»876352 - A876«02
JUL-DEC. 1977
4876362. Enqiish Motkinq-class internationalisa, 1846-1864. By Ouaoe Charles ioderson. Microfila. Duane Charles Andecson; 15Jun77; A876362.
A876363. Galvanic skin response patterns of autistic, schizophrenic, and control group children to sensory stimulation. By Leslie Ann Beard Beynolds. aicrofiln. Leslie Ann Beard Reynolds; 15Jun77; A876363.
A876364. An Investigation of predicted dif- ferences in the acquisition of fornal operational thought between noroal and institutionalized emotionally disturbed adolescents. By Grayson Daniel Phillips. Microfilm. Grayson Daniel Phillips: 15Jun77; A876364.
A876365. An Analysis of the perceived attainment and importance of goals and objectives of fine arts administrators: the relationship between goals and organization in university fine arts programs. By Daryl Joseph Orris. Hicrofilm. O Daryl Joseph Orris: 15Jun77: A876365.
A876366. Towards an artificial liver. By Lawrence Herbert Hare. Hicrofilm. Lawrence Herbert Bare; 15Jun77: A876366.
A876367. An Assessment of the information needs of selected state decision makers regarding the education of handicapped individuals. By C. 0. Jones, Jr. Hicrofilm. C. D. Jones, Jr.; 15Jun77 (in notice: 1976) ; A876367.
A876368. An Analytic view of the etiological theories of autism. By Jo Ellen Beard. Hicrofilm. Jo EUen Beard; 1SJun77; A876368.
A8763e9. A Comparison of the effectiveness of four different programs for maintaining reading efficiency. By Carolyn Peyton Walker. Hicrofilm. Carolyn Peyton Halker: 15Jun77; A876369.
A876370. Badiation budgets of the troposphere over the East China Sea during the Air- mass transformation experiment (Amtex) , 1974. By gallace Herman Chaplin Jr. Hicrofilm. 6 Wallace Herman Chaplin, Jr.; 15Jun77; A87637a.
A876371. The Concept of literature: formalist, attitude, and institutional approaches to its definition. By Hartha Ann Roodmansee. Hicrofilm. C Hartha Ann loodmansee; 15Jun77: A876371,
A876372. The Political attitudes of prison inmates. By Stephen Brim Roolpert. Hicrofilm. e Stephen Brim Hoolpert: 15Jun77: A876372.
A876373. Studies of the reneil sac of Holgula manhattensis dekay (Ascidiacea« Tunicata, phylum Chordata. By Hary Beth Saffo. Hicrofilm. e Hary Beth Saffo: 15Jun77: A876373.
A876374. A Haximum likelihood approach to image reconstruction. By Anthony Joseph Bockmore. Hicrofilm. 6 Anthony Joseph Bockmore: 15Jun77: A876374.
A876375. Outcasts in their own land: Hexican industrial workers, 1906-1911. By Bodney 0. Anderson. 407 p. Q Northern Illinois University Press; 26Jul76; A876375.
A876376. Church property and the Hexican reform, 1856-1910. By Bobert J. Knowlton. 265 p. e northern Illinois Oniversity Press; 26JU176: A876376.
A876377. First majority — last minority: the transforming of rural life in America. By John L. Shover. 338 p. O northern Illinois University Press; 250ct76 : A876377.
A876378. Learning disabilities handbook: a technical guide to program development. Edited by David A. Sabatino. 549 p. Northern Illinois Dnlversity Press; 120ct76; A876378.
A876379. The American fievolution: explorations in the history of American radicalism. Edited by Alfred Fabian louug. 481 p. Northern Illinois Oniversit-y Press; 12Apr76; A876379.
A876380. The Politics of resistance in France, 1940-1944: a history of the Houvements Onis de la Resistance. By John F. Sweets. 260 p. NH: text. Northern Illinois Oniversity Press; 50ct76; A876380.
A876381. Super threats; how to sound like a lawyer and get your rights on your own. By John H. Striker & Andrew 0. Shapiro. 324 p. John H. Striker S Audrew 0. Shapiro: 16Jun77: A876381.
A876382. By the Hayside. By Rilliam Halter De Bolt. 48 p. NH: additions 6 compilation. silliam Halter De Bolt; 12JU177: A876382.
