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JUL-DEC. 1977

A931t539. Homen's household Christoas book, 1977. Editor: Nena Cadv> 61 p. Appl. au: Tower Press. Inc. O Toner Press, Inc. : 1Nov77; A93I1539.

A93i45aO. Anerican ships quilt patterns. Editor: Kemis C. Bodqers, associate editor: Edward Kutlovski. 55 p. Appl. au: Tower Press, Inc. O Tower Press, Inc.; 1Dec77; A93«5lta.

A93II5U1. Precious Pretty and her playnates. Created by B. Lane Herron. 22 p. Appl. au: Tower Press, Inc. Tower Press, Inc.: 9No»77: A93<l5al.

A93tSl42. One complete nOn-lawyers will kit; with instructions & sample foras. Kit no. 05. 13 p. £ sheets in envelope. NB: additions 6 revisions. 6 Alpha Enterprises/division of Alpha Publications, Ltd. (in notice: Alpha Enterprises) ; 50ct77 (in notice; 1976): A93II5H2.

A93i<5«3. U S 3. 1 v. Add. ti: Onified science 3. Appl. au: David Cecil Espy Hillians, iilliai J. Zuelke S Del Sidney Hesteqard. David c. E. Rilliais, Del S. Nesteqard, yilllaa J. Zuelke e Eobert S. Coyne (in notice: Dave C. E. Hilliams, Del S. Nesteqard, iillias J. Zuelke G Robert G. Coyne) ; 6Sep77: A9345I13.

A93U5<1». S 2. 1 V. Add. ti: Dnified science 2. Appl. e(u: David Cecil Espy Rilliaas, Uilliai J. Zuelke C Del Sidney Nesteqard. O David C. E. Rilliaas, Del S. Nesteqard, Hilliaa J. Zuelke £ Robert G. Coyne (in notice: Dave C. E. Willians, Del S. Nesteqard, Billiaa J. Zuelke £ Bobert G. Coyne) ; 6Sep77; A93ll5lllt.

A9345115. Focus on the bank director: the iob. 121 p. O American Bankers Association; 17Jun77; A93i(5it5.

A93IISII6. Diqest of bank insurance. 3rd ed. Sheets. American Bankers Association; lBAuq7V; A93l*51t6.

A93a5t7. chairinq the ABA committee. 12 p. American Bankers Association; 2Auq77; A93U5117.

A93U5H8. For ABA staff: workinq with committees. 12 p. O American Bankers Association: 2Auq77: A931t5a8.

A93ll51(9. The Bankers quide to security training. 32 p. A section from the ABA bank protection manual. O American Bankers Association: 9Sep77: A93U549.

A93U550. Pull service banks — servinq the community's total needs. 9 p. (Speech service) American Bankers Association; 19NOV77; A9311550.

A93it551. Interest bearioq transaction accounts; a financial analysis quide for estimatinq the impact on individual bank earninqs. 1 V. American Bankers Association; 29JU177; A93«551.

A93a552. Principles of bank operations: midterm A. 1 V. Q American Bankers Association £ American Institute of Bankinq; 13Sep77; A93lt5b2.

A93lt553. Principles of bank operations: midterm B. 1 V. O American Bankers Association £ American Institute of Banking: 13Sep77: A9311553.

A934554. Principles of bank operations: final B. 1 V. American Bankers Association £ American Institute of Baakinq; 13Sep77; A93it55U.

A93I1555. Interviewing and coachinq/counselinq; text/workbook. Prepared by Lawrence- Leitel and Company. 113 p. (Hanaqement skills for bankers) Appl. au: American Bankers Association. Q American Bankers Association; 3Auq77; A93it555.

A934557. Test battery for entry level positions in bankinq; technical report. Developed by Ash, Blackstone and Cates, in conjunction with the Bank Personnel Division. 182 p- Appl. au: American Bankers Association. Q American Bankers Association; 13Sep77; i93t557.

A934558. Instalment credit correspondence student handbook. 174 p. American Bankers Association £ American Institute of Bankinq; 18Apr77; A934558.

A934559. Bank strategic planning; a quide for organizing and managing the process. 28 p. Aaerican Bankers Association; 1SApr77; A934559.

A934560. Negotiable instruments and the payments mechanism; practical exercises. Sheets (156 p.) O American Bankers Association £ Aaerican Institute of Banking; 13Jul77; A934560.

