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JUL-DEC. 1977

4876516 (con.) Bell Telephone Coupanr: 30Jun77: 1876516.

4876517. A Conparison of student content achievement in bioloqy betHeeii computer oanaqed instructional and non-cooputer manaqed instructional biology courses. By Charles Christopher Staniskis. Hicrofilm. e Charles Christopher Staniskis; 15Jan77 (in notice: 19761; A876517.

4876518. The Development of spatial decenterlug perforaance and its relationship to social-emotional adjustment, scene content and vie¥er identity. By Beatrice Kaplan Blasdel. Hicrofilo. Q Beatrice Kaplan Blasdel; 15Jun77 (in notice: 1976); A876518.

4876519. In-service councils: their role in providing for professional staff development in Pennsylvania schools. By Janes Frederick Shields. Hicrofila. e James Frederick Shields; 15Har77 (in notice: 1976); 4876519.

4876520. President Eichard H. uixon's crisis rhetoric, 1969-1972. By Bussell Taylor Church. tticrofilD. Q Hussell Taylor Church; 15Jun77 (in notice: 1976) ; 4876520.

4876521. The Philosophically significant Bestern understandings of D. T. Suzuki's interpretation of Zen and their influence on occidental culture examined critically in relation to Suzuki's thought as contained in his English language writings. By Larry Allen Fader. Microfilm, e Larry Allen Fader; 15Jun77 (in notice: 1976); A876521.

4876522. Becreational preferences of insti- tutionalized older persons studied with reference to their ratings on the Myers-Briqgs type indicator. By Miriam Patricia Lahey. Hicrofilm- 6 Miriam Patricia Lahey: 15Apr77 (in notice: 1976): 4876522.

4876523. 4 Follow-up study of master's degree graduates of Virginia state colleges from 1972 to 1974 to measure their attitudes toward the graduate school program. By Horsham Norris Caldwell. Hicrofilm. e Horsham Horris Caldwell; 15Feb77 (in notice: 1976); A876523.

AB76524. Effects of calcitonin and parathyroid hormone on plasma and urine concentrations of calcium, phosphate, 45CA and 32S in rats treated with disodlum ethane- l-hydroxy-l, 1-diphosphonate. By Joseph Harold Eoycroft. Microf ilii. S Joseph Harold Eoycroft; 15Feb77 (in notice: 1976): A876524.

4876525. Bevolution, colonialism and mission: a study of the role of Protestant churches in the Onited states' rule of the Philippines, 1898-1928. By Mariano Casuga Apilado. Hicrofilm. 6 Mariano Casuga Apilado; 15Har77 (in notice: 1976); 4876525.

A876526. Form and formula in detective drama: a structural study of selected twentieth- century mystery plays. By Charles Bernard LaBorde, Jr. Microfilm, e Charles Bernard LaBorde, Jr.; 15Feb77 (in notice: 1976); 4876526.

4876527. Human reproductive strategy: 1. environmental predictability and reproductive strategy, effects of social class and race; 2. homosexuality and non-reproduction, some evolutionary models. By James Donald Ueinrich. Microfilm. Q James Donald Heinrich; 15Apr77; A875527.

A876528. Dickens's haunted heroes: a study of the emotional lives of major characters in seven of Dickens's works. By Michael Alan Oilman. Microfilm. Q Michael Alan Oilman; 15Apr77 (in notice: 1976); A876528.

A876529. fiescued from evil: origins of the juvenile justice system in Memphis, Tennessee, 1900-1917. By Randall George Shelden. Hicrofilm. O Sandall George Shelden; 15Mar77 (in notice: 1976); A876529.

4876530. Study of two instructional approaches for the acguisitiOQ of a high level of visual literacy competency by under- graduate, preservice teacher trainees. By John Joseph Neuhouse. Microfilm. 6 John Joseph Newhouse; 15Jun77 (in notice: 1976); 4876530.

4876531. GSB arousal, blocking and subjective arousal in high and low assertive females as a function of assertive and nonas— sertive roles in sexual and nonsexual fantasies. By Leola Esther Schvarzwald. Microfilm. S Leola Esther Schwarzwald; 154pr77 (in notice: 1976); 4876531.

