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JUL-DEC. 1977

4876797. Gaqner cooteaporarv nodero qui tar nethod. Book 7, advanced qrade. Developed iv Frederick H. Gaqoec. 32 p. naz coBpilatiOD 6 Dew accaDqements. Gaqnet Guitar Publications; 210ct72: 4876797.

4876798. Gaqner coDteipocacy Bodeoi guitar method. Book 6, advanced qrade. Developed by Frederick H. Gaqner. 32 p. NH: coBpilatiOD 6 new ausical arr. for quitac. C GaqneE Guitac Publications: 210ct72: A876798.

4876799. Circuit hikes in the Shenandoah liational Park. Text by Janes U. Denton, aaps by the Maps Coimittee, Potoaac Appalachian Trail Club, photos by Bob Facr C othecs. 1976 ed., 10th ed. 86 p. O Potoaac 4ppalachian Trail Club; 29Sep76; 4876799.

4876800. Potoaac 4ppalachian: Potoaac Appalachian Tcail Club. Haqazine do. 1, 1976. Content: Saauel B. Blate S others. 218 p. Potoaac 4ppalachian Trail Club; 10Hay76: 4876800.

A876801. Potoaac Appalachian: Potoaac 4ppalachian Trail Club. Haqazine no. 5, Bay 1977. Editor: Carolyn Beeder 6 other editors, artist: Patty Zukerouski. 8i| p. O Potoaac 4ppalachian Trail Club; 20llay77: 4876801.

4876802. Mississippi ceaetery and Bible records. Vol. 16. 251 p. Appl. au: Hrs. N. N. Edaonds. O Hississippi Genealoqical Society: 25Jan77 (in notice: 1976); A876802.

AB76803. Salary survey o£ supervisory and Donsuper visory professional enqineers, January 1977. 151 p. UEMA; <tApr77; A876803.

A87680U. Introduction to the savinqs association business, 2. 226 p. (Hanaqeaent traininq in bankinq and finance for savinqs associations) Coapiled for independent study from Introduction to the savinqs association business, by Bichard T. Sandberq. Appl. au: LaSalle Extension University, eaployer for hire. NH: compilation £ additional text. Aaecican Savinqs and Loan Institute Press; 1Aug7(t; Aa76801.

A876805. Introduction to the savinqs association business, 1. 71 p. (Hanagement training in banking and fioance for savinqs associations) Compiled for independent study from Introduction to the savinqs association business, by Bichard T. Sandberg. Appl. au: LaSalle Extension Oniversity, eaployer for hire. NH: coapilation £ additional text. Aaerican Savinqs and Loan Institute Press; 28Jun7lt; A876805.

A876806. The "Hon to" on preaarket clearance (class 3) of nev devices and diaqnostics; proceedinqs of the educational seainar on Preaarket Clearance of Nev Devices and Diaqnostics, Chicaqo, Illinois, Deceaber 8-9, 1976. Beport no. 77-1, Har . 1977. Edited by G. Brigqs Phillips. 221 p. O Health Industry aanufacturers Asso- ciation: 711ar77; A876806.

A876807. Tapping the huaan resource: a strategy for productivity. 1 v. Add. ti; Productivity and aoraie. Appl. au: Clair F. yough & iinona G. Bose. G Productivity Besearch International, Inc.; 251lay77: A876807.

A876808. Techniques for aotivatiug the reluctant reader in the junior high school. By Carolyn Tweedie. 91 p. Carolyn Tveedie; VHay77; A876808.

A8768a9. Custoaer service pricinq and reference aanual. By Blue Cross and Blue Shield of aichigan, prepared by perforaance Analysis and Traininq. 1 v. Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Hichigan; 1Jun77; A876e09.

A876810. Associate gold and qold aedal syllabus, social standards of ballrooa dancing. 247 p. Add. ti: Gold aedal syllabus, social standards of ballrooa dancing. Arthur Hurray, Inc.; 5Hay77; A876810.

A876811. Drill abnoraal pressure safely. By Leo J. HcClure. 1 V. Leo J. HcClure; 23Hay77; A876811.

4876812. Listening for sounds; liquid duplicating masters. Grade 2. By Bearl Brooks. 24 p. 4ppl. au: ESP, Inc. ESP, Inc.; 7Jul77; 4876812.

4875813. Visual discriaioation; liquid dup- licating masters. Grades 1-2. By Fred Justus. 2<t p. 4ppl. au: ESP, Inc. ESP, Inc.; 7Jul77; 4876813.

