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A931563 - A931597


JUL-DEC. 1977

1931562 (con.) Comnunications in Health, Inc.; 2Feb77 (in notice: 1976); 4931562.

A931563. Contraception: an overview- 1 v. Accompanied by filmstrip, req- JP21181 e sound recording, req. Nit8U03. O Core Communications in Health, Inc.; 30Nov76; A9 31563.

4931561. You can stop smokinq: ways to do it. 1 V. Accompanied by sound recordinq, req- N48U02 6 filmstrip, JP21180. 6 Core Communications in Health, Inc. : 7Jan77 (in notice: 1976); A931564.

A931565. Heart risit factors: stayinq well. 8 p. Acconpanied by sound recording, req. NitetOI S filmstrip. JP21183. Core Communications in Health, Inc.; 7Jan77 (in notice: 1976); A931565.

A931566. Immiqrants and unions, a case study: Italians and American labor, 1870-1920. By EdKin Fenton. 630 p. 6 Edwin Penton; 11Apr75; A931566.

A931567. Religion in America. Advisory editor: Gillian Lindt, editor: Gene Broun. «26 p. (The Great contemporary issues) Appl. au: The New York Times company. NM: arranqement, compilation, introd., G index. 6 The New York Times Company: 25Sep77; A931567.

A931568. Food and population: the world in crisis. Advisory editor: Georqe Stanley HcGovern. 387 p. (The Great contemporary issues) Appl. au: The New York Times Company. NH: arranqement, compilation, introd. , 6 index. 9 The New York Times Company; 12Feb76 (in notice: series of 51 year dates from 1915 throuqh 1975); A931568.

A931569. Harriaqe and family life. Folder Ct p.) Appl. au: National Baha'i Education Committee 6 Baha'i Publishing committee. NM: new compilation 6 additional text matter. 6 National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of the Dnited states; 1Nov77; A931569.

A931570. Teachinq. Folder (t p.) Appl. au: National Baha'i Education Committee & Baha'i Publishinq committee. NH: new compilation 6 additional text matter. © National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of the United states; 1Nov77; A931570.

A931571. The Bab. 2 p. Appl. au: National Baha'i Education committee 6 Baha'i Publishinq committee. NH: new compilation E additional text matter. National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of the Dnited states: 1Nov77; A931571.

A931572. The Covenant. Folder (5 p.) Appl. au: National Baha'i Education Committee 6 Baha'i Publishinq Committee. NH: new compilation £ additional text matter. e National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of the Dnited States; 1Nov77; A931572.

A931573. Baha'i fund. folder (^ p.) Appl. au: National Baha'i Education Committee £ Baha'i Publishinq Committee. NH: new compilation £ additional text matter, a National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of the united States; 1Nov77; A931573.

A931574. Baha'i calendar. Folder (4 p.) Appl- au: National Baha'i Education Committee £ Baha'i Publishinq Committee. NH: new compilation £ additional text matter, a National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of the United States; 1Nov77; A931574.

A931575. Prayer. Folder (4 p.) Appl. au: National Baha'i Education Committee £ Baha'i Publishinq Committee. NH: new compilation 6 additional text matter. a National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of the United States; 1Nov77; A931575.

A931576. Baha'u'llah. Folder (3 p.) Appl. au: National Baha'i Education Committee E Baha'i publishinq Committee. NH: new compilation £ additional text matter. National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of the United States; 1Nov77; A931576.

A931577. God and Hie manifestations. Folder (3 p.) Appl. au: National Baha'i Education Committee £ Baha'i Publishing Committee- NH: new compilation £ additional text matter. 6 National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of the Dnited states; 1Nov77; A931577.

A931578. Abdu'1-Baha. Folder (3 p.) Appl. au: National Baha'i Education Committee fi Baha'i Publishing Committee. NH: new compilation £ additional text matter. O National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of the Dnited States; 1Sov77; A931578.

