A932948 - A932988
JUL-DEC. 1977
S9329I47 (con.) iDtonella Nespor. Microfila. a Marina Antonella Nespor; 1Dec77; i9329il7.
4932918. Pope's poetry and the painter's art. By Bebecca Gould Gibson. Hicrofiin. O Bebecca Gould Gibson; 1Dec77; 4932918.
4932919. Physical and social deviance; a study of heal th- related attitudes, perceptions and practices vithin a San Bias Cuna village^ Panaaa. By Trude Lovenbach Laurence. HicrofilB. Trude Louenbach Lavrence; 1Dec77: 4932919.
4932950. 4n 4nalysis of several selected variables and their relationships to tvo-year college student dropout. By Hohaiaad Paydarfar. Microfila. e nohaaaad Paydarfar; 1Dec77: 4932950.
4932951. Between science and art: Henry 4daas, Carl Becker, and history in 4aerica. By Lowell Kent Blaser. Microfila. Lovell Kent Blaser; 1Dec77; 4932951.
4932952. The Belationship of teacher role orientation and student perception of teaching effectiveness in a selected four-year black college. By Henrietta Thoaas Oabney. Microfila. Henrietta Thoaas Dabney; 1Dec77; 4932952.
4932953. Disengaqeaent of older people in an urban setting. By Melvlna Soaers. Microfilm. Melvina Soaers: 1Dec77; 4932953.
4932951. The Short stories of Thoaas Beer. By Hilliaa Daniel Coyle. Microfila. O Hilliaa Daniel Coyle; 1Dec77; 4932951.
4932955. stratigraphic fraaework of the aiddle Eocene to lover Miocene foradtions of North Carolina. By Gerald Bobert Baua. Microfila. Gerald Bobert Baua; 1Dec77; 4932955.
4932956. The Belationships between frequency of oral seainar contribution and indices of self regard, acadeaic ability and achievement of baccalaureate nursing students. By Dorothy Jankot Karpowich. Microfila. Dorothy Jankot Karpowich; 1Dec77: 4932956.
4932957. On understanding what people say: propositions and their life in the language. By Bobert Alan Valker. Microfila. Bobert Alan ialker; 1Dec77; 4932957.
4932958. Deterainants of the yield spread between coaparable direct placeaents and public offerings. By Patrick 411en Hays. Microfila. Patrick 411en Hays; 1Dec77; 4932958.
4932959. The Econoaic growth controversy in Prance: political elites and public opinion. By Volkaar Lauber. Microfila. O yolkaar lauber; 1Dec77; 4932959.
4932960. The Second exchange system: an experiaent in coalition foraation. By Paaela Elaine Oliver. Microfila. e Paaela Elaine Oliver; 1Dec77: 4932960.
4932961. Egoisa and the nature of historical tragedy: a study of self-interest and self-infatuation in the historical tragedy of conspiracy. By uilsonia Eaaa Dellena cherry. Microfila. Q Uilsonia Eaaa Dellena Cherry; 1Dec77; 4932961.
4932962. Sulfones as useful synthetic inter- aediates. By Geoffrey Kenneth Cooper. Microfila. Geoffrey Kenneth Cooper; 1Dec77; A932962.
4932963. Conf ornational studies of 5-polar substituted 1, 3-dithianes, stereochemical studies of 2-dithianyl and related anions. By Eusebio Juaristi. Microfila. e Eusebio Juaristi; lDec77; 4932963.
A932961. Salt of the earth: plain people in the navels of Bernice Kelly Harris. Sy Eraa Billiaas Glover. Microfila. O Eraa Billiaas Glover; 1Dec77; A932961.
A932965. Soae results on syaaetric stable distributions and processes. By Grady uilson Miller 3rd. Microfila. O Grady Wilson Miller 3rd: 1Dec77; 4932965.
A932966. The Procedural due process rights of secondary school students. By Constance Hall Buford. Microfilm. O Constance Hall Buford; 1Dec77; A9329b6.
4932967. Edicion auotada del Iratado notable de aaor de Juan de Cardona. By Juan Fernandez-Jimenez. Microfilm. Juan Fernandez-Jimenez; 1Dec77; 4932967.
