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A936269 - A936307


JUL-DEC. 1977

»936268 (con.) Zlotowltz, ovecvieu br Hosson Schecaan. 158 p. English t Hebre«. BB: ran- slation, coanentarv, overviews & introductions. Heir Zlotovitz; 6Peb76; »936269.

A936269. Cell bioloqy. Authors: Seonq s. Ban. Buth Ashley Gary Bahn, artist: Carol Bardoiph, editorial assistance: Karen Schaefer. 1 v. SK: editorial revision 6 additions. C School of Dentistry, Jniversity of Hichiqan; 18Sep7i4: A936 269.

A936270. Physical qeoqraphy: laboratory exercises. By Anis A. Khan. 90 p. Culpeper Publishers; 9Dec77; A936270.

A936271. Niqht-tiBe companion: 20 hour proqram anual. By Hay- Jean Hovacd. 201 p. Add. ti: Hiqht-tiie coipanion aanuaU O Visitinq Hurse Association of the Inland Counties (in notice: ISA of the Inland counties); 1Dec77; A936271.

A936272. A Promised land not aade by hand (to liye or die) 4 p. Appl. au: Hilliaa Jackson (Christopher Grace) Billiaa Jackson (Christopher Grace, pseud.); 7NOV77; A936272.

A936273. THE for ae. 1 p. Appl. au: Billiaa Jacltson (Christopher Grace) Billiaa Jacltson (Christopher Grace, pseud.): 90ct77: A936273.

A93627». Spanish for educators. By Bertha E. Seqal. 76 p. O Bertha E. Seqal; 30llo»77; A9 362711.

A936275. Basic skills in Spanish. By Bertha E. seqal. 38 p. O Bertha E. Seqal; 19Sen77; A936275.

A936276. Centsaid. Version 2.5, Feb. 1977. Developed by the U.S. Census Bureau (International Proqraas Branch) Printout t aaqnetic tape. Add. t i; Cents-Aid coaputec proqraa. Appl. au: Data Ose and Access laboratories, OOALabs. O Data Ose and Access Laboratories, Inc. (DOALabs); 25Peb77: A936276.

A936 277. Searchinq for foreiqn patents. By Bert B. Bhitehurst. 73 p. Appl. states United States copyriqht is not claimed in any aaterial taken froa U.S. Govt, sources. O Bert B. Bhitehurst; 23Sep77; A936277.

A936278. Acne can be cared. By Gustave U. Hoebn. lUU p. Gustave H. Hoehn ; 1SJun77: A936278.

A936279. On Bisconsin: Badqer football. By Oliver E. Kuechle «ith Jia Bott. 288 p. NH: coapilation of photos., revisions t, additions. Oliver B. Suechle t Jia Hott: 1"IOct77: A936279.

A936280. The Ford Bhite House: the diary of a speechariter. By John J. Casserly. 37i4 p. Appl. states U.S. copyriqht is not claiaed in any aaterial taken froa O.S. Govt, sources. Colorado Associated University Press; 2mov77; A936280.

A936281. coronal holes and hiqh speei vind streams. Editor: Jack B. Zirker. tSU p. Appl. states U.S. copyriqht is not claiaed in any portion of this work written by a U.S. Govt, eaployee as a part of his official duties. O Colorado Associated Oniversity Press; 21Hov77; A936281.

A936282. Hope thou in God. By Tance Havnec. 128 p. O Taoce Uavner; 19Dec77; A9362e2.

A9362B3. Life insurance accounting. Edited by Bobert B. Strain. S88 p. Insurance Accoantinq and Statistical Association; 13Dec77; A936283.

A93628tt. Shore Villaqe story: an iofocaal history of Bockland, Haiue. Project editor: Brian H. Harden, assistant editor: Alice Crie Kniqht. 420 p. Bockland Bicentennial Coaaission; 230ct77 (in notice: 1976) ; A9362ei4.

A93628S. Encyclopedia of practical photography. Vol. 2. Coapiled e edited by Eastaan Kodak Coapany 6 American Photographic Book Publishing Coapany, Inc. 376 p. O Eastaan Kodak Coapany & Aaerican Photographic Book Publishing Coapany^ Inc.; lDec77: A936285.

A936286. Progressions in action. By Doris Chase Doane (Doris Chase Doane Ahearn) 2U3 p. Doris Chase Doane; 20Nov77: A936286.

A936287. The Effect of litigation on independent auditors. Besearch study no. 1. A research study prepared for the Coaaission on Auditors' Eesponsibilities by Henry B. Jaenicke. 116 p. Appl. au: The Coaaission on Auditors* Eesponsibilities. The Coaaission on Auditors' Bespon- sibiiities; 2Dec77; A936287.

