JUL-DEC. 1977
A93I1292. The chicaDO adolDistra toe in colleges aad universities of the Southuest. By Antonio A. E^quibel. aicrofila. Antonio A. Esquibel; lDec77; »93i»292.
A93U293. The Deselopment of the Soniet law on inventions, 1919-1959. Bv John Andrew Martens. Hicrofilm. © John Andrew Bartens; 1Dec77; A93U293.
A93'129i4. The Portrait of Aserican Indians in children's fictional literature. By Juanita Opal Cata. HicrofilB. Juanita Opal Cata: 1Dec77: A93«29U.
A93I1295. HeroBorphic function fields of non-conpact Cn/f non-printable data) By George Joseph Pothering. Hicrofila. Georqe Joseph Pothering; lDec77; A931t295.
A934 296. A Civil War legacy: Californians in Mew Hexico. By Darlis Ann Hiller. flicrofila. Darlis ADO Hiller; 1Dec77: A934296.
A934297. The confidence-fflan: Helville's problem of faith. By Thoaas Vauqban Quirk. HicrofilB. C Thofflas Vauqhao Quirk; 1Dec77: A93lt297.
49311298. Models for photoperiodisa froB circadian rhythms. By Jaaes Allen Hatrous. HicrofilB. e Jaaes Allen iatrous; 1Dec77; A9311298.
A93I4299. A HQltivariate study of the faBily Holossidae (Haaaalia: chiroptera) : aorphology. ecology, evolution. By Patricia Haring Freeaan. Hicrofila. Patricia Narinq Freeaan; 1Dec77; A93lt299.
A93lt300. A Critical edition of El Libro de Alexandre. By Hadelaine Aerni Byland. Hicrofila. Hadelaine Aerni Byland; 1Dec77; A934300.
A93lt301. The Draaatic art of Juan Perez De Hontalban. By Gary Vallace Parker. Hicrofila. Gary Hallace Parker: 1Dec77: A934301.
A93lt302. Feainism and the later heroines of Georqe Eliot. By Carole Zonis Yee. Hicrofila. Carole Zonis Tee; 1Dec77: A931(302.
A934303. Petroqenesis of late Tertiary potassic volcanic rocks in the Sierra Nevada and western Great Basin. By Gerald Frederick Brea. HicrofilB. Gerald Frederick Brea; 1Dec77: A934303.
A934304. The Influence of Ausias Harch on Castilian Golden Age poetry. By Kathleen Eustelle HcNerney. Hicrofila. © Kathleen Eustelle HcNerney; 1Dec77; A93it30<t.
A934305. Geochemistry of the Prairie Creek, Arkansas and Elliott County, Kentucky intrusions. By Stephen L. Bolivar. Hicrofila. C Stephen L. Bolivar; 1Dec77; A934305.
A934306. Theory in'Pidelino De Figueiredo's literary criticisa and literary history: his place in the theoretical continuum. Bv Terrance Joseph Hurphy. Hicrofilm. nee Joseph Hurphy: 1Dec77;
A934307. PoliticalizatioD of iaaigrant woaen froa Puerto Rico and the Doainican fiepublic. By Isa Haria Infante. Hicrofila. O Isa Haria Infante; 1Dec77; A934307.
4934308. Doctor Charles Alexander Eastaan (Ohiyesa) Santee Sioux. By Bayaond Hilson. Hicrofila. Bayaond Silson; 1Dec77; A934308.
A934309. The Female athlete: a study to distinguish androgynous sex role, locus of control, and perceived parenting- By Lenora Eaily Campbell. Hicrofila. Lenora Emily Campbell; 1Dec77; A934309.
A934310. An Experimental study of micromolar speed-building instruction and anxiety- directed treatment to determine the effects on dictation errors in Gregg shorthand. By Jeaa Arlone Berch. Hicrofila. O Jean Arlooe Berch; 1Dec77: 4934310.
A934311. Priaal theory, neurophysiology, and a clinical synthesis of bioaetric, diary, and videotaped data on priaal psychot- herapeutic process. By Thomas Lee Nicholson. Hicrofila. O Thoaas Lee Nicholson: 1Dec77; A934311.
A934312. The Hodest seduction: the experience of pioneer women on the trans-Hississippi frontier. By Konald Joseph Quinn. Hicrofilm. © Bonald Joseph Quinn; lDec77: A934312.
