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AF46077. - AF46113.


JUL-DEC. 1977


Conrad and his uorld. By Noman sherry. Enqland. 128 p. C Thames and Hudson, Ltd.: 19Feb73 (in notice: 1972): AF46077.

AF4607B. The Arms bazaar: the coopanies, the dealers, the bribes: from Vickers to Lockheed. By Anthony Sampson. Onited KinqdoB. 310 p. KB: text by Anthony Sampson. O Anthony Sampson: 27Jan77: AF46078.

AFI*6079. Early child care in Hunqary. By Alice Hermann, with Sandor Koalosi. Northern Ireland. 123 p. (International monograph series on early child care, vol. 1) Appl. au: Gordon and Breach Science Publishers, Ltd. Pre». pub. in Early child deve- lopment and care, »ol. 1, no. 1. NH: contents, introd. 6 foreword. O Gordon and Breach Science Publishers, Ltd.; 23Har73 (in notice: 1972) ; AF116079.

AFteoso. The First European seminar on com- puterised aiial tomoqraphy in clinical practice. Edited by Georqe H. Du Boulay 6 I»an F. Hoseley. Best Germany. 1430 p. Held in London, sprinq 1976. Appl. au: L. E. Claveria. Sprinqer-Verlaq: iJBar77: AF4608a.

AF46081. Turniersport von A bis S: ein Leitfaden fuer zuschauer. By Carl Friedrich Hossdorf. Best Germany. 93 p. e Verlaq Sankt Georq, G.H.B.H.; 130ct76: AF«6081.

AF46082. Barbapapa at the seaside. Enqland. 1 V. ApFl. au: Annette Tison. Annete Tison t. Talus Taylor: 60ct7S: AFU6082.

AF46083. Jesus died in Kashmir: Jesus, Hoses and the ten lost tribes of Israel. By Andreas Faber-Kaiser. Enqland. 18il p. Appl. au: Gordon cremonesi, Ltd. , employer for hire. e on Enqlish translation; Gordon Cremonesi, Ltd.; 1Apr77: AF46083.

JPlt608U. IBH 3740 data entry system special self-check number device custom unit description. Denmark. 1 v. (IBH technical newsletter, no. G819-6 191) Appl. au: IBH Onited Kinqdom, Ltd. NH: revisions & updatinq. © International Business Hachines Corporation a. a.d. : IBH Corporation: 1Jun77; AFKeOBU.

AFU6085. CALL: hiqh resolution plottinq. Denmark. 1 v. (IBH technical newsletter, no. GN19-6299) Appl. au: IBH United Kinqdom, Ltd. NH: revisions E updatinq. 6 International Business Hachines Corporation alternate designation: IBH corporation: 27Hay77; AF16085.

AFIt6086. IBB 3650 retail store system subsystem definition and proqrammer's quide; ^PQ 7B0239, 7B0210, 7B0350, program no. 5799-WJB (DOS/VS), 5799-BJB (OS/VD). 2nd ed. Denmark. 70 p. (Systems) Appl. au: IBH Germany. International Business Hachines Corporation; 3Jun77; AF46086.

APlt6087. IBH 3600 finance communication system operatinq quide for custom features; BPQ 7H0237, BPQ 7H02146, 8PQ 7H02"l7, BPQ 7H024B. 2nd ed. Denmark. 1 v. (Systems) Appl. au: IBK Onited Kinqdom, Ltd. International Business Hachines Corporation; 1Jun77; AF'16087.

AF46088. DB/DC for the DOS/»S user: data base/data communications. Denmark. 17 p 6 sheets (31 p.) Appl. au: IBH France. O International Business Hachines Corporation a.k.a. IBH Corporation; 13Jun77; AFlt6088.

AFt6089. IBH 3630 plant communication system for plant monitoring and control; application description. Denmark. 31 p. Appl. au: IBH Germany. International Business Hachines Corporation; 26Hay77; AF«6089.

AF'16090. IBH 3630 plant cofflDunication system for receivinq and inspection; application description. Denmark. 28 p. Appl. au; IBH Germany. O International Business Hachines corporation; 26Hay77; AFH6090.

AFII6091. IBH 3630 plant communication system for flow line control; application desc- ription. Denmark. 35 p. Appl. au: IBH Germany. International Business Hachines Corporation; 26Hay77; AFU6091.

AFt6092. IBH 3630 plant communication system for shipping; application description. Denmark. 25 p. Appl. au: IBH Germany. e International Business Hachines Corporation; 26Hay77; AF'16092.

AF'46093. IBH 3630 plant communication system for automatic data acquisition and control of the plant floor; application description. Denmark. 35 p. Appl. au: IBH Germany. e International Business Hachines Corporation; 26Hay77; AFit6093.

