JUL-DEC. 1977
A932709 (con.) 31-2070. 36 p. Add. ti: Sportline belt applications cataloq. O The Gates Bubber Coipanr: 29Auq77: A932709.
A932710. Gates cap, thermostat and qasket applications. ieatherly indei — 112, 128. 610, 668, 1977-78 cataloq, 3 1-2090. 118 p. Add. ti: Cap, tberaostat and qasket applications cataloq. The Gates Gubber company; 21Jan77; A932710.
A932711. Stadv quide for The Social web, second edition. Br James struna e John A. Perry. 129 p. Na: additional text 6 revisions. James Struna e John Perry: 10Feb76: A932711. (See also Study quide for The Social Beb; 10Peb76: A7891211
A932712. Simulated office; student learnicq plan. 329 p. e Dallas Independent School District; 17llay76; A932712. (See also Simulated office: student learninq plan; 17Hay76; A7692312
A932713. Hain street: the face of urban America. By Carole Biflcind. 267 p. Appl. states all new except some of the photos. Carole Bifkind 6 Carole Bifkind as trustee; 19Kov77; A932713.
A932714. Implementor' s manual for Personnel administration: an experiential/skill biiildinq approach. By Richard H. Beatty e Craiq Eric Schneier. 325 p. O Addison- lesley Publishinq Company, Inc.: 22Feb77; A932714.
A932715. PSI student study quide. by Hurray H. Protter. to accompany Colleqe calculus with analytic qeometry, third edition. Calculus »ith analytic qeometry: a first course, third edition, by Hurray H. Protter £ Charles B. Horrey, Jr. 11 p. NH: additional text £ editorial revisions. Addison-Hesley Publishinq Company, Inc.; 23Auq77: A932715.
A932716. Essentials of accountinq. By Bobert N. Anthony, proqramed by Hatthev L. Israel, tested by Teachinq System Corporation. 2nd ed. 1 v. O Addison-Uesley Publishinq Company, Inc.; iaAuq76; A932716.
A932717. SBA CBT/CBI proqram answer sheet. 2 p. Add. ti: SBA CBT/CBT answer sheet. Science Besearcb Associates, Inc.: 10Sep76; A932717.
A932718. Prescription quide, Hacmillan Publishinq Company. Inc. series H: Hacmillan mathematics (1976) Prepared by Harry Bohan. 5 p. (Diaqnosis, an instructional aid, mathematics level A) Appl. au: Science Besearch Associates, Inc. O Science Besearch Associates, Inc.; 9Sep77: A932718.
A932719. Prescription quide, Uouqhton Hifflin Company, Houqhton Hifflin readinq series (1976) Prepared by Bobbie DeNicolo. 8 p. (Diaqnosis, an instructional aid, readinq level B) Appl. au: Science Besearch Associates, Inc. C Science Besearch Associates, Inc. ; 30Sep77; A932719.
A932720. SBA survival skills in readinq and mathematics. Hath 002232, readinq 002211. 29 p. NH: editorial revision £ additional text. O Science Research Associates, Inc.; 17Sep76; A932720.
A932721. CBT/CBT mastery proqram for qrades 3-9; examiner's manual. Folder. Science Besearch Associates, Inc. ; 10ct76; A932721.
A932722. NBT/CBT interpretive guide; prelim, ed. 13 p. (SBA norm- referenced/criterion- referenced testinq proqram) Appl. states all new except p. 10-13. C Science Besearch Associates, Inc.; 30Sep76; A932722.
A932723. Prescription guide, Houghton Hiffli-n Company, Houghton Hifflin reading series (1976) Prepared by Donna L. Northrup. 16 p. (Diagnosis, au instructional aid. readinq level A) Appl. au: Science Besearch Associates, Inc. O Science Besearch Associates, Inc.; 30Sep77; A932723.
A932724. Prescription quide. Science Besearch Associates. Inc., SBA supplementary programs — 1977. 16 p. (Diaqnosis. an instructional aid, readinq level A) NH; editorial revision £ additional text. Science Besearch Associates, Inc. ; 250ct77; A932724.
A932725. Prescription guide. Science Besearch Associates, Inc., basic reading series (19751 Prepared by Hargaret Johnson. 9 p. (Diagnosis, an instructional aid, readinq level A) Appl. au: Science Besearcb Associates, Inc. Science Research Associates, Inc.; 11Sep77: A932725.
