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JUL-DEC. 1977

1935949. BGS 390: The Police in aiban society. Bodale CI. B; Kerin £. Jordan. 1 r. O Boosevelt Oniversity; 18JaQ75 (io notice: 197«) ; »935949.

»935950. The Buaan technology. B? Bhoda Lachac. Sheets in boxes. C Bhoda Lachac; 21BOT77: »935950.

49359S1. The nactin and Pray faiilies; shovinq the ancestors, descendants C celatiies of Ira Jay Hart in e Vecina Lecnoca Fcay. Coapiled by tlbert Pray Hactin. OTD p. O Albert P. Hartin: 5Dec7C: »935951.

1935952. Salt pork to sirloin — tht history of Baylor County fcon 1878 to present. Tol. 2. 565 p. »a: text except for pre». pub. photos. C The Baylor County Historical Survey Coiiittee; 7Jal77: i935952.

i935953. Hofstra la« review. »ol. 1, 1973. 313 p. Hofstra Lan BeTieM, ovned by Bofstra Law Beyiew Association: 1Jan73: 1935953.

A93595U. Bonnie and Bosey. By Judie tnqell (Judie toqell Gaberian) 283 p. O Judie inqell Gabernan; Ullo»77: »93595«.

A935955. Southwest Iowa's heritaqe: a history of Paqe and Freiont counties. Compiled by B. E. Cnnninqhai. 1168 p. C Horld Publishinq Coipany: 18aay76 (in notice: 19731: A935955.

A935956. Soft enerqy paths: toward a durable peace. By Aaory B. Loiins. 231 p. Friends of the Earth, Inc.; 22Jon77: A935956.

A935957. Redicine and aooey: physicians as businessaen. By Joseph LaDou & Jaaes D. likens. 182 p. O Ballinqer Publishinq Coapany; 20Jul77: A93S957.

A935958. Oevelopinq a better health care systea for children. A report of the Harvard Child Health Prolect Tasic Force. 275 p. (Harvard Child Health Project, vol. 3) O Ballinqer Publishinq Coapany: 15Auq77; A9 35958.

A935959. Indicators of the quality of life in new coaaunities. By Sobert B. Zehner. 242 p. O Oniversity of north Carolina: 15Auq77; A935959.

A935960. Bow cities provide services; an evaluation of alternative delivery structures. By Sidney Sonenblua, John J. Kiclin e John C. Hies. 272 p. O Ballinqer Publishinq Coapany: 21Jul77: A935960.

A93S961. The Harqinal cost and pricing of electricity: an applied approach. By Charles J. Cicchetti, Silliaa J. Gillen £ Paul Saolensky. 293 p. Ballinqer Publishinq Coapany; 8Jun77; A935961.

A935962. aanaqinq the enerqy transition: a systea dynaaics search for alternatives to oil and qas. By Boqer F. Naill. 218 p. Ballinqer Publishinq Coapany; 19Jul77; A935962.

A935963. Bain routine for ALSCAL 3.01 with dynaaic core allocation. Printout. Add. ti: ALSCAL 3.01: a proqraa for nonaetric individual differences aultidiaensional scaling. Appl. au: Forrest B. loang, loshio Takane C Bostyk J. Lewyckyj. IS: dynaaic core allocation feature introduced in version 3. O Forrest H. Toung, Torbio lakane t Bostyk J. Lewyckyj; 1i«Dec77; A935963.

A9359611. Pass It on! Coaaanicat ing spiritual truths to your child. A seainar for Christian parents by Betty B. Chase. BH: additional text. Betty I. Chase 5IIOV77: A93S96a.

A935965. Business applications prograaaing guide. 52 p. Appl. aa: Jaaes B. Barnbill. O Jaaes H. Barnhill; 10ct77: A935965.

A935966. Honda 1975 Civic C»CC service aanaal 1 V. HH: new textual £ pictorial aatter £ revisions. Aaerican Honda flotor Coapany, Inc.; 29Dec75; A935966.

A935967. A Tiae for love. By Joy Darshana, pseud, of Janice Buth Bowdeo. 121 p. O Janice Buth Bowden, whose pseud, is Joy Darshana; 1Dec77; A935967.

A935968. A History of the Phillips faaily. 1 v. Appl. au: John Phillips. O John Phillips; 25BOV77; A935968.

A935969. Processes in decision aaking. 1 v. Appl. au: Bobert 1. (i.e. 0.) Briggs. fi. H. Brigqs and Associates, Inc.; 17Apr77; A935969.

A935970. Operational creativity workshop. 1 v. Appl. au: Bobert 1. Briggs. O B. B. Brigqs and Associates, Inc.; 17Apr77; A935970.