A934561. Real estate finance; practical exercises. Sheets (172 p.) C American Bankers Association £ American Institute of Banking; 25llay77; A93II561.

A934562. Focus on the bank director; seminar. 5 V. £ sheets. O American Bankers Association; 30ct77; A934562.

A934563. Time aanagement; text/workbook. Prepared by Didactic Systems, Inc.. 52 p. (Hanaqement skills for bankers) Appl. au: American Bankers Association. American Bankers Association; 3Aug77; A934563.

A93456U. Auerbach corporate EDP library, September 1977. 2 folders 6 sheets. O Auerbach Publishers, Inc.; 8Sep77; A934564.

A934565. Auerbach corporate EDP library, October 1977. 24 p., 2 folders £ sheets. Auerbach Publishers, Inc.; 50ct77; A934565.

A934566. Auerbach corporate EDP library C600, July 1977. 45 p. , 2 folders £ sheets, e Auerbach Publishers, Inc.; 11Jul77; A934566.

A934567. Studies in automatic proqramminq logic. By Zohar Hanna £ Richard Ualdinqec, with contributions by Shmuel Katz £ Karl Levitt. 192 p. (Artificial intelligence series) NS: additional text £ revision. e Elsevier North- Holland. Inc.; 12Dec77; A934567.

A934568. Battle be quiet. Hattie be good. By Dick Gackenbach. 32 p. O Dick Gac- kenbach; 25AU977; A934568.

A934569. Switching and linear power supply, power converter desiqn. By Abraham I. Pressaan. 372 p. 6 Hayden Book Company. Inc. ; 22NOV77; A934569.

A934570. Black girl: from genesis to revelations; with an introd. By J. E. Franklin. 136 p. NM: autobiographical section, p. 3-62. J. E. Franklin; 29Nov77; A934570.

A934571. Africa and the Afro-American experience; eight essays. Edited by Lorraine A. ailliaas. 205 p. NH: pref. £ compi- lation. Howard Oniversity. Department of History; 29Bov77; A934571.

A934572. American law reports ALR 3d cases and annotations. Vol. 81. nanaqing editor: Charles C. Harvel £ other editors. 1309 p. Appl. au: The Lawyers Co-operative Publishing Company £ Bancrof t-Hhitney Company. Appl. states copyright not claimed in any material secured from official O.S. Govt, sources or text of cases. on briefs of counsel, anno- tations, tables £ all other editorial information material; The Lawyers Co-operative Publishing Company £ Bancrof t-ahitney Company; 19Dec77; A934572.

A934573. The New television: a public/private art. Edited by Douglas Davis £ Allison Simnons. 289 p. Essays, statements £ videotapes based on Open Circuits: An International Conference on the Future of Television, held at the Huseum of Hodern Art in New york City in January 1974. NH: compilation of essays. Electronic Arts Interaix. Inc.; 8Apr77; A934573.

A934574. Arizona ambush. By Don Pendleton. 176 p. (The Executioner, no. 31) Don Pendleton; 15Dec77; A934574.

A934575. Meet Guguze. By Spiridon Vangheli, translated by Miriam Morton, illustrated by Trina Schart Hyaan. 1 v. O on translation of text; Miriam Morton; 15Sep77; A934575.

A934576. Beet Guguze. By Spiridon Vangheli. translated by Miriam Morton, illustrated by Trina Schart Hyman. 1 v. O on illus. ; Trina Schart Hyman; 15Sep77; A934576.

A934577. Library of Congress catalog, books: subjects; a cumulative list of works represented by Library of Congress printed cards. Vol. 56-90, 1970-1974. Appl. au: Bowman and Littlefield. Littlefield. Adams and Company; 9Nov77 (in notice: 1976); A934577.

A934578. fieggie Babbit's coloring book. No. 2843. 1 V. Add. ti: Reggie Babbit coloring book. Appl. au; Leon Jason. James and Jonathan. Inc. ; 15Apr67; A934578.

A934579. Buzzy and Fuzzy cartoon characters; coloring book, no. 3947. 1 v. Appl. au: Leon Jason. O James and Jonathan. Inc. ; 15Apr71; A934579.


Officer Bop and Bee Bee; coloring book.


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