4876814. Speed reading; liquid duplicating masters. Grades 6-10. By Luther Hisenheiaer 3rd. 24 p. Appl. au: ESP, Inc. O ESP, Inc.; 7Jul77; A876814.

A876815. Basic reading comprehension; liquid duplicating masters. Grade 7. By Bearl Brooks. 24 p. Appl. au: ESP, Inc. ESP, Inc.; 7Jul77; A87681S.

4876816. Beqinning metrics; liquid duplicating masters. Level 1, grades 1-3. By Fred Justus. 24 p. 4ppl. au: ESP, Inc. O ESP, Inc.; 7JU177; 4876816.

A876817. Developing sentence skills; liquid duplicating masters. Grades 4-7. By Helba Aston. 24 p. Appl. au: ESP, Inc. O ESP, Inc.; 7JU177; A876817.

Aa76818. The Bonders of science: science experiments; liquid duplicating aasters. Grades 3-5. By John House. 24 p. Appl. au: ESP, Inc. ESP, Inc.; 7jul77; A876818.

A876819. First-century cynicism in the Epistles of Heraclitus. Introd. , Greek text £ translation by Sarold H. Attridge. 92 p. (Harvard theological studies, no. 29) Enqlish £ Greek. O The President and Fellous of Harvard Colleqe; 300ct76: A876819.

A876820. Beliqious oriqias of the Aaerican Bevolution. Edited, with introd. £ annotations by Paqe Saith. 251 p. The Aaerican Acadeay of Beliqion; 150ct76; A876820.

A876821. Philosophy of religion and theology, 1976 proceedings. Coapiled by Peter Slater. 313 p. The Aaerican Acadeay of Beligion on behalf of the individual authors; 10ct76: AB76821.

A876822. The Pseudepigrapfaa and aodern research. By James H. charlesNorth, assisted by P. Dykers. 245 p. (Septuagint and cognate studies, no. 7. Issued by Society of Biblical Literature) O James U. Charlesworth; 60ct76; A876822.

A876823. Society of Biblical Literature, 1976 seminar papers. Edited by George HacBae. 460 p. Add. ti: SBL 1976 seminar papers. O The Society cf Biblical Literature; 30Sep76; A876823.

A876824. The Temple of Solomon: archaeological fact and medieval tradition in Christian, Islaaic and Jewish art. Edited i)y Joseph Gutmann. 198 p. The Aaerican Acadeay of Beliqion £ The Society of Biblical Literature; 30Oct76; A876824.

4876825. Domesticating the clergy: the inception of the Beformation in Strasbourg, 1522-1524. By Uiliiam s. Stafford. 296 p. O The American Academy of Beligion; 310ct76; A876825.

A876826. iat Haripunjaya: a study of the fioyal Temple of the Buddha's Belie, Lamphun, Thailand. By Donald K. Swearer. 94 p. (American Academy of Beligion studies in religion, no. 10) O The Aaerican Acadeay of Beliqion; 20Apr76: A876826.

A876827. ttan in the world: the political theology of Johannes Baptist Hetz. By Boger Dick Johns. 206 p. O The Aaerican Acadeay of Beligion; 210ct76; A876827.

A876828. Nazisa and the pastors: a study of the ideas of three deutsche Christen groups. By James A. Zabel. 243 p. O The Aaerican Academy of Beliqion: 26Aug76; A876828.

A876829. The Syrian goddess (De Oea Syriaj attributed to Lucian. Edited by Harold y. Attridge 6 Bobert A. Oden. 61 p. Enqlish £ Greek. BH: translation £ introd. The Society of Biblical Literature; 16Apr76; 4876829.

4876830. The aithras Liturgy. Edited £ translated by Harvin U. fleyer. 27 p. English £ Greek. HH: introd., translation £ pref. The Society of Biblical Literature; 270ct76; 4876830.

A876831. The Life of Pachomius (Vita prima Graeca) Translated by Apostolos V. Athanassakis, introd. by Birger A. Pearson. 201 p. English £ Greek. NH: introd. £ translation. The Society of Biblical Literature; 31Dec75; A876831.

A876832. Hatthias Stehle Greek word-building. By Hatthias Stehle, revised by Herbert Zimmermann, translated by F. Forrester Church £ John S. Hanson. 140 p. NH: translation, editorial revision £ additions. The Society of Biblical Literature; 300ct76; A876832.

A876833. Symbolical consciousness: a coaaentary on Love*s body. By Billiaa c. Shepherd. 80 p. O The American Academy of Beligion; 10ct76; A876833.


Killing in defense of private property:


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