JUL-DEC. 1977
i931682 (con.) miton Glenn. 18 p. Hilton Glenn: 10Dec77: i931682.
4931683. There's somethlnq up ahead. 1 p. ippl. au: JoAnn Silveraan, JoAnn Saqan (pseud.) O JoAna Silveroan, pseud.: JoAun Saqan; 7Sep77: A931683.
A93168I4. Suddenly it happened. 1 p. Appl. au: JoAnn Silverman, JoAnn Saqan (pseud.) O JoAnn Silverman, pseud.: JoAnn Saqan; 7Sep77: A931684.
A931685. Oh God, save the little children. 1 p- Appl. au: JoAnn Silverman, JoAnn Saqan (pseud.) JoAnn Silverman, pseud.: JoAnn Saqan; 7Sep77; A931685.
A931686. The Auto and automotive aftermarket in Brazil. 215 p. e Frost and Sullivan, Inc.; 1Auq77: A931686.
A931687. The Canadian automotive precision servlclnq and related dlaqnostic equipment and tools market. 101 p. e Frost and Sullivan, Inc.; 30ct77; A931687.
A93168e. caterlnq equipment market in the Middle East. 278 p. e Frost and Sullivan, Inc.; 1Sep77; A931688.
A931689. The Oil field machinery and equipment market (1975-1986) 216 p. Frost and Sullivan, Inc.: 30ct77: A931689.
A931690. Electronic and electro-optical publishinq equipment market. 172 p. e Frost and Sullivan, Inc.; 1Sep77; A931690.
A931691. The European market for metal- forminq machine tools. 290 p. Add. ti: Het al forminq machine tool market in Europe. O Frost and Sullivan, Inc. ; 1Auq77: A931691.
A931692. The ailitary automatic test equipment (ATE) market. 290 p. e Frost and Sullivan, Inc.; 30ct77; A931692.
A931693. Trade sales paint market. No. 506. 295 p. Add. ti: Trade sale paint market. e Frost and Sullivan, Inc.; 1Sep77; A931693.
A93169I4. Value added semiconductor products market. No. 519. 25i» p. O Frost and Sullivan, Inc.; 1Sep77: A931694.
A931695. The Textile chemicals market in Europe. No. E 231. 305 p. Frost and Sullivan, Inc. : 30ct77; A931695.
A931696. Corporate cash manaqement: practices and service markets. Vol. 2. 1 v. 6 Frost and Sullivan, Inc.; 1Sep77; A931696.
A931697. Corporate cash manaqement: practices and service markets. Vol. 1. 1 v. e Frost and Sullivan, Inc.; 1Sep77; A931697.
A931698. The Poller supplies market in the U.S. No. 1(81. 169 p. C Frost and Sullivan, Inc. ; 30ct77; A931698.
A931699. NeusBank library, January — December, 1974. Sheets 6 microfiche. O Ne»sBank, Inc.; 27Feb75; A931699.
A931700. lounq, pregnant and alone. Presented by the Jewish Children's Bureau of Chicago. 2 V. & slides in boxes. O Jewish Children's Bureau of Chicago; 15JU177; A931700.
A931701. Farrell-Ellis Ohio municipal code. vol. 1-3. 1976-77 suppl. By James H. Farrell, Jr. Appl. au: Anderson Publishing Company. Q Anderson Publishing Company; 20Dec77: 4931701.
A931702. Claims law: workers' compensation. By John T. Hales 6 Howard A. Ideson. 1 v. O American Educational Institute, Inc. ; 19Dec77: A931702.
A931703. The Utilization of volunteers in nursing homes: staff attitudes, their effects, determinants and response to intervention. By Bichard Andrew Isaacs. Microfilm. O Bichard Andrew Isaacs; 10Aug77; A931703.
A9317011. Critical program development factors and their patterns and interactions in selected high and low status disabled student programs In selected California State universities and colleges. By Felton Burns. Microfilm. Felton Burns; 9Jun77; A93170lt.
A931705. The Life and Mantuan masses of Francesco Bovlqo (1511/142-1597) By Michael Armand Fink. Microfilm. O Michael Armand Fink; 1Hay77; 4931705.
A931706. Continuing education for women in a California community college: a study of reentry women (1969-1976) By Beverly Lewis O'Neill. Microfilm. Beverly Lewis O'Neill; 194ug77; 4931706.
