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A933440 - A933l48


JUL-DEC. 1977

A933440. CCH labor cases, 1977. Vol. 8 1. 1 v. O Conmerce Clearinq House, Inc.: 11Nov77; A933440.

A933441. CCH public barqaioinq cases. Vol. 2. 1 ». Nd; p. 20777-21558 8 coapilation. Conmerce Clearinq House, Inc.; 1i(Nov77: A933441.

A933442. CCH public barqaininq cases. Vol. 1. 1 1. NH: p. 11089-11463 & coapilation. Coaaecce clearinq House, Inc.; 1<INov77: A933I4112.

A933it<4U. CCH public employee barqaininq. Vol. 1-2. O Comerce Clearinq House, Inc.; 1UNo»77; A933<IU«.

A9331tlt5. Inside' s outi By Baynond Ediracd Siith. Sheets. C Baynond E. Snitb: 1Jun77: A933itil5.

A933«it6. The Depth of nevi-nuri consciousness. Sheets (110U p.) Appl. au: David J. Farrior. David J. Farrier; 200ec77; A933l|l(6.

A933l»lt7. Hediation and interpretation: an inquiry into ronantic ways of kDOwinq. By David Janes Lanqston. Hicrofiln. David Janes Lanqston: 1Dec77; A93341t7.

A9334l4e. Adaptive inplenentation of one- step-ahead optinal control via input natchinq. By Charles Kichard Johnson, Jr. Hicrofiln. C Charles Bichard Johnson, Jr.; 1Dec77: A933iti»8.

A933t<t9. Predict inq the effects at the local level of state educational finance equalization. By Janes Baynond Snith. Hicrofiln. C Janes Baynond Saith: 1Dec77: A933449.

A9331t50. The Bussian folk lullaby in the nineteenth century. By Sheryl Allison Spitz. Bicrofiln. Sheryl Allison Spitz: 1Dec77; A933I450.

A933II51. Recursive nodelinq of aabulatory health care settinqs. By Dean Hobart Kropp. Bicrofiln. C Dean Hobart Kropp; 1Dcc77: A933*51.

A933l(52. A Nonlinear model of the human EEG siqnal durinq photic stinulation. By John Bichard Nickolls. Hicrofiln. John Bichard NicKolls; 1Dec77; A9J3452.

A9334S3. Equilibriun in conaodity futures markets: theory and tests. By Frederick Lee Albert Grauer. Bicrofiln. Frederick Lee Albert Grauer; 1Dec77: A933it53.

A933ll5lt. The Hilitary and American society, 1881-1922. By Janes Leonard Abrahanson. Bicrofiln. C Jaaes Leonard Abrahanson; 1Dec77: A933it5i4.

A933I155. General Sir John Burnett-Stuart and British nilitary reforn, 1927-1938. Vol. 1-2. By Harold Baynond iinton. aicrofila. C Harold Baynond uinton; 1Dec77; A933lt55.

A9334S6. Broadcast protocols in packet switched Dalai. Dalai;

networks. By Yoqen Kantilal

oicrofiln. yoqen Kantilal 1Dec77; A9331456.

A9331(57. norpholoqy of the head and forequt of Neomachilis halophilus (Sxlvesrri) (Thysanura: nachilidae) By John Paget Fiqq-Hoblyn. Hicrofiln. John Paqet Fiqq-Hoblyn; 1Dec77; A9331tS7.

A933U58. Der Dialoq bei Prank Uedekind: Untersuchunqen zun Szenenqesprach der Dramen bis 1900. By Anna Katharina Kuhn. Hicrofiln. Anna Katharina Kuhn; 1Dec77; A933I458.

A933it59. Perforaance of vertically-fractured wells with finite-conductivity fractures. By Minq-lunq Hichael Hao. Hicrofila. O Nlnq-lunq Hichael Hao; 1Dec77: A933II59.

A933lt60. The Late sonatas of Silvius Leopold Heiss. By Oouqias Alton Saith. Hicrofiln. Appl. states ail new except musical examples. O Douglas Alton Smith; 1Dec77; A933lt60.

A933lt61. Anaioq siqnal processinq electronics for an ultrasonic iaaqinq system. By Barry Edward gussman. Hicrofila. O Barry Edward aussman; 1Dec77; A933461.

A933462. Han: a course of study--a case study of diffusion io oreqon. By Lynda Carl Falkenstein. Hicrofilm. O Lynda Carl Falkenstein; 1Dec77; A933462.

