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A876629 - 4876670


JUL-DEC. 1977

i876629. SaphiDe, VA. July 1977. Continental Telephone of Vlrqinla: 2<tJun77; 1876629.

4876630. Okolona, Bidqe»ille Corners. OH, includinq listings for Evansport and others, telephone directory, 1977-1978. O Paroers Mutual Telephone COBpany; 1Jal77; 4876630.

4876631. Souris Biyer, ND, telephone directory, July 1977. C Souris Biyer Telephone Hutual 4id Corporation: SJul77; 4876631.

4876632. Bendersou, NV, including alphabetical listings for Las Veqas, North Las Vegas and others, July 1977. Continental Telephone of Neyada; 24Jun77: 1876632.

4876633. Beach Lake. Galilee, F4, NarcoHsbucq, MY and others, July 1977. Add. ti: tiarrousburq. liy, July 1977. 6 Quaker State Telephone Coopany & Nestern Counties Telephone Corporation; 30Jun77; A876633.

Aa7663li. Uestern Nevada, includinq portions of Alpine G Bono Counties. CA, July 1977. Continental Telephone of Nevada; 30Jun77; A87b63a.

A876635. SiBpsonville, includinq listings for Fountain Inn. Greenville, Nauldiu, SC, July 1977. C Continental Telephone Company of South Carolina: 1Jul77: A876635.

A876636. Had special number 23. Editor: Albert B. feldstein, associate editors: Jerry De Fuccio e Nick Meqlin, art director: John PutnaB. 79 p. Appl. au: E. C. Pub- lications, Inc. NH: coBpilation, revisions & additions. E. C. Pub- lications, Inc.; 19JU177; A876636.

A8 76637. The nindspa, "steppinq stone to the future." 28 p. Appl. au: Hilliaa K. Carter. 6 Nilliaa K. Carter: 1Jul77: A876637.

A876638. Auto fliqht (4T4 22) central air data coBputer and servoed altiaeter checkout procedures. Customer bulletin no. 236, July 11, 1977. 5 p. C GruBBan Aaerican Aviation Corporation: 11Jul77; A876638.

A876639. Engine (ATA 72) enqine flaae out. Alert custoaer bulletin no. IS, July 13, 1976. 3 p. O GruBBan American Aviation Corporation; 13Jul77; A876639.

A8766U0. Fliqht spoiler actuator filters (ATA nUBber 27) BOdification of existing union. Aircraft service chanqe no. 272, July 13. 1977. 6 p. GruBDan American Aviation corporation; 13Jul77: A8766U0.

A8766II1. Flight controls (ATA number 27) noraalized angle of attack indication- -installation of. 4ircraft service change no. 185, July 11, 1977. Sheets (79 p.) C Grumman 4merican Aviation Corporation: 11JU177; A876641.

A8766U2. Pace-maker learninq system. By iynema ncPherron- 100 p. Hyneaa flcPherron; 1JU177: 4876642.

4876643. Cornell Oniversity — unionization of staff meabers of rehabilitation facilities and workshops: practical, legal, aanagerlal, and policy issues. By Leonard Greenhalgh. 133 p. Leonard Greenhalgh; 13JU177; 4876643.

4876644. Not your ordinary purse snatch: screen treataent. 4 p. 4ppl. au: Bobert Beecher. O Bobert Beecher; 6Jul77; 4876644.

A876645. Considering the forensic client: current issues in the handling of disordered or violent offenders. Prepared by Osa D. Coffey 6 Carol S. Lessans. 58 p. C The Aaerican Correctional Association: 1llar77; A876645.

A876646. Proposed research design for the evaluation of the Haryland Comaunity Correctional System. By Francis J. Carney, edited & Hith an introd. by Osa D. Coffey. 53 p. 6 The American Correc- tional Association; 1Jun77; A876646.

A876647. Electrical trade book weekly news bulletin. EIB issue no. 77-26, June 29, 1977. Sheets. C E.I.B. Company a.a.d.o. Trade Service Publications. Inc.. 29Jun77; A876647.

A876648. Electrical trade book weekly news bulletin. ETB issue no. 77-25, June 22, 1977. Sheets. O E.T.B. Coapany a.a.d.o. Trade Service Publications, Inc.: 22Jun77: 4876648.

A876649. Electrical trade book weekly news bulletia. ETB issue no. 77-24, June 15, 1977. Sheets. C E.T.B. Coapany a.a.d.o. Trade Service Publications, Inc.; 15Jun77; A876649.