A93295a. Coleridge and the political iaagination. By Daniel Michael McVeigh. Microfilm. e Daniel Michael McVeigh; 1Dec77: A932968.
A932969. An Empirical method of identifying instructional objectives for a high school computer literacy curriculum. By Michael Joseph Neill. Microfila. Michael Joseph Neill; 1Dec77; 4932969.
A932970. Discriminative stimulus properties of thyrotropin-releasing hormone. By Catherine Nelson Jones. Microfilm. a Catherine Nelson Jones; 1Dec77; 4932970.
4932971. The Black humor novel in 4merican literature. By Sandra 4nn Hunt. Microfilm. O Sandra 4nn Hunt; 1Dec77; 4932971.
4932972. Fiduciary responsibilities and higher education: students and the public interest. By Stephen Richard Miller. Microfilm. Stephen Bichard Miller: 1Dec77; 4932972.
A932973. Transformations in the relationship of man and beast in nineteenth century French and British art and thought. By Arlene Arday Garrett. Microfila. Arlene Arday Garrett; 1Dec77; A932973.
A932971. Tennyson's narrative treatment of married love. By Arnold Frank Bonner. Microfilm. 4rnold Frank Bonner; 1Dec77 (in notice: 1976) ; 4932971.
4932975. 4n Examination of sexual behavior and of differences among women in patterns of emotional, cognitive, and physical change during the menstrual cycle. By Bonnie Elise Daulton Erickson. Microfilm. e Bonnie Elise Daulton Erickson; IDec77; 4932975.
4932976. The Origin and the historical deve- lopment of Silambam fencing: an ancient self-defense sport of India. By J. David Manuel Baj. Microfilm. J. David Manuel Eaj; 1Dec77; 4932976.
4932977. Virginia Uoolf's The Haves: portrait of the author. By Julia Phelps Dietche. Microfilm. O Julia Phelps Dietche; 1Dec77; 4932977.
A932978. Social organization and aggregate political behavior in Argentina from 1911-1928. By Carl Christian Hoffmann. Microfilm. O Carl Christian Hoffmann; 1Dec77; A932978.
A932979. Old wine made new: a study of the differences between pre-roaantic and modern poetic imitation. By Kathryn Dorothy De La Fuente. Microfilm. 6 Kathryn Dorothy De La Fuente; 1Dec77; A932979.
A932980. Application of occupational exposure limits to unusual work schedules and excursions. By John Louis Strong Hickey. Microfilm. John Louis Strong Hickey; 1Dec77; 4932980.
4932981. 4 Comparison of assertive training and programmed human relations training in a treatment program for problem drinkers. By Hilliam Lyman Ferrell. Microfilm. e Hilliaa Lyman Ferrell; 1Dec77; A932981.
A932982. Lithium surface complexes. By Hilliaa McLean 2nd. Microfilm. O Hilliam McLean 2nd; 1Dec77; A932982.
A932983. Classification of commercial bank loans: an application of the policy capturing technique. By Bobert Nisbet Holt, Jr. Microfilm, e Bobert Nisbet Holt, Jr.; 1Dec77; 4932983.
A932981. Job satisfaction, job characteristics and occupational level. By Davida Poole Gates. Microfila. O Davida Poole Gates; lDec77; A932981.
A932985. Towards an existential politics in a technocratic age: the promise and limitations of the human potential movement as a political force. By fiichard Allen Hays, Jr. Microfila. Bichard Allen Hays, Jr; 1Dec77; 4932985.
4932986. Ironic politics: critical coamitment in the fourth age. By John Stephen Nelson. Microfilm. John Stephen Nelson; 1Dec77 (in notice: 1976) ; 4932986.
A932987. Verbal interaction and the spatial factor in saall process groups. By Sydney Brown. Microfilm. O Sydney Brown; 1Dec77; A932987.
A932988. An Investigation of the cognitive processing of new vocabulary items. By fialph Bonner Thompson. Microfilm. Baiph Bonner Thompson; 1Dec77;
These entries alone may not reflect the complete Copyright Office records pertaining to a particular work. Contact the U.S. Copyright Office for information about any additional records that may exist.