A870940 - A870981
JUL-DEC. 1977
A870939 (con.) Trustees of Peosacola Janior College; 13Mav77: A870939.
A870940. Staff developnent: staff liberation. Edited by Charles B. Beegle 6 Boy i. Edelfelt. 119 p. e Association for Saperwision and curriculum DewelopiBent; 14Jun77; S8709«0.
A870941. Proceedings of the Conference on the Civil Engineer's Role in Productivity in the Construction Industry, August 23-21, 1976, Lincolnshire, Illinois. Vol. 1-2. e The American Society of Civil Engineers; 15aay77 (in notice on vol. 1: 1976. in notice on vol. 2: 1977); A87094 1..
A870942. Executive action series, no- 207. U8 p. ta Bureau of Business Practice, Inc.; 18Apr77: A8709t2.
A870943. TJie Financial ingredient in foodservice management; instructor's guide. 102 p. Add. ti: Instructor's guide for The Financial ingredient in foodservice management. 6 National Institute for the Foodservice Industry; 6llay77; A8709it3.
A870944. Adiust or self-destruct. By Craig Massey. 125 p. e Hoody Bible Institute of Chicago; 15llay77; i8709'm.
A870945. Instructor's manual to accompany The social forces in later life: an int- roduction to social gerontology, second edition. By Robert C. Atchley. H7 p. MB: general revision, updating 6 additions, e Badsnorth Publishing Company, Inc.; 18llar77; A8709«5.
A870946. Citizenship questions. By Wing-Cheung Leung. 35 p. Accompanied by sound recording; English 6 Chinese. Uing- Cheung Leung; 1Feb77; A87091I6.
A870947. Ho» to play Sed dog to nin. Folder (5 p.) Appl. au: Balph J. Oravec. e Ralph J. Oravec; 28Jun77; A8709it7.
A870948. Vultures also die. By James C. Luttrall. 128 p. e James C. Luttrall; 28Jun77: A8709118.
A870949. The Chicken and the egg, Pt. 1. 31 p. Appl. au; Lea Landmann. Some material prev. pub. in Countryside magazine. NH; compilation 6 additional text. © Countryside publications, Ltd.; 2Jun77; A870949.
A870950. Portland after dark. By Hichael Duane Haugen & Richard LeRoy Busch. 224 p. e H. B. Thumbs; 16Apr77; Ae70950.
A870951. Bibliography of Illinois library history. Compiled by Doris Cruger Dale. 187 p. (The Journal of library history bibliography, no. 14) C School of Library Science, Florida State University; 31Dec76: A87095r.
A870952. Subsidy publishing from cover to cover. 16 p. Appl. au: John J. Hart, e John J. Hart: 27Jun77; A870952.
A870953. Hon to get a iob in Hawaii. By Clothe The Naked. 37 p. Jerome J. Gschuind d.b.a. Clothe The Naked; 11Jun77: A870953.
A870954. Bennie and the wizard: color-it storybook. Book 1. By Dean Gardner, illustrated by Patti Hoffmann. 11 p. Appl. au: Roland's Graphic, Inc. e Roland's Graphic, Inc.; 12May77; A870954.
A870955. Taxation in South Africa: international tax and business service, Haskins and Sells. 91 p. Prev. copyrighted 1971 under the same title. NM: revision. 9 Haskins and Sells; 29Jun77; A870955.
A870956. What's it all about? 15 p. Appl. au: Virginia D. Schmidt 6 Glenda D. Stanfa. 9 The Greenhouse of Tender Grapes, Inc.; 28Jun77 (in notice: 1976); A870956.
A870957. The Gospel of Jesus Christ- 12 p. Appl. au: Virginia D. Schmidt, e The Greenhouse of Tender Grapes, Inc.; 28Jun77 (in notice: 1976); A870957.
A870958. Think water. By William P. Crawford. 119 p. e William p. Crawford; 28Jun77; A870958.
A870959. I almost feel thin. By Albert J. Stunkard. 177 p. Abridgment of The Pain of obesity, pub. 1976. NM: abridgment 6 additional text. Bull Publishing company; 15jun77; A870959.
A870960. Residential cost handbook; quarterly suppl., June 1977. Sheets. Appl. au: Frank C. Swift, e Marshall and Swift publication Company; 10Jun77; A870960.
