JUL-DEC. 1977
A931909 (con.) the Haro Sprinqs Eteservatioo of Oreqou; 23Sep77: »931909.
A931910. How Cottontail lost his finqers. Level 1, book 15. By nenbeirs of the Ran Sprinqs Reservation Comuittee, illustrated by Carol Allison. 29 p. (The Indian readinq series; stories and ieqends of the Northwest) C The Confederated Tribes of the Haro Sprinqs Besecvation of oreqon; 23Sep77; A931910.
A931911. Coyote and the stars. Level 1 , book 1. By meBbers of the Harm Sprinqs Beservation Coanittee, illustrated by Carol Allison. 13 p. (The Indian readinq series: stories and Ieqends of the Northwest) O The Confederated Tribes of the Harm Sprinqs Beservation of Oreqon; 23Sep77; A931911.
A931912. Bhy Bluelay hops. Level 1, book 6. By Coast Area Planning Coaaittee, a Skokoaish leqend as told by Georqia Miller, illustrated by Bruce Oilier. 9 p. (The Indian readinq series: stories and Ieqends of the Northwest) Appl. au: Coast Area Planninq Coamittee, Skokoaish Tribe. The Skokoaish Tribe; 23Sep77; A931912.
A931913. Bayen helps the Indians. Level 1, book 20. By Coast Area Planninq Committee, a Skokoaish leqend as told by Emily Hiller. illustrated by Bruce Siller. 8 p. (The Indian readinq series; stories and Ieqends of the Northwest) Appl. au: Coast Area Planninq Committee, The Skokoaish Tribe. The Skokoaish Tribe; 23Sep77; A931913.
A93191lt. How dayliqht came to be. Level 1, book 17. By Coast Area Planninq Coamittee, a Skokoaish leqend as told by Eaily Hiller, illustrated by Bruce ailler. 8 p. (The Indian readinq series: stories and Ieqends of the Northwest) Appl. au; Coast Area Planninq Committee, The Skokoaish Tribe. The Skokoaish Tribe; 23Sep77: A931914.
A931915. How wild horses were captured. Level 1, book 2. By members of the Kara Sprinqs Beservation Comaittee, illustrated by Killiaa Frank. 25 p. (The Indian readinq series: stories and legends of the Northwest) C The Confederated Tribes of the Harm Sprinqs Beservation of Oreqon: 23Sep77: A931915.
A931916. Canada: challenqe of change. iriter: Harry A. Beilly, photoqrapher; Nilliaa Franklin HcHahon. 1 v. 6 filmstrips. Accoapanied by sound recordinq, reg. NI48II58, in boi. Appl. au: Society for Visual Education, Inc. Society for Visual Education, Inc.; 12Sep77; A931916.
A931917. Mexico: facing tomorrow's challenges. Briter: Harry A. Beilly, photoqrapher: John Henebry. Jr. 1 v. 6 filmstrips. Accompanied by sound recordinq, req. NilBt59, in boi. Appl. au; Society for Visual Education, Inc. O Society for Visual Education, Inc. ; 15Nov77: A931917.
A931918. Honey skills; learning module. Kit. Accoapanied by sound recordinq, req. NUSaSO, in box. C Society for Visual Education, Inc.; 13Sep77; A931918.
A931919. Basic nuaber concepts; learning module. Kit. Accoapanied by sound recording, reg. NI481151, in box. Society for Visual Education, Inc.; 17Aug77; A931919.
A931920. Punctuation. 1 v. £ 6 filmstrips. Accoapanied by sound recording, reg. N<J8t62 in box. O Society for Visual Education, Inc.; 15Auq77; A931920.
A931921. The Elementary school library. Uriter: Jeannette Swickard Mitchell, illus. : Phil Kantz. 1 v. & U filmstrips. Accompanied by sound recordinq, req. N48463 in box. Appl. au: Society for Visual Education, Inc. Society for Visual Education, Inc.; 15Auq77; A931921.
A931922. Mind power. Uriter/producer: fiosalynne Gillespy, photography: Bich Prishman. 1 V. e 1 filmstrips. Accompanied by sound recordinq, req. N<IB16it in box. Appl. au: Society for Visual Education, Inc. Society for Visual Education, Inc.; 22Auq77; A931922.
A931923. India; tradition and change. 1 v. £ 5 filmstrips. Accoapanied by sound recordinq, req. NU8465 in box. Society for Visual Education, Inc.; 15Aug77; A931923.
A931924. Serendipity fairy tales. Original stories: Stephen Cosqrove, original art: Bobin James, additional illus.: Frank Ahern, Margaret Haier, John Temple Martin £ Peiix Palm, original artwork adapted to filmstrip format: Patti Deres 6 Darrell D. Matthews. 1 V. 6 6 filmstrips. Accompanied by sound recording, reg. N48466 in box. Appl. au: Society for Visual Education, Inc. Society for Visual Education, Inc.; 2Aug77; A931924.
