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JUL-DEC. 1977

1676550 (COD.) Daoiel Earl LavsoD. a Earl LaHSOD; 15Jud77;

A876551. A SinulatiOD aodel for data base svsteiBS. By Peter I. Scheuernacn. nicrofila. C Peter I. Scheueraaon; 15Hav77 (in notice: 1976); A876551.

A876552. Ttie Existing role and suggested Bodei for Bunicipal paries and recreation departaeuts in determined coBftunity education programs in New Jersey. By Daniel Patrick Stanley. Microfilm. Daniel Patrick Stanley; 15Jun77; A876552.

A876553. The Ose and small sample properties of some Qonparametric tests in the analysis of data from multi-clinic studies. By Paul B. Uuber. Hicrofllm. C Paul B. Huiier; 15Jun77 (in notice: 1976); A876553.

A87655«. Use of five kinds of context clues by children in grades two, four, six and eight. By Sybia Claire Pastor, aicrofiim. C Sybia Claire Pastor: 15Jun77 (in notice: 1976): A876554.

A876555. The Identification and measurement of affective attributes for utilization in a teacher selection prototype process. By Barbara Lindenfeldar Hasson £ Donald Carl Hatz. Hicrofilm. Barbara Lindenfeldar Hasson 6 Donald Carl aatz: 14Jan77 (in notice: 1975); A876555.

A876556. Some aspects of the functional anatomy of the hip, thigh and knee in some higher primates. By Ahmad Hohaamad Disi. aicrofiim. C Ahmad aobamaad Disi; 15Feb77 (in notice: 1976); A8765S6.

A876557. The Preparation of emission inventories in the implementation planning process. By Bonald Long Tan. aicrofiim. Eonald long Tan; 15Apr77: A876557.

4876558. The Role of direct private foreign investment in economic development: a case study of Higeria, 1963-1973. By Billiam John Oyaide. aicrofiim. C Uilliam John Oyaide; 15Jun77 (in notice: 1976); A876558.

A876559. Energy analysis and coastal shelf resource management; nuclear power generation versus sea-food protein production in the Northeast region of the United States. By Stephen P. Bochereau. aicrofiim. C Stephen P. Bochereau: 15Apr77 (in notice: 1976); A876559.

A876560. Vasilii aikhailovich Severgin, 1765-1826: fiussian scientist, technologist and editor. By John Scott Carver, aicrofiim. John Scott Carver; 15Jun77 (in notice: 1976); A876560.

A876561. A Study of teacher unionism in Philadelphia, 19141-1973: the case of Local 3, Philadelphia Federation of Teachers. By James Sanzare. aicrofiim. O James Sanzare; 15Jun77 (in notice: 1976); A876561.

A876S62. The Chicago critics: an inquiry into neo-Aristotelianism. By John Boss Baker, aicrofiim. C John Boss Baker; 15Jun77 (in notice: 1976); A876562.

A876563. A Comparison of the effects of variations in microcounseling training with groups of parents of the develop- mentally disabled. By Salvatore Joseph Bizzo. aicrofiim. Salvatore Joseph Eizzo; 15Jun77 (in notice: 1976); A876563.

A8765614. The Applicability of the bottom pull method to deep-water submarine pipelines. By Villiam Brchard Buebring. aicrofiim. Hilliam Bichard Buehriug; 15aa[77 (in notice: 1976) ; A676S614.

A876565. Paleoecology of the Lone Star Industries pit. lorktovn formation (Pliocene), Chuckatuck, yirginia. By Lyle David Campbell. aicrofiim. O Lyle David Campbell; 15Apr77 (in notice: 1976) ; A876565.

A876566. The Effect of an independent study process on the critical thinking ability of seventh grade middle school students. By Adam Charles Pfeffer. aicrofiim. O Adam Charles Pfeffer; 15Jun77; A876566.

A876567. The fioute of active potassium ion transport in the midgut of Uyalophora cecropia and aanduca sexta. By James Thomas Blankemeyer. aicrofiim. James Thomas Blankemeyer: 15Jun77 (in notice: 1976); A876567.

