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A936230 - A93S26S


JUL-DEC. 1977

Seports of the cases decided in the Uppellate court of Indiana. Vol. 151, 197;. Official reporter: Harilou llertzler. 726 p. State of Indiana: 20aaT75 (in notice: 197«): »93b230.

»936231. Kxiste Diosj for Herbert ». ir»stron>j. 30 p. Jppl- au: Soridwide Church of God. Sorldxide Church of iSod (in notice: Iqlesia de Dios Universal); 110ct77; 4936231.

»936;32. Seriew »aster aake believe. Kit. idd. ti: Luadcraft revien aaster Bake believe. Ippl. au: Jane Ellacile whitehead Lund. Luadcraft, or Jane 8. Lund d-b.a.- Lundcraft: iaaT76: i936232.

»936 233. Child learning, intelliqence, and personality; principles of a behavorial interaction approach. By Arthur H. Staats. 102 p. »H: epiloque. Behavioraelia. Inc.: 260ct77; i9 36233.

4936238. Players complete baseball lanual. Britten by Ronald J. iolden. 50 p. Eon Golden prodncts; 160ct76 (in notice: 19771: i93623<l.

4936235. Nursinq staff requirements for in-patient health care services. 11 p. A»erican Nurses' Association; 11Nov77; 4936235.

4936236. Freedoi's holy liqht ; 4«erican identity and the future of theology. By Silliaa J. Bolf. IIS p. chap. 5 prev. pub. in The Injlican theoloqical review. HH: revisions S additions. C gillia» J. Bolf; 1SNOV77: J936236.

4936237. A Concept of "what's good with 4Berica. By Sidney lowerman. 28 p. Sidney Towerian: 145ep77: 4936237.

493623S. Parade of the Sarcanthinae. Compiled by Blinor S. locoa. 99 p. Elinor S. locoa: 254aq77; 4936238.

4936239. C S Brass aanafacturinq fittinqs. 26 p. Sip. mi: additions. C C-S Brass Hanufacturinq Coapany, Inc.; 1Jol77; 4936239.

4936290. Heaories of a pioneer mother. Britten by Carrie Salzaann Bass, compiled by Clara B. Best. S7 p. C Clara E. Best; 1Dec77: 4936240.

4936 2»1. aarshall valuation service. Section 62, p. 1-S, section 63, p. 1-6, section 68, p. 1-2, S section 99, p. 3, Dec. 1977. Sheets. Appl. au: Prank C. Swift. Sarshall and Swift Publication Coapany; 3Dec77: A936241.

49362^2. Residential cost handbook: introd., p. 3-18, p. 4189-4162 S p. F1-F8. Sheets. 4npl. au: Frank C. Swift, sa: editorial revision S updating. C aarshall and Swift Publication Coapany; 10Dec77; A9362'»2.

4936283. P Chart: oblectives and percentages. 1 p. 4ppl. au: Janet B. Fudala. C Janet B. Fudala: tSep76: 49362«3.

493S288. The Archway occupational acadeaics proqrai. By Donna Eobbins Fisher. Kit. 4rchway School, Inc.; 15Bar76: A936288.

A93628S. Balkinq down Elvis Presley Boulevacd- Poea by Dale I. Stewart. 1 p. Dale I. Stewart; 3Sov77: A936285.

A936286. The Aura tapes. As presented by Brother A, pseud, of mis Irene Hurd, 6 set forth by Inis Irene Hurd. 199 p. 4ppl. au: Inis Irene Hurd. Inis Irene Hurd; mov77; A93d;46.

A936287. The Teacher tapes. As presented by Brother 4, pseud, of Inis Irene Hurd, as brought forth by Inis Irene Hurd. 161 p. Appl. au: Inis Irene Hard. Inis Irene Hurd; 1NOV77: 4936217.

A936286. The Station: retail price list. 1 v. Appl. au: otto C. Biiler 6 Annette E. Biiler d.b.a. The Station. C The station solely owned by Annette B. Bixler. ; 1Sep77; A93628S.

A936289. Anti-history. By Sex Bttrmell. 26 p. C Sex Burwell; iOSep77: A93e289.

A936250. Chiropractic viewpoint. 1 v. chiropractic society of Bashington, Inc.; 1Dec77; 4936250.

4936251. Fun places to fly for lunch. By Leland E. Starr, Jr. S Kaaa Nell Parrish Starr, 1 V. C Leland B. Starr, Jr. S Eaaa Nell Starr: 17Dec77; i936251.

A936252. Boabre de palabras. Por Eosita A. Biscox. Edicion espanola. 2 p. Prev. pub. as Sord man, reg. no. A896207. NH: Spanish translation. Sosita 4. Hiscox; 2aAug77; A936252.

