JUL-DEC. 1977
A935187 (con.) S KB transparencies. (The Curry- Sctual-Gram, Inc., kit no. 9) Appl. au; James Robert Curry. 9 James Robert Curry; 26JU177: 4935187.
A935188. Kinfolks: the Hilgus stories. By Gurney Norman. 118 p. Earlier versions of these stories originally appeared in Kentucky renaissance 6 others. NM: revision 6 editing. Gurney Norman; 18Nov77; A935188.
A9351B9. Church and state in Revolutionary Virginia, 1776-1787. By Thomas E. Buckley. 217 p. 6 Rectors and Visitors of the University of Virginia (in notice: The Rector and visitors of the University of Virginia) : 22Nov77; A935189.
A935190. Influenza in America, 1918-1976: history, science and politics. Editor: June E. osborn. 135 p. O Neale Ratson Academic Publications, Inc.; 1Nov77; A935190.
A935191. Beady, set, sew. Editor-in-chief; Patricia Perry, copy editor: Alice Rohrbacher, technical editor: Elizabeth nusheno. 320 p. Add. ti: Ready, set, sew; the Butterick sewing book. Appl. au: Butterick Publishing. 6 Butterick Fashion Marketing Company (in notice: Butterick Fashion Harketing Company, a division of American Can Company); 31Hay71; A935191.
A935192. The Vogue sewing book of fitting, adjustments and alterations. Editor: Patricia Perry, copy editor: Alice Rohrbacher, writers: Harion Bartholomew, Paige Camp, Connie Heyer 6 Carol Sherman, art editor: Tony Serino, artists; Susan Frye, Janet Lombardo, Barbara Hanlon, Karen Coughlin 6 Harilyn Gong. 190 p. Appl. au: Butterick Publishing. e Butterick Fashion Harketing Company (in notice: Butterick Fashion Marketing Company, a division of American Can company); 15Sep72; A935192.
A935193. The Vogue sewing book. Edited by Patricia Perry. 416 p. Appl. au; Butterick Publishing. 6 Butterick Division — American Can Company; 15Har70; A935193.
A9351911. The Vogue sewing book. 464 p. Appl. au; Butterick Publishing. NI9: additions. © Butterick Division — American Can Company; 13Apr73; A935194.
A935195. Security training program. 87 p. 6 152 slides. Appl. au; Steve Groban, pseud, of Glenn Gardiner & Howard Harlow, pseud, of Albert Gardiner. 6 Palladium Consultants, Inc.; 1Aug77; A935195.
A935197. Proceedings of the Fourth Symposium on Statistics and the Environment, Harch 3-5, 1976, Washington, DC. 124 p. Jppl. states copyright not claimed in any portion written by a D.S. Govt, employee as a part of his official duties. @ American Statistical Association; laar77; A935197.
A935198. American Statistical Association 1976 proceedings of the Business and Economic Statistics Section: papers presented at the annual meeting of the American statistical Association, Boston, Massachusetts, August 23-26, 1976. 659 p. Appl. states copyright not claimed in any portion written by a U.S. Govt, employee as part of his official duties. <3 American Statistical Association; 30Dec76; A935198.
A935199. American Statistical Association proceedings of the Social Statistics Section, 1976; papers presented at the annual meeting of the American Statistical Association, Boston, Massachusetts, August 23-26, 1976. Pt. 1. 426 p. Appl. states copyright not claimed in any portion written by a O.S. Govt, employee as part of his official duties. @ American Statistical Association; 30Dec76; A935199.
A935200. American Statistical Association proceedings of the Social Statistics Section, 1976; papers presented at the annual meeting of the American Statistical Association, Boston, Massachusetts, August 23-26, 1976. Pt. 2. p. 427-852. Appl. states copyright not claimed in any portion written by a U.S. Govt, employee as part of his official duties. 9 American Statistical Association; 30Dec76; A935200.
A935201. American Statistical Association 1976 proceedings of the Statistical Computing Section; papers presented at the annual meeting of the American Statistical Association, Boston, Massachusetts, August 23-26, 1976. 310 p. Appl. states copyright not claimed in any portion written by a O.S. Govt, employee as part of his official duties. American Statistical Association; 15Dec76; A935201.
A935202. Similarity and dissimilarity of mother-child responses to racial identification, race awareness and racial preference. By Melton Delois Hardy. Sheets (82 p.) @ Melton Delois Hardy; 10NOV77; A935202.
