A934205 - A93421l8
JUL-DEC. 1977
A934204 (con.) Bt Charles Leslie. Mi3 p. O Charles Leslie: 6Sep77; A93120«.
A93't205. Hords and savages. Poeas by BODald Bobiusau S Arthur Haseboe, illus. by Carl Grupp. 50 p. Auqustana College Press; 160ct77: A93lt205.
A93II206. At hoae iD Veraout: a Hiddiebury albua. Teit by Nancy Graff, photography by Erik Borg, design & layout by David Ernest Bobinson with the assistance of Lyode Karin. 119 p. nil: text, coapilation E reproduction of pictorial naterial, iocXudinq original photos. O Gainbow Books; 23IIOV77; A931206.
A93it207. Old tine threshing nenories. 1 p. Appl. au: Gordon Budolph. O Gordon Budolph: 7Sep77; A93I4207.
A93lt208. Table of probable successive failures. 1 p. Appl. au: G. c. Brookhart t.a. KLO Systens C KL« Systeas; 29Nov77; A93't208.
A931t209. The Nciiark Acadeay aluanus. fall 1977-78. Managing editor: Paul D. Colford. 18 p. Portions prev. pub in Star-ledger, Neiiark, 8J. O Heirark Acadeay; 190ct77: A93M209.
A93I4210. Tou and your cats* coapatibility chart (astrology »ise| Appl. au: Harlan Futteraan. Harian Putteraan: 31-Jul77; A93«210.
A934211. Inventory control prograa. Version 1.0. 1 V. O 21st century Enterprises* Inc.; 310ct77: A934211.
A93I1212. Little people's pulpit prograaaer. Quarters 1-i4. Created by The Train Depot, aith Bill Hllson, Paul Tedesco & Doainick Tedesco. i* v. The Train Depot; 26IIOV76: A93V212.
A93I1213. Best sellers! faaous naaes that sell theaselves to earp you aore profitsi Folder. Aaerica's Best; 5Auq77; A93«213.
A934214. Here's what they're saying all around Aaerica about America's Best fund-raising prograa. Polder. Aaerica's Best; 5»uq77; A934214.
A93U215. Earn aore aoney. $100 to t5,000 or aore vith Sylvania light bulbs — extra cash bonusi Folder. C Aaerica's Best; 5Aug77: A93I4215.
A934216. Earn aore aoney, $100 to $5,000 or aore vith Sylvania light bulbs — special bonus offer! Folder. Aaerica's Best; 5Aug77: A93<t216.
A93a217. Earn aore aoney, $100 to $5,000 or aore with Sylvania light bulbs — special offer for repeat custoaers only! Polder. Aaerica's Best; 5Aug77; A93a217.
A93II218. Earn aore aoney, $100 to $5,000 or aore with Sylvania light bulbs — special cash rebate offer! Folder. Aaerica's Best; 5Aug77: A93I4218.
A934219. Thanksgiving greetings. 1 v. Appl. au: Aqnes Pinch Hhitacre, Earle J. Grant & Bruce H. Hughes. NH: coapilation, additional text t> pictorial aattec. O Ideals Publishing Corporation; 22AU977: A93«219
A93<<220. Hatch play and press card« for easier scoring. Folder. Appl. au: Hray G. Zelt 3rd. O «ray Grayson Zelt 3rd; 10Oct77: A93<|220.
A93lt221. Three to get ready: a guide for the engaged. By John G. Quesnell. 157 p. O The Order of Saint Benedict, Inc.; 16Jun76; 4931(221.
»93«222. The Liberated Gospel: a coaparison of the Gospel of Mark and Greek tragedy. By Gilbert G. Bilezikian. 159 p. Baker Book House Coapany; 29llov77; A934222.
A934223. Songs for a new day. w & a Jeannette Arkeaa. 1 v. O Jeannette Arkeaa; 25Dec77; A93t223.
A93I422U. Kitchen wisdoa. Consumers Union edition. By Frieda Arkin. 260 p. Appl. au: The editors of Consumer reports. Soae aaterial prev. appeared in The Cook's coapanion in 1966. O on foreword; Consuaers Onion of United States, Inc.; 22Jun77; A931l22't.
A93a225. CSP directory of suppliers of edu- cational foreign language aateriais, 1978. 26 p. Appl. au: Andres Bivero. O Andres Bivero; 10ct77; A93i(225.