A876568. Comparative analysis of administrative major tasks between superintendents of independent school districts and superintendents of area vocational technical schools in Oklahoma. By Thomas Jefferson Allen. aicrofiim. Thomas Jefferson Allen; 15aay77 (in notice: 1976) ; A876568.

A876569. Concerto for piano and orchestra: commentary and analysis. Vol. 1-2. By John Henry Seller, Jr. aicrofiim. John Benry tieller, Jr. ; 15Jun77 (in notice: 1976); A876569.

A876570. aetaphors and theories. By Josephine Hary Adams, aicrofiim. Josephine aary Adams; 15Jun77; A876570.

A876571. An Investigation of the procedures used to assign students to remedial oral communication instruction. By Harren Dale Decker. Microfilm. Uarren Dale Decker; 15Jun77 (in notice: 1976); A876571.

A876572. Departmental prestige and doctoral production: an analysis of the structure of graduate education in physics from 1961 to 1972. By Linda Kathryn aoffat, aicrofiim. Linda Kathryn Boffat; 15Apr77 (in notice: 1976); A876572.

A876573. Social structure and migration; a comparative study of the Mest Indies. By Lawford Lawrence Goddard. aicrofiim. Lawford Lawrence Goddard; 15Apr77 (in notice: 1976) ; A876573.

A876574. A Network model and conductor shape classification scheme for the macro- routing of digital printed circuit boards. By Arnold Conrad Keller. aicrofiim. Arnold Conrad Keller; 1Sllov76; A876574.

A876575. Bespiratory function in children with sickle cell anemia. By aichael Douglas Borden. aicrofiim. O aichael Douglas Borden; 15Jun77 (in notice: 1976) ; A876575.

A876576. A Longitudinal assessment of continuity and stability in temperamental charac- teristics from infancy to early childhood. By Sean Conway acDevitt. aicrofiim. Sean Conway BcOevitt; lSJun77 (in notice: 1976) ; A876576.

A876 577. Differential life history factors among incarcerated female offenders. By Bette Gay aebane. aicrofiim. O Bette Gay aebane; 15aay77; A876577.

A876578. The Impact of metropolitan fiscal consolidation on the distribution of real income: the case of Lima, Peru. By Allen Lee klhite. aicrofiim. O Allen Lee Uhite; 15aay77 (in notice: 1976) ; A876578.

A876579. Conscription, conscientious objection, and the context of American pacifism, 1940-1915. By Theodore Eickard Bachs. aicrofiim. Theodore Bickard Uachs; 15Apr77 (in notice: 1976); A876579.

A876580. Anarchy revisited: two schools of thought. By David Allan Freeman, aicrofiim. David Allan Freeman; 15aay77; A876580.

A876581. A Bationale for furrow irrigation system design and management. By Safa Moon Hamad. aicrofiim. O Safa Noori Hamad; 15Apr77; A876581.

A876582. A Comparative description of "good faith** as viewed by management and labor in the Los Angeles-Long Beach area. By Zenovy Jakymiw. aicrofiim. O Zenovy Jakymiw; 15Jun77: A876582.

A8765B3. Besidual demand for services: inter- nalized gatekeeping and self-selection out of the public social benefits system in America. By Barbara Jean Nelson, aicrofiim. Barbara Jean Nelson; 15aay77 (in notice: 1976); A876583.

A876584. The Comparison of two educational delivery systems used for continuing medical education in gerontology. By John Earl Peterson. aicrofiim. O John Earl Peterson; 15May77; A876584.

A876585. Sir Horace Plunkett and the politics of Irish agriculture: 1890-1914. By Paul Leonhard fiempe. aicrofiim. Paul Leonhard fiempe; 15Bay77 (in notice: 1976) ; A876585.

A876586. National policy and population distribution in twelve metropolitan regions of the Onited States. By James Edward Smith, Jr. aicrofiim. James Edward Smith, Jr.; 15aay77 (in notice: 1976); A876586.

A876587. Journeys and returns: the early descriptive poems of iordsworth. By Steven Eugene Sharp. aicrofiim. O Steven Eugene Sharp; 15aay77; A876587.

A876 588. A National survey to determine the

status and relationship of programmatic


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