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A932221 - A932260


JUL-DEC. 1977

A932220 (coo.) Hicrofill. Siddie Hae Norian; 1Dec77; 4932220.

4932221. Effects of phonetic processinq and stinalus relevance on the auditory evoked response. By Dennis Alfred Silva. Hicrofila. C Dennis Alfred Silva; 1Dec77: A932221.

4932222. Estiaation of a housing deaand aodel with interdependent choices about owninq and renting. By Bobert Patrick Trost. Hicrofila. Bobert Patrick Trost; 1DGC77: 4932222.

4932223. Effect of injection-production doublets in shielding coastal aquifers fron brine intrusion. By Nourollah zaqhi. Hicrofila. sourollah Zaghi; 1dgc77; A932223.

4932224. The Belationship of locus of control to aanipulative attitudes and behavior of iaprisoned sociopaths. By Alejo Vicente Vada. Hicrofila. 4le1o Vicente Vada; 1Dec77: 4932224.

4932225. Situational deterainants of parental behavior. By John Steven Dnger Zussaan. Hicrofila. John Steven Dnger Zussaan: 1Dec77: 4932225.

4932226. Coaprehensive study interrelating cardiac function and fundaaental auscle aechanics. By John Bichard Buysaan. Hicrofila. John Bichard Buysaan; 1Dec77; 4932226.

4932227. The Evaluation of a prograa to develop self-control of social skills aaong pre-delinguent children. By Curtis Secor Wilbur. Hicrofila. Curtis Secor iilbur; 1Dec77; 4932227.

A932228. An Econoaic structure for cost functions Hith application to aunicipal vater. By Paul Thoaas Dyke. Hicrofila. O Paul Thoaas Dyke; 1Dec77: A932228.

A932229. An 4pplied Honte Carlo ezaainatioD of type 1 behavior in univariate and aultivariate strategies for repeated aeasuces hypotheses. By John Joseph HcArdle. Hicrofila. O John Joseph HcArdle; 1Dec77: A932229.

A932230. An Integrated course in physical and analytical cheaistry for students possessing biological interests. By Chris Leslie Crane y. Hicrofila. Chris Leslie Craney; 1Dec77: 4932230.

4932231. The Hetabolisa of vitaain B6 in huaans and guinea pigs. By Janet Begina iozenski. Hicrofila. 6 Janet Begina Bozenski; 1Dec77; 4932231.

4932232. Basketry froa the Ozette Villaqe archaeological site: a technological^ functional and coaparative study. By Dale Boss Croes. Hicrofila. O Dale Boss Croes; 1Dec77; 4932232.

4932233. Quantitative epideaiology of stripe rust (Puccinia striiforais Best.) in wheat cultivars (Triticua aestivua Vill.) with general resistance. By Stanford Adaas young. Hicrofila. Stanford Adaas Young; 1Dec77; A932233.

A932234. On the locus of visual inforaation processing deficits in poor readers. By Stephen Bichard Baeseler. Hicrofila. O Stephen Bichard Haeseier; 1Dec77; A932234.

A932235. Data needs assessaent for higher education adainistratioo: a aetfaodoloqy. By Kenneth Georqe Baltes. Hicrofila. Kenneth Georqe Baltes; 1Dec77; A932235.

A932236. Inside inequality; a study of intra- school district resource allocation. By Laurence Vescera. Hicrofila. Lawrence Vescera; 1Dec77; A932236.

A932237. A Hultiple aicropro ssor sinulator. By Donald Eugene Chapaan Hicrofila. 6 Donald Eugene Chapn ; 1Dec77; 4932237.

4932238. A Coaputer architecture based on ordered sets as prioitive data entities. By Helaut Karl Berg. Hicrofila. Belaut Karl Berq; 1Dec77; 4932238.

A932239. Developinq curricular aaterials for use in describinq and aeasurinq verbal behavior patterns in selected conference settings. By Anne Davis Toppins. Hicrofila. Anne Davis Toppins; 1Dec77; A932239.

A932240. Nonadditivity in r ed block designs with aultiva responses. By Paul Alton DuBose. Hicrofila. Paul Alton DuBose; 1Dec77; A932240.

