A935395 - A935434
JUL-DEC. 1977
«935395. Beckl squirrel: the true stocy ot her timili. By Annice Elizabeth Hunt. Polder. Anolce Elizabeth Huut: 21DOC77: HJ5395.
A935396. Eaecqeocy sedlcdl ddta £ora. Eovelope. Appl. au: David Sanks. Aaetlcao Data Systeas: 1llo>77: A9J5396.
A935397. Paze two. By ViDcent L. fiedaan. 1 v. Add. ti: 14 poeas cootaioed withiu the wock titled Paze tao. Vinceot L. Bedaao: iiDec77: A9JS397.
A935398. The Boad to freedoa; a paceot' s quide to pcepace the ^liad child to travel independently. By aichard Vebstcc. 115 p. O Katan Pablicatioos: 190ct77; A935398.
A935399. Hoae buildlaq process; plauninq iapleaentation review. By General Hoae Service. 47 p. Appl. au; aoqec L. Paradis & rseneral Hoau Service, eapioyer foe bice. O General Hoae Service, solely ovned by Boqer L. Paradis: 9Nov77: A935399.
A935I400. Druq product Inforaation codinq systea. By Carolee A. Devito, Andrew Uilson, Jerry S. Vidis 6 aobert Genovese. 1 v. O Departaent of Coaaunity Hedicine, School of nedicine. Vayne State University: 17Hay77: A935I400.
A93Slt01. The Castle Larney portfolio of faaily financial aanaqeaent, estate planning, faaily records and qenealoqy. 1 v. Appl. au: J. H. Ualsh t Jaaes Barber. J. a. Ralsh: 22NOV77: A93S401.
A935t02. Public Intervention and pseudo qovecnaent in urban areas. By H. G. Boeseler. 9 p. EKR Publications: 19Dec77; A935a02.
A9351t03. The Thirteenth century. Editor: Kathleen Ashley. 119 p. (Acta, vol. 3, 1976) center for Medieval and Early Benaissance Studies: 15Har77 (in notice; 19761; A935I403.
A93S1I04. Eaployee attendance record: fora 112. Card. ID: addition of inforaation. O V. u. Eiaicke Associates, Inc.: 18Nov77: A935<(04.
A935140S. A Copyriqhted line of personnel foras froa V. U. Eiaicke Associates, Inc. 8 p. UH: additional text. V. i. Eiaicke Associates. Inc.: 23llov77: A93SI405.
A93Sit06. Siaplify your paperwork with these convenient office foras. 6 p. Add. ti: Laurel foras eiqht paqe cataloq; siaplify your paperwork with these convenient office foras. HN: additional text. O V. R. Eiaicke Associates, Inc.; 23Nov77; A93SI406.
A935lt07. Practical haraony. Pt. 1. By Larry G. Salth. 97 p. Larry c. Saith: 30Sep77: A935<t07.
A935II08. Burray qold seal replaceaent air conditioner parts for fara equipaent coabines and tractors. Ueatherly index 2144, ACP-78, effective Jan. 1978. 79 p. O Hurray Corporation: SDec77 (in notice: 1978): A93S408.
A935409. Everqreeo tide chart/Port Townseod graph calendar, 1978. Appl. au: Stcaub Printing and Publishiuq. O Straub a.a.d.o. Straub Printing and Publishinq; iaiiov77: A935409.
A935410. Don Burns Prestige Porsche Audi, Ltd.; Porsche accessories catalog, 1977. 4 1 p. Appl. au: Uiiliaa Lloyd Troutaan. O Don Burns Prestige Porsche Audi. Ltd.: 15Peb77: A935410.
A935411. Souodolier distributor net price list, effective January 1, 1978. 35 p. soundolier. Inc.: 23Uov77 (in notice: 1978): A935411.
A935412. Praud and arson report and investigation outline; special investigation report. 1 V. Add. ti: Arson investigation report and investigation outline. Appl. au: Bobert G. Provencher. O Bobert G. Provencher; 10Sov77: A935412.
A935413. CB lingo. Prepared by The National CB Truckers' Mews. 46 cards in box. Appl. au: Earl V. Stevens. MB: coopilation C additional text. O Esselte Publications, division of Esselte Products. Inc.; 1Dec76; A935413.
A93S414. Industrial real estate aanagers* directory. yol. 10. 418 p. BB: additions C revisions. O Capitol Advertising Agency, Inc.; 1Sep77; A935414.
