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A933275 - A933317


JUL-DEC. 1977

A933275. The DevelopneDt, ifflpleneDtation, and preliaiDarv evaluation ot a CBTE course Id basic audiovisual skills: a case study. By Kathleen Kuth HcQueeney. Hicrofiln. O Kathleen Huth BcQueeney: lDec77; 4933275.

A933276. The Inpact that selected National Labor Relations Board decisions have had on certain aspects of acadeaic advinistration at private colleqes and universities. By Jerry Carlton Lee. Microfiln. Q Jerry Carlton Lee; 1Dec77; A933276.

A933277. A Coopacative study o£ Sandhill Crane subspecies. By John H. Baldwin. flicrofilB. C John H. Baldwin; 1Dec77; A933277.

A933278. Nature of the yield phenoaena of nylon 6, 6 fiber. By Yeun-Jonq Chou. Hicrofiln. C Teur-Jonq Chou; 1Dec77; A93327B.

A933279. A Study of the autecoloqy of olis- thodiscus luteus carter. By Carnelo Bocco Tonas. flicrofilm. Carnelo Bocco Tooas; 1Dec77: A933279.

A933280. The Electron theory of valence: 1900-1925. By Anthony Nicholas Stranqes. Hicrofiln. C Anthony Nicholas stranqes; 1Dec77; A933280.

A933281. Surface imnunoqlobulins on B lymp- hocytes. By Shu Han Fu. Hicrofiln. Shu Han Pu ; 1Dec77 (in notice: 1975) ; A933281.

A933282. Land and life; correlations and multiple reqression analysis of land concentration in three Colombian coanunities and development of a speculative model includinq some ecoloqical variables. By Earl Hatthew UaldyK. Hicrofilm. C Earl Hatthew Waidyk; 1Dec77; 4933282.

A933283. John Bussell Bartlett, 1805-1886: bookman. By John Duncan Haskell, Jr. Hicrofiln. C John Duncan Haskell, Jr.; 1Dec77; A933283.

A933284. Users and non- users of colleqe libraries. By Nurieh Husavi. Hicrofiln- O Nurieh Husavi; 1Dec77; A933284.

A933285. Population education in Anerican hiqh schools: towards a theory and application. By Leon Eli Clark. Hicrofiln. Leon Eli Clark: 1Dec77; A933285.

A933286. Some basic hyperqeonet ric polynomials arisinq fron finite classical qroups. By Dennis Uarren Stanton. Hicrofiln. Dennis Warren Stanton; 1Dec77; A933286.

A933287. Synthesis of optimal ladder networks. By Tian siu Lin. Hicrofiln. O Tian Siu Lin: lDec77; A933287.

A933288. The Effects of modal differences on the attribution of source credibility. By James Henry Tolhuizen. Hicrofilm. Janes Henry Tolhuizen; 1Dec77 ; A933288.

A933289. Hedia irteqration in newly constructed qraduate academic libraries. By Edward Alderman Scott. Hicrofiln. O Edward Alderman Scott; lDec77; A933289.

A933290. James Bryant Conant and The Anerican hiqh school today. By Barry Janes Teicher. Hicrofiln. Barry Janes Teicher; 1Dec77; A933290.

A933291. Ooiform LP estimates for a linear inteqrodif ferential equation with a parameter. By Ualph Hilliaa Carr. Hicrofiln. Ealph Billiam Carr; 1Dec77; A933291.

A933292. The Apocalypse of Adam: a literary and source analysis. By Charles Hebster Hedrick. Microfilm. Charles Rebster Hedrick; 1Dec77; A933292.

A933293. Perceived effects of collective barqaininq on communication in unit school districts in the State of Illinois. By Jacob Bay Hhitecotton. Hicrofiln. Jacob Bay Uhitecotton; lDec77; A933293.

A933294. Corporate earninqs forecasts: empirical tests and a consumption-investment model. By James Hichael Patell. Hicrofilm. e James Michael Patell; 1Dec77: A933294.

A933295. A Comparative study of Onondaqa Community Colleqe women students makinq traditional and non-traditional business curricula choices. By Helen Hilewska Etherinqton. Hicrofilm. Helen Hilewska Etherinqton; 1Dec77; A933295.

