A936107 - »9361«8
JUL-DEC. 1977
»936106 (con.) Marathon County Historical Society; 8Sep77: A936106.
t936107. The Iron horse at Bar. By James E. Talle, with 272 of its photos, by Jack [>eIano. 256 p. ippl- states all new eicept O.S. Govt, photos. O Jaies E. yalle; 11llov77: i936107.
1936108. Cecilia o£ Bo»e. By Laurence Ja»cs Babin. 80 p. Laurence Jaaes Babin: 22Dec77: »936108.
A936109. Tropical fruit recipes: rare and exotic fruits of Florida. CoBpiled 6 edited by Habel B. Bichardson. 160 p. O The Bare Fruit Council International* Inc.; «Dec76: A936109.
»936110. Yearbook of Jehovah's Hitnesses, 1978. 26 1 p. Batch Tover Bible and Tract society of Pennsylvania; 2Dec77 ; i936110.
4936111. The Deity of Christ: the Bible versus Jehovah's sitnesses. Folder. Appl. au: Billia» P. Hill. »«: additional teit. C Billiai F. Hill: 11»ov77; 1936111.
A936112. Chasin' a dceaa. By Is Said, pseod. of Charles Lyons. »2 p. O Lyons Produc- tions, Inc.; 17Dec77: 1936 112.
1936113. Biddies froa the Cuaberland Valley. By Charles Sno» Cothrie, vith introd. by Billiaa Buqh Jansen. 36 p. (Kentucky folklore series, no. 5) Kentucky Folklore Society: iiDec73: A936113.
1936110. Planetary storage battery care, non-technical. Britten by Paul D. Burqin. 1 V. Paul 0. Burqin; 30llov77 ; 19361111.
1936115. Daily conversations vith God. By Jaaes E. Bodqes. 42 p. O Jaaes E. aodqes; 13Dec77; 1936115.
1936116. Ind then God aade faailies. By Dolores Curran. Ill p. NH: coapilation of past syndicated coluans. O Jaaes L. lit e Dolores Curran, partners in Alt-Curran Associates; 15Nov77: A936116.
A936117. Studies in space lav: its challenges and prospects. By Stephen Gorove. 228 p. (L. Q. C. Laaar Society of International Law aonoqrapb series, do. 2) MH : coapilation revisions. Stephen Gorove (in notice: Stephen Gorove, Oniversity of Hississippi Law Center): 20Jul77; A936117.
A936118. Bathbone chronicles: a history and qenealoqy. By Frances E. Collord. 169 p. Frances E. collord: 10Dec77; 1936116.
A936119. Elercicios de repaso; curso aaestro de idioaas, inqles. Ho. 1-2: exaaen de repaso, Cortina aethod. 2 v. Add. ti: Exaaen de repaso 1 (Cortina aethod) elercicios de repaso. O B. D. Cortina CoBpany. Inc.; 15Jun7it: A936119.
A93ei20. Exercicios de revisao do carso de Inqles, Aaerican Eoqlish in 20 lessons. Ho. 1-2: exaae nuaero, aetodo coctina. 2 V. Add. ti: Exaae nuaeco 1 (aetodo Cortina) B. D. Cortina coapany. Inc.; 10Jun73; A936120.
A936121. Turaoil; a book of poetry. Pt. 2. By Leon Dickerson. 20 p. O Leon Dickerson; 1IlDec77; 1935121.
1936122. 1976 Tax refora act: estate and gift tax provisions — statutes, coaaents, exaaples; with estate planning guide. In analytical coaaentary by Louis Plutzer. 177 p. Idd. ti: Estate and gift tax provisions with estate planning guide. HH: additional material. Hason Publishing Coapany; 26Sep77; 1936122.
1936123. Elvis. Britten by Kent Siaaons. 1 p. Add. ti: Elivs. O Kent Siaaons; 301lovl7; A936123.
A93612a. The Hiracle of Sacraaento. 1 p. ippl- au: H. K. Fields, acting for the Supreae Being. O H. K. Fields; 1Jul77: 1936I2«.
1936125. Legal aspects of international investaent. Edited by Stephen Gorove. 79 p. O L. Q. c. Laaar Society of Inter- national Law; 1flay77; A936125.
A936126. Okrainian piano albua tor beginners. By Boaan Sawycky. 14 p. English £ Okrainian. HH: foreword £ tune texts. Boaan Sawycky, Jr.; 2«Oct77 (in notice: 1976) : 1936126.
1936127. Get rid of your nervousness, depression, fatigue and insoania. By Hilo Kirk Siller. 25 p. H. Kirk ailler; 22Dec77; A935127.