A935971. Panoraaic focus bulletins for special occasions. 1977. Folder. C Concordia Publishinq House; 10Jan77 (in notice: 1970, 1971, 1972, 1973, 197U, 1975, 1976); A935971.

A935972. Boraal and pathological gait syllabus: observational gait analysis workshop. 19 p. Appl. ao: Pathokinesioiogy Service £ Physical Therapy Departaent. MH: p. 1 6 3-5 revised. professional Staff Association of Bancho Los Aaigos Hospital, Inc.; 22BOV77: A935972.

A93597U. Bein Fon is Chinese casual dining. Folder. Appl. au: Theodora Chin. C Chin and Coapany solely owned by Theodora Chin £ Celeste Chin; 7Dec77; A93597U.

A935975. The Influence of ausic on the correction of drooling. By Lynn Ann Pascoe £ Barbara Ann Scobie. 28 p. Lynn A. Pascoe £ Barbara A. Scobie; 15Dec77; A935975.

A935976. Greater Port Arthur, including Griffinq Park, Groves, TI, and others telephone directory, October 1977. Southwestern Bell Telephone Coapany; 28Bov77; A935976.

A935977. Arnie's adventure. By Boseaary Barns, transcribed in English Braille by Boseaary Burns. 5 p. Braille. O Boseaary Barns; 19Dec77; A935977.

Beed with Florence I. Kiigore. 151 p. Guy Bongiovanni, sole owner of Glo fledia, division of Globe Printing; 18Auq76; A93597e.

A935979. Guide to noraai nutrition and diet aodification aanual. Britten by the staff of the Departaent of Food and latrition Services, Shands Teaching Hospital and Clinics. 2nd ed. 230 p. Appl. au: Buby p. Puckett £ Paula K. Bhoades. O The State of Florida Board of Trustees of the iDternai laproveaent Trust Fund; 15Dec77; A93S979.

A935980. Financial and operating statistics. Editor: Sonald D. Both. 720 p. Add. ti: 1976 aotor carrier annual reports: results of operations. Class 1 and 2 aotor carriers of property regulated by the Interstate Coaaerce Coaaission. Appl. au: Aaerican Trucking Associations, Inc., eaployer for hire. IB: coapilation. Aaerican Trucking Associations, Inc.; 23Dec77; A935980.

A935981. Universal aaster sloper pattern for perfect fitting slacks and pants. No. OB 910. Kit. Appl. au: Besley E. Hatthews. Besley E. Batthews; 11Jul77; A9359ai.

A935982. Universal inseaa-hipline and crotch curve set. Bo. OB 908. Kit. Appl. au: lesley E. Batthews. O Besley E. Batthews; 11Jul77; 1935982.

A935983. Tailor's curve for perfect fitting slacks and pants. Bo. DC908. Kit. Appl. au: Besley E. Hatthews. Besley E. Hatthews; 21Bar77; A935983.

A93598». lew Testaaent survey. Pace 100-106. Britten £ edited by Daniel Krusich £ Boy Butler. 7 V. Appl. au: Accelerated Christian Education, Inc. O Accelerated Christian Education, Inc. ; SIU973 (in notice on Pace 100: 1973-79, in notice on Pace 101-106: 19711); A93598H.

A935985. Physical education: boys. Pace 73-78. Britten £ edited by Barry Bichael Bhitcoab S Boy B. Butler. Pace 73: 2nd ed. 6 v. Appl. au: Accelerated Christian Education. Inc. Accelerated Christian Education, Inc.; 5Aag7ii (in notices: 197« £ 1973-711); A935985.

A9359e6. French. Pace 97-105. Pace 97 written £ edited by Arthur L. Farstad £ Prancoise Froaa, Pace 98-105 written £ edited by Francoisc Froaa. Hultiple voluaes. Appl. au: Accelerated Christian Education, Inc. C Accelerated Christian Education, Inc.; 5Aag76; 1935986.

A935987. Phonics. Pace 1-12. 12 v. O Ac- celerated Christian Education, Inc.; 5Aug75; A935987.

A935988. Pnysical education: girls. Pace 7J-78. Pace 73-75 fi 77-78 written £ edited by Barry Bichael Bhitcoab 6 Boy ». Butler, Pace 76 written £ edited by Barry Bichael Bhitcoab £ Bargacet A. Heapel. Pace 73: 2nd ed. 6 v. Appl. au: Accelerated Christian Education, Inc. Accelerated Christian Education, Inc. ; 5lug7« (in notices: 197ll £ 1973-711); A9359B8.

A935989. Accounting. Packets 121-132. Britten fi edited by Bevie T. Sanders £ Budolph

Boore. aoltiple voluaes. Appl. au:


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