APa609U. IBH 3630 plant communication system for time and attendance recording; application description. Denmark. 21 p. Appl. au: IBH Germany. International Business Hachines Corporation; 26Hay77; AFi*609a.

AFU6095. IBB 3630 plant communication system- -maqnetic documents; application description. Denmark. It p. Appl. au; IBH Germany. O International Business Hachines corporation; 26Hay77; AF«6095.

AF1I6096. DB/DC for the DOS/VS user: data base/data communications. Denmark. 31 transparencies £ 17 p. in box. Appl. au: IBH France. O International Business Hachines Corporation a.k.a. IBH Cor- poration; 13Jun77; AFt6096.

AF46097. 5788 DKB. France. Printout. IBH Deutschland, G.H.B. H. ; 10Jan77 (in notice: 1976) : AF116097.

AFII6098. 3750 switching system. Vol. 3: switching subsystem. Uth ed. Denmark. 1 V. (IBH maintenance library) (3752 network unit theory of operation, book 1) Appi. au: IBH France. International Business Hachines Corporation: 25Hay77; AF«6098.

AF46099. Hedieval music. Edited by S. Thomas Harrocco t Nicholas Sandon. Great Britain. 239 p. (The Oxford anthology of music) English, Greek, Latin 6 other languages. NH: introd., compilation, editinq, translations, revisions 6 additions. O Oxford Bniversity Press; 19Hay77; AFlt6099.

AF46100. Hontgomery of Alam !in. By Alun Chalfont. England. 365 p. Alu Chalfont; 12Apr76; AFl(6100.

AF46101. The Spanish: the intrepid nation. By Alfonso Lowe. England. 225 p. HH: entire text except for prev. pub. illus. e Alfonso Lowe; 10ct75; AF46101.

APU6 102. The Bird man: an autouiuyrapny. By Ian Strange. England. 182 p. O Ian strange; 10ct76; AF146102.

AP1(610 3. Harco Polo*s travels in Xanadu with Kublai Khan. By B. P. Lister. England. 175 p. NH: text except for illus. E excerpts from prev. pub. material. C P. P. Lister; 1Dec76; AFit6103.

AF46iau. The Grand century of the lady. By Arthur Calder-Harshall. England. 164 p. O Arthur Calder-Harshall; 1Nov76; AF46104.

AF46105. Third music writing book. By Freda Dinn. Great Britain. 45 p. NH: compilation 6 text. O Schott and Company, Ltd.; 1Dec76; AF46105.

AF46106. Bennett. By Desmond Cory. England. 191 p. O Desmond Cory; 30Juc77; AF46106.

AF46107. The Bingway virus. By Pussell Foreman. England. 294 p. O Fondation Harus: 26Aug76; AF46107.

AF46108. Bar in the Ancient world: a social history. By Yvon Garlan, translated from the French by Janet Lloyd. Great Britain. 200 p. Appl. au: chatto and Bindus, Ltd. O on translation; Chatto and Bindus, Ltd.; 16JU175; AF46108.

AF46109. In search of the constitution: reflections on state and society in Britain. By Nevil Johnson. Great Britain. 239 p. Nevil Johnson; 18Apr77; AF46109.

AP46110. The New economic systems of Eastern Europe. Editors: Hans-Hermaon Hoehmann, Hichael Kaser 6 Karl C. Thalheim. Jnited Kingdom. 585 p. Appl. au: Bundesinstitut fuer Ostwissenschaf tliche und Inter- nationale Studien, employer for hire of Hichael Kaser, P. Garvie 6 P. Crane. NH: English translation, editorial revision 6 additional text. O Bundesinstitut fuer ostwissenschaf tliche und Internationale Studien; 210ct75; AP46110.

AP46111. Hessiaen. By Bobert Sherlaw Johnson. Onited Kingdom. 221 p. O on text; Bobert Sherlaw Johnson; 23Jun75; AF46111.

AF46 112. Pax Bomana. By Paul Petit, translated by James Hillis. Onited Kingdom. 368 p. Appl. au: B. T. Batsford, Ltd., employer for hire of James Billis. Prev. pub. in France, 1967 as La Paix romaine. NH: translation. Paul Petit; 24Aug75; AF46112.

AF46113. The Qur'an and its exegesis; selected texts with classical and modern Huslim interpretations. By Helmut Gaet je, translated 6 edited by Alford T. Belch. Onited Kingdom. 313 p. Appl. au: Eoutledge and Kegan Paul, Ltd., employer tor hire of Alford T. Belch. Translation

of Koran und Koranexegese. NH: tran-


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