A876650. Electrical trade book weekly news bulletin. ETB issue no. 77-23, June 8. 1977. sheets. E.I.B. Company a.a.d.o. Trade Service Publications. Inc.; 8Jun77; A876650.

A876651, Electrical trade book weekly news bulletin. EIB issue no. 77-22. June 1, 1977. Sheets. E.T.B. Company a.a.d.o. Trade Service Publications, Inc.; 1Jun77; A876651.

A876652. Electrical trade book weekly news bulletin. ETB issue no. 77-21, Hay 25, 1977. Sheets. (S E.T.B. Coapany a.a.d.o. Trade Service Publications. Inc.; 25Bay77: 4876652.

A876653. Electrical trade book weekly news bulletin. ETB issue no. 77-20, Day 18, 1977. Sheets. O E.T.B. Coapany a.a.d.o. Trade Service Publications. Inc.; 18Bay77; Ae76653.

A876654. Electrical trade book weekly news bulletin. ETB issue no. 77-19, Hay 11, 1977. Sheets. E.T.B. Coapany a.a.d.o. Trade Service Publications, Inc. ; 1111ay77; A876654.

A876655. Legal representation and financial indeanif Ication for state employees: a study. By Bichard Crane C Ginger Boberts. 12 p. O American Correctional Asso- ciation; 28Feb77; 4876655.

4876656. Boue BC-9A bill and coin changer; sequence of operation training guide. 10

A876657. Blackhawk Films: world's greatest selection of things to show. Bulletin 289, Aug. -Sept. 1977. 88 p. O Blackhawk Films, Inc.; 8Jui77; A876657.

A876658. uhy should you meaorize sales talks? 28 p. Appl. au: Barbara J. Sealey. O Barbara J. Sealey; 18Jul77; A8766S8.

A876659. Catalog of new wheels. Foru no. HH-540, July 1977. 6 p. O National Nheel and Bin Association; 19Jul77; A876659.

Aa76660. The Language of clothes. Author: Judy Bruabaugh. 75 p. (Fashion merchandising, lesson i) Appl. au: Southeastern Academy. O Southeastern 4cademy, Inc. ; 19Jul77; 4876660.

4876661. IEEE 1977 Annual Textile Industry Technical conference, catalog no. 77 CH 1196-51A. 1 V. Conference held in Charlotte, NC, Hay 5-6, 1977. O The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. Inc.; 5Hay77; A876661.

A876662. 19 76 IEEE HIT-S International Hicrowave Symposium digest of technical papers; the Bicentennial Symposium, cherry Hill, NJ, June 14-16, 1976. IEEE catalog no. 76CH1087-6HTT. Editor: Nikolai Eberhardt. 376 p. Appl. au: The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc. e The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. Inc.; 14Jun76; A876662.

A876663. Product catalog. 20 p. O Forrest HouDtaineering. Ltd.; 8Jul77: A876663.

A876664. Skier's prayer hail. Skier's song of songs. iPoster. Appl. au: yona Knispel. pseud.: Yona Deveron. Yona Knispel. whose pseud, is Yona Deveron; 13Jul77; AS76664.

A876665. Piatt Saco Lowell Product report 1. 20 p. O Piatt Saco Lowell Corporation; 7Jun77; A876665.

A876666. Piatt Saco Lowell Hill report 3. 20 p. O Piatt Saco Lowell Corporation; 1-3Jun77; A876666.

A876667. The iinds of Zarr. By Bichard L. Tierney, interior art by Bandall Spurgin, cover art by Stephen E. Fabian. 77 p. Bichard L. Tierney; 200ct75; A876667.

AB7666e. Frank Lloyd aright: decorative arts. Vol. 1. 44 p. Appl. au; The Frank Lloyd Hright Foundation, employer for hire. O The Frank Lloyd Hright Foundation; 9Jun77; A876668.

A876669. The Green Bay Packers 1977 yearbook. Vol. 18. 64 p. Appl. au: Arthur Daley a.k.a. Art Daley e John «. Yuenger a.k.a. Jack Yuenger. O John U. Yuenger a.k.a. Jack Yuenger t Arthur Daley a.k.a. 4rt Daley; 15JU177; 4876659.

4876670. Pennsylvania profiles. By Patrick H. Beynolds. 1 v. C Patrick H. Beynolds;

4JU177; 4876670.


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