A935075 - A935108
JUL-DEC. 1977
4935075. Allison traQSnissions, automatic nodels: CLT 6511; SA 1560S parts cataloq, 15 September 1977. Issued by Detroit Diesel Allison, division of General Hotors Corporation. 1 v. Add. ti; Allison transuissions CLT 651 series parts cataloq. Appl. au: General Hotors Corporation. O General Hotors Corpo- ration; 16NOV77; A935075.
A935076. Allison transBissioDS« aatomatic models: V730D-6. V730D-8; SA 1U12B parts cataloq, 2 Hay 1977, revision no. 1, 30 September 1977. Issued by Detroit Diesel Allison, division of General Motors Corporation. 1 V. Add. ti: Kevision paqes for V 730 series parts cataloq 3A 1442B. Appl. au: General Rotors Corporation. C General Motors Corporation; 270ct77; A935076.
A935077. Allison transmissions, automatic models: HT 7H0 D, HT 710 T, HT 750 DBD. BT 750 CBD: SA 1268G parts cataloq, 1 December 1976, revision no. 1, 1 July 1977. Issued by Detroit Diesel Allison, division of General Motors Corporation. 1 v. Add. ti: Revision paqes for HT 700 series parts cataloq SA 12680. Appl. au: General Motors Corporation, d General Hotors corporation; 7Nov77 ; A935077.
A935078. Allison transmissions, pouershift models: CT, CLT 3310, 3360, 3itaO, CT, CLT, »CLT 3341, 34141, CT, CLT, yCLT 3361, 3461; SA 10790 parts cataloq, IS July 1977, revision no. 1, 15 October 1977. Issued by Detroit Diesel Allison, division of General Hotors Corporation. 1 v- Add. ti: Eevision paqes for 3340-3461 series parts cataloq SA 10790. Appl. au: General Hotors corporation. 3 General Hotors Corporation: 30Hov77; A935078.
A935079. Allison transmissions, automatic model: HT 70: SA 1128P parts cataloq, 1 June 1977. Issued by Detroit Diesel Allison, division of General Hotors Corporation. 1 V. Add. ti: Allison transmissions HT 70 series parts cataloq. Appl. au: General Motors Corporation. S General Motors Corporation; 22Sep77; A935079.
A93S0B0. Allison traosnissions, automatic models: CLT, CLBT 750, CT, CBT, CLT, CLBI 750DB. VCLT 750; SA 1315G parts cataloq, 29 July 1977. Issued by Detroit Diesel Allison, division of General Hotors Corporation. 1 V. Add. ti: Allison transmissions CT 700 series parts cataloq. Appl. au: General Hotors Corporation. General Hotors Corporation; noct77: A935080.
A935081. Randustrial Corporation introduces their 1977 parade of maintenance products. 61 p. Add. ti: Parade of maintenance products, 1977. 6 Randustrial Corpo- ration: 31Mar77; A935081.
A935082. The Spanish family tree of verbs. By Gladys Ada Sullivan HcCullouqh. 1 v. O Gladys S. McCullouqh; 25Auq77; A935082.
A935083. Accountinq and auditinq annual updatinq workshop. By Thomas D. Hubbard. 1 v. (AICPA continuinq professional education) Appl. au: American Institute of CPAs. American Institute of Certified Public Accountants: lApr77; A935083.
A935084. Partnerships and professional cor- porations. A national presentation of the AICPA Hanaqemeot of Accountinq Practice Committee. 1 v. (AICPA continuinq professional education) Appl. au: American Institute of CPAs. American Institute of Certified Public Accountants; lJun76; A935084.
A935085. Hosier families. By Vernon D. Ferreil. 133 p. Appl. au: Dennis B. Perrell. NM: editinq £ additions. Dennis Bichard Ferreil; 15Nov77; A935085.
A935086. An Introduction to transformational qrammar. By Diane D. Bornstein. 260 p. NH: compilation. Uinthrop Publishers, Inc.; 29Har77; A935086.
A935087. Aqinq in mass society: myths and realities. By Jon Hendricks e C. Davis Hendricks. 426 p. uinthrop Publishers, Inc.; 15Feb77; A935087.
A935088. Beliqion on trial: Mircea Eliade and his critics. By Guilford Dudley 3rd. 183 p. Temple University; 181iov77; A93508a.
A935089. Nicaraquan rebel saboteurs' murder attempt crime perpetrated on April 19, 1929, in Virqinia, USA, on the life of Lance Corporal Hilliam Pitt Fessenden, 2nd, U. S. Marine Corps, of Antiqo, Hisconsin ... By Hilliam Penn Hashinqton 1st, pseud, of Hilliam Pitt Fessenden 2nd. 133 p. e Hilliam Penn Hashinqton, 1st, pseud, of Hilliam Pitt Fessenden, 2nd; 7Sep77; A935089.
in three parts.