A933463. laaqe and reality: women in twelfth- century France. By Penny Schine Gold. Hicrofila. O Penny Schine Gold; 1Dec77; A9331t63.

A933464. The Adaptive miniaum error correlation filter. By Hichael Greqq Lariaore. Microfilm. O Hichael Greqq Lariaore; 1Dec77; AgSSUbH.

A933465. Optiaal control in Harkov population processes. By James Hichael Hoore. Bicrofilm. James Hichael Hoore; 1Dec77; A933l(65.

A9J3466. The Ose of digital simulation models to predict the effects of vegetation cover change on streamflow and downstreaa water use. By Lloyd John Lundeen. Hicrofilm. O Lloyd John Lundeen: 1Dec77; A933I466.

A933a67. The Politics of early childhood education legislation: three comparative case studies. By Pascal Dominic Forgione, Jr. Hicrofila. Pascal Doainic Forgione, Jr.; 1Dec77; A9331167.

A9331t68. Ore Funktion der liedhaften Einlage in den fruhen Stucken Brechts: Baal, Troaaelo in der Sacht, la DiCkicht der Stadte, Eduard 2. vom England und Hann ist flaon. By Gudrun labbert Jones. Hicrofilm. O Gudrun Tabbert Jones; 1Dec77; A9331168.

A933t59. A Parser for English and its application in an automatic proqramaing system. By Jerrold Hartin Glnsparg. Hicrofila. Jerrold Hartin Ginsparg; 1Dec77; A933t69.

A933lt70. A Theoretical approach to the cal- culation of annealed impurity profiles of ion implanted boron into silicon. By Alejandro Chu. Hicrofilm. O Alejandro Chu; 1Dec77; A933U70.

A933471. Transient flow to finite conductivity vertical fractures. By Benjamin Joseph Barker. Hicrofilm. O Benjamin Joseph Barker; 1Dec77; A933(|71.

A933472. Intracerebral Influences on the microstructure of visual cortex. By Haryse chantal Lassonde. Hicrofila. Haryse Chantal Lassonde; 1Dec77; A933a72.

A933I473. Ippen Shonln and popular Buddhisa in Kaaakura, Japan. By James Harlan Foard. Bicrofiln. O James Harlan Foard; 1Dec77; A933473.

A933lt71t. Chronometric studies of the nusical interval sense. By Gerald John Balzano. Hicrofilm. Gerald John Balzano; 1Dec77; A933l(7lt.

A933475. Acoustic detection of thermal radiation. By Nicolas Josef Boil. Hicrofilm. Nicolas Josef Boll; 1Dec77; A9331175.

A9331t76. The Theory and iapleaentation of the Stanford aperture synthesis radio telescope and observations of the solar slowly varying component at a wavelength of 2.8 centimeters. By Clifford John Grebenkeaper. Hicrofila. Clifford John Grebenkeaper; 1Dec77; A933476.

A933477. Titian and the evolution of portraiture in Venice. By Su: Houlton. Microfilm a. Susan Houlton; 1Dec77; A933t77.

A933476. The Aaerican legal profession and the organizational society, 1890-1930. By ilayne Karl Hobson. Hicrofila. O Uayne Karl Hobson; 1Dec77; A933"t78.

A933«79. Adherence to aedication: an intervention study with poor adherers. By Jacqueline Harus Brashley Dunbar. Hicrofila. O Jacqueline Harus Brashley Dunbar; 1Dec77: A933«79.

A933t80. Grid-insensitive coaputer simulation of the Kelvin-Helaholtz instability and shear flow turbulence. By Sang Saauel Hang. Hicrofilm. O Sang Saauel Hang; 1Dec77; A933I480.

A933lt81. The Effects of Sesame street programming on the cooperative behavior of young children. By Linda Theresa Silverman. Hicrofilm. O Linda Theresa Silverman; 1Dec77; A933't81.

A933U82. Hulticultural social climate in an ethnically mixed school. By Jean Helen Headowcroft. Hicrofilm. O Jean Helen Headowcroft; 1Dec77; A933182.

A933a83. fiequiem for rabbit ears: cable television policy in Canada. By Jean Charles Hichel Guite. Hicrofiln. Jean Charles Hichel Guite; 1Dec77; A933'183.

A933i|8it. Coaedy, suffering and human existence: the search for a conic strategy of

survival froa Soreo Kierkegaard to Kenneth


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