JUL-DEC. 1977
1876671. Piaqet: understanding cognitive development. By Billiaa «. Gray. 2nd ed. 1 V. Billiaa U. Gray: 13Jun77; 4876671.
A876672. Spot-check 2. By Hoiiard Z. Eley. 1 ». e Howard Z. Eley; 13Jul77; AB76672.
4876673. Ihe Political ecououT in perspective: current economic analysis. 6 p. C B. C. Nainnright and Company: 11Jul77: &876673.
S876674. Economic and investment observations: the Spanish devaluation. 3 p. 6 H. C. Hainwriqht and Company: 12Jul77; 4876671).
4876675. Ditch Hitch parts book, model C7-C9. Issue no. 1-6/77. 12 p. HM: revisions 6 additions. C Ihe Charles Machine aorks. Inc.: 19JU177: 4876675.
4876676. An Investigation of the application of computer technology to dental delivery services. 1 v. Add. ti: A Proposal to conduct an investigation of the app- lication of computer technology to dental delivery services. Q Arthur Young and Company: 6Jul77: A876676.
4876677. The Success of advocate counseling of the lov socio-economic client in the Hest End program. By Edward Long. 226 p. e Edward Long: 61)ay77; A876677.
4876678. Ihe Hew birth: student's guide, iriter: Sonia H. Furry, artist: Ralph Keefner. 39 p. 4ppl. au: Living iords. Inc. 6 Living Hords, Inc.; 21Feb77: 4876678.
4876679. The New birth: leader's guide. Uriter: Sonia H. Furry, artist: Balph Keefner. 24 p. 4ppl. au: Living Vords, Inc. G Living lords. Inc.; 21Feb77: A876679.
4876680. The Complete how-to-do-it guide and workbook that teaches you how profes- sionals turn fabrics into fashions. By Leonhard Kraak. 158 p. 4dd. ti; Fabrics into fashions. Leonhard Kraak; 18JU177: 4676680.
AS766B1. Hho are you? where are you going? how are you going to get there? a dynamic guide to success in your career and personal life. By Muriel Kaylin Habry Sheets (153 p.) e Huriel Kaylin aabry; 8Jul77: A876681.
4876682. The Christian Mother Goose book. ser. no. 3: tapes for tots. 15 p. Appl. au: Mariorie Decker. MM: additions & revisions. € Mariorie Decker; 19Jul77: A876682.
A876683. Carroll County, NH, area telephone directory, July 1977. e New England Telephone and Telegraph Company; 15Jal77; A876683.
A376684. Conference record: industrial and commercial power system technical conference, 1977; papers presented at the 1977 annual meeting, Hilliam Penn Hotel, Pittsburgh, PA, Bay 9-12, 1977. 137 p. Add. ti: I and CPS technical conference, 1977. e Ihe Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers, Inc. a.d.o. Ihe Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc.; 9May77: 4676684.
A876685. IEEE Cement Industry Technical Conference. 1977. 1 v. Proceedings of the 19th IEEE Cement Industry Technical Conference held in Omaha, May 16-19, 1977. e The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc.; 16May77; A876685.
A876686. Greenwoods food service equipment and supplies. 1 V. Add. ti: Foodservice eguipment and supply dealer's catalog. e Summit Catalog Company; 15Jul77; A876686.
A876687. Kirchman Brothers Company foodservice eguipment and supply dealer's catalog. 1 V. e Summit Catalog Company: 18Jul77; 4876687.
4876688. ET4 report, July 1977. By 41an s. Manne, with th^ assistance of 4nthony B. De4ndrade & Bobert J. condap. 1 v. e Control Analysis Corporation: 12Jul77; 4876668.
A8766S9. Hair and the Golden Arches. By Betty Ski, pseud, ^of Betty Lee Ciszkowski. 1 v. Betty ski, pseud, of Betty Lee Ciszkowski; 5Feb77: A876689.
A87669a. ID contest. 1 p. Appl. au: Thomas B. Newton. Thomas B. Newton; 18Jul77: A876690.
A876691. Searching for God: the longest step. By James DiGiacomo & John Halsh. 94 p. Hinston Press, Inc.; 13Jun77: A876691.
A876692. Belong, activity pack. Folders. Kinston Press, Inc.; 8Jun77; A676692.