- ith
second A935090. The Tales of the fairie coupleat. Sy Harie Cathe Bernevilie, Comtesse d'Au pref.by Michael Patrick B 369-648. Extracted from edition in English of The Diverting works of the Countess d'Anois, London, 1715. O on pref.; Michael Patrick Hearn; 40ct77; A935090.
A935091. Histories; or. Tales of past times. By Charles Perrault, Kith a pref. by Michael Patrick Hearn. 206 p. HM: on pref.; Michael Patrick Hearn; 250ct77; A935091.
A935092. Turn of the century American journalist: home-spun philosopher Bay Stannard Baker. By Vivian Graff fiosenberg. 280 p. Add. ti: R. S. Baker — American journalist. Portions prev. pub. in Native American £ American chronicle. NM: compilation, abridgment, additions e pictures. e Vivian Graff Bosenberq; 50ct77; A935092.
A93509J. Scope of learner behaviors in mat- hematics. Issued by Lake Hashinqton School District Number 414. Multiple volumes. Q Lake Hashinqton School District; 1Aug77; A935093.
ual sea A935094. Life re Crawford. 190ct77; A935094. ars. By Nola O Nolan D. Crawf
A935095. Latch hook furry friend ruq kit. Appl. au: simone s. Miller. O simone S. Hiller (, Morton E. Miller d.b.a. Millcraft; 10Auq77; A93S095.
A93S096. Kwincy Koala; Millcraft latch hook furry friend ruq kit, EG106. Kit. Add. ti: Latch hook furry friend rug kit. Appl. au: Simone S. Miller. O Simone S. Miller t Morton E. Hiller d.b.a. Millcraft; 22Sep77; A935096.
A935097. Latch hook furry friend rug kit. Appl. au: Simone s. Miller. O Simone S. Hiller £ Horton £. Hiller d.b.a. Hillcraft; 10Aug77; A935097.
A935098. Millcraft latch hook furry friend rug kit. BG 101: Puppy. Appl. au: simone S. Miller. Simone S. Hiller £ Horton E. Hiller (Simone and Horton Hiller d.b.a. Hillcraft) ; 10Aug77; A935098.
A935099. Not too easy won: Milton*s muse. By Lois H. Parker. Sheets. (English studies Collections, Inc., series 2, no. 6, Jan. 1977) NH: compilation, abridgement £ editorial revision. Lois H. Parker; 10Jun77; A935099.
A935 100. The Human species: extinction or survival? 45 p. (Oniversity 302: independent study in the social sciences) O Hestern Illinois Oniversity; 18Nov77; A935100.
A935101. The Energy game. Kit. Appl. au: Cheryl Lynn Skiba. O Cheryl Lynn Skiba (in notice: Skiba); 10Sep77; A935101.
A93510 2. The Chatmon and Halker Report. By Terry Daniel Chatmon £ Arvin Lamarr Halker. 7 p. e Chatmon and Halker Beport a.a.d.o. T. Daniel Chatmon £ Arvin L. Halker; 4No»77; A935102.
A9351Q3. Time and the flying snow. Songs of Gordon Bok, drawings £ wood carvings by Gordon Bok, photos- by Sandy Paton £ Dick Levine, music editing by Laui Herrmann. 68 p. NH: pref., drawings £ photos, of woodcuts. O Folk-Legacy Records, Inc.; 270ct77; A935103.
A935104. Some background on the problems of wood burning and creosote build-up. Folder. Appl. au: Christopher Curtis £ Donald Post. O Black Hagic chimney Sweeps International, Inc.; 150ct77; A935104.
A935105. Into clay. By Dorothy Sommer. 88 p. Dorothy Sommer; 9Hay77; A935105.
A935106. Guidelines for criminal justice programs in community and junior colleges: a report of the recommendations of the criminal Justice Curriculum Institute. By Larry Thorne Hoover £ Dennis Hayne Lund. 53 p. This monograph is intended to supplement American Society for Industrial Security, Academic guidelines for security and loss prevention program in community and junior colleges, 1972 fi others. American Association of Community and Junior Colleges; 15May77; A935106.
A935107. Hasters of the poster, 1896-1900. Pref. by Roger Marx, introd. by Alain Heill, notes by Jack Bennert, translated by Bernard Jacobson. 1 v. Appl. au: Images Graphigues, Inc. p. 33-96 reproduce the 256 plates pub. in 1896-1900 in France under the name Les Haitres de l*affiche. NH: introd., notes, translation of pref., editorial revision of tables £ change in design. O Images Graphigues, Inc.; 28Dec77; A935107.
A935108. The Art of metaJ really not all th<
t hard. By John
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