A936288. Directory of north Aaerican fairs and expositions: chronological suppl., '77. Vol. 2, no. 1. Spring 1977 ed. 1 v. Billboard Publications, Inc.; 5Bar77; A936288.

A936289. aLEBACSO on-line usee's aanual: the aerrill Lynch ecoooaics aacro econoaetric model. 30 p. aerrill Lynch Econoaics, Inc.; 17l(ov77; A936289.

A93629a. Bead along woodland fables; teacher's aanual. Grade level 1-3. Produced for coronet Instructional Hedia by Barshall Izen, illustrated by Toa Billiaas. Kit. Appl. au: Coronet Instructional Hedia, a division of Esquire, Inc. C Coronet Instructional fledia, a division of Esquire, Inc.; 25Aug77; A936290.

A936291. Bhat you can be ; a book about the different jobs people have. Britten by Barbara Burrow, photographed by Dale Durfee & other photographers. 1 v. Appl. au: Haliaark Cards, Inc. O Hallaark Cards, Inc.; 1Dcc77: A936291.

A936292. Police officers: learning how the police protect 6 help us. Britten by Tina Hacker, photographed by aick Lyons. 1 v. Appl. au: Hallaark Cards, Inc. Hallaark Cards, Inc.; 1Dec77; A936292.

A936293. Big brother Billy; a story about how it feels to have a new baby in the faaily. Britten by Edward Cunninghaa, illustrated by Herrily Johnson. 1 v. Appl. au: Hallaark Cards, Inc. O Hallaark Cards, Inc.; 1Dec77; A936293.

A9362911. Pets are to love; the fun and res- ponsibility of having a pet. Britten by Barbara Loots, photographed by Bick Lyons. 1 V. Appl. an: Hallaark Cards. Inc. Hallaark Cards, Inc.; 1Dec77; A936294.

A936295. your five senses. Britten by Gail Peterson, illustrated by Belinda Glasgow. 1 V. Appl. au: liallaark Cards, Inc. O Hallaark Cards, Inc.; 1Dec77; A936295.

A936 296. Mature neighbors. Britten by Barbara Burrow, illustrated by fiichard Budish. Kit. Appl. au: Hallaark Cards, Inc. O Hallaark Cards, Inc.; 1Aug77; A936296.

A936 297. The Search for the flying saucer. Britten by Tina Hacker, illustrated by Argus Childers. Kit. Appl. au: Hallaark Cards, Inc. Hallaark Cards, Inc.; 1Aug77; A936297.

A936298. Discussion guidelines foe Violent youth, the unaet challenge. Produced by Atlanta Filas. Folder. Appl. au: Harper and Bow, Publishers, Inc. O Harper and Bow, Publishers, Inc.; 9Sep77; A936298.

A936 299. Universal picture, 65 years. By Bichard Koszarski, pref. by Adrienne Hancia, foreword by Henry H. Bartin. 47 p. HB: pref., foreword, essay Universal Pictures: 65 years, list of filas, coapilation, text 6 editorial selection of illus. O BCA Publishing, a division of HCA, Inc. ; 8Jun77; A936299.

A936 30Q. Hydrogen daaage. Bith an introd. by consulting editor Cedric D. Beachem. 398 p. (A Betals science source book) NB: coapilation 6 introd. O Aaerican Society for Betals; 160ec77; A936300.

A936 301. To the aan I love. 1 v. Hallaark Cards, Inc.; 1Dec77; A936301.

A936 302. For people in love. Edited by Tina Hacker. 1 v. Appl. au: Ballaark Cards, Inc. BH: coapilation, additional text e photos. Hallaark Cards, Inc.; 1Dec77; A936 302.

A936303. This aorning I held a rose. Britten by Tina Hacker, illustrated by Anne Jaeschke. 44 p. Appl. au: Hallaark Cards, Inc. O Hallaark Cards, Inc.; 2Bay77i A936303.

A936 304. Eraa Boabeck : her funniest aoaents froa "At wit's end." Illus. by Janet Cleland. 45 p. Add. ti: Eraa Boabeck At wit's end. Appl. au: Hallaark Cards, Inc. on illus.; Hallmark Cards, Inc.; 10ct77; A936304.

A936 305. Very special ae. Britten by Gail Bahao Peterson, illustrated by Berrily Johnson. 1 V. Appl. au: Hallaark Cards, Inc. Hallaark cards. Inc.; 1Aug77; A936305.

A936306. Bister Goap and the optigoblins. 24 p. Ballaark Cards, Inc.; 1iug77; A936306.

A9J6 307. Successful techniques that aultiply profits and personal payoff in the closely held corporation. 3y the Institute for Business Planning research t editorial staff. 3rd ed. 394 p. Appl. states copright is not claiaed on aaterial

reproduced froa O.S. Govt, sources.


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