4935415. The Steps of listening: a hierarchical developaent. By Enid B. Anderson. 35 p. O Enid B. Anderson; 13Jon77; A935415.
A935416. La Pinata: ncAllen Junior Service League cookbook. 530 p. Add. ti: La Pinata cookbook. Appl. au: Junior Service League of BcAllen, Inc. O Bckllen Junior Service League; 1Peb77 (in notice: 1976); A935416.
A935417. Are you a kid? By Charles Plyaell. 53 p. NB: new poeas, prev. unpub. text 6 illustrative aaterial. O Charles Plyaell: 150ct77; A935417.
A935418. Hiroshima flows through us. By Brown Biller. 63 p. Soae poems prev. pub. in Big aoon C others. BB: new poeas. prev. unpub. text e, illustrative material. Brown Biller; 20Bav77; A935418.
A935419. Vibes of the saints; poeas and collages. By Paul Grillo, introd. by Claude Pelieu-Hashburn. 1 v. O on prev. unpub. poeas. text 6 illus. with the exception of the introd.; Paul Grillo: 1SJun77; A935419.
A935420. Life design key. Polder (6 p.) NH: editorial revision. Caapus Crusade for Christ, Inc.; 12Hov77; A93S420.
A935421. Communication and planning in aarriage. 1 V. Appl. au: Campus Crusade for Christ, Inc. O Campus Crusade for Christ International a.a.d.o. Campus Crusade for Christ. Inc.; 15Bov77; A935421.
A935422. Guarantor's stateaeut and guarantee agreement^ and other titles. Sheets. O Culs, Inc.; 10ct76: A935472.
A935423. Laboratory aanual for Anatoay and physiology. By Layiie A. Van Brunt, Theodore yong. Cedar Beei £ Elsie Boush. 179 p. BB: additional text r, editorial revisions in units 1. C 3-15. O Theodore Yonq fi Layne A. Van Brunt; 20Juo77; A935423.
A9 35424. Vibrant tranquility. Bev. ed. by Joseph B. Pierce. Hultiple voluaes. Original ed. reg. AS 15295. BB: introd. e rewriting. O Joseph B. Pierce; 5Bov77: A935424.
A93S425. Collected poetry for song. By Charles Lawrence Eiccillo. 86 p. KB: additional text 6 coapilation. Charles Lawrence Biccillo a.k.a. Chuck Biccillo; 90ec77: A935425.
A935426. Briefing aaterial foe prospective travellers to the people's Bepublic of China. Prepared by the National coaaittee on United States-China Belations, Inc. 1 V. BB: editorial revision £ additional textual material. Bational Committee on United States-China Belations. Inc.; 1Jul76; A935426.
A935427. compensation. Sheets (148 p.) (Systea hortatorical iapleaentation aanual) Appl. au: David Gideons & Peter Gentry. O Progressive Data Systems, Inc.; 22Aug77; A935427.
A935428. Liability. Sheets (108 p.) (Systea hortatorical iapleaentation aanual) Appl. au: David Gideons & Peter Gentry. O Progressiva Data Systeas. Inc.; 22Aug77; A935428.
A935429. Libbuc. Printout. Appl. au: David Gideons C Peter Gentry. O Progressive Data Systeas, Inc.; 22Aug77; A9J5429.
A93543U. Capbuc. Printout. Add. ti : Cabuc. Appl. au: David Gideons 6 Peter Gentry. O Progressive Data Systeas. Inc. ; 22Aug77; A935430.
A935431. Salnutria. Kit. Appl. au: Audrey a. Lietzow. O Audrey B. Lietzow ; 1Apr76; A935' 31.
A935432. The Tale of Nisan shamaness; a Banchu folk epic. Introd. C interpretation: Bargaret Bowak. translation 6 trans- cription: Stephen Durrant. 182 p. English & roaanized Hanchu. O University of Bashington Press; 260ct77; A935432.
A935433. Saushiro; a novel. By Natsuae Soseki. translated £ with a critical essay by Jay Bubin. 248 p. BB: translation. O University of Bashington Press; 13JU177; A935433.
A935434. Behind the Haryland scene (woaen of influence, 1600-1800) By the Bational Society of the colonial Daaes of Aaerica in the State of Baryland, Southern Baryland Beqional Coaaittee £ dame guests from other Baryland committees. 113 p. Appl. au: Betty Borthington Briscoe. Hary Clare Batthews £ Bebekah Bowie coapton
Boone. Ann Eilbeck of Araby in Baryland,
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