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JUL-DEC. 1977

»93iti456 (con.) psycbopathologr to feaale sexual dysfuQCtioD. By Hilary Brady Goldstine. Hiccofila. C Hilary Brady Soldstlne; 1Dec77; »93l|l)56.

A93«it57. Purification and characterization of huaan thynidylate synthetase. By Bruce Jeffrey Dolnick. MicrofilB- Bruce Jeffrey Dolnick: 1Dec77; A93«i(57.

49341458. One-parent faailies: a study of divorced mothers and adolescents using social clinate and relationship styles. By Gail Eleanor Beinhart. aicrofili. O Sail Eleanor Beinhart: 1Dec77: A93Uit58.

49311*59. The Belationship between self-concept and achievenent in reading of pupils in the third, fourth, fifth, and sixth grades of the self-contained and depart aentalized classrooms. By Marguerite Porter- He nitt. Microfilm, Marguerite Porter-Hewitt; 1Dec77: A93ltll59.

A93<llt60. Racial attitude formation in children of mixed black and white heritage: skin color and racial identity. By Buth Braun Payne. Microfilm. Buth Braun Payne; 1Dec77: A934lt60.

A93l44ei. A Descriptive study of the personality, attitudes, and overseas experience of Seventh-Day Adventist college students who served as short-term volunteer missio- naries. By Donna Jeanne Lugenbeal Habenicht. Microfilm. Oonna Jeanne lugenbeal Habenicht; 1Dec77; 493ilit61.

A934lt62. The Politics of community mental health: citizen participation in local mental health programs. By Thomas Joseph Mccord. Microfilm. Thomas Joseph BcCord; 1Dcc77: A93aU62.

A9341I63. The Shadow and healing: an analysis of current relationships between madman and helping professional from an historical perspective. By Isabelle Anderson Bieneufeld. Microfilm. Isabelle Anderson Bienenfeld; lDec77: A934463.

1934464. The Effects of assertion training and bibliotherapy with married women. By Anita Louise Phiuney. Microfilm. O Anita Louise Phinney: 1Dec77; A934464.

A934465. A Comparison of interests and cha- racteristics of media professionals and other professional groups. By Soger Ervin Crooks. Microfilm. O Boger Ervin Crooks; 1Dec77: A934465.

A9344e6. The Effects of physical conditioning on locus of control, body image, and interpersonal relationship orientation of university males and females. By Joe Mac Jeffers. Microfilm. Joe Mac Jeffecs; 1Dec77; A934466.

A934467. The Tragic dimensions of modern black drama. By Frances Jeanette Gregory Harris. Microfilm. Frances Jeanette Gregory Harris; 1Dec77; A934467.

A93446e. The Teaching of high school reading, 1918-1972: obiectives as stated in periodical literature. By Shirley Ann Pulton. Microfilm. Shirley Ann Fulton: 1Dec77: A934468.

A934469. Theoretical and practical differences between individual and family therapy. By Justine Biskind. Microfilm. Justine Biskind; 1Dec77; A934469.

A934470. , Joint custody families: a case study j(^ approach.p»Yf«p4ilBltrEarbanel. V HicrofrlJ^/^t lUaaUitLMacbanel; i)' 1Dec77; 'IW34470.

A934471. Characterization of alpha-mannosidase in inbred mice; two genes that determine the extent of sialylation of lysosomal alpha-mannosidase in mouse liver. By Hark Dizik. Microfilm. Appl. states all new except prev. pub. sections of introd. , sections of Materials and methods & entire chap. 2. Mark Dizik; 1Dec77: A934471.

A934472. nodes of consciousness in James Joyce's Olysses. By John Paul fiiquelme. Microfilm. John Paul Biquelme; 1Dec77; A934472.

A934473. Analysis and descriptive follow-up study of the graduates of a time shortened baccalaureate degree program in New York State. By Jane Eleanor Becker. Microfilm. © Jane Eleanor Becker; 1Dec77; A934473.

A934474. Personal adjustment and perceived locus of control in three groups of professional women. By Virginia a. O'Beilly. Microfilm. C Virginia M. O'Reilly; 1Dec77; A934474.