A876693. I share God's special meal, my first Communion book. Editor; Catherine Boyd Uinter. 1 v. Appl. au: Uinston Press. Uinston Press, Inc.; 13juu77: A876693.
AB76694. A Picture cook book of food preparation for mentally handicapped adults. 161 p. Magic Valley Behabilitation Services, Inc.; 30Jun77; A876694.
A376695. A Single speckled egg. Hritten by Sonia Levitin, illustrated by John Larrecq. 1 V. 6 on text; Sonia Levitin; 2Sep76: 4876695.
4876696. 4 Single speckled egg. Uritten by Sonia Levitin, illustrated by John M. Larrecg. 1 v. 6 on illus. ; John M. Larrecq; 2Sqp76; 4876696.
A876697. The Study of possible societies. By ialter Firey. 203 p. e Halter Firey; 18JU177: 4876697.
4876696. Saint and thought for every day. Profiles of saints by the Daughters of Saint Paul, thoughts by James Alberione. editors fi translators of James Alberione: Daughters ^f Saint Paul. 315 p. 6 Daughter^ of Saint Paul; 3Jan77 (in notice: 1976); A876698.
4876699. Every man my brother. By Francis 172 p. Appl. au: Daughters of Saint Paul, employer for hire. Q Daughters of Saint Paul; 3Jan77 (in notice: 1976) ; A676699.
A876700. Design for a just society. By Giacomo Giuseppe Alberione. updated & compiled by the Daughters of Saint Paul. 247 p. Prev. pub. as Fundamentals of Christian sociology. NM: revisions & additions. Daughters of Saint Paul; 30Dec76; A876700.
4876701. 4s a man thinketh. By James 411en. edited by Joseph Miller. 51 p. NM: editorial & pictorial matter. Q Miller Books; 19JU177; 4876701.
4876702. Directory of directors in the City of New York. 1977 ed. 1 v. 4ppl. au: Sophie Kennedy. Q Directory of Directors Company, Inc.; 15Jun77; 4876702.
A676703. Fairytales. A novel by Cynthia Freeman. pseud, of Bea Feinberg, 352 p. @ Cynthia Freeman Enterprises, Inc.; 30Jun77; A676703.
A876704. Monty: a biography of Montgomery Clift. By Bobert LaGuardia. 304 p. B.J.L. Communications. Inc.; 30Jun77; A876704.
A676705. The Marriage ring; a new tradition. Folder. Add. ti: Marriage ring pamphlet. Appl. au: D. C. Dickerson. Q D. C. Dickerson; 15Jun77; A876705.
A676706. De Haen Drugs in Prospect, cards 64-115. Appl. au: Paul De Haen. O Paul Oe Haen, Inc.; 17Jun77: A876706.
A676707. Saved by grace not by works of man. By Henry Hubert Norris. 16 p. H. H. Norris; 13Jun77; A876707.
A876708. Your child deserves the best. Folder. Appl. au: Helene Caspari 6 Saramary Goldstein. Q Beading Skill Builders, Inc.; 24Mar77; A876708.
A876709. How to reach two major markets; salesletter. Folder. Appl. au: Joseph 4. Samelsberger. Marshall Publications, Inc.; 1Jul77; 4876709.
4876750. Your new Social Security law report, including Medicare. Folder (15 p.) Appl. au: Joseph 4. Samelsberger. 4ppl. states copyright not claimed for charts 6 tables furnished by the Government. NM: revisions. Q Marshall Publications. Inc.; 1JU177; A876710.
A875711. Specimen veteran claim forms (filled in) Folder. Appl. au: Joseph A. Samelsberger. Appl. states no claim is made for VA forms. NM: additions. Marshall Publications, Inc.; 1Jul77: A876711.
A876712. Your new will and inheritance tax law report; last will & testament ed.: New York, New Jersey. Pennsylvania & Ohio. Folder. Appl. au: Joseph A. Samelsberger. NM: additions. Marshall Publications, Inc.; 1JU177; 4876712.
lout new will and inheritance tax law report; last will £ testament ed. Folder. Appl. au: Joseph A. Samelsberger. NM: last will & testament & summaries.
These entries alone may not reflect the complete Copyright Office records pertaining to a particular work. Contact the U.S. Copyright Office for information about any additional records that may exist.