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A933915 - A933954


JUL-DEC. 1977

49339111 (con.) Dieqo. 360 p. (A Courses by newspaper reader) Appl. au: Onlversity of California, San Diego. NH: compilation* introd. , section S article overvieHs* author's biographies, bibliographies & illus. © The Regents of the University of California: 5Dec77; 4933911.

4933915. An Investigation of teachers" and students* perceptions of instructional practices in selected conventional and alternative public schools. By Thomas Everett Baker. Hicrofilm. 6 Thomas Everett Baker; 1Dec77 (in notice: 1976) ; 4933915.

4933916. The Characterization of the cells involved in cell-mediated immunity against allogeneic and syngeneic tumor cells. By Jerry Thomas Thornthnaite. Hicrofilm. @ Jerry Thomas Thornthwaite; 1Dec77 (in notice: 1976); 4933916.

4933917. The Ecological distribution and biology of wapiti (Cervus elaphaus nelson!) in the Cedar Biver Hatershed, ffashinqton. By John Narrea Schoen. Hicrofilm. Q John Sarren Schoen: 1Dgc77: A933917.

A933918. A Study of the iuror interaction process in criminal trials. By Paul Eric Dow. Hicrofilm. e Paul Eric Dow; 1Dec77; 4933918.

4933919. fielationships between motivational patterns and reading achievement in first grade children. By Norma Burns. Hicrofilm. C Norma Burns; 1Dec77; 4933919.

4933920. Jacgues-Stephen 41exis; de I'indigenisme au roman proletarien. By Donald 4ssall. Hicrofilm. Donald Assali; 1Dec77: A933920.

A933921. Video fluorometry: a novel approach to the acquisition and interpretation of multicomponent fluorescence data. By Isiah Hanuel Barner. Hicrofilm. e Isiah Manuel Warner; 1Dec77; A933921.

4933922. Generalized hierarchic retrieval language (GENHBAL) By Nilliam Abraham Zeitz. Hicrofilm. 6 Rilliam Abraham Zeitz: 1Dec77; A933922.

A933923. Social insight and group participation among selected university students. By Vendell Ray Ogrosky. Hicrofilm. e Wendell Ray Ogrosky; 1Dec77: A933923.

4933924. A New look at Shakespeare's Henry 6, part 2; sources, structure and meaning. By Harilynne Summers Robinson. Microfilm. O Harilynne Summers Robinson; 1Dec77; A933924.

4933925. A Comparison of the relationship of the reading achievement, self-concepts, and career aspirations of disadvantaged black college freshmen at a predominately black university and disadvantaged black college freshmen at a predominately white university. By Bessie Hanliie Austin Isom. Hicrofilm. e Bessie Mazine Austin Isom; 1Dec77; 49339?5.

4933926. Expectancy concepts, ability and role perceptions as related to work effort and performance. By Jack Billiam English. Hilliam English;

4933927. Resource utilization and natural history of some northeastern Pacific Turridae. By Ronald Lee Shimek. Microfilm. S Ronald Lee Shimek; 1Dec77; 4933927.

4933928. The Port throughput model: a technique for forecasting traffic in a national ports system. By James Henderson Foggin. Microfilm. & James Henderson Foggin; lDec77; 4933928.

A933929. An Investigation of the predictive and causal relationships among selected preschool behavior and home environment variables and subseguent reading readiness and achievement. By Toliver Jackson Brown, Jr. Microfilm. © Toliver Jackson Brown, Jr.; 1Dec77; 4933929.

A933930. The Film censorship controversy at Los Angeles County Public Library, 1971: a case study. By Ronald Floyd Sigler. Hicrofilm. Q Ronald Floyd Sigler; 1Dec77; A933930.

A933931. Arthur Rimbaud et Carlos Castaneda Voyance et "seeing": voles du savoir. By Madeleine Marie Jacobs. Microfilm. © Madeleine Marie Jacobs; 1Dec77; A933931.

A933932. A Critical study of the novels of Ernesto Sabato. By James Roy Predmore. Microfilm. 9 James Roy Predmore; 1Dec77; 4933932.

