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JUL-DEC. 1977

AF116038. Les Quatre flores de la France. Vol. 1-2. By Paul Fourniej:. 2. ed. France. EditloDS Lechevaller. S.&.B.L. : 30(lar77; AFI46038.

SF46039. Albun Celine. Iconoqraphie reunie & coamentee par Jean-Pierre Dauphin & Jacques Boudillet. France. 287 p. NM: editing. 9 Editions Sallinard; 30llar77; AFlt6039.

AFteOUO. Sancti ThoDae De Aquino opera omnia iussu Leonis 13 P.H. edita. Tomus U3. Prefaces by Antoine Oondaine. Italy. 154 p. Latin 8 French. NM: prefaces. © Saint Thomas Aquinas Foundation; 28Dec76; AP460110.

AFieOII. The Russian Army in Horld Har 1. By Hard Butherford. England. 303 p. NM: text, ezcludinq prev. pub. photos. Q Hard Rutherford: tsep75; AFteOII.

iF'l60t2. The Deathless and the dead. By Anna Clarke. Great Britain. 188 p. S Anna Clarke: 180ct76: AFt60i(2.

AF460113. Proqress in food and nutrition science; the iournal of the International encyclopedia of food and nutrition. Vol. 2, pt. 7. Editor-in-chief: H. H. Sinclair. Great Britain, p. 3C7-356. Appl. au: Perqamon Press, Ltd., employer for hire of editor. © Perqamon Press, Ltd.: 18Apr77; AFIt601|3.

AFaeoti. Gmelin Handbucfa der anorqanischen chemie. System-Nr. 31; Radium. Erqaenzunqsband 2. Von Fritz tfcigel, Bedakteur: Kurt Skars. 8. voelliq neu bearb. Aufl. Mest Germany, p. 132-435. Appl. au: Gaeliu Institut fuer Anor- qanische chemie, employer for hire. O Sprinqer-Verlaq: 30Mar77: iF46044.

AF46045. Gmelin Handbuch der anorqanischen Chemie: Erqaenzunqsuerk zur achten Aufl. Bd. 42: Borverbindunqen, T. 11: Carborane 3. Bearbeiter dieses Bandes: Inqeborq Von Hilucki, fiedakteure dieses Bandes: Kurt Niedenzu 6 Karl-Christian Buschbeck. Best Germany. 207 p. Appl. au: Gmelin Institut fuer Anorqanische Chemie, employer for hire. NM: revisions £ new material. S Sprinqer-Verlaq; 30Mar77; AP46045.

AF46046. Vascular plants of British Columbia: a descriptive resource inventory. By Roy L. Taylor 6 Bruce HacBryde. Canada. 754 p. e University of British Columbia; 6Hay77; AF4e046.

AF46047. An Arabian portfolio. Photos- by Robert Azzi, introd. by Ahmed Zaki Yamani. Bahrein. 223 p. Photos, req. as K125714. Appl. au: First Azimuth, Ltd. on text; First Azimuth, Ltd.; 15Dec76; AF46047.

AF46048. A Century of chanqe in eastern Africa. Editor: H. Arens. The Setherlands. 309 p. (Eorld anthropology) Appl. au: International Dnion of Anthropological and Ethnoloqical Sciences. 6 nouton and Company: 1Har77 (in notice: 1976); AF4604e.

AF46049. Anthropoloqy and mental health — setting a new course. Editor: Joseph Hestermeyer. The Netherlands. 319 p. (Horld anthropology) Appl. au: International Union of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences. © Houton and Company; 1Mar77 (in notice: 1976) ; AF46049.

AF46050. The Mutual interaction of people and their built environment: a cross-cultural perspective. Editor: Amos Bapoport. The Netherlands. 505 p. (Sorld anthropology) Appl. au: International Onion of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences. ftouton and Company; 1Mar77 (in notice; 1976); AF46050.

AF46051. The Ultimate systea (for winning at the races) By Michael Stone, pseud, of Michael Soos. Canada. 77 p. The Ultimate Edge; 5Jul77; AFa6051.

AF46052. Cayman Islands handbook and busines- sman's guide, 1977. Editor: Jim Graves, associate editor: John Redman. The Cayman Islands, B.B.I. 271 p. Appl. au: The Dorthnester Company, Ltd. 6 The Northwester Company, Ltd. ; 23Jun77; AF46052.

AF46053. Burning secret. By Gordon McDonell. England. 22-« p. 6 Gordon McDonell; 20ct59; AF46053.

AF46054. Regan and the deal of the century- By Ian Kennedy Martin. England. 157 p. e Ian Kennedy Martin; 3Jan77; AF46054-

AF46055. Paul: an illustrated documentary on the life and writings of a key figure in the beqinnings of Christianity. By John H- Drane. Great Britain. 127 p. Lion Publishing; 7Sep76; AF46055.

