JUL-DEC. 1977
4934079 <coil-) specification and description of collective loconotion. By Bonald Theodore iohlstein. nicrofilm. 6 Bonald Theodore Bohlstein: 1Dec77: i93U079. 4931060. The Theoretical and experiaental prediction of self-disclosure in a clinical analogue. By Helvin Nathaniel Rilson. aicroflln. Q BelTin Nathaniel Bilson: 1Dec77: »93'(080. 4931081. 4 Concordance to Statius. By Joseph 4nthonT Klecka. Hicrofiln. O Joseph 4nthony Klecka: 1Dec77: 4931081.
4931082. Serial techniques in John Heinzueig's divertimentos and concertos (1915-1968. By Douglas John Rebb. nicrofilm. e Douglas John Rebb; 1Dec77: 4931082.
4931083. Leisure activity status^ outcome* and causal attribution: a hypothesized interaction effect. By Jesse Thomas Dijcon. Microfilm. 6 Jesse Thomas Dixon; 1Dec77: 4931083.
4931081. Die Fran in Gottfried Benns Herk: Bii^ und Punktion- By Barbara Schulz Heat]- Microfilm. @ Barbara Schulz Heather; 1Dec77: 4931081.
4931085. Correlation of Cenozoic deep sea sediments of the equatorial Pacific ocean: an example of a nev chronostratigrapfaic system of measurement. By Bichard Gerald Blank. Microfilm. Q Bichard Gerald Blank: 1Dec77; 4931085.
4931086. Intraurban industrial location factors from the viewpoint of nanufacturing decision-makers. By Prentice Leo Knight 3rd. Microfilm. 6 Prentice Leo Knight 3rd; 1Dec77; 4931086.
4931087. Fnnding practices of selected retirement systems covering public higher educational institutions. By Paul Herschel Herche. Microfilm, e Paul Herschel Herche: 1Dec77; 4931087.
4931088. The Dse of black 4merican slave folk songs in the social studies curriculum. By 4ndre« Morris Pickett, Jr. Microfilm. O 4ndre» Morris Pickett, Jr.; 1Dec77: 4931088.
4931089. Computer implemented approaches towards the obiectif ication of sampled pathologic voice guality. By Brenda Fagan Lerner. Microfilm. © Brenda Fagan Lerner: 1Dec77: 4931089.
4931090. The Great measurers of time: a study of cosmic order in nineteenth century 4merican thought. By Nancy 4nn Holtz. Microfilm, e Nancy 4nn Holtz; 1Dec77; 4931090.
4931091. The Bole of shape-note singing in the musical culture of black communities in southeast 41abama. By Doris Jane Dyen. Microfilm. 6 Doris Jane Dyen: 1Dec77: 4931091.
4931092. Paul 1st and the Jesuits in Bnssia. By Ullliam 41exander James. Microfilm. e Hilliam 41exander James; 1Dec77: 4931092.
4931093. Besponse stereotypy in migraine and muscle contraction type headache. By Saul Emmanuel Breit. Microfilm. Saul Emmanuel Breit; 1Dec77; 4931093.
4931091. 4 Study to determine the effectiveness of reading instruction by correspondence for elementary school children with reading deficits. By Margaret Elizabeth Costlow Dyson. Microfilm. 6 Margaret Elizabeth Costlow Dyson; 1Dec77; 4931091.
4931095. Synthesis and studies of metal complexes derived from 2, 2' 2"-triaminotriethylamine and biacetylmonoxioe. By Edward Biley Byrd, Jr. Microfilm. 9 Edward Biley Byrd, Jr.; 1Dec77: 4931095.
4931096. Synthesis, reactions and crystallog- raphic studies of new spirosulfuranes and spirosulf urane oxides. By Leonard Joseph 4dzima. Microfilm. Q Leonard Joseph 4dzima; lDec77: 4931096.
4931097. Social satire in Brazilian literature: seventeenth-nineteenth century. By Nola Kortner 4iex. Microfilm. Nola Kortner 4iex; 1Dec77; 4931097.
4931098. Closing frontiers, farmland tenancy, and their relation: a case study of Thailand, 1937-1973. By Bobert Eric Bansson. Microfilm. S Eobert Eric Bamsson; lDec77; 4931098.
