JUL-DEC. 1977
1932907. Yapese-Enqlish dictionary. By John Thaver Jensen with the assistance of John Baptist lou, Baphael Defeq 6 Leo David Puqram. 182 p. NH: additional text 6 compilation: 25%; pref- £ introd. © The Oniversity Press of Bawaii; 1Jun77; 1932907.
A932908. Modern Hawaiian qamefisfainq. By Jini Bizzuto, line dravinqs by Judy Hancock. 25<4 p. 6 The Oniversity Press of Hawaii; 11llay77: 1932908.
S932909. Livinq options in world philosophy. By John llexander Hutchison. 316 p. 3 The Oniversity Press of Hawaii; 12Apr77; 1932909.
1932910. Proqressive cities: the comoiission qovernment aovement in America, 1901-1920. By Bradley Bobert Bice. 160 p. e Oniversity of Texas Press; 19Dec77; A932910.
A932911. Growinq up suburban. By Edward Anthony Hynne, foreword by James S- Coleman, drawinqs by Seanna Hray. 237 p. e Oniversity of Texas Press; 40ct77; A932911.
A932912. Soils: their nature, classes, dis- tribution, uses and care. By James H. Batten 6 J. Sullivan Gibson. 276 p. NH: addenda & revisions. 6 The Oniversity of Alabama Press; 310ct77; 1932912.
A932913. EBSCO I.E. P.: instructional exceptional prescriptions. No. 2. 2 p. & cards in box. 9 EBSCO Industries, Inc. d.b.a. EBSCO Curriculum Materials; 1Dec77; 1932913.
A932914. Ebsco I.E. P.: instructional exceptional prescriptions. No. 1- 2 p. & cards in box. d Ebsco Industries, Inc. d.b.a. Ebsco Curriculum Materials; lDec77; A932914.
1932915. Savinq community enerqy. 2 v. e 140 slides. Appl. au: Victor N. Claman. e Victor N. Claman d.b.a. The Center for Information Sharinq; 11Nov77; 1932915.
1932916. To defend a form; a romance of administration £ teachinq in a Poetry- in-the-schools proqram. By Irdis Kimzey. 211 p. 9 Irdis Kimzey; 1Nov77; 1932916.
1932917. Just writinq; exercises to improve your vritinq. By Bill Bernhardt (Rilliam i. Bernhardtl 101 p. Bill Bernhardt; 1Dec77; 1932917.
1932918. The Whole word cataloque; Teachers* and Writers Collaborative newsletter. Vol. U, issue 3, summer 1972. Edited by Bosellen Brown, Marvin Hoffman, Martin Kushner. Phillip Lopate, 6 Sheila Murphy. 128 p. O Teachers and Writers Collaborative, Inc.; 15JU172: 1932918.
1932919. Steps to maturity. Vol. 1: God encountered. Written £ compiled by David 1. Clemens. 288 p. Ippl. au: Bible Club Movement, Inc. NM: revisions. Bible Club Movement, Inc.; 1Sep77; 1932919.
1932920. Latvian traditional sonqs. Enqlish translations by Baiba Kauqars. fiecord jacket fi folder. English £ Latvian. Ippl. au: Ross £. Paxton. P.L.S. Eecords, Inc.; 290ct77; 1932920.
A932921. Minneapolis street address telephone directory, December 1977. 6 Northwestern Bell Telephone Company; 1Dec77; 1932921.
1932922. The Maine atlas and gazetteer. Compiled by David Delorme and Company. 91 p. NH: additional text £ pictorial matter, compilation, arr. , £ revisions. @ David DeLorme d.b.a. David DeLorme Company; 20Jun7e: 1932922.
A932923. The Maine Itias and gazetteer. Compiled by David DeLorme and Company. 91 p. NM: additional text £ pictorial matter, compilation, arr. £ revisions. Q David DeLorme d.b.a. David DeLorme Company; 5Har77; 1932923.
1932921. The New Hampshire atlas and gazetteer. Compiled by David DeLorme and Company. 60 p. NM: additional text £ pictorial matter, compilation, arr-, fi revisions. Q David DeLorme d.b.a. David DeLorme Company; 28May77; 19329211.
1932925. The Storm within, and other titles. By Kazak Temuchin, pseud, of Temachin B. Zablotney. 6 posters. Add. ti: Buria madrashya. O Temuchin B. Zablotney; 20Dec77; 1932925.
