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A932285 - A932318


JUL-DEC. 1977

»93228lt (con.) Publishing Corporation (in notice: Da Capo Press, Inc.): 29iuq77; A93228it.

»932285. Theraal expansion: nonoetallic solids. By Yeraa Sarkis Touloukian, E. K. Kirby. E. E. Taylor 6 T. T. B. Lee. 1658 p. (Tlieraophysical properties of Batter, vol. 13) ippl. states copyright not claiaed in any portion written by a o.s. Govt, employee as part of his official duties. Purdue Research Foundation; 28llo»77; i9322BS.

«932286. IBB stries/1 4978-1 display station, lieyboard (EPO DO2065) general inforaation. 1 ». idd. ti: 4978-1 keyboard infor- aation. e International Business Machines Corporation a.a.d.: IBB corpoTation (in notice: International Business Machines Corporation): 260ct77; A932286.

A9322B7. IBB series/1 4982 sensor input/output unit description- 2nd ed. 1 v. Add. ti: 4982 sensor I/O description, O Inter- national Business Bachines Corporation a.a.d.: IBB Corporation (in notice: International Business Sachines Cor- poration) : 9Ko»77; A932287.

A93228e. IBB series/1 control prograa support operator station/debug paclcage programaing BPQ P82532 user's guide; prograa no. 5799-TBB. 36 p. Add. ti: Operator station/debug package PEPfl. Inter- national Business Bachines Corporation a.a.d.: IBH Corporation (in notice; International Business Bachines Cor- poration) ; 303ep77; A932288.

A932289. IBB series/I 4979 display station parts catalog. 2nd ed. 15 p. Add. ti: 4979 parts catalog. International Business Bachines Corporation a.a.d.: IBB Corporation (in notice: International Business Bachines Corporation) ; 3Sep77; A932289.

A93229C. IBB series/1 4973 line printer and attachaent feature aaintenance infor- aation. 1 V. Add. ti: 4973 printer aaintenance. C International Business Bachines Corporation a.a.d.: IBB Corporation (in notice: International Business Bachines Corporation); 28Sep77 ; »932290.

A932291. IBB series/1 Fortran 4 realtiae subroutine library: prograa logic aanual; prograa no. 5719-F03. 1 ». Add. ti: Fortran 4 realtiae library PIB. C International Business Bachines Corporation a.a.d.: IBB Corporation (in notice: International Business Bachines Corporation) : 50ct77; A932291.

A932292. IBB systeB/32 file conyersion utility prograa product logic aanual. 2ud ed. 78 p. O International Business Bachines Corporation a.a.d.: IBH Corporation (in notice: International Business Bachines Corporation) ; 7Nov77; A932292.

A932293. IBH series/I 4999 battery backup unit parts catalog. 14 p. Add. ti: 4999 parts catalog. International Business Bachines Corporation a.a.d.: IBB corporation (in notice: International Business Bachines Corporation) ; 60ct77; A932293.

A932294. IBH series/1 4974 printer parts catalog. 2nd ed. 28 p. Add. ti: 4974 parts catalog. International Business Bachines Corporation a.a.d.: IBB Corporation (in notice: International Business Bachines Corporation) ; 3oct77; A932294.

4932295. IBB series/1 realtiae prograaaing system: coaaunica tions prograa logic manual; program no. 5719-PC1. 1 ». Add. ti: Communications PLB. International Business Bachines Corporation a.a.d.: IBH Corporation (in notice: International Business Bachines Corporation) ; 12Sep77; A932295.

A932296. 0S/VS2 BVS TSO 3270 extended display support — session manager user's guide and reference: program no. 5740-XE2. 180 p. (Prograa product) O International Business Rachines Corporation a.a.d.: IBB Corporation (in notice: International Business Bachines Corporation) ; 19Aug77; A932296.

A932297. IBB series/1 control prograa support index access method PSPQ P82519 program logic aanual; program no. 5799-T4B. 1 ». Add. ti: Index access method PBPQ. Internationa] Business Bachines Corporation a.a.d.: IBH Corporation (in notice: International Business Bachines Corporation) ; 26Sep77; 4932297.

4932298. Electronic payment systems support/check processing-DOS/VS (DOSCBECK) prograa reference and operations aanual; prograa no. 5746-F12. 2nd ed. Sheets (351 p.) (Prograa product) O International Business Bachines corporation a.a.d.: IBB Corporation (in notice: International Business Bachines Corporation) ; 9Dec77; 4932298.

