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A935532 - 1935573


JUL-DEC. 1977

ft935531 (con.) By ilexander »hite Moffat. 152 p. Ilexander B. Soffat: 20Oct77; 4935531.

4935532. CODfortinq the wilderness. By Robert Burns Shav. 79 p. Portions prev- pub. in Isls S others. NH: additions. Sobert B. Shaw: 200ct77; 4935532.

4935533. Venturinq beyond the campus: students who leave colleqe. By C. Hess Haagen. 272 p. e Wesleyan Oniversity; 11Auq77: 4935533.

4935534. Gathering firewood: new and selected poens. By David Bay. 88 p. Portions prev. pub. in 4ccent & others. NH: additions. C David Ray; 100ct7<t: 4935534.

4935535. claiminq kin. By Ellen Bryant Voiqt. 64 p. Portions prev. pub. in 4rion's dolphin 6 others. MH: additions. O Ellen Bryant Voiqt; 210ct76: 4935535.

4935536. Viper 1azz. By James Tate. 79 p. Portions prev. pub. in 41debaran & others. NH: additions 6 compilation. James Tate: 210ct76; 6935536.

4935537. The Uncorrected world. By Kenneth 0. Hanson. 59 p. Portions prev. pub. in The Iowa review E others. NH: additions e compilation. O Kenneth O. Hanson: 20Sep73; 4935537.

6935538. Bloodlines. By Charles Hriqht. 78 p. Portions prev. pub. in The 4Berican poetry review & others. NH: compilatioa. O Charles Hriqht; 20Har75: 4935538.

4935539. Revolution and reaction in Cuba, 1933-1960: a political sociology from Hachado to Castro. By Samuel Farber. 283 p. Hesleyan University; 210ct76; 4935539.

4935540. China trace. By Charles Hriqht. 65 p. Portions prev. pub. in The American poetry review S others. NH: compilation. Charles Hriqht; 20oct77; 4935540.

4935541. The origin and early evolution of animals. By Earl D. Hanson. 670 p. e Hesleyan Oniversity; 184ug77: 4935541.

4935542. The State of science and research: some new indicators. By Nestor E. Terleckyi. 201 p. 4ppl. states copyright not claimed in any material taken from U.S. Govt, sources. NH: additional text. C Hestview Press. Inc.; 250ct77; 4935542.

4935543. Applied mineral exploration with special reference to uranium. Br Robert V. Bailey E Hilton O. Childers. 542 p. NH: additional text. C Robert V. Bailey 6 Hilton 0. childers; 200ct77; 6935543.

A935544. Continuous progress in spellinq readiness. Student's study manual. By Charles C. Hason , Jayne Hiller, Barbara Andress E Jess S. Hudson. 128 p. NR: editorial revision. O The Economy company; 1Jan77; 4935544.

6935545. Continuous proqress in spellinq readiness: teacher's manual. By Charles C. Hason. Jayne Hiller, Barbara 4ndress E Jess S. Hudson. 128 p. NH: editorial revision. The Economy Company; 1Jan77; A935545.

A935546. Continuous proqress in spellinq 1; teacher's manual. By Edwin A. Read, Ruel 4. 411red £ Louise 0. Baird. 118 p. NH: editorial revision. O The Economy Company; 1Jan77; 4935546.

4935547. Continuous proqress in spellinq 1 ; student study manual. By Edwin A. Read. Ruel 4. Alired E Louise o. Baird, illus. by Hilliam flathison 6 Rebecca Lusk. 175 p. NH: editorial revision. C The Economy company; 1Jan77; 4935547.

4935548. Continuous proqress in spellinq 2; teacher's manual. By Edwin 4. Read, Ruel 4. 411red fi Louise 0. Baird, desiqned by David Kerr. 88 p. NH: editorial revision. © The Econony Company; 1Jan77; 4935548.

4935549. Continuous proqress in spelling 2: student study manual. By Edwin 4. Read, Ruel 4. Alired E Louise 0. Baird, desiqned by David Kerr. 143 p. N(I: editorial revision. The Economy Company; 1Jan77; A935549.

A935550. Career information for allied health professions. 1 v. 3 Research Foundation of the City University of New York; 5Sep77; A935550.