A935203. A Guide to the family medicine encounter form for the medical practice of Milton H. Seifert, Jr., H.D., and Associates, Ltd, 67 p. Appl. au: Hilton H. Seifert, Jr. 9 Milton H. Seifert, Jr., M.D., and Associates, Ltd. a.a.d.o. Milton H. Seifert, Jr.; 28Nov77; A935203.
A935204. Public opinion on Nashville's proposed Interstate 440. By Robert H. Brown. 1 v. e Robert a. Brown; 21Nov77; A935204.
A935205. Kindergarteners* opinions of older people and aging following exposure to an older person in their classroom. By Eileen Forman Kaplan. 81 p. NM; additional tej(t. 8 Eileen Forman Kaplan; 12Dec77: A935205.
A935206. Basic handbook of suicidology. By Louis Bekstein. 216 p. 6 Louis iekstein; 17NOV77: A935206.
A935207. Bhy adversity? 35 p. Appl. au: Florine Van Tuyl. NM: rearrangement of scrip- tures, new topical sequence, pictorial matter, foreword, pref. & bibliography. e Florine Van Tuyl; 20Dec77: A935207.
A935208. Don't go yet. Author: Connelly L. Graham, art: Mrs. Herbert Small. 52 p. Appl. au: Christians in Action. O Christians in Action; 150ct77; A935208.
A935209. Hhat all married people should know (ten ways to save your marriage) By John Ballard. 28 p. 6 John Ballard; 9Dec77; A935209.
A935210. Lionel, the lion. By Jean Gully. 6 p. e Jean Gully; 15Jan74; A935210.
A935211. Freely revolting. By He Feng Hsi Yu, pseud, of Peter Maximilian Horn-Mueller. 1 V. O Peter Maximilian Horn-Mueller; 250ct77; A935211.
A935212. Seafood recipes from the Shrimp Peddler. 91 p. Add. ti: seafood recipes — Shrimp Peddler. NH: compilation £ additions. e The Shrimp Peddler; 26Aug77; A935212.
A935213. Hellspring; an anthology. 64 p. e Bellspring Writers Workshop: 180ct77; A935213.
A9352ia. Handbook for motorists; police radar and all speed control including "Vascar." 26 p. Appl. au: Robert R. Gray. Prev. reg. A693839, 1975. NH: editorial revision, new cover, revised text, added pictorial matter & new text material. @ Defensive Publications; 7Dec77; A935214.
A935215. The Total traveler by ship. By Ethel Blum. 312 p. © Travel Publications, Inc.; 1NOV77 (in notice; 1977, 1978); A935215.
A9 35216. A Dictionary of mosses. By Marshall B. Crosby e Robert £. Hagill. 43 p. © Missouri Botanical Garden; 12Aug77; A935216.
A935217. An Introduction to Dnited Church of Free Thought and its philosophy. By Benjamin F. Johnson. Folder (4 p.) S Benjamin F. Johnson; 90ct77; A935217.
A935218. Proceedings of the 1975 Predator Symposium. Edited by Robert L. Phillips 6 Charles Jonkel. 268 p. Held in conjunction with the American Society of Mammalogists 55th Annual Meeting, June 15-19, 1975, Oniversity of Montana, Missoula. Q Montana Forest and Con- servation Experiment Station, School of Forestry, Oniversity of Montana; 15Aug77; A935218.
A935219. Poems: a book of windows, windows: a book of poems. By Jo Bingham (Josephine Bingham Disco), illustrated by C. Rankin Bingham. 83 p. Add. ti: Windows: a book of poems. NM: revisions. @ Jo Bingham; 4Dec77; A935219.
A935220. Readings in real estate investment analysis. Vol. 1. 252 p. Articles prev. pub. in Appraisal journal. NH; com- pilation. © American Institute of Real Estate Appraisers of the National Association of Realtors; 190ct77; A935220.
A935221. Readings in the income approach to real property valuation. Vol. 1. 226 p. Articles prev. pub. in Appraisal journal. NM: compilation. O American Institute of Real Estate Appraisers of the National Association of Realtors; 190ct77;
These entries alone may not reflect the complete Copyright Office records pertaining to a particular work. Contact the U.S. Copyright Office for information about any additional records that may exist.