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A934038 - A934079


JUL-DEC. 1977

A934038. How to teach youc kids ciqht fcoa wroaq. Bv Sistec Joel Campbell, O.P. and Sister Patricia Knopp, S.N.D. , foreiiord by Dolores caccan. uO p. Claretiaa Publications: 31iuq77; A934038.

A934039. The Sinqle Catholic and the church. By Ediiard Bakin. HO p. Claretian Publications: 8Auq77: A931l039.

493a0"t0. Italian cookinq heritaqe; cookbook of ceqional recipes of the Italian Cultural Society of Uashinqton, D.C. 212 p. Appl. au: Alessandra S. Koeller. O Alessandra Koeller; 18Dec77; A9340M0.

A93U0111. She has no secrets to bare. Card. Add. ti: Grandma's qarden: she has no secrets to bare. Appl. au: Elizabeth P. Billis-Cobb (LizBeth) 6 John Pinkney. Elizabeth F. Willis-Cobb £ John Pinkney; 20Jan77: A9340H1.

A93110«2. Basic draftinq skills; a technical draitinq workteit. iorkteit 1. By Clifford J. Joens. 160 p. Hobert J. Brady Company; 3Nov77; A93itO"l2.

A93<401t3. Ground ladder operations. By John L. Smith. 125 p. Robert J. Brady Company; 30NOV77; A93'4043.

A93l404lt. Anthony and Helsch: Fundamentals of manaqement accountinq. Achievement tests no. 1-3 C comprehensive final examination, set A, chap. I-IU. 1 folders. Appl. au: Sobert N. Anthony £ Glenn A. Belsch. NH: complete revision £ updatinq. C Bichard 0. Irwin, Inc.; 21Jul77; A93<t0l»a. A931t0ll5. Anthony and Helsch: Fundamentals of manaqement accountinq. Achievement tests no. 1-3 £ comprehensive final examination, set B. chap. 1-1». 1 folders. Appl. au: Robert N. Anthony £ Glenn A. Helsch. NB: complete revision £ updatinq. Bichard D. Irwin, Inc.: 21Jal77: AgstOUS.

A93i(0i|6. A Synthesis of knowledqe associated with theories of self-orientation and their relationship to school administration. By Billy Frank Johnson. Microfilm. Billy Frank Johnson: 1Dec77: A93<t046.

A93I10I47. Race consciousness in the poetry and fiction of Countee Cullen. By Isaac Rilliam Brumfield. Microfilm. O Isaac Hilliam Brumfield; 1Dec77; A9311047.

A93itOi48. Kinetics of thermochemical decomposition of hydroqen sulfide for the purpose of qeneratinq hydroqen. By Kenneth Lawrence Johnson. Hicrofilm. Kenneth Lawrence Johnson; 1Dec77; A93110U8.

A9311049. Evaluation of cross-cultural proqrams of technical assistance to education. By Thomas Henry aoemeke. Hicrofilm. O Thomas Henry Hoemeke; 10€c77; A93«0K9.

A93«050. Factors affecting the viability of environmental health and safety proqrams ill institutions of hiqher education. By James Reed Glaze. Hicrofilm. James Seed Glaze; '1Dec77: A93lt050.

A9311051. The Photo- requlation of development in the early haplophase of the fern Polypodium qlycyrrhiza DC Eat. By Patrick Anthony Jones. Hicrofilm. Patrick Anthony Jones; 1Dec77; A93U051.

A9311052. 6. B. Doni and theatrical music. By Harqaret Rosso Grossman. Hicrofilm. Harqaret Rosso Grossman; 1Dec77: A93I1052.

A93H053. An Evaluation of a strateqy for proqram development and implementation in a new iunior high school. By Robert Gene Bunt. Hicrofilm. Robert Gene Bunt; 1Dec77; A93it053.

A934054. A History of public issues prograaoiog requlation by the Federal Communications Commission: more rhetoric than action. By lilliam Fay Chamberlin. Hicrofilm. e William Pay Chamberlin; 1Dec77; A93I405II.

A93lt055. The Politics of the Roman Catholic episcopate in the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, 176it-1772. By Diane Barb?'-a Dailey. Hicrofilm. C Diane Barbara Dailey; 1Dec77; A931055.

A93I4056. The Definition of woman: a major motif in Browning's The Ring and the book. By Kitty Colleen o'Donnell Locker. Hicrofilm. O Kitty Colleen 0' Donneli Locker; 1Dec77; A934056.

