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JUL-DEC. 1977

A935777 (con.) 2001, Inc. C Century 2001, Inc.; 2»aav77: i935777.

1935778. The Masters* seninar exercise pad. 2nd ed. 70 p. e Care Coaaunicatlons, Inc.: 1Sep77: 4935778.

4935779. The Masters' nanual. By Leslie Fox, Gerry Stearns 6 Salter labiorski, editor: Terry ilan Sandholzer, illustrator: Gene Balicek. 2nd ed. 231 p. ippl. au: Care Coanunicatious, Inc. O Care Coaauni- cations. Inc.: 1Sep77; A935779.

A935780. Blblioqraphy of rehabilitation literature, 1971-1976. 114 p. Appl. au: virqinia E. Taylor, Carolyn s. Cassell, Maureen Ouinn McKeonen, Marqaret 4. Beddy £ Dorothy Saqer. C Rehabilitation Nurses' Association of the Greater Delaware Valley; 224uq77: 4935780.

A935781. Sta. Ciaas aakinq the decision to qet married. Sheets (5 p.) Appl. au: Henry Sternheia. « Henry Sternheia; 6Nov77; 4935781.

A935782. Late news froa Nautech. 2 p. O Nautech Saritiae Corporation; 12Dec77; 4935782.

A935783. PHH coaparisoD chart 1978 Aaerican car aodels. 1 p. Peterson, Boiiell and Heather: 2Ho»77: A935783.

A935784. Star Fleet technical suppleaents. Booklet no. 2. 8 p. Appl. au: Andres Castineiras. MM: reyisions. Star Fleet Graduate School: 1Sep77; A935784.

A935785. The Saae — aore or less. Sheets (2 p.) Appl. au: Georqe 4. Strauss & Michael B. Goodison. 6 Georqe A. Strauss & Michael B. Goodison: 9Dec77; A935785.

4935786. Systeaathic. Sheets (2 p.) Appl. au: Georqe A. Strauss G Michael B. Goodison. O Georqe A. Strauss & Michael B. Goodison; 9Dec77: A935786.

A935787. Sonq antholoqy one. Selected, arr., translated £/or coaposed by Hilliaa Dean Leyerle. 91 p. Appl. au: Anne Louise Leyerle. NM: translations, additions 6 coapilation. lilliaa D. Leyerle; 294uq77: 4935787.

4935788. Blues and iazz quitar. By Mickey Baker. 30 p. 4ppl. au: Stefan Grossaan. NM: coapilation t soae new text, ausic & arr. Kickinq Mule Publishinq, Inc.; 5Dec77; 4935783.

4935789. country blues quitar. By Stefan Grossaan. 24 p. Appl. au: Euqene House — Son House. NM: coapilation £ soae nev text, ausic £ arr. Kickinq Mule Publishinq, Inc.; 30No»77; 4935789.

4935790. A Tiae and place for eyerythinq. Section 1. Coapiled by Mary Ann Uilcox. 112 p. Mary Ann Uilcox d.b.a. Hoae Manaqeaent Institute: 1Auq77: A935790.

4935791. Hs. Centiaeter Mora presents Peq Brown's fifth qrade aetric aeasureaent traininq booklet. By Peqqy Ana Brown. 17 p. e Peqqy Ann Brown; 310ct77; A935791.

A935792. Petition for issuance of letters and for unsupervised adainistration . 2 p. Appl. au: Aline F. Anderson. Q Indianapolis Bar Association; 11No»77; A935792.

A935793. Neither aale nor feaale. By Buth Bretscher Bessaeyer. 78 p. NM: additions £ reyisions. O Buth Bretscher Bessaeyer; 1Noy77; A935793.

A935791. Happiness is not easily obtained, as a butterfly cannot be easily caught. By Baaona V. Valletta, sketch by Kathy Zink. Folder. e Baaona V. Valletta d.b.a. LaMusa Publications; 12Auq77; A935791.

A935795. If broken winqs can aend and clipped winqs can qrow aqain. By Sandra-Louise Allen. Folder. Appl. au: Baaona V. Valleta (i.e. Valletta) d.b.a. LaMusa Publications. O Baaona V. Valleta (i.e- Valletta) d.b.a. LaMusa Publications; 12Sep77; A935795.

A935796. A Service of carols and candle lighting adapted froa the traditional. Polder. Appl. au: Melvin D. Huqhson. NM: additions. Melvin a. Huqhson; 21Dec77: 4935796.

A935797. A Collection: phase 1. By Terry Lee Neal. 1 V. Terry Lee Heal; 19Dec77; A935797.

