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A932789 - A932829


JUL-DEC. 1977

A932789. The Ecoloqv and coevoiutioD of comaoD nilkweed (Asclepias syriaca: isciepia- daceae) and miXIcHeed beetles (Tetraopes tetcophthalnus: CecanbTcldae) Vol. 1 6 2. By Forrest Albert Hartnan. (licrofila. Forrest Albert Uartiian; 1Dec77; A932789.

A932790. Ad Ezaoioation of student interest and teacher perception of student interest with respect to the tarqet culture in second-lanquaqe classes. By Jerry y. Larson. Hicrofilm. Jerry ». Larson: 1Dec77; A932790.

A932791. Drinkinq of ethanol by rhesus Bonkeys: characteristics of ethanol as a positive reinforcer. By Jack Edward Kenn inqf ield. BicrofilB. e Jack Edward Henn inqf ield ; 1Dec77: A932791.

A932792. Lanquaqe as play: teachinq conposition throuqh qa»inq. By Shannon Kelly Butler. Hicrofilm. Shannon Kelly Butler; 1Dec77: A932792.

A932793. Sample size determination for clinical trials. By Hari Soekorv Palta. EicrofilB. C Hari Soekorv Palta; 1Dec77; A932793.

A932791I. Self-reflerive Banach spaces. By Linda Harie Barnes Davis. Hicrofilm. Linda Harie Barnes Davis; 1Dec77; A93279I4.

A932795. Growinq old toqether: a soci^ history of aqinq in America, 1930-1976. By Daniel Frank Petzner. Hicrofilm. Daniel Frank Detzner; 1Dec77: A93279S.

A932796. The Quest for harmony: a thematic analysis of the poetry of i. S. Berwin. By Buth Fosness Thompson. Hicrofilm. O Buth Fosness Thompson; 1Dec77; A932796.

A932797. A Social interaction approach to promotinq the adoption and diffusion of an educational innovation: the media center. By Judith Kay Grovenburq Calhoun. Hicrofilm. O Judith Kay Grovenburq Calhoun: 1Dec77; A932797.

A932798. Studies in the military organization of the Yorkist kinqs. By Paul Leroy Holmer. Microfilm. Paul Leroy Holier: 10ec77; A932798.

A932799. Relationships between motivational indices and adult ESL learners" ability to process qrammatlcal features in imitation, comprehension and production tasks. By Kathleen Faye Jacobson. Hicrofilm. Kathleen Faye Jacobson; 1Dec77; A932799.

A932800. Bishful thinkinq. By Nancy Joann Kubany Hart. Hicrofilm. Nancy Joann Kubany Hart; 1Dec77; A932800.

A932801. A Comparison of early life variables with intelliqence and academic achie- vement. By Terrence Hayne Brown. Hicrofilm. C Terrence Hayne Brown; 1Dec77i A932801.

A932B02. Take a sad sonq. By Ted Charles Jenninqs. Hicrofilm. Ted Charles Jenninqs; lDec77: A932802.

A932803. The Belationship between proband first admission age and HZ and DZ co-twin risk of schizophrenia. By Baird David Peterson. Hicrofilm. O Eaird David Peterson: 1Dec77: A932803.

A93280«. Effect of tillerinq on yield and stability of yield in barley, Hordeum vulqare (L. emend. Lam.) By Hohamed Salah Hekni. Hicrofilm. Hohamed Salah Hekni; 1Dec77; A93280U.

An Historical overview of anti-Semitism in Hinnesota, 1920- 1960--with particular emphasis on Hinneapolis and Saint Paul. By Hichael Gerald Bapp. Hicrofilm. O Bichael Gerald Rapp; 1Dec77; Ay3280j.

A932806. The Themes of time and mortality in the dramas of Euqene O'Neill. By Hary Stewart Swanson. Hicrofilm. O Hary Stewart Swanson; 1Dec77; A932806.

A932807. Attitude and behavior change among legislators: a panel study. By Janet Sue Hiller Grenzke. Hicrofilm. O Janet Sue Hiller Grenzke; 1Dec77; A932807.

A932808. Achievement and perceptions of school performance of black youth as related to conceptual level and locus of control. By Barilyn Hilson Goodwin. Hicrofilm. O Barilyn Wilson Goodwin; 10ec77; A932808.

