- 1933030
JUL-DEC. 1977
A932989. Uptake* metabolism and efflux of the narcotic analgesic f non-printable data] -acetylmethadol (LASH) by rat lunq tissue- By Hon Man Lau, Hicrofilm. 6 Hon Man lau: 1Dec77; A932989.
A932990. Visual physioloqical psychology and the inproveaent of psychophysical genera- lizations. By fiuth Allison fiyan. Hicrofilm. @ fiuth Allison Byan; 1Dec77: A932990.
A932991. United States defense policy toward Spain, 1950-1976. By Stanley Byron Keeks. Hicrofilm. @ Stanley Byron Heeks; 1Dec77: A932991.
A932992. Allocation of industry in the Andean Common Market. By Jan Ter Henqel. Hicrofilm. © Jan Ter flengel; 1Dec77; A932992.
A932993. A Study of the effect of a reading- learning skills course for nursing students upon failure rate. By fialph Henry Huhn, Jr. Microfilm. 6 Ealph Henry Huhn, Jr.; 1Dec77: A932993.
A932994. The Shawnee Minisink site: a tech- nological analysis of the Early Archaic. By Barbara Ann HcHillan. Hicrofilm. O Barbara Ann HcHillan; 1Dec77; A932994.
A93299S. Conrad's exoticism. By John Harger Hlllis. Hicrofilm. 9 John Harger Hillis; 1Dec77: A932995.
A932996. The Relationship between housing policy and interest groups: Federal housing policy and the poor. By Guy Charles Colarulli. Hicrofilm. 3 Ouy Charles Colarulli; 1Dec77: A932996.
A932997. The Phi factor: mathematical proportions in musical forms. By James Austin Bothwell. Microfilm. Appl. states all new except musical examples. @ James Austin Bothwell; 1Dec77; A932997.
A932998. "Off guard": the National Guard and race-related civil disturbances in the 1950's. By William Eonald Wachs. Microfilm. 6 Hilliam Bonald Hachs; 1Dec77; A932998.
A932999. The Synthesis, derivatization and research related to (E)-3-(2-f3- oxoquinuclidineD-quinuclidylidene. By Hilliam Carroll McHugh, Jr. Hicrofilm. e William Carroll HcHugh, Jr.; 1Dec77; A932999.
A933000. The Flow of consciousness. By Kenneth Sayle Pope. Hicrofilm. Q Kenneth Sayle Pope; 1Dec77; A933000.
A933001. Hotivation, iob satisfaction and career aspirations of married, women teachers at different career stages. By Elissa Dosik Reinroth. Microfilm. 8 Elissa Dosik Weinroth; 1Dec77; A933001.
A933002. Hedical care utilization patterns in a rural area; a study, of shopping behavior. By Sandra Bartholomew Greene. Microfilm. Sandra Bartholomew Greene: 1Dec77; A933002.
A933003. A Comparison of the effects of a helper role and a helper expectancy on the acquisition of assertive behaviors. By Howard Mark Krieger. Hicrofilm. 6 Howard Hark Krieger; 1Dec77; A933003.
A933004. Search and capture times for the predatory grasshopper mouse <Onychomys) in habitats of differing complexities. By Pamela Jean McMahan. Microfilm. Q Pamela Jean McHahan; lDec77; A933004.
A933005. A Phonological analysis of spoken Cairene Arabic. By James Eaton Saunders. Microfilm. @ James Eaton Saunders; 1Dec77; A933005.
A933006. Art-as- politics: the abstract exp- ressionist avant-garde and society. By Annette Cox Smith. Hicrofilm. 6 Annette Cox Smith; 1Dec77; A933006.
A933007. Spatial and temporal variation in population structure of Lolium multiflorum lam. (Italien ryegrass) By Persis Clarkson Coleman. Microfilm. © Persis Clarkson Colaman; 1Dec77: A933007.
A933008. The Maintenance of ethnic identity among Jewish women in an urban setting. By Hanita Frymer-Blumf ield. Microfilm. e Hanita Frymer-Blumf ield; lDec77; A933008.
A933009. Issachar Jacox Boberts and American Diplomacy in China during the Taiping rebellion. By George Blackburn Pruden, Jr. Hicrofilm. 9 George Blackburn Pruden, Jr.; 1Dec77: A933009.