4932299. IBB 3791 aaintenance inforaation, chapter 1, line printer (LP) B4P 410 LPfl (BAD 2nd ed. Sheets. O International Business Bachines Corporation a.a.d.: IBB corporation (in notice: International Business Bachines Corporation): 260ct77; A932299.

4932300. GS/»S2 BVS multiprocessing: an introduction and guide to writing operating and recovery procedures. 171 p. (Systems) International Business Bachines corporation a.a.d.: IBB Corporation (in notice: International Business Bachines Corporation); 16Sep77; 4932300.

4932301. 0S/VS2 system logic library. Vol. 4. 2nd ed. 548 p. (Systems) O Inter- national Business Bachines corporation a.a.d.: IBB Corporation (in notice: International Business Bachines Cor- poration) ; 16Sep77; 4932301.

493230 2. IBB series/1 coaaunications theory diagraas. 1 v. O International Business Bachines Corporation a.a.d.: IBB Corporation (in notice: International Business Bachines corporation) ; 240ct77; A932302.

4932303. soae like it dark. By Kipp lashington. as told to Leo Guild. 223 p. Appl. au: Uolloaay Bouse Publishing Coapany. KB: new cover photo. Holloway House Publishing Coapany; 1Dec77; 4932303.

4932304. If you show ae yours. By Baryellen Walsh & Gene Antisdel. I v. Gene

4932305. Spanish Self Teaching Hrite and Study Book. Libro para escribir y estudiar. 1 V. Add. ti: Self-teaching write and study book — Spanish. Appl. au: Yitzhak czigler. litzhak Czigler; 21Bar77; 4932305.

4932306. 4bingdon 1978 calendar and workbook. 1 V. in box. 4dd. ti: 4bingdan calendar and workbook, 1978. C 4bingdon: 19Aug77; A932306.

A932307. Onited Bethodist 1978 calendar and workbook. 1 v. in box. Add. ti: The Onited Bethodist calendar and workbook, 1978. O The Onited Bethodist Publishing House; 194ug77; 4932307.

4932308. Eager beaver wife. By Heather Brown. 154 p. Appl. au: Greenleaf Classics, Inc. , employer for hire. Sreenleaf Classics, Inc.; 284pr77; 4932308.

4932309. Poems. By Charles E. Pepper. 1 v. Hical Goldfarb; 24Sep77; A932309.

A932310. Horkshop leader's guide to accompany: Prograa evaluation skills for busy adainistrators. 1 v. northwest Regional Educational Laboratory; 10Jun77; A932310.

4932311. Prograa evaluation skills for busy adainistrators. Prepared by Thoaas fi. Owens £ Barren D. Evans for the Bestern Begional Interstate Planning Project, Oregon State Department of Education. 65 p. 4ppl. au: Northwest Regional Educational Laboratory. O northwest Begional Educational Laboratory; 10Jun77; 4932311.

4932312. Cosmic encounter expansion set. No. 1-2. 2 kits. Designed to expand the gaae Cosmic encounter, prev. reg. 1977. Appl. au: John H. Kittredge, Peter Oiotka, uilliaa Eberle 6 Rilliam Norton. Eon Products, Inc.; 6Dec77; A932312.

A932313. Bs. Centiaeter Nora presents Peg Brawn's Second grade aetric aeasureaent training booklet. 24 p. O Peggy Ann Brown; 310ct77: A932313.

A932314. Hs. Centimeter Bora presents Peg Brown's First grade aetric aeasureaent training booklet. 16 p. Peggy Ann Brown; 310ct77; A932314.

A932315. Patient status as of. 2 p. Appl. au: Jack Frieman. O Jack Frieman; 1Jun77; A932315.

A932316. Instructions for piano kick panel protector. By Elinor L. Brown. 1 p. O Bidwest Publishing Coapany; 2Dec77; A932316.

A932317. Invoiveaent, a practical handbook for teachers on law-related aethodologies. 1 V. O Law-related Education Program for the Schools of Baryland; 31Dec76; A932317.

A932318. Using the analysist; scientific instrument and instructions. Kit. Appl.

au: Robert John Jarboe. O B. J. Jartwe


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