A935551. BF analyzer model 640 operation and maintenance manual. 1 v. NH: additional text B illus. Hiltron Company; 29NOV77; 6935551.

4935552. The Psychology of human communications. By Joan H. Hilliams. 2nd ed. 198 p. e Joan H. Hilliams; 1Sep77; 4935552.

6935553. NewsBank's Review of the arts- -literature, January-December 1975; index and microfiche. Sheets (381 p.) E microfiche. 6 NewsBaak, Inc.; 150ct77 (in notice on index: 1977, notice on microfiche: 1975, 1976) ; 6935553.

4935555. These my children. By 41berta 4. Hurray. 116 p. NH: additional text E compilation. S 41berta 4. Hurray; 28NOV77; 6935555.

6935556. Deutschlaud!, collected poems and rhymes. By James stokes Pilgrim. 93 p. James S. Pilqrim; 17Dec77; 6935556. 6935557. I knew a woman. By Lee Pennington, woodcuts by Jill Baker. 141 p. NH: additional text. O Lee Pennington: 10ct77; 4935557.

6935558. I knew a woman. By Lee Pennington, woodcuts by Jill Baker. 141 p. on woodcuts: Jill Baker; 10ct77: 4935558.

6935559. The Trail of 4merica by God: the new earth and the end of the world. By Harjorie Sampair. 190 p. O Harjorie Sampair; 20Sep77: 4935559.

4935560. ottinger and Zamboni Christmas collection, 1977. 7 folders. 4ppl. au: 61ice Ottinger E Jean Zamboni. 61ice Ottinger G Jean Zamboni d. b. a. Ottinger and Zamboni: 27Sep77; 4935560.

6935561. Haking useful notes and other titles; instructional material. Hultiple volumes. (Communication skills series) 4ppl. au: Sam Blackwell, Evan C. 41ford E James N. Bacon. NH: additions. O Lane Community college; 24Sep77: 4935561.

4935562. Hurrah for parents! By Chuck Gallagher, edited E arr. by Bob Blewett E Lois Blewett. 143 p. Chuck Gallagher; 21Jun77; 4935562.

493556 3. 52 family activities. Original concept by Don HcLaughlin E Kathy HcLaughlin with help from Dan Carter E Natalie Carter, development, art £ photots by Bob Blewett £ Lois Blewett. 1 v. 6 Chuck Gallagher; 25Hay77; 4935563.

4935564. Geometric representations of relational data: readings in multidimensional scaling. Edited by James C. Lingoes. 757 p. NH: additions. O Bathesis Press: 13Dec77; 4935564.

4935565. Suggestions for using the Vocabulary development program. Hultiple volumes. To accompany Series R basic readers. 6ppl. au: Nancy G. Hhisler. Nancy G. Hhisler; 8Bar77; 6935565.

6935566. Uhat the Oklahoma general practitioner should know about commercial and consumer law relating to checks, substitutes for checks, notes and security interests. By Fred H. Hiller. 190 p. 4ppl. states copyright not claimed in any material taken from U.S. Govt, sources. NH: additional text. O University of Oklahoma Law center; 10Sep77: 4935546.

6935567. Estate planning, 1977. By Barbara B. Lewis. 121 p. Appl. states copyright not claimed in any material taken from U.S. Govt, sources. O University of Oklahoma Law Center; 10Sep77; 4935567.

4935568. Insights in human anatomy and phy- siology. By Joseph Philip Gentile. 244 p. e Joseph P. Gentile; 9Sep77: 4935568.

A935569. Proposal to perform a comprehensive technical, economic and engineering analysis of data from FEA's electric utility rate demonstration projects, in support of utility conservation programs and policies. 2 v. Arthur young and company; 26Aug77; A935569.

A935570. Evidence of the past; a slide pre- sentation in two parts, survey and excavation. 1 v. E slides. Appl. au: Patricia H. Hheat. Patricia H. Hheat; 290ct77; 4935570.

4935571. The Sick Story. Story by Linda Hirsch, pictures by John Hallner. 1 v. on text; Linda Hirsch; 3Jan77; 4935571.

4935572. The Sick Story. Story by Linda Hirsch, pictures by John Hallner. 1 v. e on illus; John Hallner; 3Jan77; 4935572.

4935573. Controversy advertising: how advertisers present points of view in public affairs;

a worldwide study. Sponsored by


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