A93a057. Federal corporate taxation of life insurance companies: an empirical investiqation of short-run shifting behavior. By Anthony Joseph Stagliano. Hicrofilm. O Anthony Joseph Stagliano; 1Dec77; A93t057.

A931t058. The Black community of Columbus: a study of the structure and pattern of power in a midwestern city. By curtina Halissia Breta Horeland. Hicrofilm. O Curtina Halissia Breta Horeland; 1Dec77; A93M058.

A93H059. Lexicon and poetic meaning in the poetry of German Bleiberg. By Denise Nuccio Thompson. Hicrofilm. O Denise Nuccio Thompson; 1Dec77; A93t059.

A934060. Hanpower impact and problems of Hexican illegal aliens in an urban labor market. By Gilbert Cardenas. Hicrofilm. O Gilbert Cardenas; 1Dec77; A93it060.

A93I4061. Austria-Hungary and the development of Romanian independence, 1878-1883. By Charles James Oieteman. Hicrofilm. O Charles James Dieteman; 1Dec77; A93I4061.

A930062. Toward the making of Thoreau's modern reputation: correspondence of Doctor Samuel Arthur Jones and Alfred H. Hosmer. By Fritz H. oehlschlaeqer. Microfilm. Fritz H. Oehlschlaeqer; 1Dec77; A93't062.

Personnel development needs in career guidance. By Janet Hetcalf Treichel. Microfilm. Janet Hetcalf Tcelchel; 1Dec77; A934063.

A931t06». fiicbael Praetorius Creuzbergensis: music for the Feast of Pentecost, circa 1613. By Kenneth Theodore Kosche. Hicrofilm. Appl. states all new except music on p. 50-121. Kenneth Theodore Kosche; 1Dec77; A93<t06a.

A934065. Self and society: marriage in the novels of Charles Dickens. By Thomas Arthur Carmichael. Microfilm. O Thomas Arthur Carmichael; 1Dec77; A931065.

A93II066. Barren the novelist. By Robert Paul Raynes. Microfilm. £obert Paul Baynes; lDec77; A93"l066.

A93U067. Transit performance measures: their significance in local funding allocation. By Herbert A. Drosdat. Microfilm. Herbert A. Drosdat; 1Dec77; A93it067.

A93II068. Black-white differences in career contingencies of 1961 college graduates. By Hary Haqberg O'Keefe. Microfilm. O Mary Hagberg O'Keefe; 1Dec77; A93<t068.

A934069. An Edition and analysis of three masses by T^rguinio Merula. By Paul Harry Hestlund. Microfilm. O Paul Bacr; Hestlund; 1Dec77; A93lt069.

A93l»07O. La situacion del narrador como principio formal en cuatro obras representativas de la nueva novela Hispanoamericana. By Dagoberto Orrantia. Hicrofilm. Dagoberto Orrantia; 1Dec77; A934070.

A934071. The Origin and development of Japanese landscape prints: a study in the synthesis of Eastern and Western art. By Julian Jinn Lee. Hicrofilm. Julian Jinn Lee; 1Dec77; A93H071.

A931I072. Ad Investigation of the desired content and structure of the internship in the administration of home economics. By Sharon Adair Clark. Hicrofilm. Sharon Adair Clark; 1Dec77; A9Ji(072.

A934073. United Nations recruitment and career patterns: causes and consequences. By Hilary Ikechukwu Iregbulem. Microfilm. O Hilary Ikechukwu Iregbulem; 1Dec77; A93lt073.

A93ll07lt. A Statewide economic impact model for public institutions of higher education. By Terry Ivan Bade. Microfilm. Terry Ivan Eade; 1Dec77; A93it074.

A934075. Encoding and decoding of spontaneous and enacted facial expression of emotion. By Byron aobuhisa Fujita. Hicrofilm. O Byron Nobuhisa Fujita; 1Dec77; A934075.

A934076. Daughter bring in; ceremonial and social organization of the black Carib of Belize. By Virginia Baker Kerns. Microfilm. Virginia Baker Kerns; lDec77; A934076.

A93i(077. The Literary milieu of Dostoevsky's The Possessed. By Serge Vladimir Gregory. Microfilm. O Serge Vladimir Gregory; lDec77; A934077.

A934078. Rational iterated integrals and formal power series connections. By John Lawrence Cuadrado. Hicrofilm. O John Lawrence Cuadrado; 1Dec77; A934078.


The Theoretical and methodological


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