A933296. Black and white self concepts: academic and social implications for urban educators. By Elvin Harden Graves. Hicrofilm. Elvin Harden Graves; 1Dec77; A933296.

A933297. Influences on the career development and life plans of underqraduates at a woman's colleqe. By Susan Olson Bolman. Microfilm. e Susan Olson Bolman; 1Dec77; A933297.

A933298. The Ethiopian revolution: qroup interaction and civil-military relations. By Marilyn Ann Hall. Microfilm. e Harilyn Ann Hall; 1Dec77; A933298.

A933299. A Conparison of the sensitivity of the unrelated question randomized response model with three other data accumulation techniques usinq examination cheating as a model. By Bonald Bobert Bosenblatt. Microfilm. Bonald Bobert Bosenblatt; 1Dec77; A933299.

A933300. Husband and wife communication traininq: an experimental study. By Garth L. Allred. Microfiln. Garth L. Allred; 1Dec77; A933300.

A933301. The Puerto Bican student in the American public junior hiqh school today. By Gladys Ann Vaicourt. Hicrofilm. Gladys Ann Vaicourt; 1Dec77; A933301.

A933302. Bureaucratic conpetition and policy implementation. By Sandra Joyce Prawley. Hicrofilm. Sandra Joyce Frawley; 1Dec77; A933302.

A933303. Geology, mineralogy, and petrochemistry of Al-Ualgah Pluton, At-Taif, Saudi Arabia. By Ali Theyab Al-Hishwt. Hicrofilm. Ali Theyab Al-Mishwt; 1Dec77; A933303.

A933304. Hemispheric asymmetry of cerebral function as reflected in auditory fatigue. By Bicbard Lewis Price. Hicrofiln. aichard Lewis Price; 1Dec77; i933304.

A933305. Purposive social change fron a radical hunanist perspective: conceptual and organizational issues. By John Franklin Else. Hicrofiln. O John Franklin Else; 1Dec77: A933305.

A933306. Contrainte et liberte etude d* une convention de la tragedie du seiziene siecle: le recit. By Bobert Judson Saell, Jr. Hicrofilm. Bobert Judson Snell, Jr.; 1Dec77; A933306.

A933307. Disaster planning: an analysis of problems communities face in a disaster. By Sam Bonald Davidson. Hicrofilm. O San Bonald Davidson; 1Dec77; A933307.

A933308. Assertive traininq for non-assertive developmentally disabled adults. By Terry Halter Bangs. Hicrofilm. 6 Terry Halter Bangs; 1Dec77; A933308.

A933309. The Contribution of cognitive res- tructuring to' the effectiveness of behavior rehearsal in modifying social inhibition in females. By Loretta Catherine Novince. Hicrofilm. Loretta Catherine Novince; 1Dcc77; A933J09.

A933310. The Lyrical songs of the Bussian settlers in Dobrudja (Bomania) By Hari Silvestru Eorlich. Microfilm. Hari Sllvestru Borlich; 1Dec77; A933310.

A933311. There is more to childbirth than having a baby. By Louise Tencza Levesgue. Microfiln. O Louise Tencza Levesgue; 1Dec77; A933311.

A933312. The Governance of intercollegiate athletics. By Katherine Saunders. Hicrofilm. O Katherine Saunders; 1Dec77; A933312.

A933313. John Cosin, 1595-1672: Bishop of Durham and champion of the Caroline church. By John Gregory Hoffman. Hicrofilm. John Gregory Hoffman; lDec77; A933313.

A933314. Synbolisa and the synbolic process at work in Cecilia Heireles' Mar absoluto. By Darlene Joy Sadlier. Hicrofiln. O Darlene Joy Sadlier; 1Dec77; A933314.

A933315. Holiday art. By Irena Haris. 18 p. NH: additional text 6 illus. The Instructor publications. Inc.; 30Nov77; A933315.

A933316. Sentence structure. 8 p. (Primary 951 ICH activity pack) Appl. au: Bita Everding. Instructor Publications, Inc. ; 30Sep77; A933316.

A933317. Street builders, set 3. Kit. (Action pack, no. 107) Instructor Publications,

Inc.; 30NOV77: A933317.


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