AF46056. Beyond science. By Denis Alexander. Great Britain. 222 p. S Denis Alexander; 18Sep72; AF46056.

AF46057. The Queen and Lord M. By Jean Plaidy, pseud, of Eleanor Hibbert. England. 268 p. d Jean Plaidy (pen name of Eleanor Hibbert); 29Mar73; AF46057.

AF46058. The Burning of Evelyn Foster. By Jonathan Goodman. England. 152 p. 9 Jonathan Goodman; 26May77; AF46058.

AF46059. Concerto D major; violin 6 piano part. By H. A. Mozart. Japan. 1 v- in 2. (Suzuki violin school, vol. 10) Japanese 5 English. Appl. au: Zen-On Music Publishers Company, Ltd. NM: translation 6 additions. 9 Zen-On Music Publishers Company, Ltd.; 1May77 (in notice: 1976); AF46059.

AF46060. Early Tudor masses: 2. Transcribed 6 edited by John D. Bergsagel. Onited Kingdom. 211 p. (Early English church music, vol. 16) Accompanied by music, reg. EF41704, EF4 1705, EF41706. NM: introd. £ editorial comment. 9 The British Academy; 1Jan76; AF46060.

AF46061. Hostages to fortune. By Joan Liogard. i^ngland. 158 p. Q Joan Lingard; 280ct76; AF46061.

AF46062. The Last of the country house murders. By Emma Tennant. England. 160 p. 9 Emma Tennant; 31Dec74; AF46062.

AF46063. Puritan and cavalier: the English Civil Bar. By James Barbary, pseud, of Jack Beeching. England- 192 p. 9 James Barbary: 24Feb77; AF46063.

AF46064. Flying free. By Dick Cate, illustrated by Trevor Stubley. England. 88 p. 9 on text; Dick Cate; 9Sep75; AF46064.

AF46065. Long-term surgical results in children. Editors: Peter P. Rickham, H. ch. Becker 6 J. Prevot. Best Germany. 322 p. (Progress in pediatric surgery, vol. 10) Summaries in French £ German. @ Urban and Schwarzenberg; 10Jun77; AF46065.

AF46066. ESCO: Piktogramm-Leuchten. Best Germany. 65 p. Add. ti: Piktogram fittings; Enseignes pictogrammes. English, French E German. 9 ERCO- Leuchten, G.M.B.H., a.k.a. S- A. Luminaires EBCO; 2Sep76: AF46066.

AF46067. 5797-NHR. Best Germany. Printout. 9 IBM Deutschland, G.M.B.H,; 15Apr76 (in notice: 1975); AF46067.

AF460e8. 5788-DCQ. Best Germany. Printout. 9 IBM Deutschland, G.H.B. H. ; 26Sep75; AF460e8.

AF46069. 5797-NQA. Best Germany. Printout. 9 IBM Deutschland, G.M-B-U.; 30Mar77 (in notice: 1976); AF46069.

AF46070. 5797-ADX. Best Germany. Printout. 9 IBM Deutschland, G.H.B.H.; 18Apr77; AF46070.

AF46071. 5788-DEN. Best Germany. Printout. e IBM Deutschland, G.M.B.H. ; 8Jan76 (in notice: 1975); AF46071.

AF46072. ' 5740-XR7 Stairs-DL/1* storage and information retrieval system for DL/1. FE-no. 099002. France. Printout. Appl. au: IBM Germany. NM: additions £ revisions. 9 IBM Corporation; 28Peb77 (in notice: 1975. 1976) ; AF46072.

AF46073. African traditional religion. By E. Geoffrey Parrinder. 2nd rev. ed. Great Britain. 156 p- Prev. pab. 1954. 9 Geoffrey Parrinder; 25May62; AF46073- (1968 reprint, deposited)

AF46074. The Gothic revival; an essay in the history of taste. By Kenneth Clark. 3rd ed- Great Britain- 236 p- Prev- pub- 1928 £ 1950- 9 Kenneth Clark; 10ct62; AF46074- (1973 reprint, deposited)

AF46075. Neo-colonialism in west Africa. By Samir Amin, translated by Francis McDonagh. Great Britain. 298 p- Appl. au: Penguin Press. Translation of L" Afrigue de I'ouest bloquee. NM; translation. 9 Francis McDonagh; 15NOV73: AF46075.

AF46076. Mechanisms for the photochemical production of hydrocarbons in gaseous hydrocarbon systems. By G. B. Johnston, D. B. A. Cuff £ D. Price. Great Britain, p. 231-291 (Progress in reaction kinetics, vol. 8, pt. 4. Editors: K. B. Jennings £ R. B. Cundall) Appl. au: Pergamon Press, Ltd., employer for hire of editor. 9 Pergamon Press, ltd. ; 23May77;



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