4932241. An Investigation of studebts' inter- pretation of inclnsionary and ezclusionary qender qeneric language. By Shirley Hannah Braun Ernst. Hicrofila. Shirley Hannah Braun Ernst; 1Dec77: 4932241.

A932242. Genetic studies of production and reproduction of dairy cattle with special eaphasis on sire of fetus effects. By Bobert Uayne Adkinson. Hicrofila. O Bobert Hayne Adkinson; 1Dec77; A932242.

A932243. A Coaparison of Enqlish and Aaerican aedical students: values and selected health policy issues. By Joseph Hartin Jauguet, Jr. Hicrofila. O Joseph Hartin Jauquet. Jr. ; 1Dec77; A932243.

A932244. Interpersonal aspects of psychotherapy. By Joel Crohn. Hicrofila. O Joel Crohn; 1Dec77 (in notice: 1976); A932244.

A932245. The Bole of literacy in industrial eaployaent: a Brazilian study. By Jaaes Lynn Buschaan. Hicrofila. O Jaaes Lynn Buschaan; 1Dec77; A9322M5.

A93224D. The Priority of causal priority. By Hartin Bichard Bunzl. Hicrofila. Hartin Bichard Bunzl; 1Dec77; A932246.

A932247. The Structural orqanization of the outer aitochondrial aeabrane with special reference to aonoaaine oxidase. By Bayaond Hinq-Uah Chau. Hicrofila. Bayaond Hinq-Bah Chau; 1Dec77; A932247.

A93224e. A Hatheoatical proqraaaing aodel for capital budgeting and long-range planninq of electrical energy systeas. By Son Van Le. Hicrofila. Son Van Le ; 1Dec77; A932248.

A932249. Patriarchal organization: a study in individual/collective transactions. By Paul H. Saiton. Hicrofila. O Paul H. Saiton; 1Dec77 (in notice: 1976); A932249.

A932250. Hary Bhite Ovington and the rise of the NAACP. By Daniel Baiter Cryer. Hicrofila. Daniel Baiter Cryer; 1Dec77; 4932250.

A932251. The Connecticut clergy in the Second Great Awakening. By Bichard Douglas Shiels. Hicrofila. Bichard Douglas Shiels; 1Dec77; A932251.

A932252. Hulti-eaployer collective bargaining: a aodel for education. By Peter Earle Oberaeyer. Hicrofila. Peter Earle Oberaeyer; 1Dec77; A932252.

4932253. Stability and perturbation aethods in the natural sciences. By Bobert Nicholas Baurer. Hicrofila. Bobert Nicholas Haurer; 1Dec77; 4932253.

4932254. A Coaparison of the self-report and the inferred self-concept of sixth grade Puerto Bican children of low and oiddle socio-econoaic status. By Andres A. Coilazo. Hicrofila. e Andres 4. Collazo; 1Dec77; A932254.

A932255. Student personnel prograas in state universities: coaparative perceptions of purpose. By Joanna Kurdeka Hichelich. Hicrofila. Joanna Kurdeka Hichelich; 1Dec77; A932255.

A932256. Positional roots in Kanjobal (Hayan) By Laura Ellen Hartin. Hicrofila. O Laura Ellen Hartin; 1Dec77; A932256.

A932257. Habitat preference and interspecific doainance as aechanisas of habitat seqreqation between two syapatric species of Hicrotus. By Janet Ann Bandall. Hicrofila. O Janet Ann Randall; 1Dec77; A932257.

A932258. A Coaaunity-based occupational needs assessment aodel for coaaunity college planning. By Jaaes Bussell Bowell, Jr. Hicrofila. O Jaaes Bussell Bowell (in notice: Jaaes Bussell Bowell, Jr.); 1Dec77: A932258.

A932259. Biological and bioaedical applications of isoelectric focusing. Edited by Nicholas Catsiapoolas 6 Jaaes Drysdale. 351 p. Appl. states copyright not claiaed in any portion written by a O.S. Govt, eaployee as part of his official duties. Plenua Press, a division of Plenua Publishing Corporation; 23Sov77; A932259.

A932260. A Guide to longplay jazz records: with a new introd. S suppleaentary record listings. By Frederic Baasey, Jr. 282 p. Prev. pub. 1954. on introd. £ suppleaentary record listings; Frederic

Baasey. Jr.; 20Sep77; A932260.


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