A931579. Laws and obligations. Folder (4 p.) Appl. au: National Baha'i Education Committee fi Baha'i Publishing Committee. NH: new compilation £ additional text matter, e National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of the United States; 1Nov77; A93I579.

A931580. ABISE: arise reach individual souls everywhere. Prepared under the direction of the Audio-Visual Department of the Baha'i Horld Center. 19 p. Accompanied by sound recording, req. N48418 6 filmstrip, reg. JP21184, in box. e National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of the United States; 9Sep77; A931580.

A931581. Pilgrimage to the House of the Bab. 1 V. Add. ti: Pereqrinaje a la Casa del Bab. Accompanied by filmstrip, reg. JP21185 6 sound recording, reg. N48419, in box. Appl. au: Baha'i Sorld Center, Audio-visual Department. 9 National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of the Dnited States; 24Feb77; A931581.

A931582. The School of Badi: the story of American Baha'i youth and their fore- runners. Britten by Phillip Christensen £ Sherman Waite, with special assistance from Stacie Dobbins slaton £ Dan Kare. 1 V. Accompanied by sound recording, req. N48420 £ filmstrip, reg. JP21186, in box. e National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of the United States; 11JU177; A931582.

A931583. Listening and responding to sounds and language; structured teaching materials for special education and early childhood. Created by Buth Silver. 31 p. Accompanied by sound recording, reg. N48421. O Kimbo Educational; 12Dec77; A931583.

A93158 4. Playtime parachute fun for early childhood, adaptable for special education. By Georgiana Liccione Stewart, w E m Jill Gallina. 17 p. Accompanied by sound recording, reg. 1148422. Kimbo Educational; 21Dec77: A931584.

A9315B5. Bean bag activities and coordination skills for early childhood and adaptable for special education. By Georgiana Liccione Stewart, w fi m Jill Gallina. 19 p. Accompanied by sound recording, reg. N48423. e Kimbo Educational; 21Dec77; A931585.

A931586. Peace, harmony, awareness: a relaxation program for children; a manual. By Himi Lupin. 47 p. Accompanied by sound recording, reg. N4B424 fi additional material in folder. © Himi Lupin; 30Dec77; A931586.

A931587. Lonesome whistle: Allen Griffin. Photography: Edward Horrow £ Larry Green, cover design: Allender Hooney Griffin, Jr. Record jacket. Accompanied by sound recording, reg. N48425 £ N48426 6 label, reg. KK251778. Griffin Husic Company, Inc.; 23pec77; A931587.

A931588. Mountain cabin. By Robert Snyder Wood, illustrated by Lewis E. Jones. 199 p. Robert S. Bood; 8Jul77; A931588.

A931589. FY 1978 defense ROT and E budget. 181 p. DHS, Inc.; 27Jun77; A931589.

A931590. FY 1978 defeuE p. © DHS, Inc. ; procurement budget. 128 9Jun77; A931590.

A931591. American family policy: content and context. By Robert H. Rice. 159 p. Family Service Association of America; 20Dec77; A931591.

A931592. Game playing with Basic. By Donald D. Spencer 166 p. NH: additional text, illus. 6 editorial revision. S Hayden Book company. Inc.; 15Aug77; A931592.

A931593. Operation. Editorial board: fi. D. Pehlke E others. 294 p. (BOF steel- making, vol. 4) © The Iron and Steel Society of the American Institute of Mining, Hetallurgical and Petroleum Engineers, Inc.; 2Dec77; A931593.

A931594. Poems for Sarah J. By Lorraine Ellis Harr. 45 p. © Lorraine Ellis Harr; 2Dec77; A931594.

A931595. Poems for Peter K. By Lorraine Ellis Harr. 45 p. © Lorraine Ellis Harr; 2Dec77; A931595.

A931596. Physics news in 1977. Editor: Gerald Present. 92 p. © American Institute of Physics; 23Nov77; A931596.

A931597. Quarterly tax letter. Vol. 6, no. 3, Jan. 1978. Edited by Al Kushinsky.

Folder (5 p.) © National Retail Herchants


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