, paa dansk ved Poul stecnstrup. England. 1 v. Translation of The Animals in color magic. © Annette Tison £ Talus Taylor: 22Sep75: AP46250.

AF46251. Barbapapa: sticker fun book. The Netherlands. 1 v. Dutch. Appl. au: Annette Tison. C Annette Tison £ Talus Taylor: 15Sep75; AF46251.

AF46252. Barbapapa; sticker fun book. De Annette Tison £ Talus Taylor. France. 22 p. French. 6 Annette Tison £ Talus Taylor; 15Sep75: AF46252.

AF46253. Hale und spiele nit Barbapapa. Best Germany. 1 v. Appl. au: Annette Tison. e Annette Tison £ Talus Taylor; 2Jun75: AF46253.

AF45254. Barbapapa comics. By Annette Tison £ Talus Taylor, oeversaettning av Carl Hafstroem. Sweden. 1 v. S»edish. C Annette Tison £ Talus Taylor; 27Feb75; AF46254.

AF46255. Barbapapa stripverhalen. By Annette Tison £ Talus Taylor. The Netherlands. 1 V. NH; translation. O Annette Tison E Talus Taylor: 3Jui75; AF46255.

AF46256. Barbapapa colouring book. England. ,. Appl. au: Annette Tison. 6 Annette Tison E Talus Taylor; 2Jun75: AF46256.

AF46257. Barbapapa activity book. England. 1 v. Appl. au: Annette Tison. O Annette Tison £ Talus Taylor; 4Auq75; AF46257.

AF46258. Barbapapa annual, 1976. England. 61 p. Based on the T.V. series Barbapapa. Appl. au- Annette Tison. Annette Tison E Talus Taylor: 1Sep75: AF46258.

AF46259. . . Barbapapa bumper colouring and activity book. England. 1 v. Appl. au: Annette Tison. e Annette Tison £ Talus Taylor; 1Sep75: AF46259.

AF46260. Bhat about tomorrow. By Ivan Southall. England. 139 p. e Ivan Southall; 17Har77: AF46260.

AF46261. Actes de la consultation mondiale sur les panneaui derives du bois; tenue a New Delhi, Inde, fevriet 1975. Belgium. 459 p. NH: translation. S Food and Agriculture organization of the United Nations d.b.a. FAO; 17Hay77 (in notice: 1976) : AF46261.

AF46262. Billiam Carton: a quincentenary biography of England's first printer. By George D. Painter. England. 227 p. NH: text £ compilation of illus. O George D. Painter; 70ct76: AF46262.

AF46263. The Bife. By Judith Burnley. Great Britain. 131 p. Judith Burnley; 15Jan77; AF46263.

AF46264. Tunguska: cauldron of hell. By Jack Stoneley, scientific editor: A. T. Lawton. Great Britain. 198 p. C Jack stoneley; 21Apr77: AF46264.

AF46 26S. Periphere Betina; Deutsche Ophthal- moloqische Gesellschaf t , Bericht ueber die 74. Zusammenkunft in Essen, 1975. Bediqiert von B. Jaeger. Best Germany. 934 p. Verlaq J. F. Bergmann: 14Apr77: AF46265.

AF46266. Die Kompetenzstruktur des lodetnen Bundesstaaies in rechtsvergleichender Sicht. By Hichael Bothe. Best Germany. 350 p. (Beitraege zum auslaendischen oeffentlichen Fecht und Voelkerrecht, Bd. 69) O Hai-Planck-Gesellschaft zur Foerderung der Bissenschaf ten, E.V. to be exercised by Hax-Planck-Institut fuer Auslaendisches Oeffentliches Becht und Voelkerrecht; 25Hay77; AP46266.

AP46267. Verhandlungen der Deutschen Gesellschaft fuer innere Hedizin; 82. Kongress, qehalten zu Biesbaden vom 25.-29. April 1976. T. 1-2. Hrsg. von B. Schlegel. Best Germany. 2 v. J. F. Bergmann- Verlag; 14Apr77 (in notice: 1976) ; AF46267.

AF46268. Hagers Handbuch der pharmazeutischen Praxis fuer Apotheker, Arzneimittel- hersteller, Aerzte und Bedizinalbeamte. 7. Bd.: Arzneiformen E Hilfsstoffe, T. B: Hilfsstoffe. By Hans Hermann Julius Haqer, begonnen von Balther Kern, hrsg. in Gemeinschaft ait H. J. Roth 6 B. Schaid von Paul Heinz tist £ Ludwig Hoerhammer. Vollstaendiqe 4. neue Ausg. Best Germany. 570 p. O Springer-Verlag; 8Jun77: AF46268.

AF46269. Technik der Hagnetspeicher. Hrsg. von Fritz Binckel. 2. neubearb. Aufl. Best Germany. 402 p. Springer-Verlag; 31Har77: AF46269.

AF46270. Beilsteins Handbuch der orqanischen cheaie; vierte Auflage, drittes £ viertes Erqaenzungswerk: die Literatur von 1930 bis 1959 uffifassend. Bd. 19, T. 1. Hrsg. voa Beilstein-Institut fuer Literatur der Organischen cheaie, bearb. von Hans-G. Boit, unter Hitwirkung von Oskar Beissbach fi others. Best Geraany. 613 p. £ 7 inserts. Appl. au: Beilstein Institut der orqanischen Cheaie, eaployer for hire. O Springer-Verlag; 16flar77; AF46270.

AF46271. Beilsteins Handbuch der organischen Cheaie; vierte Aufl., viertes Erqaen- zungswerk: die Literatur von 1950 bis 1959

uafassend. Bd. 4, T. 1. Hrsg. voa


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