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JUL-DEC. 1977

A933191 (con.) 26, no. 1-6, Dec. 197il-Oct, 197S. 21 p. idd. ti: Aaerican Beritaqe index; AnecicaD Beritaqe index to text and illustrations. iaerican Beritaqe Pubiishinq Conpany, Inc.: 280ct77: A933191.

A933192. Index to text and illustiations. Vol. 27. no. 1-6, Dec. 1975-Oct. 1976. 20 p. Add. ti: Anerican Heritaqe index; Aaerican Beritaqe index to text and illustrations. Aaerican Heritaqe Pubiishinq Conpanr, Inc.; 310ct77; A933192.

A933193. Hedia 3: portfolio, fall '77. Sheets in folder. lounq Innovators. Inc.; 22APC77: A933193.

A93319I4. The Hho in you. By nary Hillaout f, Harsh Lilly, illus. by 8. G. oleksyshyn. 106 p. Hary Billmont £ Harsh Lilly: 26Auq77: A9331914.

A933195. Judith Spencer, a potter. 8 p. Appl. au: Judith Alicia Spencer. O Judith Spencer; 150ct77; A933195.

A933196. The Banch woaan's aanual. By GBen Petersen 176 p. C Dakota North Plains Corporation (North Plains Press) ; 1Jul76; A933196.

A933197. Spencer: classical, aedieval. Renais- sance, and aodern. Microfiche. O The Cleveland State Dniversity; 6Jol77; A933197.

A933198. Spencer and the Hiddle Aqes. Hicrofiche. O The Cleveland State Dniversity: 8Jul76: A933198.

A933199. Pacts about Furloe CIPC for chickweed control in alfalfa and clover. 2 p. NH: revision. PPG Industries. Inc.. Biocheaicals Group (in notice: PPG Industries, Inc.): 28Nov77: A933199.

A933200. Furloe CIPC chickneed control per- foraance warranty. 2 p. NH: revision. PPG Industries, Inc.. Biocheoiicals Group (in notice: PPG Industries. Inc. ) ; 28liov77: A933200.

A933201. Steerinq quide. Card. CRAS of Baton Bouqe, Inc.: 1Nov77; A933201.

A933202. Old and lost rivers; poeas. By Paul Christensen. 1 v. Paul Christensen; 20Gct77: A933202.

A933203. Basic standards of care. Southeast Beqion. lAET. 1 V. Appl. au: Ellen Shipes e laetz Stanley. NH: additional text e coapilation. Ellen Shipes & Inetz Stanley: 29Jun77; A933203.

A933204. Tennis for fun. By Joseph DiBenedetto, cover desiqn & illus. by Jonelson Chenq. U6 p. Tennis Services anlioited; 310ct77: A933204.

A933205. Back in the fold. Card. Appl. au: Z. Kae Clark. Z. Kae Clack; 21Dec77: A933205.

A933206. Svaphony stories: North Carolina Syaphony children's concerts. 1977-1978; aelody on inside front cover: Horning has broken. By Adeline HcCall. 12 p. NH: coapilation 6 additional text. O Adeline HcCall: 15NOV77; A933206.

A933207. Syaphony stories: North Carolina Little Syaphony children's concerts, 1977-1978; aelody on inside front cover: All beautiful the aarch of days. By Adeline HcCall. 12 p. NH: coapilation 6 additional text. Adeline HcCall; 15NOV77: J933207.

4933208. Hetai finishing guidebook directory for 1978. Editor: Nathaniel Hall. <t5th annual ed. 922 p. Hetais and Plastics Publications. Inc.; 6Dec77 (in notice: 1978) ; A933208.

A933209. Hodern hotel and aotel aanaqeaent. By Gerald 8. Lattin, with Harshall C. Warfel 6 Thoaas y. Lattin. 3rd ed. 289 p. B. H. Freeaan and Coapany; 2Sep77; A933209.

A933210. Philosophy of education, 1977; proceedings of the thirty-third annual aeetinq of the Philosophy of Education Society, Nashville, TN, April 16-19, 1977. Editor: Ira S. Steinberg, aanaging editor: John Colson. 379 p. Appl. au: Philosophy of Education Society. O Philosophy of Education Society; 15Nov77; A933210.

A933211. Leqendary acts. By John Over. 87 p. "A Bo»l of ripe fruit" 6 "Dialogue" were first pub. in the Senanee Eeview 83 (fall 1975) 6 others. NH: substantial ne» text & coapilation of prev. pub. aaterial with editorial revisions. O Bniversity of Georgia Press; 1Sep77; A933211.

