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JUL-DEC. 1977

A932140 (con.) Inoqene Games Bobios O iBoqene Games fiobi »932mo. >n. HlcrofilB. ison; 1Dec77;

»932141. Participative naoaqemeDt: practices and attitudes. Br Bob Sinclaic Brovn. aicrofiln. Bob Sinclair Brovn; lDec77; A9321II1.

A932142. A Svsteos approach to the design of a consuner health education aodel. By Shervl Diane Hider Boyd. MicrofilB. O Sheryl Diane Hider Boyd; 1Dec77; A932142.

A9321143. A History of vocational and career education in Hontqoniery County* Haryland public schools. By Brady Jones Fletcher- Microfil*. Brady Jones Fletcher; 1Dec77; A9321I43.

A932144. An Investiqation of the attitudes of black and «hite students at northern yirqinia Connunity Colleqe— Hoodbridqe Campus-- toward their black and white instructors. By Alice Faye Adaas Taylor. Uicrofila. C Alice Faye Adams Taylor: 1Dec77: A932144.

A932145. A Comparison of six alternative models for equalization of educational expen- ditures in the Texas public schools. By Billy Don Halker. Hicrofilm. O Billy Don Balker: 1Dec77; A932145.

A932146. Superintendents* perceptions of the viability of metropolitanization of school districts for the provision of quality inteqrated education. By Arnold Balacaier Goldberq. Hicrofilm. Arnold Balacaier Goldberq; 1Dec77; A932146.

A932147. The Development of an investor's model for capital expenditure evaluation in the proprietary druq industry. By Helvin Cosby Burton, Jc. Hicrofilm. O Helvin Cosby Burton, Jr.; 1Dec77; A932147.

A932148. The Sous-off iciers of the French Army, 1848-1895: a quantitative study. By Terry Synn Stricter. Hicrofilm. O Terry gynn Stricter; 1Dec77: A932148.

A932149. Aspectos de conflicto y ena ;ienamiento de la ffluier en las novelas de Silvina Bullrich. Beatriz Guido y Clarice Lispector. By Anna c. Tavenner. Hicrofilm. C Anna C. Tavenner; 1Dec77; A932149.

A932150. A Descriptive study of orqanizational, curriculum, and staff utilization patterns of selected New Enqland middle schools. By Ethel yerqinia Gore. Hicrofilm. O Ethel Verqinia Gore; 1Dec77; A932150.

A932151. Verbal ratinqs across schools of counseling: Roqerian and Gestalt. By David Paul Tilley. Hicrofilm. O David Paul Tilley; 1Dec77; A932151.

A932152. Inquiry, inteqration, and immediacy in science education: a philosophical perspective. By John Albert Bird. Hicrofilm. John Albert Bird; 1Dec77; A932152.

A9 32153. The Effect of one semester cooperative education participation on the vocational maturity and job involvement of eleventh qrade students. By Henry Boqgs Nright, Jr. Hicrofilm. O Henry Boggs Wright, Jr.; 1Dec77; A932153.

A932154. The Development of a program in ethnic art appreciation for teacher education. By Julia Harie Lupfer Ualther. Hicrofilm. e Julia Harie Lupfer Ualther; 1Dec77; A932154.

A932155. Andrew Harvell, a reasonably natural poet. By Charles Bichard Fenco. Hicrofilm. O Charles Bichard Fenno; 1Dec77; A932155.

A932156. The Europeanization of Irish foreign policy: 1958-1975. By Hichaei Joseph Carey. Hicrofilm. O Hichaei Joseph Carey; 1Dec77: A932156.

A932157. A Novel interpoiative perturbation theory for quantum anharmonic oscillators in one and three dimensions and the ground state of a lattice model of the [non- printable data](| field theory. By Charles Allen Ginsburq. Hicrofilm. Charles Allen Ginsburg; 1Dec77; A932157.

A932158. The Individual as a work of art: Jewish and Puritan values in the fiction of Norman nailer and Edward Lewis Valiant. By Hashey Haurice Bernstein. Hicrofilm. O Hashey Haurice Bernstein; 1Dec77; A932158.

