JUL-DEC. 1977
&935260 (con.) rehensive digest of Anerican cases that interpret or apply city and county ordinances. Vol. 3B: Dobile hones to pensions. Editor-in-chief: Budolph 8. Fischer. 592 p. Add. ti: shepard's Ordinance lav annotations: city and county. Appl. aa: Shepard's* Inc. of Colorado Spriaqs. 6 Shepard's, Inc. of Colorado Springs; 18Sov77: A935260.
1935261. Cellular biology of neurons. Ft. 1 & 2. Section editors; John M. BrooJchart £ other editors. 2 v. (Handbook of physiology, section 1) (The Nervous systes, vol. 1) NH: editorial revision & updating. e American Physiological Society; 18Aug77: A935261.
A935262. Otti, albUB 1. 108 p. Material prev. pub. in Oui 6 others. Nil: compilation £ nev cover photos. Q Playboy a.k.a. Playboy Enterprises, Inc.; 1UJun77; A935262.
A935263. A Guide to architecture in Los Angeles and southern California. By David Gebhard £ Bobert Hinter. 728 p. 6 David Gebhard £ Bobert sinter; 150ct77; A935263.
A935264. The Handy-Nhitman index of public utility construction costs. Bulletin no. 106. Compiled by fihitman, Begoardt and Associates, including telephone indexes compiled by Associated Dtility Services, Inc. 1 V. NH; telephone index £ updated electric, gas £ vater indexes. O Hhitman, Beguardt and Associates; 310ct77; A935264.
1935265. Children's Horkshop curriculum guide. By Judith L. Cohen £ Judith A. Panton. 1 V. Children's Rorkshop; 15Sep77; A935265.
A93526e. Short stories. Vol. 1. By B. David Patrick Cameron* pseud, of Bicbard D. Cameron. 1 v. OB. Oavid Patrick Cameron: 8Hov77; 1935266.
A935267. Introductory physiology and functional anatomy; laboratory manual. By Jerry G. Hurst. 394 p. Ippl. au: Board of fiegents. O Board of Regents, Oklahoma State Dniversity; 1Sep77; A935267.
1935268. Introductory human physiology and functional anatomy; laboratory manual. By Jerry G. Hurst. 125 p. Ippl. au: Board of fiegents. Board of Begents, Oklahoma State Dniversity; 1Sep77 (in notice: 1975): 1935268.
A935269. A Slide supplement for organic chemistry. By Department of chemistry, Louisiana state Dniversity. 179 p. Appl. au: F. K. Cartledqe £ 8. H. Daly. F. K. Cartledge, ». H. Daly, N. H. Fischer, B. D. Gandour, K. N. Houk, G. B. Newkome £ H. A. Pryor; 1Sep77; A935269.
1935270. Ho» to survive the loss of love; 58 things to do when there is nothing to be done. By Helba Colgrove, Harold Bloomfield S Peter BcBilliams. 131 p. 50 poems prev. pub. in Come love with me and be my life E others by Peter BcWilliams. SB: prose section. O Helba Colgrove, Harold Bloomfield £ Peter Hc8illiams; 8llar76; 1935270. (2nd print., Bar. 1978, deposited)
1935271. Happiness; the TH program, psychiatry and enlightenment. By Harold H. Bloomfield £ Bobert Kory, introd. by Baharishi Bahesh Yogi, foreword by Bernard C. Glueck. 368 p. Harold B. Bloomfield £ Bobert Kory; 18Jun76; A935271.
A935272. Bim-rock and sage; collected poems of Baynard Dixon with drawings. By Baynard Dixon, introd. by Kevin Starr. 125 p. e California Historical Society; 9Nov77; 1935272.
1935273. proceedings of the Insurance Accounting and Statistical Association, 1977. 111(3 p. Appl. au: B. D. Clifford E Calvert 1. Jared 2nd. Q Insurance Iccounting and Statistical Association; 1Dec77; A935273.
A935274. Texas: the development of an empire and a state. Kit. Ippl. au: Geral Tom lllen. e Geral Tom Allen £ Jerry MacClay d.b.a. Van Hood Publishing; 24Bar77; A935274.
- He's taking me to glory! By Betty
Swinford. 153 p. O Betty Swinford; 22JU177: A935276.
1935277. Can you diagram this scene? Folder £ card. Idd. ti: Go-write crime scene template. Appl. au: James A. Turner, e James 1. Turner: 3Bar77; 1935277.
