S876S89 - A876628
JUL-DEC. 1977
&876588 (con.) offerings in graphic arts teacher education to a validated body of knoBledge. By John Robert Karsnitz. Hicrofila. John Bobert Karsnitz; 151Iay77 (in notice: 1976); A876588.
&876589. Developoent of an instrunent to evaluate problea— solving skills of secretarial students: a feasibility study. By: lenora Sue Keith. Bicrofila. Lenora Sue Keith; 1511ay77 (in notice: 1976) ; A876589.
4876590. The Quality of urban living: a tool for policy decision aaking. By Eliahu Yecheskel. Bicrofila. Eliabu Yecheskel; 15llay77: S876590.
A876591. Teachers' perceptions of various characteristics of intemediate grade underachievers in reading before referral for clinical diagnosis. By Vivian Eileen Shaver Titus. Hicrofila. 6 Vivian Eileen Shaver Titus; 15llay77 (in notice: 1976); A876591.
A876592. The Effects of selected nork intervals of eccentric exercise during a strength training program. By Jerry iilliao Starnes. Microfiln. 6 Jerry iilliaa Statues: 1SJun77: A876S92.
A876593. A Cognitive approach to the problems of testing and training- aotor-vehicle drivers. By Elizabeth Parker Brenner. HicrofilB e Elizabeth Parkei: Brenner: 15Apr77 (in notice: 1976); A876593.
A87659U. An Ethnographical/ethnomethodo logical study of soap opera writing. By Oavid fiobert Sirota. Hicrofila. 6 David fiobert Sirota; 15llay77 (in notice: 1976) ; A87659U.
A876595. Cycles. By Pearl Helen Banback. nicrofilm. C Pearl Helen Hanback; 15Jun77; A87659S.
A876596. A Suaner day caop to develop cultural esteeo in youth and staff. By Bonald Michael Holoes. Hicrofila. 6 Bonald Hichael Holaes; 15Jun77: Ae76596.
A876597. Poetry as therapy — pathway to self- discovery. By Eileen Theresa Sheff. Hicrofila. C Eileen Theresa Slieff; 15Jun77: A876597.
A876598. A Hodel individualized orientation for vocational instructors. By Elaine Carol Paul. HicrofilB. G Elaine Carol Paul; 15Jun77; A876598.
S876599. Description, analysis, and origins of crania froa the Catalina Island Huseum Society collection. By Hilliaa Chester Legler. Hicrofila. Hilliaa Chester Legler; 15Jun77; 4876599^
A87e600. Scale* corrosion and slioe: the three enenies of all water cooling systeas. Folder. G Cheaical Testing Corporation: 19JU177; A876600.
A876601. National tax training prograa: tax practice fundaoentals for nontax professionals. Pt. 1, 1977. 1 v. Add. ti: Tax course for nontax professionals. Appl. states U.S. copyright is not claiaed for any material froa U.S. Sovt. source or from any other source prev. copyrighted. O Ernst and Ernst; iajul77; A876601.
A876602. Lexel argon and krypton ion lasers. 27 p. Appl. au: Bobert J. Buzzard, Galen E. Hohler e Phurpa G. LadenLa. Lexel Corporation; 20Jun77; A876602.
A876603. Harlinn fiestaurant Supply Conpany. 1 v. Add. ti; (Suaait Catalog Company) foodservice eguipment and supply dealer's catalog (Barlinn Restaurant Supply Company) ; Harlinn Supply Company. 6 Summit Catalog Company; 18Jal77; A876603.
A87660II. Ona Guia para vivir y trabajar en los Estados Unidos especialaente para trabajadores agricolas; uu cuaderno de ingles y de inforaacion basica. For Bob Hovak. Patricia Ogilvie e Tom Boberts. 93 p. English & Spanish. Appl. au: Cumberland County Library. 6 Cumberland County Library: 27Jun77; A876604.
A876605. Aerovent industrial air aoving products roof ventilators, macheta airfoil design. Bulletin 613A. July 1977. 27 p. Add. ti; Aerovent roof ventilators. Aerovent, Inc.; J5JU177; A876605.
A876606. Bow to start a plastic recycling <!:enter. 28 p. Appl. au: Boger E. Hany (pseud.: Vance Reynolds) C Boger £. Hany d.b. a. Plastic fiecyclers; 6Jan76 (in notice: 1975): A876606.
