A934927 - A934963
JUL-DEC. 1977
i93lt927. Public utilities reports (fourth series) idvance sheets, 20P0E1th. no. 1, Nov. H, 1977. Editor in chief: Neil H. Duffy. 1U6 p. Public Otilities Beports, Inc.; 41lo»77: A93U927.
»93lJ92e. Public utilities reports (fourth series) Advance sheets, 20P[IS4th, no. 2, Nov. 18, 1977. Editor in chief: Beil H. Duffy. p. 1117-264. Public Otilities Beports, Inc.: 13110T77; A934928.
i934929. Buaan neaorv: basic processes. Edited by Gordon Boner. 549 p. Prev. pub. in the 1967 £ other issues of The Psychology of learning and aotivation. NM: p. 1-5, 115-124. 191-197, 243-251, 297-308, 355-358 S 437-443. icade.ic Press, Inc.; 23Sep77; A934929.
A934930. Section of Family La« officers, council. coiDittees and aembers directory 1977-78. 85 p. Appl. au: American Bar Association. American Bar Association: 14Dec77: A934930.
A934931. Final report of the Special Committee to Survey Legal Needs. 50 p. Appl. au: American Bar Association. American Bar Association; 14Dec77; A934931.
A934932. Uorkbook to accompany Basic in theory and practice. Vol. 2. By Bruce Benvard. 224 p. ND: additional text, compilation e revision. O Hilliam c. Brown Company Publishers; 26Sep77; A934932.
A934933. Gulf stream 2 flight manual; supplement. FAA approved airplane flight manual supplement for Grumman model G-1159. 6 p. Grumman American Aviation corporation; 70ct77: A934933.
A934934. Doors (ATA 52) — inspection of main entrance door fitting P/M 159BB10220-1 or -3. 2 p. (Gulfstream 1 customer bulletin, no. 298, amendment 1. Dec. 2, 1977) Grumman American Aviation Corporation; 2Dec77; A934934.
A934935. Doors (ATA 52) — inspection of main entrance door fitting P/H 159BH10220-1 or -3. 2 p. (Gulfstream 2 customer bulletin, no. 246, amendment 1, Dec. 2, 1977) Grumman American Aviation Corporation; 2Dec77; A934935.
A934936. Cruise control manual for Grummao Gulfstream 2. Bevision 3. Aug. 19. 1977. 1 V. NB: revisions S additions. Grumman American Aviation Corporation; 19Aaq77: A934936.
A934937. Gulfstream 2 flight manual: log of revisions to flight manual of 1 April 1969. Sheets. Add. ti: Fevision 19 to the Gulfstream 2 flight manual. KB: revisions C additions. O Grumman American Aviation Corporation; 70ct77; A934937.
A934938. Cruise control manual for increased range Gulfstream 2. Sheets. O Grumman American Aviation Corporation; 15Nov77; A934938.
A934939. Gulfstream 2 flight manual: log of revisions to flight manual of 1 April 1969. Sheets. Add. ti: Bevision 18 to the Gulfstream 2 flight manual. NB: revisions & additions. d Grumman American Aviation Corporation; 28Jun77; A934939.
A934940. Great waves breaking; workbook. Level 17. By Bernard J. Ueiss, Peter S. Bosenbaum, Ann B. Shaw & Billicent J. lolbert. 144 p. Bolt, Binehart and Binston, Publishers; 150ct77; A934940.
A934941. Graduate programs in physics, astronomy and related fields, 1977-78. Editor: Ernestine Franco. 515 p. American Institute of Physics; 22Dec77; A934941.
A934942. Coal: new markets/new prices; rami- fications of the Federal coal conversion program. By Bonald F. Ayers. 70 p. Appl. au: HcGraw-Hill, Inc. Appl. states copyright not claimed on any material taken from O.S. Govt, sources. flcGraw-Hill, Inc,; 1Dec77; A934942.
A934943. The New York times index. Vol. 65. no. 19, Oct. 1-15, 1977. 99 p. The New lork Times Company: 50ec77; A934943.
A934944. Bonetary policy and money supply, December 23, 1977: month ending November 1977. 1 V. Appl. au: Bobert P. Sanna 6 Balvin B. Boesch. O Quantitative Analysis Service; 23Dec77; A934944.
A934945. The New insider's Pans. 191 p. Add. ti; The New insider's guide to Paris. Appl. au; Simplified Travel, Ltd. b Simplified Travel, Inc. on text, revisions, editing £ compilation; Simplified Travel, Ltd.; 25aar75: A934945.
