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JUL-DEC. 1977

4933030 (con.) Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. By Joe Allen Seriq. Hicrofila. Joe Allen Seriq; 1Dec77: A933030.

A933031. Oronao Eocial structure. By Alan lilfrld Hason. Bicrofilm. O Alan Bilfrid Bason: 1Dec77; A933031.

A933032. Hultinationai corporations and the transfer of coBiercial technology to developinq societies; the case of India. By Sushil Kumar Veraa. Hicrofila. O Sushil Kumar Verma; 1Dec77: A933032.

A933033. A Stress strain time model for soil. By Edward James Hiller. Hicrofilm. Ednard James Hiller: 1Dec77; A933033.

A933034. The Effects of expectancies, status and sex on disclosure reciprocity in a nominal dyadic interview. By Jay Alden Lentz. Hicrofilm. O Jay Alden Lentz: 1Dec77; A933034.

A933035. The Rated importance of selected sex and qender descriptors as compared by sex and academic qroup membership of subiects under four prolected conditions. By fioqer Gerald Chatten. Microfilm. O Roger Gerald Chatten: lDec77; A933035.

A933036. A Comparison of the vocational behavior and progression of the perceptibly physically handicapped with the non- handicapped in civil service careers not requirinq physical skills. By Bay Bloom Bressler, Jr. Microfilm. Bay Bloom Bressler, Jr.: 1Dec77; A933036.

A933037. San Juan, Puerto Bico: a case study of the evolution and functional cole of a pcimate city- By George Edward Stetson. Hicrofilm. George Edward Stetson: 1Dec77: A933037.

A93303B. Hanqa entrepreneurial strategies (1956-1972) By Susan Barie Pflanz. Bicrofilm. Susan Barie Pflaoz; 1Dec77; A933038.

A933039. The Beligious poetry of Tristan L'Hermite: a critical edition. By Ruth Ann Gielsteen. Hicrofilm. Buth Ann Gielsteen; 1Dec77: A933039.

A933040. Health distribution in colonial South Carolina. By Hilliam George Bentley. Hicrofilm. uilliaa George Bentley: 1Dec77; A9330U0.

A933041. The General impact of Hichigan State University/Oniversity of Nigeria program on hiqher education in Niqeria with special emphasis on eastern Niqeria: a general review of the innovative proqram. By Peter A. Ezeocha. Hicrofilm. O Peter A. Ezeocha: 1Dec77 (in notice: 1976) : A933013.

A933042. Human ambiguity and nursing. By Ronald Philip Preston. Bicrofilm. O Bonald Philip Preston: 1Dec77: A933042.

A933043. Thaclterav and his readers in Vanity Pair. By Robert Blanton Siegie, Hicrofilm. Robert Blanton Siegie: 1Dec77; A9330143.

A933044. From Arcadia to Elysium: a study of literary modes in eighteenth century Germany. By Briqitte Haria Peucker. Hicrofilm. Brigitte Haria Peucker: 1Dec77: A933044.

A933045. An Edition of Arator: being a series of agricultural essays, practical and political. By Freda Flenniken Stohrer. Hicrofilm. O Freda Flenniken Stohrer; 1Dec77: A933045.

A933046. "Brea)cing and entering": policewomen in the police world. By Susan Ehrlich Hartin. Bicrofilm. Susan Ehrlich Hartin; 1Dec77; A933046.

A933047. Antferior hypothalamic knife-cuts and the ovarian hyperphagia-obesity syndrome. By Steven Kenneth Gale. Hicrofilm. Steven Kenneth Gale; 1Dec77: 4933047.

A933048. The Relationship between job satis- faction and life satisfaction: an empirical test of three models on a national sample. By Paul Joseph Bamundo. Hicrofilm. 9 Paul Joseph Bamundo: 1Dec77; 4933048.

A933049. Romantic self-consciousness in certain novels of Hawthorne, Conrad, and Durrell. By Carolyn Laura Leitman. Bicrofilm. e Carolyn Laura Leitman; 15Peb77 (in notice: 1975); A933049.