A933010. The Effects of assertion training on fear of success, locus of control and self-acceptance in women. By Mary Jane Kelly p'Leary. Hicrofilm. 9 Mary Jane Kelly O'Leary; 1Dec77; A933010.
A933011. The Sian incident: a prelude to the coming of the Sino-Japanese War (1937- 1915) in China. By Chin-yen tang. Microfilm- ^ Chin-yen Fang; 1Dec77: A933011-
A933012- Benzhydryl piperazines: a neurophar- macological and psychopharmacological evaluation- By Gary Dean Novack. Hicrofilm- © Gary Dean Hovack; 1Dec77; A933012-
A933013. Dynamics of superconducting magnetic suspension for levitated high-speed trains: a theoretical analysis. By James Robert Hogan. Microfilm. © James Robert Hogan; 1Dec77; A933013.
A933014. Portraits paralleles dans les romans comigues de Charles Sorei. By Bosine Tenenbaum. Microfilm. © Bosine Tenenbaum; 1Dec77; A933014.
A933015. A Computerized tool for academic advisors. By Caroline Elizabeth Aitken- Microfilm- 3 Caroline Elizabeth Aitken; 1Dec77; A933015.
A933016. The Effects of a short-term assertive training workshop on the self-concept of low-assertive college females. By Valarie Greene King- Hicrofilm- 3 Valarie Greene King; 1Dec77; A933016.
A933017- The Heptameron of Marguerite De Mavarre: scriptural context and structure- By Bessie Jane Wells Bomer- Microfilm- 3 Bessie Jane Uells fiomer; 1Dec77; A933017-
A933018. House and world: a structuralist view of the house of experience and the fiction of realism as applied to the life and work of William Dean Howells. By Margaret B- Hacaria Neussendorfer- Hicrofilm- © Margaret B- Hacaria Neussendorfer; 1Dec77 (in notice: 1975) ; A933018.
A933019- Physical and chemical properties of the lowest electronics states of some trimethylenemethanes. By Matthew Stewart Platz. Microfilm- © Matthew Stewart Platz; 1Dec77; A933019-
A933020. Sexual personae: the androgyne in literature and art- By Camille Anna Paglia- Microfilm. D Camille Anna Paglia; 1Dec77; A933020-
A93302K The United Nations and disaster relief in the Sahel- By Barbara Jean Brown- Microfilm. O Barbara Jean Brown; 1Dec77; A933021-
A933022- Upper Silurian (Pridoli) Stromato- poroidea of New York- By Carl William Stock- Microfilm. 9 Carl William Stock; 1Dec77; A933022.
A933023. Schistosomiasis and irrigation in the Awash Valley of Ethiopia. By Helmut Kloos. Microfilm. © Helmut Kloos; 1Dec77; A933023.
A93302«. Olrich Bonnell Phillips: his life and thought- By John Herbert Roper- Microfilm- © John Herbert Boper; 1Dec77; A933024-
A933025- The Emblematic and meditative poetry of John Donne« George Herbert, Andreas Gryphius and Catharine Regina Von Greiff enberg- By Lucy Jean Price- Hicrofilm. © Lucy Jean Price; 1Dec77; A933025-
A933026- The Satirical edge of truth in The Ring and the book- By Natalie Hesbitt woodland- Microfilm. © Natalie Nesbitt Woodland: 1Dec77; A933026.
A933027. Short-term retention of kinesthetic distance information under two conditions of interpolated activity. By Edgar Waddell Shields, Jr. Microfilm- © Edgar Waddell Shields, Jr.; 1Dec77; A933027.
A933028. The Development of an instrument for assessing functional communication competence of seventeen year olds- By Nancy Alexander Mead. Hicrofilm. © Nancy Alexander Mead; 1Dec77; A933028.
A933029. Ecology of shell color polyphenisa in the marine intertidal gastropod, Thais lapillus, in New England. By Carolyn Marie Osborne. Microfilm. 3 Carolyn Marie Osborne; 1Dec77; A933029.
A933030. An Analysis of the relationships between selected variables and continuing education activities of fulltime
professional leaders in the Reorganized
These entries alone may not reflect the complete Copyright Office records pertaining to a particular work. Contact the U.S. Copyright Office for information about any additional records that may exist.