JUL-DEC. 1977
A932406. Teacbtiaq — the real thing. BY John Staacil £ Brenda standi. 62 p. Svocd of the Lord Pabiishers; 10aa»77; i932406.
A932407. Sword iunior scrapbook. coapiled by liola Kalden, editorial assistance by John E. Sice. 32 p. Co«piled from Sword scrapfcooli, number 2, pre*, req. 1975. HB: coapilatioa. O Svord of the lord Publishers; tOFeb76 (in notice: 1975) ; i932407.
»932408. Fa»ily puszlers index. 1976. 51 p. Idd. ti: faailT pozzlec index, 1976. ippl. au; Sary Bosdurant Harren. O aary Bondurant Harren; 23tlov77: »932408.
4932409. Faoiily puxalers index, 1975. 33 p. Ippl. au: Bary Soudurant Barren. Sary Boadurant Barren; 2iireb77: 4932409.
4932410. South Carolina 1ury lists, 1718 through 178.3, By Bary Bondurant Sarrea. 129 p. Coapiled fro* extant lavs. aary B. Barren; 9Sep77; 4932410.
4932411. Facing history and ourselves: holocaust and huaan behavior: teacher's guide. 1 v. ippl. au; aargot Stern Stron S Billiaa S. Parsons, d aargot Stern Stroa S (illiaa S, Parsons; 30Sep77; 4932411.
4932412. Counting. By 4ileett S. Freasier, 1 ». (Proqraaaed basic learning activities (PBI.4 series)) 4ileen I. Freasier; 15JU177: 4932412.
4932413. colors. By 4ileen «. Freasier. 65 p. (Pcograaaed basic learning activities (PBL4 series)) 4ileen 8. Freasier; 15JU177: 4932413.
493241S. Jesus the light of the vorld. By Juan I. 41faro. Sheets (164 p.) C Juan I. 41faro: 8Jun77: 4932418.
4932419. Onion 76 1977 service guide- 368 p. 4dd. ti; Union 1977 service guide. Chei-Chart, a division of the B. a. Soushia Coapany; 7Feb77 (in notice; 1976) ; 4932419.
4932420. Che4-chart car care guide. 1977. 336 p. Chek Chart, a division of the B. a. Soasha Coapany; 22Dec76: 4932420.
4932 «2t. Phillips 66 perforaance check service guide. 1977. 1 v. Idd. ti: Perfor»ance check Phillips service guide, 1977. Chek Chart, a division of the B. a, Gousha Coapany; 17Jan77 (in notice: t9>6»; 4932421.
4932422. Construction equipaent lubrication recoaaeudations. Sheets. SB: revisions S additions. C Chek Chart, a division ox the H. a. Sousha Coapany; 260ct76; 4932422.
4932423. Tractor and farn iapleaent lubrication guide. 1977. 1 v. C Chek-Chart, a division of the a. 8. Sousha coapany; 5Jan77 (in notice: 1976); A932423.
4932424- 4aaco 1977 car care aanual. 320 p. O Chek-Chart, a division of the H. B. Sousha Coapany; 23Feb77: 4932424-
4932425. Sxxon 1977 service guide index for Aaerican cars. Exxon 1977 service guide index for iaported cars. 2 v. in 1. 4dd. ti: Service guide '77. O Chek-Chart, a division of the a. a. Sousha Coapany; 22aar77; 4932425.
4932426. Chek-Chart lubrication recoaaeudations, 1977. 36 p. Chek-Chart, a division of the B. S. Gousha Coapany; 29aar77; 4932426.
4932427. Chek-Chart oil capacity chart: crankcase oil capacity and S4B viscosity grade recoaaeudations. Hall chart. NB: additions S revisions. & Chek-Chart, a division of the a. a. Sousha Coapany; 2aay77; 4932427.
4932428. kutolite spark plugs aarketed by Fraa: tune-up specifications passenger cars and light trucks, 1969-1977. 136 p. NB: additions S revisions. 6 Chek-Chart, a division of the a. a. Gousha Coapany; 28aar77; 4932428.
4932429. Stewact-Barner 1977 specifications for wheel alignaent, doaestic and foreign cars and light trucks. 23 p. Chek-Chart, a division of the a. B. Sousha Coapany: 3aar77; 4932429.
4932430. Firestone rB4 autoaotive data: applications, cross reference and specifications of tires and service parts. 82 p. SB: additions S revisions. O Chek-Chart, a division of the a. a. Gousha Coapany; 8«ar77; 4932430.