A870961. Marshall valuation service, June 1977- Sheets. Appl. au: Frank c. Swift. e Marshall and Swift Publication Company; 1JUI177; A870961.
A870962. The "Insured" life-income plan for charitable giving. Folder. Appl. au: Robert L. Knight. 6 Deferred Giving Systems (abbreviation — D.G.S.); 17Jun77; A870962.
A870963. After a sexual assault: what should be done, what can be done. Issued by Sexual Assault Treatment Center of Greater Milwaukee, The Wisconsin Task Force on Sexual Assult 6 The Dane county project on Rape. 20 p. N»: additional text 6 directory, e Dane County Project on Rape; 12May77; A870963.
A870964. The Evergreen. Vol. 3. 73 p- e Greenhills School; 22Jun77; A87096a.
A870965. The Gooseneck tidings. By Nathan Anthony Ballbach. 98 p. e Northlands Press; 24Jun77; A870965.
A870966. Thoughts of a country doctor, an immigrant's son. By Andrew E. Mance. 1 v. Andrew E. nance; 23May77; A870966.
A870967. Isaac: the link in the chain. By chaim Stern. 188 p. Chaim Stern; 24Jun77; A870967.
A870968. After you've said good-bye: how to recover after ending a relationship. By Trudy Helmlinger. 273 p. Schenkman Publishing Company, Inc.; 15May77; AS70968-
A870969. High level Cobol programming. By Gerald M. Weinberg, Stephen E. Wright, Richard Kauffman 6 Martin A. Goetz. 252 p. © winthrop Publishers, Inc.; 16Feb77; A870969.
A870970. Introduction to political analysis. By David Ernest Apter. 558 p. O Winthrop Publishers, Inc.; 15Mar77; A870970.
A870971. The Logic of international relations- By Steven J. Rosen 6 Walter S. Jones, line illus. by George Ulrich. 2nd ed. 453 p. Q winthrop Publishers, Inc.; 15Jan77; A870971.
A870972. Ancient glass at the Newark Museum from the Eugene Schaefer collection of antiquities. By Susan H. Auth, pho- tography: Klaus Schnitzer. 235 p. 6 The Newark Museum; 31May77 (in notice: 1976); A870972.
A870973. Eddie's absolutely incredible birthday (and treasure hunt) By Marylinn Huse (Marylinn L. Kelly) , illus. by Chris Jenkyns. 1 v. e Marylinn Huse (Marylinn L. Kelly): 15Mar73; A870973.
A870974.. Keepsake crafts; a craft book showing how to display keepsakes, collectibles 6 antiques. By V. A. William. 202 p. e V. A. William; 1May77; A870974.
A870975. Brya genealogy: a genealogical history of the descendants of Francois Brya of Recouvrance, France. By Dale Francois Calder. 217 p. 6 Dale F. Calder; 29Dec76; A870975.
A870976. Fun with antique crafts. By Bill Poese. 325 p. e Bill Poese; 1May77: A870976.
A870977. Books on demand: subject guide, 84,000 selected books available as on-demand reprints. 786 p. 6 Xerox Corporation, Dniversity Microfilms International (in notice: Xerox Corporation); 3Jun77: A870977.
A870978. Thoreau's Halden: selections from his masterpiece and his Journal. By the editors of Country Beautiful Corporation, photography by Dorothy May Small. 206 p. NM: compilation of text 6 drawings plus additional color pictorial matter. O Country Beautiful Corporation; 28Hay77 (in notice: 1976); A870978.
A870979. Valenti Angelo: author, illustrator, printer. Introd. by Oscar Lewis. 97 p. 43 facsimiles prev. pub. in Salome 6 others. NM: introd. i9 The Book Club of California; 15Dec76; A870979.
A870980. Waco, Eddy, Mart, IX, and others telephone directory, July 1977. O Southwestern Bell Telephone Company; 28Jun77; A870980.
A870981. Cape Cod with Orleans area, MA, yellow pages, telephone directory, July 1977. e New England Telephone and Telegraph
Company; 28Jan77; A870981.
These entries alone may not reflect the complete Copyright Office records pertaining to a particular work. Contact the U.S. Copyright Office for information about any additional records that may exist.