A935798. Night's dead letters. Poeas by Kathryn Larson, illustrated by Eric Sizensky. 28 p. Soae poeas oriqinally appeared in Anagnorisis £ others. on text; Kathryn Larson; 18Auq77; A935798.

A935799. Night's dead letters. Poeas by Kathryn Larson, illustrated by Eric Sizensky. 2B p. Soae poeas originally appeared in Anagnorisis 6 others. O on illus.; Eric sizensky; 18Aug77; 4935799.

4935800. Quien es Meher Baba? 19 p. Appl. au: Pedro J. Gonzalez Garcia (Gusi Gonzalez Garcia) O Gusi Gonzalez Garcia: 15No»77; 49J5800.

A935801. Let us pray. Art work by Sister Doris Conroy. 62 p. Appl. au: Doainican Sisters. NM: editing, coapilation, art work E additional text. Springs Press; 8Dec77; 4935801.

4935802. The End of the road; a citizen's guide to transportation probleasoivinq. 159 p. 4ppl. au: National uildlife Federation, Environaental 4ction Foundation £ David G. Burwell. O National Bildlife Federation; 28NOV77; 4935802.

4935803. Latin Aaerican ausic in conteaporary reference sources: a study session. By Maria Elena Kuss. 19 p. Acadeiy Printing and Publishinq Coipany: 28Dec76; 4935803.

A935801. The Living foaa oo the waterless sea. By David Philip Heller. 1 v. O David Philip Heller; 6Apr77; A935801.

A935805. Jewel of Joliet. 80 p. Cultural Acts Association 4935805. C Hill County 9Dec77;

A935806. Finger crochet. Created £ written by Dorothea Seelye Franck, illustrated by Carroll Murray Palaer. 16 p. Dorothea Seelye Franck; 2Dec77; A935806.

A935807. Prepare — pre-eoergency plan and recovery foras. Sheets. The Hartford Steaa Boiler Inspection and Insurance Coapany; 27JU177; A935807.

A935808. The Unique living trust agreeaent ; a solution to your faaily, probate, estate, gift £ incone tax probleas. By Mobley M. Milaa. 18 p. O Mobley M. Milaa; 10ct77; A935808.

A935809. Money in your pocket. By Elizabeth T. Cole. 15 p. e Elizabeth T. Cole; 28Sep77; A935809.

A935810. Let's involve the students: objectives in English that provide for aore student involveaent. By Maree Elizabeth Macon Blackwell. 10 p. Portions prev. pub. froa Psychology of learning. »B: additions. Maree Elizabeth Macon Blackwell; 290ct77 (in notice: 1976); 4935810.

A935811. The 1890 ausic hall revue (a ausical history of the last decade of the old century) By Buth Boberts £ Bill Katz, arr. Halter Ehret. 78 p. e Michael Brent Publications, Inc.; 21Nov77; A935ei1.

A935812. Media 3: grapevine, March i, 1977. sheets. e loung Innovators, Inc.; 8Apr77; A935812.

A935813. Donaldson English language proficiency test with reading level (DELPT) ; language/cultural test battery. By Judy P. Donaldson (Judith Ann Phillips Donaldson). 1 v. NB: revisions. 6 Judy P. Donaldson; 12Jul77; A935813.

4935811. Educative-graphology, handwriting analysis for teachers. By Marilyn Martin Koone. 17 p. e Marilyn Koone; 10Dec77; A9 35811.

4935815. California language census, handbook. Developed by Bicardo Cornejo, Jia Burry, Diana Gonzales £ Buddie Irizarry in collaboration with Roberto Cervantes £ Guillerao Lopez £ 4del Nadeau. 25 p. Appl. au: California state Depar taent of Education. O California State Departaent of Education; 120ct77; A935815.

4935816. California language census, key trainer's guide. Developed by Jio Burry, Bicardo Cornejo, Diana Gonzales £ Ruddie Irizarry, in collaboration with Roberto Cervantes fi Guillerao Lopez fi Adel Nadeau. 10 p. Appl. au: California State Departaent of Education. O California State Departaent of Education; 120ct77; A935816.

A935817. New diaensions in pre service teacher training. Developed by Carol S. Burdett, Hayne L. Fox, Mary McNeil Pierce £ Douglas E. Bobie. Sheets (7 p.) £ 11 p. O Carol S. Burdett, Hayne L. Fox, Mary McNeil Pierce £ Douglas E. Bobie d.b.a. Responsive Teacher Publications; 30Sep77; A935817.


Expression of guidance on autopsy. From


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