4931099. 4merican popular stage music, 1860-80. By Deane Leslie Boot. Microfilm. Q Deane Leslie Boot; 1Dec77; 4931099.
4931100. Buzzati's world of symbols. By Janet fiae Fitch. Microfilm. e Janet Eae Fitch; 1Dec77: 4931100.
4931101. The Development of the yes-no question- answering system in young children. By Michihiko 4kiyama. Microfilm, e Michihiko 4kiyama: 1Dec77: 4931101.
4931102. 4 Ouiversal language for continuous network simulation. By Thomas Fred Bunge. Microfilm. Thomas Fred Bunge; 1Dec77; 4931102.
4931103. From spiritual optics to prismatic lenses: artist characters and aesthetics in selected nineteenth-century novels from Thackeray to iilde. By Stephen Hade Canham. Microfilm. 6 Stephen Rade Canham; 1Dec77; 4931103.
4931101. The Soviet Bussian short story: 1950S-1970S. By Pidelis Odun Balogun. Microfilm. 9 Fidelis Odun Balogun; 1Dec77; 4931101.
4931105. George Herbert Mead and sociology: the Chicago years. By Bichard Lee Smith. Microfilm. 9 Bichard Lee Smith; 1Dec77; 4931105.
4931106. The Impact of human relations training graduates on clients. By Carl Verner Peterson. Microfilm. Q Carl Verner Peterson; 1Dec77; 49 31106.
4931107. Fatal automobile collisions: a multivariate systems approach. By Boger
4931108. Stabilization policies, rational expectations and the Phillips Curve. By Nadia Bamsis Farah. Microfilm. @ Nadia Bamsis Farah; 1Dec77; 4931108.
4931109. The Onity of purpose in 4dmiral 41fred Thayer Mahan's proposals for 4merican Foreign Policy. By Jonathan Linton steepee. Microfilm. @ Jonathan Linton Steepee; 1Dec77; 4931109.
4931110. 4utomomic nervous system functioning as a predisposing influence on personality^ psychopathy and schizophrenia. By Norman Plovnick. Microfilm. 6 Norman Plovnick; 1Dec77; 4931110.
A931111. 4 Comparison of auditory behavior in the premature and fullterm infant: the effects of intervention. By Karen Gail Oorros. Microfilm. Karen Gail Dorros; 1Dec77; 4931111.
4931112. Biological effects of enhanced ultraviolet radiation on a salt marsh ecosystem. By Gordon Bradford Shea. Microfilm. © Gordon Bradford Shea; 1Dec77 (in notice: 1976); 4931112.
4931113. Infrared multiphonon and oxide impurity absorption in chalcogenide glasses. By Dong Sung Ma. Microfilm. © Dong Sung Ma; lDec77; 4931113.
4931111. Sherman Minton and the Cold Rar Court. By Elizabeth 4nne Hull. Microfilm. e Elizabeth 4nne Hull; 1Dec77; 4931111.
4931115. 4 History of the Ontario Music Educators' 4ssociation (1919-1971) By Diana Victoria Brault. Microfilm. a Diana Victoria Brault; 1Dec77; 4931 115.
4931116. Peripheral factors in the smooth pursuit control system. By Paul Lee Hundley. Microfilm. © Paul Lee Hundley; 1Dec77; 4931116.
4931117. Employment improvement, human capital, and secondary labor market aspects of the Manpower training program in South Carolina. By David 41bert Dumont. Microfilm. 9 David 41bert Dumont: lDec77; 4931117.
4931118. 4 comparison of the effectiveness of two social skills building programs, as determined by their influence on self-concept and on school success. By Joan Drye Stipetic. Microfilm. © Joan Drye Stipetic; 1Dec77; 4931118.
4931119. 4 Cognitive approach to the assessment and treatment of depression. By Bicardo Felipe Munoz. Microfilm. 9 Bicardo Felipe Munoz; lDec77; 4931119.
4931120. Delineating the process of curriculum development in higher education: the development of jazz as a part of the music curricvium. By Michael Lee Stephans. Microfilm. © Michael Lee Stephans; 1Dec77; 4931120.
Manifestations of psychosexuality and
These entries alone may not reflect the complete Copyright Office records pertaining to a particular work. Contact the U.S. Copyright Office for information about any additional records that may exist.