A933212. The Tree of life. Written by Johnnie Seyrene Adock Toakinson a.k.a. Seyrene. 61 p. Johnnie Seyrene Adock Toakinson a.k.a. Seyrene a.k.a. Johnnie C. Toakinson; 21Jun77: A933212.

A933213. Your o»n steps along the nay. By Hurray B. Neuaeyer, illus. by Leslie B. Strader. 190 p. O United Church Press; 120ct77; A933213.

A933214. The Billiaa 0. and Hary C. Cronther family: their lives, ancestors and descendants. 313 p. Appl. au: Ouane S. Crowther. e Uilliaa Orson Crowther Faaily organization; 30Jan77 (in notice: 1976); A933214.

A933215. A Catalog of the mosquitoes of the world (Diptera: culicidae) By Kenneth L. Knight £ Alan Stone. 2nd ed. 611 p. (The Thomas Say Foundation, 1977, vol. 6) O The Entoaoloqical Society of Aaerica; 15Aug77; S933215.

A933216. Secrets of the card sharps. By Gerard Haiax, translator £ editor: Edward B. Egan. 156 p. First pub. in Prance under the ti. Les Secrets des Tricheurs. NH: translation fi editorial revisions. O Sterling Publishing Company, Inc.; 12Sep77: A933216.

A933217. Pursuit school. By Edward Eadlauer £ Dan Eadlauer, photos, by the authors. 15 p. O Ed Eadlauer £ Dan Eadlauer; 30JU175; A933217.

A933218. Aviation badges and insignia of the United States Aray, 1913-19116. By Jaaes Dunceui Caapbell. 87 p. NH: coapilation of material with author's coament throughout, additional text aaterials, new pictorial matter, editorial revision, including author's opinions, new pref. £ new bibliography. John Binthrop Campbell: 22Sep77; A933218.

A933219. Tenants' rights: a guide for Bashington state. By Barbara A. Isenhour, James £. Fearn, Jr. £ Steve Predrickson, illus. by Charles 0. Bood. 130 p. O University of Bashington Press; 26Sep77; A933219.

A933220. Coyote was going there: Indian literature of the Oregon country. Compiled E edited by Jarold Baasey. 295 p. NH: introd.6 introductory aatter preceding each of six parts. O University of Bashington Press; 60ct77; A933220.

A933221. Anyang. By Li Chi. 301 p. e Uni- versity of Bashington Press; 6Dec77; A933221.

A933222. The Establishaent of the Balkan national states, 180<t-1920. By Charles £ Barbara Bciqhtfield Jelavich. 358 p. (A History of East Central Europe, vol. 8) O University of Bashington Press; 29Sep77; A933222.

A933223. Prehistory of the eastern highlands of New Guinea. By Virginia Drew Batson £ J. David Cole. 22it p. (Anthropological studies in the eastern highlands of New Guinea, vol. 3) University of Bashington Press; 10Dec77; A933223.

A9332211. Bendell Brazeau: a search for form. By Spencer Hoseley £ Hillard B. Sogers. 95 p. (Index of art in the Pacific Northwest, no. 12) O University of Bashington Press; 25Aug77; A93322I4.

A933225. After ninety. By laogen Cunningham, introd. by Hargaretta Hitchell. Ill p. Appl. states everything is new except a couple of photos. O The laogen Cunningham Trust; 16Sep77; A933225.

A933226. Aaerica: History and Life; five year index. Vol. 6-10, 1969-1973. Editor: Eric H. Boeha £ other editors. <>73 p. e ABC-Clio, Inc.; 280ct77; A933226.

A933227. The Bock ribs of Bennington Town. 505 p. Appl. au: George E. Hadwen. e George E. Badwen; 17Nov77; A933227.

A933228. The Philosophy of Soren Kierkegaard and its iaplications for education. By Clifford Davis. Hicrofila. O Clifford Davis; 1Jul77; A933228.

A933229. Finding a job you feel good about. By Clifford B. Garrison, Billiaa J. HcCurdy, Paul J. Hanson, Patricia Pavlik, Jean D. Saunders, Kathryn Sias £ Dorothea Telis. 1 1 1 p. 6 Argus communications, division of DLH, Inc.; 17Jun77; A933229.

A933230. The Hour of the unexpected. By John Shea. 117 p. O Argus Communications, division of DLH, Inc.; 18Apr77; A933230.

A933231. Teaching about religion in public schools. Edited by Nicholas piediscalzi £ Billiam E. collie. 258 p. O Argus Coaaunications, division of DLH, Inc.;

18JU177; A933231.


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