4934313. Heat flow in a geothermally active area: The Geysers, California. By Iain HacDonald Jaaieson. Hicrofila. O Iain HacDonald Jaaieson; 1Dec77: A934313.
4934314. The Bole of the faaily in the works of the Harquis De Sade. By Russell Eugene Harshall. Hicrofrla. Russell Eugene Harshall; 1Dec77; 4934314.
A934315. The Isomorphisms of projective unitary congruence groups over noncomautative doaains. By Coluacille David Callan. Hicrofilm. © Coluacille David Callan; 1Dec77; 4934315.
4934316. 4n Evaluation of faculty support prograas at three research universities. By John Charles Heeker. Hicrofila. John Charles Heeker; 1Dec77: A934316.
A934317. Coapiling techniques for associative processors. By Frederic Jean-Francois Richard. Hicrofila. O Frederic Jean-Francois Richard; 1Dec77: A934317.
A934318. Aniaation rurale: education for rural developaent. By Jeanne Harie Houlton. Hicrofila. O Jeanne Harie Houlton; 1Dec77; A934318.
4934319. The iiqnificaace and purpose of faaily organization in faailies whose children have inflaaaatory bowel disease. By Edward Georqe Corrigan. Hicrofila. O Edward George Corrigan; 1Dec77; 4934319.
A934320. The BelatioDship between personality type and achieveaent in expository and creative writing. By Boward Billiaa Kraaer. HicrofilB. Boward Hillias Xcaaer; 1Dec77; 4934320.
A934321. An Early woodland community at the Schultz Site 20SA2 in the Saginaw Valley and the nature of the early woodland adaptation in the Great Lakes region. By Doreen Bettina Voiles Ozker. Hicrofila. O Doreen Bettina foiles Ozker; 1Dec77; A934321.
4934322. Saall angle x-ray scattering studies of the deforaation of polyethylene. By Stanley K. Baczek. HicrofilB. C Stanley K. Baczek; 1Dec77; 4934322.
4934323. The Functional relationship between ovarian blood flow and luteal regression in the ewe. By Buth Tanya Savoy floore. Hicrofila. Buth Tanya Savoy Hoore; 1Dec77: 4934323.
A934324. The Art and architecture of the reign of Kinj Prasatthong of Ayutthaya (1629-1656) Vol. 1-3. By Forrest HcGill. Hicrofilm. Forrest HcGill; 1Dec77; A934324.
A934 32 5. Seaantic and syntactic aspects of Arabic prepositions. By Karin Byding Lentzner. Hicrofila. 6 Karin Byding Lentzner; 1Dec77; 4934325.
A934326. Hultidi'sciplinary early childhood staff developaent: a aodel for regional coordination and supervision. By Steen Birger Esbensen. Hicrofila. Steen Birger Esbensen; 1Dec77; 4934326.
A934327. Leaving hoae: faoily adjustaent to the oldest child going away to college. By Lewis Stephen Breitner. Hicrofila. O Lewis Stephen Breitner; 1Dec77; 4934327.
493U328. Reference to kinds in English. By Gregory Noraan Carlson. Hicrofila. O Gregory Noraan Carlson; 1Dec77; A934328.
4934329. A Theoretical evaluation of the sunk cost philosophy of public utility rate making. By Nathaniel Burwell Clarke. Hicrofilm. O Nathaniel Burwell Clarke; 1Dec77; A934329.
A9i4330. The Pleasant economy, landlords, and revolution in Voronezh: a call for a reappraisal of the nature of the Russian revolutionary crisis at the turn of the century. By Elvira Hildred ihipple silbur. Hicrofila. Elvira Hildred Nhipple Bilbur; 1Dec77; A934330.
A934331. Language and aethod in the philosophy of religion: a critical study of the developaent of the philosophy of Bernard Lonergan. By Eail Jaaes Piscitelli. Hicrofila. O Eail Jaaes Piscitelli; 1Dec77; A934331.
A934332. Congregation and religious coaaitaent: a coaparative study of religious meaning and belonging. By Douglas Bruce HcGaw. Hicrofila. O Douglas Bruce HcGaw;
1Dec77; A934332.
These entries alone may not reflect the complete Copyright Office records pertaining to a particular work. Contact the U.S. Copyright Office for information about any additional records that may exist.