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A933401 - A933439


JUL-DEC. 1977

4933400 (con.) course. Research report 582, Dec. 1976. By Peter Schwartz & Srnold Sitchell, issued by Stanford Research Institute, Business Intelligence Program, Long Range Planning Service. 32 p. Appl. an: Stanford Research Institute. Stanford Research Institute; 7Jan77 (in notice; 1975); 4933400.

4933401. LSI circuits: executive summary. Research report 583, Dec. 1976. By The Electronic Industries Research Group, issued by Stanford Research Institute, Business Intelligence Program, Long fiange Planning Service. 32 p. 4ppl. au: Stanford Research Institute. Stanford Research Institute; 7Jan77 (in notice: 1975); 4933401.

4933402. The 4rt of exploratory planning: identifying the corporate long range course; executive summary. Research report no. 582, Dec. 1976. By Peter Schwartz 6 Arnold Mitchell, issued by Stanford Research Institute, Intelligence Program, long Range Planning Service. 32 p. 4ppl. au: Stanford Research Institute. 6 Stanford Research Institute; 7Jan77 (in notice: 1976) : A933402.

4933403. 4nalyzing future business environments. Research report 585, Dec, 1976. By James B. Smith £ Pamela G. Kruzic, issued by Stanford Research Institute, Business Intelligence Program, Long Range Planning Service. 32 p. Appl. au: Stanford Research Institute. 9 Stanford Research Institute; 3Feb77 (in notice: 1976) ; 4933403.

A933401. Analyzing future business environments; executive summary. Research report 585, Dec 1976. By James B. Smith £ Pamela G. Kruzic, issued by Stanford Research Institute, Business Intelligence Program, Long Range Planning Service. 2 p. Appl. au: Stanford Research Institute. O Stanford Research Institute; 3Feb77 (in notice: 1976) ; A933401.

4933405. Corporate planning in Japan. Research report 581, Dec. 1976. By William S. Royce £ Taiii Toshizava, issued by Stanford Research Institute, Business Intelligence Program, Long Range Planning Service. 21 p. 4ppl. au: Stanford Research Institute. O Stanford Research Institute: 13Jan77 (in notice: 1976) ; 4933405.

4933406. Joco. Kit. 4ppl. au: Donna B. Gee. NH: editorial revisions, additional text fi pictorial matter. Specialty Games, Inc., formerly Joco, Inc.; 30Nov71 (in notice: 1972); 4933406.

4933407. Two-gether heavy lift helicopter. Designed & drawn by David H. Shipton. Kit. e David H. Shipton 15Aug77; 4933407.

4933408. Two-qether kit: explorer helicopter. Designed S drawn by David B. Shipton. e David H. Shipton; 15Aug77; A933408.

A933410. Velo: the international game of bicycle racing. Kit. Add. ti: The International Telo game of bicycle racing. English S French. Appl. au: Jean Casaqrande. e Pauaar Companr: 110ct77: A933110.

a guide for beginners. By Leslie Solomon £ Stanley S. Veit. 216 p. O Ridley Enslow Publishers; 15Sep77: A933411.

A933412. Human rights 0. S. style from colonial times through the new Deal. By Claude M. Lightfoot. 227 p. e International Publishers Company, Inc.; 16Dec77; A933412.

A933413. The Angels and revelation; a new approach to the meaning of Biblical inspiration. By L. Carlos Radford. 137 p. e L. Carlos Badford; 21Nov77; A933413.

A933411. Jonas Lie. By Sverre Lyngstad. 223 p. (Twayne*s world authors series, 131. Morvay) O G. K. Ball and Company; 17(lay77; 4933411.

A933415. Vicente Espinel. By 4. Anthony aeathcote. 156 p. (Twayne's world authors series, 110. Spain) G. K. Hall and company; 22Jun77; A933415.

A933416. aiguel Hihura. By Douglas R. HcKay. 151 p. (Twayne's world authors series, 136. Spain) e G. K. Hall and Company; 17Hay77; A933416.

A933417. Bone tumors. By Louis Lichtenstein. 5th ed. 165 p. O The C. V. Hosby Company; 22Nov77; 4933417.