4933933. Selected abstract logics. By Ira Howard Sack. Microfilm. 6 Ira Howard Sack; lDec77; 4933933.

49339311. Cognitive functioning in children at high risk for schizophrenia, as a function of perinatal and environmental factors. By Richard 411an Gordon. Microfilm. e Richard Allan Gordon; lDec77: A93393t.

A933935. The Influence of vibrato upon vocal blend. By Brian Wesley Trevor. Microfilm. 3 Brian Wesley Trevor; 1Dec77; A933935.

4933936. Some effects of role-value congruence on iob satisfaction. By John Kenrick Butler, Jr. Hicrofilm. 6 John Kenrick Butler, Jr. ; IDec77; 4933936.

4933937. Creativity and self-perception in science with disruptive third, fourth and fifth grade students under contrasting learning environments. By Charmie L. Hill 2nd. Hicrofilm. e Charmie L. Hill 2nd; 1Dec77; 4933937.

4933938. Children's understanding of addition with one, two, and three digit numbers. By Ella Hamilton Barco. Microfilm. Ella Hamilton Barco; 1Dec77; 4933938.

4933939. Nuclear magnetic resonance of adsorbed 3helium films. By Suryanarayan Gauesh Hegde. Hicrofilm. © Suryanarayan Ganesh Hegde; 1Dec77; 4933939.

4933910. The Thought and policies of Knostantin P. Pobedonostsev. By Thomas Calnan

4933911. Black political ideology, the dynamics of changing the status of black 4mericans. By Carolyn Marie Morris. Microfilm. Carolyn Marie Morris; 1Dec77; A933911.

4933912. International law of the sea: some determinants in U.S. oceans fishery policy. By Corey Duight Jennings Schou. Microfilm. 6 Corey Dwight Jennings Schou; 1Dec77; 4933912.

A933913. The Effects of homogeneous housing assignments upon the adjustment of transfer students. By Jack Morris Rich man. Hicrofilm. @ Jack Morris Richman; 1Dec77; A933913.

A933911. On imitation, imagination and beauty: a critical reassessment of the concept of the literary artist during the early German Aufklaernng. By Steven Delmar Martinson. Hicrofilm. © Steven Delmar Martinson; 1Dec77; 4933911.

4933915. Process of program planning and orientations toward organizational role by continuing education program planners in public community colleges. By Joseph Nevin Robbius. Microfilm. © Joseph Nevin Robbins; 1Dec77; 4933915.

4933916. Monotone optimal maintenance policies for equipment subject to Markovian deterioration. By Michael Quentin Anderson. Microfilm. © Michael Quentin 4nderson; lDec77; 4933916.

4933917. Female entrepreneurial styles: an examination of coastal Fante busines- swomen. By Mary 4gnes Lewis. Microfilm. O Mary Agnes Lewis; 1Dec77; A933917.

A933918. Pitch concept formation in preschool children. By Carol Susan Rogel Scott. Hicrofilm. © Carol Susan Bogel Scott; 1Dec77; A933918.

A933919. Some physical, chemical and biological effects of heavy poultry manure app- lications on a soil ecosystem. By Raymond Richard Weil. Hicrofilm. © Raymond Richard Weil; 1Dec77; A933919.

A933950. The Identification of investment decision models for individual investor and their dependency on financial statement information. By John Thomas Keck. Microfilm. © John Thomas Keck; 1Dec77; 4933950.

4933951. Interpersonal manipulation. By Julius Hicks Marlowe. Microfilm. © Julius Hicks Marlowe; 1Dec77; 4933951.

4933952. Computer simulation of the injection molding of a liquid undergoing linear step polymerization. By Joseph Dominic Domine. Microfilm. © Joseph Dominic Domine; 1Dec77; 4933952.

A933953. An Analysis of recent educational finance trends for selected states. By Robert Michael Beach. Hicrofilm. 9 Robert Michael Beach; 1Dec77; 4933953.


Mutagenicity and biotransformation


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