A931707. Education and social control In southern Shodesia: 191(6-71. By Tendayi J. Sengerwe Kumbula. Microfilm. O Tendayi J. Sengerwe Kumbula; 21flay76; A931707.
4931708. Learn and earn: marketing manaqement educational project. Developed by Pepsi-Cola Company in co-operation with Distributive Education Clubs of 4merica, Inc. 1977 ed. 1 v. 4ppl. au: PepsiCo, Inc. e PepsiCo, Inc.; 74pr77; 4931708.
4931709. Standard grating spectra. Vol. 50-51. 2 V. 4dd. ti: The Sadtler standard spectra. O Sadtler Research Laboratories, Inc., subsidiary of Block Engineering, Inc.; 8Har76; 4931709.
4931710. Bules of Coloption. 6 p. Accompanied by Coloption board, reg. K129196. Appl. au: Gary T. Lemberger. Gary T. Lemberger; 21Dec77; A931710.
A931711. Brady's Introduction to respiratory therapy. Dnlt 2-5. Developed by the Besplratory Therapy Faculty, Onlversity of Kansas, editor: Joan P. Taylor, authors: Lorrle A. Mangold, Frederick 0. Lindskog 6 Betsy Eaton. 1 kits. Accompanied by sound recordings, reg. N18117, in 1 boxes, e Robert J. Brady Company, a Prentice-Hall company; 13Dec77; 4931711.
4931712. ABSC: 4ccelerated rate of reading comprehension; rate book. 102 p. 4ccompanied by sound recording, reg. N18118, In box. Portion prev. pub. 11Sep77. O Louise Thomas; 15Dec77; 4931712.
4931713. Continuous Progress in Spelling; an Indlvidaalized spelling program. By Edwin 4. Bead, Euel A. Allred £ Louise 0. Baird, illustrated by Billiam Mathison 6 Rebecca Lusk. Kit. NM: editorial revision. O The Economy Company; 1Jan77; 4931713.
A931714. Continuous progress in spelling 2. By Edwin A. Bead, Buel A. Allred e Louise O. Baird. Kit. NM: editorial revision. The Economy Company; 1Jan77; A931711.
A931715. Practical strategies in working with the trainable mentally retarded. By John N. Schifani t Bonnie B. Boberts. Ill p. NM: introd. 6 compilation, e B.F. Publishing, Inc.; 1Jan75; A931715.
A931716. Moral and psychological education: theory and research. Edited by Peter Scharf. 336 p. NM: compilation & additional text. O B.F. Publishing, Inc.; 10ct76; A931716.
A931717. Studies in American minority life. By Eldon L. Seamans. 2nd ed. 138 p. RF Publishing, Inc.; 10ct76; 4931717.
4931718. Introduction to modern criminal justice systems: a text for developing countries of 4frica, 4sia, Latin America and the Carlbbeans. By James S. E. Opolot. 155 p. Appl. states text new except for prev. pub. material. 6 Onlversity Press of America, division of B.F. Publishing, Inc. ; 8Sep77; A931718.
A931719. In search of meaning: from Freud to Teilhard De Chardin (an analysis of the classic statements) By John H. Morgan. 122 p. University Press of America, division of R.F. Publishing, Inc.; 16Jan77; 4931719.
4931720. Laboratory and exercise book for elementary Italian. By Claudia corradini, Francis V. Delly 6 Carl T. Erlckson. 2nd ed. 162 p. O University Press of America, division of B.F. Publishing, Inc.; 10ct77; A931720.
A931721. Savage comedy since King Obu: a tangent to "The Absurd." By Kenneth Steele Bhite. 91 p. Q Onlversity Press of America, division of B.F. Publishing, Inc.; 15Jan77; A931721.
A931722. Helping as a humanistic process: perspectives and viewpoints. Edited by G. Donald Polenz. 172 p. NM: compilation & additional text. BF Publishing, Inc.; 1Jun75: A931722.
A931723. The Scientific revolution. By L. Pearce Hilliams C Henry John Steffens. 318 p. (The History of science in Uestern civilization, vol. 2) Appl. states text new except for prev. pub. material. University Press of America, division of B.F. Publishinq, Inc.; 10ct77; A931723.
A931721. Human needs in housing: an ecological
approach. Edited by Karen Nattrass &
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