A932726. Simplicity, spring/summer 1978. school catalog. 211 p. Simplicity Pattern Company, Inc.; 11Dec77; A932726.
A932727. Vera Zasulicb and the politics of revolutionary unity. By Jay Asa Bergman. Microfilm. © Jay Asa Bergman; 1Dec77; A932727.
A932728. Rhetoric and modification of scripture in French Biblical traqedy from De Beze to Racine. By Perry Jeffrey Getbner. Hicrofilm. O Perry Jeffrey Gethner; 1Dec77; A932728.
A932729. An Analysis of selected sources of information utilized by Indiana's comprehensive high schools in the assessment of students' vocational education needs. By Howard D. Hoble. Hicrofilm. e Howard D. Hoble; 1Dec77; A932729.
A932730. Crowd psycholoqy in late nineteenth- century France: the riddle of the sphinx. By Susanna Isabel Barrows. Hicrofilm. O Susanna Isabel Barrows; 1Dec77; A932730.
A932731. The Desiqn of a future world perspective values scale for teachers. By David Lee Silvernail. Hicrofilm. David Lee Silvernail; 1Dec77; A932731.
A932732. An Exploratory study of perceptions of the reading process and control of that process in narrative and expository material by selected 9th grade readers. By John Coleman Stansell. Hicrofilm. John Coleman Stansell; 1Dec77: A932732.
A932733. Adaptations of- the posterior colliculus and cerebellum of the bat, Pteronotus parnellii. for biosonar. By Leslie Buth Brown Guterman. Hicrofilm. Leslie Buth Brown Guterman; 1Dec77; A932733.
A932734. Jonathan Swift and Renaissance humanism: three studies. By Eugene Raymond Hammond. Jr. Hicrofilm. 6 Eugene Raymond Hammond. Jr.; 1Dec77; A932734.
A93273S. A Study of the relationship between participation in an outward bound proqram and changes in self-esteem and locus of control. By Robert Henry Stremba. Hicrofilm. O Bobert Henry Stremba; 1Dec77; A932735.
A932736. Infant baptism in a changing church. By Timothy Frank Lull. Hicrofilm. Q Timothy Frank Lull; 1Dec77; A932736.
A932737. Some antecedents of corporatism: state economic intervention and rural orga- nization in Brazil, the case of Rio Grande Do Sal. 1890-1937. By Joan Lamaysou Bak. Hicrofilm. O Joan Lamaysou Bak; 1Dec77; A932737.
A932738. A Theory of pitch and register for the music of Edgard Varese. ?ol. 1: text, vol. 2: examples in graphic notation. By Jonathan Halter Bernard. Hicrofilm. O Jonathan Halter Bernard; 1Dec77; A932738.
A932739. Scheduling of network television programs. By Jeffrey Harry Horen. Hicrofilm. Jeffrey Harry Horen; 1Dec77; A932739.
A932710. The Social behavior of aged primates. By Christine Anne Hope. Hicrofilm. e Christine Anne Hope; 1Dec77; A932710.
A932711. A Hodel of Christian charity: the rich and the poor in New Enqland. 1630-1730. By Christine Leigh Heyrman. Hicrofilm. e Christine Leigh Heyrman; 1Dec77: 4932711.
A932712. Beading: cue utilization, achievement, and comprehension in an adolescent population. By Jean Ann Otto. Hicrofilm. e Jean Ann Otto; 1Dec77; A9J2712.
A93271J. The Closing of a college: an analysis. By Steven Tye Hurtt. Hicrofilm. O Steven Tye Hurtt; 1Dec77 (in notice: 1976); A932713.
A932714. A Study of the oral language development of the Menominee Indian preschool children. By Joyce L. Jackson. Hicrofilm. O Joyce L. Jackson; 1Dec77; A932714.
A9327I15. A Critical edition of Bobert Greene's Groatsworth of wit. Vol. 16 2. By Thomas Uilliam Cobb. Hicrofilm. Thomas iilliam Cobb; 1Dec77; A932715.
A932716. Children and natnce: a field study in sociobiology. By fiuth Hamilton Allen. Hicrofilm. O Buth Hamilton Allen;
1Dec77; A932716.
These entries alone may not reflect the complete Copyright Office records pertaining to a particular work. Contact the U.S. Copyright Office for information about any additional records that may exist.