A876532. Frederick Law Olmsted: an analysis of his philosophy and plans for campus design. By Steven Arthur Sherman. Microfilm, e Steven 4rthur Sherman; 15Jttn77 (in notice: 1976); 4876532.

A876533. The Effect of videotape feedback on the performance of trainable mental retardates on certain classification skills. By Arthur Hilliam Schwieder. Hicrofila. e Arthur Billiam Schwieder; 15Juu77; A876533.

A876534. A Cognitive-developmental investigation of sex role development in children. By Dale Eileen Marcus. Microfilm. Dale Eileen Marcus; 15Jun77 (in notice: 1976); A876534.

A876535. Frame and axis: the control of psychological and formal levels of meaning in Mrs. Dallovay, To the lighthouse and The Haves. By Edward Hilliam Lewis. Microfilm. Edward Hilliam Lewis; 15Jun77; A876535.

4876536. Career education for educable retarded students in public school systems of Massachusetts. By Guy Anthony Tardanico. Microfilm. Guy Anthony Tardanico; 15JUB77 (in notice: 1976) ; 4876536.

A876537. A Multivariate analysis of selected measures of Federal financial aid to public school districts in Mississippi. By Hsiao-shen Shen. Microfilm. O Hsiao-shen Shen; 15Mar77 (in notice: 1976); 4876537.

4876538. An Analysis of the adequacy of University of Houston mathematics methods competencies as perceived by first and second year teachers prepared at the University of Houston. By Charley Ernest Bichard. Microfilm. Charley Ernest Hichard; 15Mar77 (in notice: 1976); 4876538.

4876539. Adolescent moral development as related to family power« family support and parental moral development. By Gail Beaton Peterson. Microfilm. O Gail Beaton Peterson; 154pr77 (in notice: 1976) ; 4876539.

4876540. The Developmental analysis of stra- tegies, explanations and judgments within seriation problems. By Gary Hilliam Hoore. Microfilm, e Gary Hilliam Moore; 15Jun77 (in notice: 1976) ; A876540.

A876541. A Study of third-grade academic achievement differences between disad- vantaged students with Head Start experiences and no Head Start experiences. By Alice Smith. Microfilm, e Alice Smith; 1SBar77 (in notice: 1976); 4876541.

A876542. 4 Study of women who are certified and employed as principals euid assistant principals in Pennsylvania. By Judith Ann Smith. Microfilm, e Judith Ann Smith; 15Jun77 (in notice: 1976) ; A876542.

A876543. A Survey of Dryden studies: 1949-1974. By George Henry Hammerbacber. Microfilm. e George Henry Hammerbacher; 15Jun77 (in notice: 1976); 4876543.

4876544. The Belationship of Piaget's cognitive stages to temporality, concrete and formal social orientations and personal background information. By Denis Nissim-Sabat. Microfilm. © Denis Sissim-Sabat; 15Jun77; A876544.

A876545. The Assessment of personal charac- teristics and health practices associated with coronary heart disease in adults. By John B. Steinmetz. Microfilm. @ John B. Steinmetz; 15Jun77 (in notice: 1976); A876545.

4876546. Influence of teacher, family, media and avocation al factors on career interests of black ninth grade central city students. By Hilliam Andrew Taylor. Microfilm. e Hilliam Andrew Taylor; 15Feb77 (in notice: 1976) ; A876546.

A876547. Possible role of DNA replication in chemical carcinogenesis: an investigation of the in vivo replication of rat liver DHA arylated by the hepatocarcinogen N-hydroxy-2-acetylaminofluorene. By Adrienne Joy Zahner. Microfilm, e Adrienne Joy Zahner; 15Jun77; 4876547.

A876548. A Study of the development of self- concept in physically abused children. By Emil Carl Hick, Jr. Microfilm, e Emil Carl Hick, Jr. ; 15Har77 (in notice: 1976); A876548.

A876549. The Effects of resettlement on the status and role of Yemeni Jewish women: the case of Bamat Oranim, Israel. By lael Katzir. Microfilm. S Yael Katzir; 15Mar77 (in notice: 1976) ; A876549.

4876550. Carbamyl phosphate synthetases and urea

synthesis in rat liver neoplasms. By


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