1932926. The Disposition of reported child abuse. By Marc P. Maden. Microfilm. 6 Marc F. Maden; 1Dec77; 1932926.
1932927. Ipplicatiou of CPI and interview data in understanding adolescent pregnancy. By fiichard Saul Cooper. Microfilm, e Richard Saul Cooper; 1Dec77; 1932927.
1932928. The White doe of Bylstone as an allegory of imagination. By Bonnie Klomp Stevens. Microfilm. 6 Bonnie Klomp Stevens; 1Dec77: A932928.
A932929. In Investigation of the relationship between public school fact-finding reports and negotiated settlements reached in public school systems in the state of Indiana, 19711-1976. By Phillip Jerald McDaniel. Microfilm. Phillip Jerald McDaniel; 1Dec77: A932929.
1932930. The Novelistic theory of Bamon Perez de lyala. By Eunice Doman Myers. Microfilm. e Eunice Doman Myers; 1Dec77; 1932930.
A932931. Constance Cary Harrison: American woman of letters, 1813-1920. By Sherrolyn Maxwell. Microfilm. S Sherrolyn Maxwell; 1Dec77: A932931.
A932932. Utilization of computer modeling in the prescription of selected aerobic conditioning programs: a systems approach. By Frederick Reginald Loveys. Microfilm. 6 Frederick Reginald Loveys; 1Dec77; 1932932.
1932933. Light and electron microscope and cytochemical studies of morphogenesis in the fresh water red alga Batrachospermum sirodotii Skuia. By John Gregory Aqhajanian. Microfilm. 3 John Gregory igha-janian; 1Dec77; 1932933.
1932931. The Perception of the principle of confidentiality in community mental health practice. By Inne Elizabeth Pulsifer. Microfilm. Inne Elizabeth Pulsifer; 1Dec77; 1932931.
1932935. Task-oriented classroom behavior of reflective and impulsive nine- and eleven-year-old children. By Melvin Glenn Moore. Microfilm. 6 Melvin Glenn Moore; 1Dec77; 1932935.
1932936. The Development of specifications for information management in education. By William Curtis Walton. Microfilm. e William Curtis Walton; 1Dec77; 1932936.
1932937. The Ethica digressio as a transition from proof to peroration in Cicero's judicial speeches. By James Michael May. Microfilm. 6 James Michael May; 1Dec77; 1932937.
A932938. Preferences for types of therapeutic interventions and related personality dimensions. By Harry Jay Sobel. Microfilm, e Harry Jay Sobel; 1Dec77; 1932938.
A932939. Chance: a probabilistic model for electrical energy planning. By Wayne William Wakeland. Microfilm. Wayne William Wakeland; 1Dec77; A932939.
A932910. The Hill upon the city: an Italo- Imerican neighborhood in Saint Louis, Missouri, 1880-1955. By Gary Boss Mormino. Microfilm. 6 Gary Ross Mormino; 1Dec77; 1932910.
A932911. An Autecological study of Palicourea riparia Bentham (rubiaceae) : an eco- logically important species in the recovery of a disturbed tropical rain forest in Puerto Bico. By Maria Luz Lebron. Microfilm. Q Maria Luz Lebron; 1Dec77; A932911.
A932912. Die Legende des heiligen notker (Texta'isgabe) By Erika-lnette Koeppel. Microfilm. 6 Erika-lnette Koeppel; 1Dec77; 1932912.
A932913. The Structure of Tacitus, annals 11 and 12. By Elizabeth Eva Keitel. Microfilm. e Elizabeth Eva Keitel; 1Dec77; 1932913.
1932911. Explorations into academic freedom: the roles and responsibilities of faculty, students, and administrators in the student assessment process. By Victor Paul Caliri. Microfilm. Victor Paul Caliri; 1Dec77; 1932911.
1932915. Household gods: domesticity in the novels of George Eliot. By David Everett Blythe. Microfilm. David Everett Blythe; 1Dec77; 1932915.
1932916. Factors influencing whether governments operate family planning programs: a cross-national study of public policy. By Hair Jones Devoursney. Microfilm. 6 Hair Jones Devoursney; 1Dec77; 1932916.
1932917. Some syntactic structures of Italian and their relationship to the phenomenon of
raddoppiamento sintattico. By Marina
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