A936128. 1 Visit with the past: harness racing, the early years. 15 p. Ippl. au: Baiter C. Brzoza. HH: editorial selection 6 revision of copy £ illus. Parkway Classics, solely owned by Baiter C. Brzoza; 21Hov77; 1936128.
1936129. Lotus blossoa; aentt. 8 p. Ippl. au: Hsio Bang. Dragon B. corporation: 161uq77; 1936129.
1936130. Frequency counter systea. 1 v. Ippl. au: Keith Hichael Schwendeaan. Keith Hichael Schwendeaan; eoct77; 1936130.
A936131. celestial navigation; a correspondence course in 15 lessons for those interesting people who are interested in deteraining their position at sea froa the stars. By Franklin T. Potter. 1 v. Franklin T. Potter; 16Jun77 (in notice: 1976); A936131.
A936132. Transcultural picture word list. By Judith Ann Phillips Donaldson. 1 v. HH: additional text. O Judith (Judy P.) (Phillips) Donaldson; 15Dec77: A936132.
A936133. Speedy Geraan (to get you there and back) By Lucille Hart. 1 v. HH: additional text, coapilation 6 illus. O Lucille Bart d.b.a. Ba-ja Books; 23Dec77; 1936133.
A93613I*. lour life: a survival guide for chest patients. Editor: Harlow Poe Herrick. 131 p. O Hedical Beports, Ltd., Harlow Merrick, editor: 5Jun77; 193613U.
1936 135. Zeke's Hhiz Hheel. instruction aasoal. 5 p. Ippl. au: D. L. Haughton. Dennis Leo Haughton; 210ct77; 1936135.
1936 136. Used car buyers auto check chart. By Glenn 0. Sutherland. 1 v. Sutherland Publications Coapany, solely owned by Glenn D. Sutherland; 6Hay77; A936136.
A936137. The Hhite laab adventure. By Catherine Beinaug. Sheets (56 p.) in box. Ippl. au: Hilbur Hess. O Catherine Beinaug; 1Jan77; 1936137.
1936 138. Crossword adventures. Britten G illustrated by George L. Carlson, cover illus. by Jon Hclntosh. 1 v. HH: cover 6 t.p. artwork. O Piatt and Munk, Publishers: 1Feb77; 1936138.
1936139. Ed's red bed. Britten t designed by Francis H. Bisc, illustrated by Joyce a. Bise. 20 p. (3rd Bise phonetic reader for pre-schoolers) HH: editorial revision. O Bise Publishing Coapany: 20Dec77; 1936139.
1936 110. youth teacher developaent series; planning and teaching in the one- youth-class church. Ho. 2. Kit. Iccoapanied by sound recording, Hii8590. e Graded Piress; 15Jul77; 1936140.
1936141. youth teacher developaent series; aethods and skills for teaching youth. Ho. I. Kit. Iccoapanied by sound recording, B48591. C Graded Press; 150ct76: 1936141.
1936142. youth teacher developaent series; planning for 6 teaching classes of late teens, grades 10, 11, 12. Ho. 4 Kit. Iccoapanied by sound recording, H48592. O Graded Press; 15Jul77; A936142.
A936143. Talking with God. Leader's guide written by Maryann Dotts; reading script written by Maryann Dotts 6 photographed by Bayoe Saith. 21 p. £ filastrip in box. Accoapanied by sound recording, B48593. Graded Press; 15Apr77; A936143.
1936144. The SBI report on the aarket and econoaics of the O.S. valve and pipe fittings industry. SBI report no. 1-349. 181 p. ippl. states copyright not claiaed in any aaterial taken from O.S. Govt, sources. Specialists in Business Inforaation, Inc.; 1Jul77; 1936144.
1936145. Hahalo nui kakou; poetic greeting. By Janice Kwai Lin ching lee, illustrator: Jaiae Inn Clark. Card. O Janice Ching lee; 21Hov77; 1936145.
A936146. Introducing the A.B.O. unity ring, card. Appl. au: Bichard D. Corsale. O Bichard D. Corsale d.b.a. Group 3 Sales Coapany; 10ct77; A936146.
A936 147. 3 aaateur radio operators with an idea whose tiae has coae. 3 p. Appl. au: Bichard D. Corsale. Bichard D. Corsale d.b.a. Group 3 Sales Coapany: 10ct77: A936147.
A936148. Hothing is so powerful as an idea whose tiae has coae; the Hunger project, the end
o£ starvation within 20 years. An introd.
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