A934946. Discussion guide for The Doctor Seuss read along library. Set 2. Developed £ written by Janet Serlin Garber. 23 p. Appl. au; Bandoffl Bouse, Inc.. employer for hire. Random House, Inc.; 27Bay77; A934946.
A934947. Discussion guide for Paperback read along library. Piuwheel books, sets 2. By Developed fi written by Janet Serlin Garber. 23 p. Appl. au: Bandom Bouse, Inc., employer for hire. O Bandom House, Inc.; 27Bay77; A934947.
A934948. Discussion guide for Paperback read along library. pictureback books, set 2. Developed £ written by Janet Serlin Garber. 23 p. Appl. au: Bandom House, Inc., employer for hire. O Bandom House, Inc.; 24aay77; A934948.
A934949. Discussion guide for The Berenstain bears read along library. Set 2. Developed fi written by Janet Serlin Garber. 23 p. Appl. au: Bandom House, Inc., employer for hire. Bandom House, Inc.; 27Bay77; A934949.
A934950. Things; learning through graphics, a creative coloring book. Illustrated by Bob Blansky. 1 v. e Belwin-Bills Publishing Corporation: 25Bay77; A934950.
A934951. This is my country: learning through graphics, creative coloring book. Illustrated by Bob Blansky. 1 v. O Belwin-Hills Publishing Corporation; 25aay77; A934951.
A934952. Digital computer circuits and concepts; instructor's manual. By Bill Deem, Kenneth Buchow £ Anthony Zeppa. 2nd ed. 32 p. e Eeston Publishing Company, Inc.; 4Apr77; A934952.
A934953. Son et sens; answer key, supplementary workbook fi tape manual with teacher's tapescript. By Albert Valdman, Guy BacBillin. Barcei LaVergne, Boland Cote, Louis Chatagnier C Simon Belasco. 63 p. Appl. au; Scott, Foresman and Company. NB: 50« new text. O Scott, Foresman and Company; 280ct77; A934953.
A934954. Son et sens overhead transparencies. Transparencies in box. NH: 90t new art. e Scott, Foresman and Company; 30Nov77; A934954.
A934955. Design professional product bulletin directory, November 1977. Directory editor: Bary Harrod. 114 p. Add. ti: Consulting engineer product bulletin directory. Appl. au: Technical Publishing Company. Technical Publishing Company; 25NOV77; A934955.
A934956. Tennis grand slam, iriter: Dennis Shipman. 1 p. Add. ti: Tenuis player. Accompanied by print, reg. KK251888. Appl. states claim does not extend to photographic authorship. O Dennis Shipman; 7Jul77; A934956.
A934957. Better than aspirin: how to get rid of emotions that give you a pain in the neck. By Herrill Harmia. 95 p. Argus Communications, division of DLB. Inc. (in notice: Argus Communications); 27Sep76; A934957.
A934958. Not I, not I. but the wind that blows through me: about the life of God in the life of men. By Peter De Bosa. 150 p. Appl. au: DLB, Inc. d.b. a. Argus Communications. Originally pub. 1975 in the Onited Kingdom under the ti. Come Holy Spirit. NB: editorial revision, compilation £ photography. Peter De Bosa; 16JU175; A934958.
A934959. A Book of yes. By Janet Petersen, art by Janet Petersen. 93 p. O Argus Communications, division of DLB. Inc. (in notice; Argus communications); 30Sep76; A934959.
A934' 60. Nhy be lonely? By Edward E. Ford £ Bobert L. Zorn. 165 p. 6 Argus Communications, division of DLB. Inc. (in notice: Argus Communications) ; 200ct75; A934960.
A934961. If you really knew me, would you still like me? By Eugene Kennedy, cover design £ book illus. by Gene Tarpcy. 118 p. Argus Communications, division of DLB. Inc. (in notice: Argus Communications) ; 31Dec75; A934961.
A934962. Cloud cuckoo land; the impossible dream. By Peter De Bosa. cover £ book illus. by Dave Povilaitis. 54 p. Appl. au: Argus Communications (division of DLB, Inc.) 6 Argus Communications, division of DLB, Inc. (in notice: Argus Communications) ; 80ct75; A934962.
A934963. Caring, feeling, touching. By Sidney B.
Simon. 101 p. Appl. au; Argus Com-
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