Aa76383. Living and loving after divorce. By Catherine Napolitane & Victoria Y. Pellegrino. 308 p. Catherine Napolitane £ Victoria Pellegrino; 9Juu77: A876383.
A876384. Nebraska Symposium on Motivation, 1976; personal construct psychology. Editors: James K. Cole C Alvin H. Landfield. 369 p. (Current theory and research in motivation, vol. 24) e Oniversity of Nebraska Press; 10Jnn77; A876384.
A876385. Dear ones. By Dorothy a. Primus. 150 p. O Dorothy B. Primus; 3ajun77; A876385.
A876386. ISI's iho Is Publishing In Science, 1977 annual: an international directory of scientists and scholars in the life, physical, social and applied sciences. 1 V. e Institute For Scientific Infor- mation. Inc.; 5Jal77: A8763e6.
A876387. The Hasters manual: for the advanced training of hospital audit specialists. By Leslie Fox, Gerry Stearns & Halter Imbiorski, editor: Terry Alan Sandholzer, illustrator: Gene Balicek. 234 p. Appl. au: care Communications, Inc. Care Communications, Inc. ; 1Jun77; A876387.
A876388. ABC-to-XYZ fiction writing. By Harry H. Leiser. 46 p. O Harry H. Leiser; 18JU177; A6763e8.
A876389. Hatch yoar business grow — discount coupon inside] Folder. Appl. au: Carmen Casciani. Kwikie Duplicating, Inc.; 15Jun77: A876389.
A876390. Hoving into mathematics: an activity handbook. By fiosalie 5. Jensen. 1 v. Bosalie S. Jensen; 15Jul77: A876390.
A876391. Extending your early childhood curriculum. By Jane Alexis Caballero, co-illustrator: Hary Beguiristain, photographer: Charles Caballero. 47 p. 19 Jane A. Caballero; 20Jun77; A876391.
A87e392. Tickets, ho* to find them, where to buy them. Editor: Bichard A. HcDowell, Jr., art director: E. T. Nicolaou. 1977 Houston e Southwest ed. 96 p. BAH Publications. Inc.; 13Jul77: A876392.
A876393. Beading homework for the primary school student. By Pamela H. Benson. 126 p. Board of Education of the City of Chicago; 16Jun77; A876393.
A876394. Designs for effective research: a model to facilitate efficient research execution and dissemination. By Douglas E. Bobie. 1 V. Douglas E. Bobie; 5Jul77; A876394.
A876395. Ethicon price list, PH-36. 43 p. NH: updating £ editorial revisions. e Ethicon, Inc.; 18Jul77; A876395.
A876396. Tate Elliott pipeline strainers. Bulletin T-36. 51 p. Appl. au: Bobert H. Hiller, Patricia Tate Baker £ Franc F. Hiller. NH: consolidation, updating fi revision of prev. commercial publications. Tate Temco, Inc. ; 6Jal77; A876396.
A876397. Dyke Tracy, and others. By Anna Hay Xerox, pseud, of Bita Karman. 25 p. O Anna Hay Xerox, pseud, of Bita Karman; 2Jul77; A876397.
A876398. The Art of presenting magic: a practical guide to showmanship for beginners. 21 p. Appl. au: Norman Johnson. 6 Norman Johnson; 14Jul77; A876398.
A876399. "Sharing water": Northglenn's story. Hrltten fi illustrated by Janet Lynn Forbes. 1 v. City of Northglenn; 19May77; A876399.
Ae764ao. Bulk handling and properties of PPG chlorinated solvents: Perchlorethylene Irichlorethylene Tri-ethane 1,1,1- trichloroethane. 13 p. NH: revisions. O PPG Industries, Inc., Chemical Division (in notice: PPG Industries, Inc.) ; 18JU177; A876400.
A876401. Time-Hercury Forbes 'psychic woman* (police officer) By A. Pyramid A., pseud. of Adalia Allen. Sheets. Adalia Allen; 27Hay77; A876401.
A876402. Love is understanding — approaching things from another's point of view: a Bible study series on interpersonal relationships: field test edition. 44 p.
Churches Alive; 27Jun77; A876402.
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