t876322 - 4876361
JUL-DEC. 1977
4876321 (con.) Hioifred Docothr Hacdecsee Bolio. Hlccofila. C Ninifred Dorothy Vaudersee Bolin: 15JUD77: 4876321.
4876322. Lov frequeocy noise in (Bq,cd)Te detectors. By Hussein Ibrahia Banafi. Hiccofila. C Hussein Ibcafain Baoafi; 15Jun77: 4876322.
4876323. Hanchester and the struqqle for nondsDoainatiooal education. 1817-1870. By Helen Gene Hebcank. Hiccofila. O Helen Gene Hebiank: 1SJun77: 4876323.
4876321. 4n EKperiaental analysis of a social coqnitive aodel throuqh a cross-aqe training pcoqraa. By fiobert David Euriqht. Hicrofila. Bobert Oa>ld Enriqht; 15Jun77; 4876321.
487632S. The Effects of art activities on attitudes and achieveaent in fourth qrade children pertinent to the learninq of aatheaatics and art. By Sonia Daleki Forseth. Bicrofila. C Sonia Daleki Porseth; 15Jun77 (in notice: 1976J; 487632S.
4876326. Jean fiicardou's poetics. By Lynn 4athony Hiqqins. Bicrofila. Lynn 4nthonT Biqqins: 1SJun77 (in notice: 1976): 4876326.
4876327. Cooperation, coapetition and locus of control in 4fro-4aerican students. By 4ntoine Hichael Garibaldi. Bicrofila. 4ntoine Bichael Garibaldi: 1SJun77; 4876327.
4876328. Ernst Peppinq: a career in context. ?ol. 1-2. By Victor Earl Gebauer. Bicrofila. 4ppl. states all ne> aaterial except appendices 4 & B. O Vxctor Earl Gebauer: 1SJun77: 4876328.
4876329. Effect of coqnitive structure and aulti-systea cues on the use of accountinq inforaation in decision aakinq. By Bipin Baliraa 41inkya. Bicrofila. Bipin Baliraa 41inkya: 15Jun77; 4876329.
4876330. The Poet as badger: iaaqery and autobioqraph y in the Libro de buen aaor. By Dayle Seidenspinner De Bunez. Bicrofila. C Oayle Seidenspinner De Bunez: lSJun77: 4876330.
4876331. On the eve of revolution: Horthaaptou. Bassachusetts, 1750-1775. By 4nne Baiter Bebb. Bicrofila. 4nne Baxter Hebb: 15Jun77; 4876331.
4876332. Industrial subcontract inq of loH-skill service workers in Brazil. By 4noa Luiza Ozorio De 41aeida. Bicrofila. 4nna Luiza ozorio De 41>eida: 1SJun77: 4876332.
4876333. Bass aedia use and the iaaqe of the People's Bepublic of China aaonq Chinese students in the Twin Cities area. By Jercy Shao-Shionq Buanq. Bicrofila. O Jerry Shao-Shionq Huanq: 15Jan77; 4876333.
4876331. Investaents and traffic assiqnaent in a hybrid ground and spatial coaaonication network. By Boberto Gadelha Pinbeiro.
4876335. Barrikaden aa Ueddinq: Kunst ist Haffe, the theory and practice of the Bund Proletariscn-iievolutxonarer Schrift- steller, 1927-1932. By Dorothy Jo Bosenberg. Bicrofila. O Dorothy Jo Boseuberq; 13Jun77: 4876335.
4876336. The Developaent of rating scales to aeasure behaviors associated with work alienation and their perceived causes. By Hichael 4nthony Hopp. Bicrofila. O Hichael 4ntbony Bopp; 15Jun77: 4876336.
4876337. Paraaacist iaproveaent of patient coapliance. By Barcellus Grace. Bicrofila. O Barcellus Grace; 15Jun77; 4876337.
4876336. The Bole of the iron, copper* lead« and petroleua export sectors in the econoaic developaent of Brazil, Chile, Bexico, and Venezuela: an eapirical aacroeconoaic analysis. By Tahany fiiad Maggar. Bicrofila. Tahany Biad Baggar; 15Jun77: 4876338.
4876339. Practical solutions for perforaance probleas in the piano preludes of Claude Debussy. By Thoaas Oscar flcColloa. Bicrofila. O Thoaas Oscar Bccolloa; 15Jun77 (in notice: 1976); 4876339.