A934475. Innovation diffusion as manifested in two eras of Montessori education in America. By Kathryne Frances Sampeck. Microfilm. 6 Kathryne Frances Sampeck; 1Dec77; A934475.

A934476. Hhen it comes: the sense of time in Paradise lost. By Arthur Bussell Steinke. Microfilm. Arthur Bussell Steinke; 1Dec77; A934476.

A934477. Development of a scale measuring the functioning of the will. By James D. Livingston, Jr. Microfilm. O James D. Livingston, Jr.; 1Dec77; A934477.

A934478. Intellectuals, religion, and politics in a divided society: Malaysia. By Daniel Began. Microfilm. e Daniel Began; 1Dec77; A934478.

A934479. Controllability and behavioral compliance with the counselors* recom- mendations: effects of time perspective and self-esteem on weight loss. By John Haskell Biskind. Microfilm. John Haskell Biskind; 1Dec77; A934479.

A934480. Strategies for Seventh-Day Adventist theological education in the South Pacific Islands. By Alexander Shand Currie. Microfilm. O Alexander Shand Currie; 1Dec77: A934480.

A934481. The Effects of value therapy on the value rankings, attitudes, and behavior of selected alcoholics. By Joy Hafner Bailey. Microfilm. Joy Hafner Bailey; 1Dec77; A934481.

A934482. Behavior modificatio yographic biofeedback drugs for the treatment of hyperkinesis i children. By Craig Lee Moore. Microfilm Craig Lee Moore; 1Dec77; A934482.

A934483. Structures of psychological problem solving in Coleridge's major poetry. By Joan Judith Finkelstein Hyde. Microfilm. Joan Judith Finkelstein Hyde; 1Dec77; A934483.

A934434. Barriers to entry, monopoly returns and the market for physicians' services. By Stephen Thomas Mennemeyer. Microfilm. O Stephen Thomas Mennemeyer; 1Dec77; A9344e4.

4934485. The Dse of conditioned autonomic responses to assess idiosyncratic evaluations of personally relevant situations. By Eugene George Pekarik. Microfilm. Eugene George Pekarik; 1Dec77; A934485.

4934486. The Influence of white counselor dogmatism in counseling black clients who present differing problem situations. By Vinson Alfred Brannon. Microfilm. O Vinson Alfred Brannon; 1Dec77; A934486.

A934487, The Visual anomalies of myopia and hyperopia related to psychological factors. By Robert Brandt. Microfilm. Robert Brandt; 1Dec77; A934487.

4934488. The Development of an automobile ownership choice model based on acces- sibility, opportunity, consumption and work trip time advantage. By Saibu Adebayo Makanjuola. Microfilm, e Saibu 4debayo Makanjuola; 1Dec77; 4934488,

A934489. The Chromosomal integration of ribosomal genes in Drosophila melanogaster. By Christine I. Zuchowskl. Microfilm. Christine I. Zuchowskl; 1Dec77; A934489.

A934490. The Gothic novel: an exercise in genre definition. By Ellen yvette Gould. Microfilm. Ellen Yvette Gould; 1Dec77; A934490.

A934491. Max Ophuls and the cinema of desire: style and spectacle in four films, 1948-1955. By Alan Larson Billiams. Microfilm. Appl. states all new except prev. pub. materials, p. 93-103. 6 Alan Larson uilliams; 1Dec77; A934491.

A934492. Causes of failure to learn to write: exploratory case studies at grade seven, grade ten, and college level. By Elizabeth Ann Metzger. Microfilm. e Elizabeth Ann Metzger; 1Dec77; A934492.

A934493. Oas Starke Verb bei Lohensteln: ein Beltrag zum Studlum des fruehneuhoc- hdeutschen Verbes. By Lars Johan Evald Ballander, Microfilm, yale Onlversity Library; 6Jal77; 4934493.

A934494. The Geology and mineral resources of the Port au Port area, Newfoundland. By John lentworth Sullivan. Microfilm. O Yale Oniverslty Library; 6Jul77; 4934494.

4934495. A Comparative study of the rhythmic

nature and development of the Alexandrine


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