A931925. Fairy tale masterpieces. Set 2. Artists; Saburo yamada, Gaku Onoki, Shosuke Fukuda, Hitsuaasa Anno £ Tasuo Seqawa. 1 v. £ 5 filmstrips. Accoapanied by sound recordinq, reg. Nit8467 in box. Appl. au: Society for Visual Education, Inc. Society for Visual Education, Inc.; 19Aug77: A93I925.
A931926. Science fiction. Briter/producer: Bosalynne Gillespy, illus.: Phil Kantz, Charles McBarron, Felix Palm £ Bert Tiedemann. 1 v. £ it filmstrips. Accompanied by sound recording, reg. Ntaaee in box. AppI. au: Society for Visual Education, Inc. O Society for Visual Education, Inc.; 19Auq77; A931926.
A931927. South America: land of oany faces. Writer: Judith J. Conaway, photographer: Katie Haloney, artists; Felix Palm £ Libor Pokorny. 1 v. £ 5 filmstrips. Accompanied by sound recordinq, req. N18i(69 in box. Appl. au: Society for Visual Education, Inc. Society for Visual Education, Inc.; 15Auq77; A931927.
A931928. Fairy tale masterpieces. Set 1. Artists: Yutaka Matsui, Eigoro Futaaata, Daihachi Oota, Tsutomu Murakami £ Susumu Vamanobe. 1 v. £ 5 filmstrips. Accoapanied by sound recordinq, req. Nit8i470 in box. Appl. au: Society for Visual Education, Inc. Society for Visual Education, Inc.; 17Aug77; A931928.
A931929. Meditation: the art of self-awareness; program guide. Writers: Carol Vitz, Michael Hilder £ Peter Fairfield, producer/photoqrapher: Carol Vitz, editor: Linda Schick, executive editor: Barbara B. Martinsons, program guide writer; Carol Vitz. 32 p. Accompanied by 2 filmstrips £ sound recording, req. NU8ii7l in box. Appl. au: Prentice-Ball Media, Inc. Prentice-Hall Media, Inc.; 310ct77 (in notice: 1978); A931929.
A931930. The American way of guns. Editors: Sally Pans, Linda Schick, executive editor; Barbara B. Martinsons, program guide writer; Edward Lerner. 33 p. Accoapanied by 2 filastrips £ sound recordinq, reg. N't8't72 in box. Appl. au: Prentice-Hall Media, Inc. O Prentice-Hall Media, Inc.; 111Sep77; A931930.
A931931. Pedodontics, StO. By Paul J. Loos, Henry L. Kanar, Joseph T. Hartsook £ Richard E. Corpron. 109 p. School of Dentistry, University of Michigan; 7Sep77; A931931.
A931932. DAU manual of four-handed dentistry. By Joseph E. chasteen. 1 v. O School of Dentistry, University of Michigan; 2NOV77; A931932.
A931933. Cast gold restorations; procedure aanual. Authors: Daniel T. Snyder, Harvey 8. Schleld £ Joseph B. Dennison. 193 p. C School of Dentistry, University of Michigan; 26Aug77; A931933.
A9319311. Pedodontics, 710. By Bichard E. corpron, Paul J. Loos, Arnold P. Morawa, Frederick G. More £ Michael D. Gordon. 285 p. School of Dentistry, University of Michigan; 30Aug76; A93193H.
A931935. Pedodontics, 712. By Bichard E. Corpron, Arnold P. Horawa, Lloyd H. Straffon £ Michael D. Gordon. 20'* p. School of Dentistry, University of Michigan; 31Dec76; A931935.
A931936. Introduction to oral surgery, 736. By L. G. Upton. 187 p. School of Dentistry, University of Michigan; 17Aug77; A931936.
A931937. Oral physiology, 802. Author: Bobert a. Bradley, with assistance from Jean L. Bacelis. 231 p. Prev. reg. 27Aug75. NM: 8 new chapters. School of Dentistry, University of Michigan; 17Aug77; A931937.
A931938. Biochemistry workbook. Authors: K. M. J. Menon £ Thomas G. Green. 150 p. School of Dentistry, University of Michigan; 5Jan71; A931938.
A931939. Pe-do-don"tiks 6«2. By Frederick G. More, Bichard E. Corpron, Michael D. Gordon £ M. Tess Kirby, artist: Karen Smith, editor: JoAune Kabza. 16U p. Add. ti: Pedodontics 6U2. O School of Dentistry, University of Michigan; 31Aug76; A931939.
A9319lt0. Dental materials workbook. Authors: Kaaal Asqar, John M. Powers £ Bobert G. Craig, editors: Karen Schaefer £ Katherine Harrington, artists: Elizabeth MacGregor £ Kama Steelguist. 139 p. C School of Dentistry, University of Michigan;
6Jan7lt; A9319lt0.
These entries alone may not reflect the complete Copyright Office records pertaining to a particular work. Contact the U.S. Copyright Office for information about any additional records that may exist.