4936253. Dental work-up brochure coapilation. 2 p. Appl. au: Harold Firestone. C Harold Firestone; Iaay77; A936253.

A936254. Southern Electrical buyers' guide of electrical south; July/Dec. '77. 150 p. Appl. au: Ted Eickard. O Eickard Publishing Coapany; 5Jul77; 4936258.

A936255. Grand Onion floor cleaning procedure- 13 p. 4ppl. au: Donald B. Earl. Donald S. Earl; 3aar75; 4936255.

4936256. The Envelope stuffing business. By Kevin Langdon. 3 p. Kevin Langdon; 134pr77; 4936256.

A936257. The Infinity collection. By a. Catherine, pseud, of a. Catherine Koaines. 1 V. OS. Catherine Soaines d.b.a. Brandon Heath Press; 5Sep77; A936257.

A93625S. Tournaaent, a board gaae. By Kevin J. Northington. 8 p. S poster. Kevin J. Sorthington; 10Sov77; A936258.

4936259. Clubhouse Jolf. S p. S posters. Appl. au: Bobert H. aartinson S Edith S. aartinson. E. H. aartinson 6 E. S. aartinson; 1Feb77 (in notice: 1976) ; 4936259.

A936260. Bereishis: genesis; a new translation with a coaaentary anthologized froa ,thc .bic new ilogi:< lie by Seir


Talaudic, Hidrashic and Eabbinic sources. Vol. 1. Foreword: HaGaon HaSav Hordechai Gxfter, translation 8 coaaentary by Heir Zlotowiti, overviews by Nosson Scheraan. 358 p. English S Hebrew. NM: tran- slation, coaaentary, overviews & introductions. aesorah Publications, Ltd.; 25Jun77; A936260.

A936261. aegillas Eichah: Laaentations; translation with a coaaentary an froa Talaudic, Hidrashic and Sab sources. Translated S coapiled Zlotowitz, overview by Nosson Sc 162 p. English S Hebrew. Na: t slation, coaaentary, overviews £ introductions. C aeir Zlotowitz A936261.

A93o26 2. The Haggadah: Passover Haggadah; with translation and a new coaaentary based on Talaudic, aidrashic and Eabbinic sources. By Joseph Elias. 226 p. English S Hebrew. Na: translation, coaaentary, overviews S introductions. aesorah Publications, Ltd.; 1Feb77; A936262.

A936 263. Bircas Haaazon: grace after aeals with additions for Shevah Berachos and Bris ailah; a new translation with a coaaentary anthologized froa Talaudic, aidrashic and Eabbinic sources. Translation, coaaentary S overview by Nosson Scheraan. 95 p. English S Hebrew. Na: translation, coaaentary, overviews S introductions. aesorah Publications, Ltd.; 1Aug77; A936263.

A9 36268. Shir Hashiria: Song of songs; an allegorical translation based upon Bashi with a coaaentary anthologized froa Talaudic, Hidrashic and Eabbinic sources. Foreword: HaGaon BaSav aordechai Giftec, coaaentary coapiled by Heir :;iotowitz, allegorical translation, £ overview by Nosson Scheraan. 228 p. English 6 Hebrew. SB: translation, coaaentary, overviews S introductions. aesorah Publications, Ltd.; lJan77; A936268.

A936 265. The Book of Ruth: aegillas Buth; a new translation with a coaaentary anthologized froa Talaudic, aidrashic and Eabbinic sources. Translated S coapiled by Heir Zlotowitz, overview by Nosson Scheraan. 158 p. English 6 Hebrew. NS: tran- slation, coaaentary, overviews 6 introd. aeir Zlotowitz; 1aay76; 4936265.

A936266. Roheles: Bcclesiastes; a new translation with a coaaentary anthologized froa Talaudic, aidrashic and Eabbinic sources. Translated S coapiled by Heir Zlotowitz, overview by Nosson Scheraan. 228 p. English 6 Hebrew. NH: translation, coaaentary, overviews S introductions. (S aesorah Publications, Ltd.; 1Sep76; A936266.

A936267. Tehillia; a new translation with a coaaentary anthologized froa Talaudic, aidrashic and Eabbinic sources. vol. 1. Foreword: Hagaon Karav aordechai Gifter, coaaentary S overview by Ivrohoa Chaia Feuer, translation by Avrohoa Chaia Feuer in collaboration with Nosson Scheraan 6 aeir zlotowitz. 336 p. English S Hebrew. Na: translation, coaaentary, overviews 6 introductions. aesorah Publications, Ltd.; 150ct77; A936267.

A93626S. The aegillah: The Book of Esther; a new translation with a coaaentary anthologiied froa Talaudic, aidrashic and Eabbinic

sources. Translated S coapiled by aeir


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