Ae76607. Defenses to civil rights actions against correctional employees, Harch 1977. By Hichael Heisz, issued by Correctional Law Project, American Correctional Asso- ciation. 35 p. Appl. au: American Correctional Association. 6 American Correctional Association; 1Apr77; A876607.
A876608. Durable material: the life and letters of Eaaa E. HcAulay. Edited & compiled by Hiriaa C. Haloy. 251 p. 6 Hiriaa C. Haloy; 29Jun77; A876608.
A876609. Fashion aodeling. Lesson 1-15. Hultiple volumes. Appl. au: iilliaa Goehring. 6 Hilliam Goehring; 1Jul77; A876609.
A876610. Finding a consistent growth leader on the Big Board, June 1977. By Emil Peter 3rd. 1 p. Bail Peter 3rd; 27Jun77; A876610.
A876611. Death of a nation; fiction. By John George Bluck. 231 p. liH: editorial revision. O John George Bluck; 19Jul77; A876611.
A876612. Circles; take hoae cards. 20 cards. Appl. au: Virginia H. Halternec. e Horehouse-Barlow Company, Inc.; 1Jul77: A876612.
A876613. Study guide for the Holy Eucharist: proposed book of common prayer. By Bonald Homer Hiller. 1 v. KM: introductory essays (p..'j3-39) 6 Horehouse-Barlow Company, Inc.; 27Hay77; A876613.
A876614. Finding a way to follow: values for today's Christian. By Hilliam V. Coleman. 120 p. O Horehouse-Barlow Company, Inc.; 6Jun77: A876614.
A876615. The Display book: do-it-yourself display techniques. By Kerry Dexter. 66 p. Horehouse-Barlow Company, Inc.; 6Jul77; A876615.
A876616. Circles, faith and worship for fourth- and fifth-grade children; students' workbook. By Virginia H. Halterner, illustrated by J. A. Jonas. 85 p. 6 Horehouse-Barlow Company, Inc.; 1Jul77; A876616.
A676617. Circles, faith and worship for fourth-and fifth-grade children; teachers' manual. By Virginia H. Halterner, illustrated by J. A. Jonas. 56 p. O Horehouse-Barlow Company, Inc.; 1Jul77; A876617.
A876618. Bend, Big Valley, Cherokee, TX, and others, telephone directory, August 1977. Central Texas Telephone Cooperative, Inc.; 6JU177; A876618.
A876619. Anderson, Jane, Pineville, HO, and others, telephone directory, August 1977. e HcOonald County Telephone Company: 1Jul77; A876619.
A876e20. Alton, Birch Tree, Eminence, HO, and others, July 1977. Add. ti: Thayer, HO, July 1977. Q Continental Telephone Company of Hissouri; 28Jun77; A876620.
A876621. Hilan, Pineview, Pitts, GA, and others, July 1977. Add. ti: Bochelle, GA, July 1977. Continental Telephone Company of the Sooth — Georgia; 27Jun77; A876621.
A876622. Alvarado, Angus, Argyle, HN, and others, August 1977. Add. ti: Darren, HH, August 1977. Continental Telephone Company of Hinnesota, Inc.; 12Jul77: A876622.
A87e623. Andrews, Frankel City, TI, July 1977. e Continental Telephone Company of Texas; 2ajun77: A876623.
A876624. Bald Knob, Pleasant Plains, AS, July 1977. Bald Knob Telephone Company, Inc.; 24Jun77: A876624.
A87662S. Noel, Southwest City, including listings for Anderson, HO, and others, August 1977. e Continental Telephone company of Hissouri; 1Jul77: A876625.
A876626. Argyle, Athens, Crawfordsville, lA, and others, 1977-1978. Add. ti: Hount Pleasant, Donnellson, lA, 1977-1978. 6 Continental Telephone Company of Iowa e Farmers and Merchants Hutaal Telephone Company; 8Jul77: A876626.
A876627. yaskoa, DeBerry, Elysian Fields, TX, August 1977. 6 Eastex Telephone Cooperative, Inc.; 6Jal77: A876e27.
A876628. Bidgeville Corners, Okolona, OH, including listings for Evansport and others, telephone directory, 1977-1978. 6 Bidgeville Telephone Company; 1Jul77;
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