A933418. The Yearbook of surgery, 1977. Editor: Seymour I. Schwartz, associate editors: John S. Najarian, Erie E. Peacock, Jr., Tom Shires, Billiam Silen fi Frank C. Spencer. 511 p. Year Book aedical Publishers, Inc.; 1Aug77; A933418.

A933419. Intrauterine asphyxia and the developing fetal brain. Edited by Louis Gluck. 507 p. e Year Book Medical Publishers, Inc.; 3Auq77; A933419.

A933420. The Year book of deraatology, 1977. Edited by Frederick D. Halkinson £ Roger H. Pearson. 112 p. O Year Book Medical Publishers, Inc.; 10Aug77; 4933420.

A933421. Advances in surgery. Tol. 11, 1977. Editor: Charles Rob £ others. 115 p. Year Book Medical Publishers, Inc.; 7Sep77; A933421.

A933422. Social Register. 1978. Vol. 92, Nov. 1977.. 1272 p. Social Register Association; 23Sov77; 4933422.

A933423. A Midsummer night's dream. By Silliam Shakespeare, written out by Graily Hewitt, illustrated, decorated S cover designed by Arthur Rackham. 1 v. DM: illus. e Abaris Books, Inc.; 29Aug77; 4933423.

4933421. Prenatal factors in childhood schi- zophrenia: a case history analysis. By Sophia V. Brooks. 79 p. O Sophia V. Brooks; 15Hay77 (in notice: 1976); 4933421.

4933425. A Psychological study of tension headaches as a psychophysiological disorder and their relationship to locus of control. By Elaine D. Chaisson. Microfilm. Elaine D. Chaisson; 7Jul77; 4933425.

4933426. Experiential psychotherapy: research, theory and philosophy — a synergistic concept with an emerging new frontier. By Sydney Stevan Dweck. Microfilm. O Sydney Stevan Dweck; 260ct77; A933426.

A933428. An Experimental study of the effect of prejudice, race of the communicator and message congruence upon subject's ratings of attraction, source credibility and attitude toward the message topic. By James Robert Conway. Microfilm. James Robert Conway; 1Feb77; 4933428.

A933429. Fat chance. By Louis Phillip Atkin. Microfilm. Louis Phillip Atkin; 1Aug77; A933429.

A933430. An Analysis of the opinions of hospital administrators in six western states toward mandatory health care planning. By Edward Paul Smith. Microfilm. Edward Paul Smith; 20Jul77; 4933430.

4933431. The Development and validation of a scale for school observation of cha- racteristics associated with minimal brain dysfunction and learning disabilities in elementary school boys. By Uilliaa Harrison Wright, Jr. Microfilm. William Harrison Wright, Jr.; 23May77; A933431.

A933132. The Admission and integration of women into the Onited States Air Force Academy. By William Joseph Wallisch, Jr. Microfilm. William Joseph Wallisch, Jr.; 9Jun77; 4933132.

4933433. Pointing. Kit. Text taken from The Bricklayer: brick and block construction. NM: slides £ any verbage pertinent to audio-visual adaptation of text. e International Masonry Apprenticeship Trust (in notice: I.M.A.I.); 110ct77; A933433.

A933434. library skills; a programmed textbook for self-instruction. By Edwin F. Ouinnell £ Margaret Boubel. 90 p. NM: revisions. South County Community Collegj District; 6Sep77 (in notice: 1971, 1975) ; A933134.

4933435. Racquetball syllabus. By Keith Calkins £ Bruce Werner. 10 p. S South County Community College District; 290ct71; 4933135.

4933436. The Sunflower trail as blazed by Brigham Young. 29 p. Appl. au: James E. Mayberry. James E. Mayberry, Publisher, Inc.; 15Sep77; A933136.

4933137. Cariology. By Ernest Newbrun. 6th ed. 333 p. Ernest Newbrun; 1Nov77; 4933137.

4933438. Water outlet catalog. No. 1177. 1 v. The Easton Manufacturing Company, Inc.; 21!lov77; A933138.

4933439. Inmates' legal aid handbook, law, procedure, forms. By Jack Lopinson. 1 v. Appl. states copyright not claimed in any material taken from Onited States sources. NM: additional text. Jack Lopinson;

25NOV77: 4933139.


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