A932809. An Examination and analysis of selected aspects of the allocation procedures for the campus-based federal student financial aid programs. By Sobert Bradford Holmes. Hicrofilm. Robert Bradford Holmes; 1Dec77; A932809.

A932810. A Thermodynamic characterization of the refolding transition of t non-printable data ]-chymotrypsin. By James Darrel Stoesz. Hicrofilm. James Darrel Stoesz; 1Dec77; A932810.

A932811. Self-esteem and video-self-conf ron- tation. By Lewis Richard Stern. Hicrofilm. Lewis Bichard Stern; 1Dec77; A932811.

A932812. Prediction from multiple independent variables: a Bonte Carlo comparison of several methods. By Silliam Henry Banton. Hicrofilm. O William Henry Hanton; 1Dec77: A932812.

A932813. The Effect of varietal resistance and fungicide concentration on the control of potato late blight. By Robert Edwin Karl Kroll. Hicrofilm. Robert Edwin Karl Kroll; 1Dec77; A932813.

A93281I*. An Analysis of competencies necessary for adult vocational education instructors who teach in programs reimbursed by the Hinnesota State Department of Education. By John Robert Kobe. Hicrofilm. John Robert Kobe; 1Dec77: A93281it.

A932815. The Effects of an intercultural communication workshop on cross-cultural attitudes and interaction. By William B. Gudykucst. Hicrofilm. O William B. Gudykunst; 1Dec77; A932815.

A932816. Diffusion controlled processes in complex chemical systems: dissolution kinetics of hydroxyapat ite. Vol. 1-2. By Jeffrey Lewis Fox. Hicrofilm. O Jeffrey Lewis Fox; 1Dec77; A932816.

A932817. Decay processes of trapped hole centers in magnesium oxide. By Walter Henry Jopke, Jr. Microfilm. O Walter Henry Jopke, Jr.; 1Dec77; A932817.

A932818. Regeneration through archetype: William Blake's changing myth in The Four zoas. By Christine Condit Gallant. Bicrofilm. O Christine Condit Gailairt; 1Dec77; A932818.

A932819. Political leadership in a Bongolian nomadic pastoralist collective. By Daniel Hark Rosenberg. Bicrofilm. O Daniel Hark Rosenberg; 1Dec77; A932819.

A932820. American values and the slums: a Chicago case study. By Kristin Serum BcGrath. Hicrofilm. O Kristin Serum BcGrath; 1Dec77; A932820.

A932821. Generating alternatives in problem solving by young couples. By Hary Elizabeth Taylor Warmbrod. Hicrofilm. O Hary Elizabeth Taylor larmbrod; 1Dec77; A932821.

A932e22. A Study of the association between community care home sponsors' perso- nalities and alienation patterns of long-hospitalized schizophrenic male veterans. By John Hack flcCoin. Bicrofilm. O John Hack HcCoin; lDec77; A932822.

A932823. Welfare output variations among counties: an analysis of policy choice. By Albert Edward Benjamin, Jr. Bicrofilm. Albert Edward Benjamin, Jr. ; 1Dec77: A932823.

A93282a. The Relative effects of different error types on understanding of connected discourse. By Thomas William Nicholson. Bicrofilm. Thomas William Nicholson; 1Dec77; 1932821.

A93282S. The Beasurement of biological shape and shape change. By Fred Leon Bookstein. Bicrofilm. O Fred Leon Bookstein; 10ec77; A932825.

A932826. Developmental differences in children's units of perception of television stimuli. By Ellen Ann Wartella. Bicrofilm. Ellen Ann Wartella; 1Dec77; Ay32826.

A932827. Commitment among voluntary childfree couples to a variant lifestyle- By Gail Ann Thoen. Bicrofilm. 6 Gail Ann Thoen; 1Dec77; A932827.

A932826. Nava'i's Turkic and Persian quatrains: discourse typology and the bilingual poet. By Bargaret Sharon Fearey. Hicrofilm. Bargaret Sharon Fearey; 1Dec77; A932828.

A932829. The Economics of making government an employer of last resort in the United States: some important issues. By Joshua Eli Greene. Hicrofilm. O Joshua Eli

Greene; 1Dec77; A932829.


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