1935278. Hi — my name is. Card. Ippl. an: Hilliam F. Hawkins. & Hilliam F. Hawkins; 10ct77; 1935278.
A935279. Soul mother. By Peter Ernest Haiman, artist: Jennifer Byerberg. 8 p. 6 Peter Ernest Haiman; 16Dec77; A935279.
A935280. Keep babies busy. By Peter Ernest Haiman, artist: Jennifer Byerberg. 8 p. e Peter Ernest Haiman; 16Dec77; A935280.
1935281. Kids copy their parents. By Peter Ernest Haiman, artist: Jennifer Byerberg. 1 V. 9 Peter Ernest Baiman; 16Dec77; 1935281.
1935282. Heart catheterization. Britten by Joan Drake, illustrated by Lisa Yopp. 1 v. e Saint Joseph's Eospital; 9Dec77; A935282.
1935283. Banaqerial communications; a seminar presentation. By John R. Van De Hater. 52 p. e John B. Van De Hater; 1Sep74; A935283.
A935284. The King Rilliam area: a history and guide to the houses. By Bary V. Burkholder, with photos, by Graham B. Knight. 2nd ed. 112 p. O Bary V. Burkholder £ Graham B. Knight; 11Nov77; A935284.
A935285. Combined membership 1978 directory; Operations Hesearch Society of America, The Institute of Banagement Sciences. 238 p. Idd. ti; TIHS/OfiSA combined membership directory 1978. The Institute of Banagement Sciences; 30Nov77; A935285.
A935286. Hang on to your heritage. By Balph H. Didier. 110 p. Balph H. Didier; aDec77; A935286.
A935287. John D. BacDonald and the colorful world of Travis BcGee. By Frank D. Campbell, Jr. 63 p. e Frank D. Campbell, Jr.; 28Bar77; A935287.
1935288. 1 Barriage ketubah. Poster. Ippl. au: Abraham J. Klausner. Q Emanuel Press; 1Dec77; A935288.
1935289. Francisco Guerau: poema faarmonico (fladrid, 169it) Sith an introd. £ English translation by Brian Jeffery. 87 p. Spanish £ English. KB: introd. £ English translation. Tecla Editions; 21Jan77; 1935289.
A935290. Activities for school-age child care. By Bosalie Blau, Elizabeth H. Brady, Ida Bucher, Betsy Hiteshew, Ann Zavitkovsky 6 Docia Zavitkovsky. 65 p. Q National Association for the Education of loung Children; 21Dec77; A935290.
A935291. Golden leaves from memory. By Leonard L. Smith. 221 p. e Elsie 1. Smith; 10Aug77; 1935291.
1935292. The Ilford pre-planning guide to great yearbooks. 8 p. Ippl. au: Ilford, Inc. £ Ibe Orlick. Ilford, Inc. E Abe orlick; 20Sep77; A935292.
1935293. Horse what? 1 p. Ippl. au: Jeff H. Slagle. Jeff B. Slagle fi Fred L. Tripp d.b.a. S and T Enterprises; 5Dec77; 1935293.
1935294. Some cracks in the new administration; based on a presentation at the Bidwest Icademy Innual llumni Retreat, lug. 19-21, 1977. By Heather Booth. 4 p. Appl. au: Bidwest Icademy. Heather Booth E Bidwest Icademy; 1Sep77; A935294.
A935296. Adventures in astronomy-astrology; a coloring workbook for the young. Text £ drawings by Sally Patterson. 1 v. Q Aquarius School of Astrology; 12Dec77; A935296.
A935297. PEP'S are kid catchers. Bultiple volumes £ sheets (3 p.) Add. ti: Personalized reading projects (PBPs) Ippl. au: Linda Bey Kinkade E Christine Lane. & Calico Creations; 2Peb77; 1935297.
1935298. Hatt relay pumping guide. 2 p. Appl. au: George D. Hatt. @ George D. Hatt; 1Dec77; 1935298.
1935299. Chesapeake Bay magazine article: Chesapeake Beach, circa: 1903-1905. By Earle B. Xightman. 6 p. Earle B. nightman; 16Bov77; A935299.
A935300. Printing and publishing in fifteenth- century Venice. By Leonardas Vytautas Gerulaitis. 190 p. O American Library Association; 31Dec76; A935300.
1935301. Nutrition scoreboard; your guide to better eating. By Bichael F. Jacobson. 213 p. NB: revisions. 6 Bichael Jacobson; 20Nov75; A935301.
A935302. Beware the smiling stranger. By
Bitchell Dana, pseud, of Byron Danrow.
These entries alone may not reflect the complete Copyright Office records pertaining to a particular work. Contact the U.S. Copyright Office for information about any additional records that may exist.