A933050. Reader differentiation between news stories and editorials. By Phillip Dean Carter. Hicrofilm. Phillip Dean carter; 15Bar77 (in notice: 1976) ; A933050.

A933051. Utilization of word Information cues in the perception of unfamiliar words by naive beginning readers. By Sarah Elizabeth Anderson Arnold. Hicrofilm. Sarah Elizabeth Anderson Arnold; 15NOV77; A933051.

A933052. An Investigation of elevated temperature creep in polymers and in 304 stainless steel. By Roger Bark. Hicrofilm. O Roger Hark; 15Jul77; A933052.

A933053. Intra and cross modal relations in touch and vision. By liana Sara Friedman. Hicrofilm. e liana Sara Friedman; 140ct77; A933053.

4933054. The Stepmother: mythology and self- perception. By Irene Sardanis-Zimmerman. Bicrofilm. Irene Sardanis-Zimmerman; lDec77; A933054.

A933055. Electrochemical properties of spherical polyelectrolytes — micellar and liposomal membrane models. By Bichel Roger Bille. Bicrofilm. Bichel Roger Hille; 14Jan77 (in notice: 1976); A933055.

A933056. Job switching in autonomous work groups: a descriptive and exploratory study in an underqround coal mine. By Helvin Blumberq. Bicrofilm. C Helvin Blumberg; 154ug77; A9330S6.

A933057. Images and status of Roman working women: second and third century reliefs from Ostia. By Natalie Boymel Kampen.

A933058. Adolescent attempted suicide: analysis of the differences in male and female suicidal behavior. By Steven Bichael aalch. Hicrofilm. 6 Steven Bichael ialch; 1Dec77; A933058.

A933059. The Politics of criminal law reform in pre-re volutionary France. By David Yale Jacobson. Hicrofilm. O David Yale Jacobson; 15Jul77; A933d59.

4933060. Incorporation of 125 I-thyroxine by the brain of the fetal and neonatal rat. By Alexander Lane. Bicrofilm. Alexander Lane; 15Jan75 (in notice: 1974); A933060.

A933061. A Helium flash with superadiabatic convection. By Karen Roberta Villere. Hicrofilm. O Karen Roberta Villere; 140ct77; A933061.

4933062. Young adult life style and substance use: a study of working class males. By Rilliam Patrick Vlach. Hicrofilm. O Hilliam Patrick Hach; 1Dec77; 4933062.

A933063. Acquisition of sentences containing relative clauses in children's language. By Cecilia Hescoat Roberts Beale. Hicrofilm. Cecilia Hescoat Roberts Beale; 15Bar77 (in notice: 1976); 4933063.

4933064. An Oltrastructural study of chronic pyelonephritis in nonhuman primates. By Thomas Hoodrow Smith, Jr. Bicrofilm. O T. Hoodie Smith, Jr.; 15Nov77: A933064.

4933065. 4ttitudes of selected male industrial arts teachers in Bissouri toward metrication and the use of constructional activities to teach metric units. By John Taylor Alexander. Bicrofilm. John Taylor 41exander; 15Bar77 (in notice: 1976); A933065.

A933066. Dictation and second language acqui- sition in intermediate and advanced intensive English as a second language classes. By John Terry Crow. Bicrofilm. John Terry Crow; 15Nov77; A93J066.

A933067. Freedom is a constant struggle: moving from stereotype towards personhood in a male-female consciousness-raising workshop [with] appendix. By Evelyn Isabel Challis. Bicrofilm. NB: editing. e Evelyn Isabel challis; 1Dec77; A933067.

4933068. The Demand for food and nonfood by farm and nonfarm households in Korea. By Eai-gak Hwang. Bicrofilm. Eui-gak Hwang; 15Bar77; 4933068.

4933069. Hiqher education and development in the People's Republic of China, 1958-1966. By Philip Eliot Giasburg. Bicrofilm. Philip feliot Ginsburg; 15Jul77; 4933069.

A933070. The Ontogeny of linear patterns among young children of above and below average

ability. By Philip P. Halloran.


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