4932431, Installation guide for Zerex suaaer coolant/anti-freeze. Folder. SB: additions S revisions. Chek-Chart, a division of the a. a. Gousha Coapany:
- 4iug77; 4932431.
4932432. Bheel aliqnaent chart, 1977. 23 p. Chek-Chart, a division of the B. a. Gousha Coapany: 30aar77; 4932432.
4932433. Construction equipaent lubrication recoaaeadatiotts. SuppX. 1, Jan. 1977. Sheets. Chek-Chart, a division of the B. a. Gousha Coapany; 26Jatt77; 4932433.
4932434. Specifications for wheel alignaent inspection, doaestic and foreign cars and light trucks, 1977. 8 p. Chek-Chart, a division of the a. a. sousha coapany; 28Feb77; 4932434.
4932435. Sheel alignaent specifications for 1963-1977 aodels passenger cars, iaported cars, light trucks. 23 p. SB: additions S revisions. O Chek-Chart, a division of the a, a. Gousha Coapany; 22Feb77; 4932435.
4932436. 4tlas 1977 specifications for wheel alignaent. doaestic and foreign cars and light trucks. 23 p. Chek-Chart, a division of the a. a. Gousha Coapany; 3aar77: 4932436.
1932437. Cooling systea capacities. Folder. SB: additions S revisions. Chek-Chart, a division of the a. a. Gousha Coapany; 30HOV77; 4932437.
1977. 1 V. Chek-Chart, a division of the a. a. Gousha Coapany; 5Jan77 (in notice: 1976); 4932438.
4932439. Country barn. Designed by Barbara Jennings. Kit. (Sunset Stitchery, no. 2481) 4ppl. au: Sunset Designs. Sunset Designs; 12Sep77; 4932439.
4932440. Fiddler. Designed by Dan Trotter. Kit. (Sunset Stitchery, no. 2215) 4ppl. au: Suuset Designs. Sunset Designs; 12Sep77; 4932440.
4932441. Indian chief. Designed by Bileen Violet. Kit. (Sunset Stitchery, no, 2220) 4ppl. au: Sunset Designs. Sunset Designs; 12Sep77: 4932441.
4932442. Daisies in a basket. Designed by Charlene Gerrish. Kit. (Sunset Stitchery, no. 2282) 4ppl. au: Sunset Designs, d Sunset Designs; 12Sep77; 4932442.
4932443. Lemons 'u' things. Designed by Carolyn Leary. Kit. (Sunset Stitchery, no. 2390) 4ppl. au: Sunset Designs. Sunset Designs; 12Sep77; 4932443,
4932444. Red roses. Designed by 4ndree Palaateer. Kit. (Sunset Stitchery, no. 2280) 4ppl. au: Sunset Designs. Suuset Designs: 12Sep77; 4932444.
4932445. 4utuan thistles pillow. Designed by Indree Palaateer. Kit. (Sunset Stitchery, no. 2965) 4ppl. au: Suuset Designs. Sunset Designs; 12Sep77; 4932445.
4932446. SolariuB garden. Designed by Connie Blyler. Kit. (Sunset Stitchery, no. 2368) 4ppl. au: Sunset Designs. O Sunset Designs; 12Sep77; 4932446.
4932447. Bishing well. Designed by Barbara Jennings. Kit. (Sunset Stitchery, no. 2467) 4ppl. au: Sunset Designs. Suuset Designs; 12Sep77; 4932447.
4932448. Pheasant. Designed by Barbara Jennings. Kit. (Sunset Stitchery, no. 2459) 4ppl. au: Sunset Designs. Sunset Designs; 12Sep77; 4932448.
4932449. Keepsakes and aeaories. Designed by »ancy Overton. Kit. (Sunset Stitchery, no. :690) 4ppl. au: Sunset Designs. Sunset Designs: 12Sep77; 1932449,
1932450. Carrots *n' things. Designed by Carolyn Leary. Kit. (Sunset stitchery, no. 2391) 4ppl. au: Sunset Designs, d Sunset Designs; 12Sep77: 1932450.
4932451. later' s edge. Designed by Bicky Johnson. Kit. (Sunset Stitchery, no. 2464) 4ppl. au; Sunset Designs. Sunset Designs; 12SepT7; 4932451.
1932 452. Indian heritage pillow. Designed by Charlene Gerrish. Kit. (Sunset Stitchery, no. 2988) 4ppl. au: Sunset Designs. Sunset Designs; 12Sep77; A932452.
4932453. Autumn thstles.
Designed by Andree
These entries alone may not reflect the complete Copyright Office records pertaining to a particular work. Contact the U.S. Copyright Office for information about any additional records that may exist.