A932159. An Investigation into the effects of selected values-clarifying strategies on the valuing behaviors of students in a teacher education program. By Bonnie Jean Blake. Hicrofilm. e Bonnie Jean Blake; 1Dec77; A932159.

A932160. A Study of the working relationships between the Arlington County, Virginia School Board and the Arlington Education Association from 1966 to 1976. By James Patrick Kacsmarik. Hicrofilm. e James Patrick Kacsmarik; 1Dec77; A932160.

A932161. Senior high school students' preferences for counselors in relation to dogmatism. By Edmund Benjamin Franklin Stevens. Hicrofilm. 6 Edmund Benjamin Franklin Stevens; 1Dec77; A932161.

A932162. Perceived satisfaction of adult students with community college traditional programs. By Hary Longan Bailey. Hicrofilm. Hary Longan Bailey; 1Dec77; A932152.

A932163. A Study of the effects of attending an amphibious warfare course upon the postgraduate performance of military duties by O.S. Harine Corps officers. By fiussell Lloyd, Jr. Hicrofilm. Bussell Lloyd, Jr. : 1Dec77; A932163.

A932164. An Investiqation of microtraining in experiential focusing for psychiatric outpatients. By Greg Swan Swanson. Hicrofilm. Greq Swan Swanson; IDec77: A932164.

A932165. The Theory and practice of small farmer development. By John Lewis Wilson. Hicrofilm. John Lewis Wilson; 1Dec77; A932165.

A932166. Angelica Balabanoff and the Italian Socialist movement: from the Second International to Zimmervald. By Nancy Gorman Eshelman. Hicrofilm. Nancy Gorman Eshelman; 1Dec77; A932166.

A932167. Towards an empirical foundation of meaning. By Charls Pearson. Hicrofilm. Charls Pearson; 1Dec77; A932167.

A932168. A Strange fire burning: a history of the Friendship House movement. By Elizabeth Louise Sharum. Hicrofilm. Elizabeth Louise Sharum; 1Dec77: A932168.

A932169. Profit maximizing behavior in con- centrated industries. By Bichard A. Wald. Hicrofilm. Bichard A. iald ; 1Dec77; A932169.

A932170. A Light, Golgi, and electron microscopic study of the external granular layer in prenatal and postnatal mouse cerebellum. By Jeffrey Bobert Swarz. Hicrofilm. Jeffrey Bobert Swarz; 1Dec77; A932170.

A932171. An Elemental model of assertive behavior: the effects of attraction, authority, and type of expression elements on perceived assertive behavior. By Joseph Hichaei Schwartz. Hicrofilm. Q Joseph Hichaei Schwartz; 1Dec77; A932171.

A932172. Selected factors pertaining to job held one year after graduation related to certain undergraduate status charac- teristics of liberal arts majors. By David C. Karlson. Hicrofilm. David C. Karlson; 1Dec77; A932172.

A932173. Fifth-grade children's preferences for illustrations in middle-grade basal reading materials. By Daniel Joe Lucas. Hicrofilm. e Daniel Joe Lucas; 1Dec77; A932173.

A932174. An Examination of process arguments in Bobert Nozick's Anarchy, state, and Utopia. By John Bobert Danley. Hicrofilm. John Bobert Danley; 1Dec77; A932174.

A932175. Combining independent one-sided and two-sided statistical tests — some tteory and applications. By Ebenezer Oluseguu George. Hicrofilm. 6 Ebenezer Oiusegun George; 1Dec77; A932175.

A932176. An Investigation of the effectiveness of an inservice program for secondary content area teachers in teaching reading in the content areas. By Bhea Thomas Kincaid, Jr. Hicrofilm. C Bhea Thomas Kincaid, Jr.; 1Dec77; A932176.

A932177. Comparative pressure group politics and transnational relations — the case of non-governmental organizations at the Onited Nations. By Elizabeth Voorhees Perkins. Hicrofilm. Elizabeth Voorhees Perkins; 1Dec77; A932177.

A932178. Instrument development with subsequent measurement of resident advisor attitudes- By Hiriam Karen Levin. Hicrofilm. O Hiriam Karen Levin; 1Dec77; A932178.


Workingmen's democracy: the Knights of


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