493<t226. The Seven great gifts of God: exploring personal potentials. By flaoly P. Hall. 12 p. (Lecture notes, no. 225) O Philosophical Besearch Society, Inc.; 28NOV77; A93I4226.
A931t227. Study guide suppleaent for Legal eovironaent of business, part 2. Sheets. Accoapanied by Study guide suppleaent for Legal environment of business, part 1. NM: additions 6 updating. O The American College: 15Aug77; 4934227.
A934228. Functional rating scale. 3 p. Appl. au: D. Franklin. O D. Franklin; 12Apr77; A934228.
4934229. Look to Jesus, "your only hope." Folder. 4ppl. au: y. C. Hunter. O Bords of Life Publications known as ROLP; 10Jau76: A934229.
A934230. Program notes for "Permian Earth song." (In Midland-Odessa Symphony and Chorale, Inc., p. 16-17) Appl. au: John P. Krance, Jr. C John Krance; 10Hay76; A934230.
4934231. York County, Virginia: deeds, orders, wills, etc., nuaber 9, 1691-1694. Pt. 2. Abstracted & compiled by John Frederick Dorman. 122 p. BB: compilation 6 index. O John Frederick Dorman; 27Dec77; A934231.
A934232. Virginia revolutionary pension applications. vol. 28. Abstracted & compiled by John Frederick Doraan. 103 p. N0: compilation C index. O John Frederick Doraan; 270ec77: 4934232.
A934234. The United States bar directory. Annual 1977/1978 ed. 1 v. The Attorneys' National Clearing House Coapany; 16Dec77; A9J4234.
A934 235. The Jewish resistance; the history of the Jewish partisans in Lithuania and Bhite Bussia during the Nazi occupation, 1940-1945. By Lester Eckaan e Chaia Lazar. 282 p. O Judaic Besearch Institute; 2BNov77; A934235.
4934237. Clinical psychopfaaraacology. Editor: Jerrold G. Bernstein. 154 p. O PEG Publishing Coapany, Inc.; 9Nov77 (in notice: 1978) ; 4934237.
4934238. Hurrah for 41exander! By Jeri Marsh, pictures by Joan Hanson. 1 v. O Carolrhoda Books, Inc.; 34U977; 4934238.
4934239. laaigration and nationality law review, vol. 1. Edited by Bernard D. Beaas, Jr. 710 p. NM: coapilation t new text. O Uilliaa S. tiein and Company, Inc.; 18May77; A934239.
A934240. Ubiskers, the bank mouse. Created by Claudia E. Hells, drawings by Arthur Staardin. 1 v. O on text; Claudia E. Bells; 11MOV77; A934240.
A934241. Whiskers, the bank aouse. Created by Claudia E. Bells, drawings by Arthur Shardin. 1 v. Appl. au: Popcorn Publishers, employer for hire. O on illus.; Popcorn Publishers; 11Nov77; 4934 241.
4934242. A Treasury of things to make. By the editors of Sphere magazine. 221 p. Photos. 6 instructions prev. pub. in Sphere magazine. O Sphere Magazine, Inc.; 1Nov77; A934242.
A934243. Classics: a child's introduction to Treasure Island, by fiobert Louis Stevenson, Black Beauty, by Anna Sewell, The Adventures of Tom Sawyer, by Mark Twain, pseud., Bobin Hood, by Henry Gilbert. Adapted by Beverly Beingold, illustrated by Kiouko Craft. 61 p. Add. ti: Classics: a child's introduction to Treasure Island, Black Beauty, The Adventures of Tom Sawyer, Bobin Hood. NM: abridgment € illus. O Piatt and Munk, Publishers; 1Nov77; A934243.
A934244. fiobert Louis Stevenson's A Child's garden of verses. Bith illus. by Buth Sanderson. 1 v. MM: illus. O Piatt and Munk, Publishers; 1Feb77; A934244.
A93424S. Seasons. By Sarah Leslie, pseud, of Leslie HcGuire, illustrated by Aurelius Battaglia. 1 v. Piatt and Hunk, Publishers; 1Peb77; A934245.
A934246. The Days of Holly Hobble. Illustrated by Holly Hobble. 1 v. O American Greetings Corporation; 1Jun77; A934246.
A934247. Baby animals. Illustrated by Tien, pseud, of Tien Ho. 1 v. O Piatt and Hunk, Publishers; 1Peb77; A934247.
4934248. Book of records. Illustrated by Jerry
Zimaeroan. 1 v. 4ppi. au: Piatt and
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