4876310. Piers Plowaan and the concept of poverty. By Lyane Bunt Levy. Biccoflla. O Lynne Hunt Levy; 1SJun77: 4876310.
4876311. Beta-proqraaaing: a software production aethod. By Charles Siaonyx. Bicrofila. O Charles Siaonyi; 1SJun77; 4876311.
4876312. Huaerical solution of heat conduction with phase change i.n cylindrical systeas. By Hustafa Sengul. Bicrofila. Hastafa Sengul; lSJun77; 4876312.
4676313. Black power and education: a political theory and aodel of black higher education. By Frank Joseph Satterwhite. Bicrofila. Frank Joseph Satterwhite; 15Jun77: 4876313.
4876314. Ethnic stratification in the European periphery: the historical sociology of a Transylvanian village. By Katherine Haureen Verdery. Bicrofila. C Katherine Baureen verdery; 15Jon77; 4876314.
4876315. The valuation of risk assets in an international capital aarket: theory and tests. By Bichard Eugen Stehle. Bicrofila. O Bichard Eugen Stehle; 15Jun77; 4875315.
4876316. The federal Energy 4dainistration: a case study of energy policy-aaklnq. By Bobert Warren Bycroft. Bicrofila. Bobert Barren Bycroft; 1SJun77; 4876316.
4876317. The Theory and estiaation of dise— quilibriua aarkets. By Gita Sen. Bicrofila. O Gita Sen; 15Jun77; 4876317.
4876318. The Politics of higher education: a case study of the coaaonication between the University of flinnesota and the 1975 Binnesota State Legislature. By Jaaes Thoaas Borgestad. Bicrofila. O Jaaes Thoaas Borgestad; 1SJun77 (in notice: 1976); 4876318.
4876 319. The Structure of religious attitudes: a factor analytic study. Sy Bary Josephine Beadow. Bicrofila. O Bary Josephine Beadow; 1SJun77: 4876319.
4876350. The Belationship of stages of ego developaent to the foraulatioo of individual plans. By Jaaes Kay Buapas. Bicrofila. O Jaaes Kay Buapas; 1SJiu>77: 4876350.
4876351. Bass loss froa polyvinyl chloride subjected to high energy electron radiation during x-ray aicroanalysis. By Louis 4ndrew Delgado. Bicrofila. O Louis 4ndrew Delgado: 15Jun77: 4876351.
4876352. La Xraicion en la obra de 4na Baria Batute. By Jaaes Earl 41vis. Bicrofila. Jaaes Earl 41vis; 1SJun77: 4876352.
4876353. 4n 4nalysis of soae of the factors affecting the distribution of the Betazoan fauna in a California estuarine sulfide ecosystea. By Delane 41an Bunson. Bicrofila. O Delane 41an Bunson; 15Jun77; 4876353.
4876351. Theory of acoustic iaaging. By Stephen John Borton. Bicrofila. Stephen John Norton; 15Juu77; 4876351.
4876355. 4n Explanation of sex differences in student effort in aatheaatics: the iapact of differences in social influence, articulation to future work, and relating grades to ability. By Duane Curtis Binders. Bicrofila. Duane Curtis Binders; 15Jun77; 4876355.
4876356. 4 Bayesian approach to seisaic hazard aapping: developaent of stable design paraaeters. By christian Pierre Bortgat. Bicrofila. O Christian Pierre Bortgat; 15Jun77; 4876356.
4876357. Poly aorphisas for heaoglobin and 6-phosphogluconate dehydrogenase in the rodent genus, Peroayscus. By Lee Bichaond Girton Snyder. Bicrofila. O Lee Bichaond Girton Snyder; 15Jun77; 4876357.
4876358. Educational evaluation: key charac- teristics. By Jillian Bary Ballng-Keepes. Bicrofila. O Jillian Bary Baling-Keepes; 15Jun77: 4876358.
4876359. School scheduling on an interactive coaputer systea. By 4rturo Salazar- Garcia. Bicrofila. 4rtaro Salazar- Garcia; 15Jan77; 4676359.
4876360. Political change in Venezuela: the origins of 4ccion Deaocratica, 1936-1915. By George Barren Schuyler. Bicrofila. O George Barren Schuyler; 15Jun77; 4876360.
4876361. Prograa evaluation in teaa sports- -volleyball. By John Billiaa Burtha. Bicrofila. O John Billiaa Burtha;
1SJun77; 4676361.
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