JUL-DEC. 1977
A931283. The Circulatory system of insects. By Jack Colvard Jones. 255 p. Charles C. Thoias, publisher: 15llov77: A931283.
A931284. An Atlas o£ poivtoie pneunography. By Taher El Gaaaal & Barhsall B. Allen, Jr., assisted by Paul Dyken. 386 p. Charles C. Thonas, Publisher: 1Nov77; A931284.
A931285. The Sterno quide to the outdoors. By Ken Anderson. 256 p. Sterno Division. Colqate-Pal»oli»e Company; 9Auij77: A931285.
A9312a6. The Ancient and enducinq art: danse orientale. Britten 6 illustrated by Suheyla, pseud, of Kate HcGonan. 1 v, Kate BcGowan (Suheyla) : 230ct77; A9 312B6.
A931287. Special research reports. No. 203. p. 668-681. Jury Verdict Besearch* Inc.: 9«ov77: A931287.
A931288. Seven faces of sin. By Victor E. Lockaan. 11 p. C The Christian nissionary Tract Society, Inc.; 1Auq77; A931288.
A931289. Uhistlinq down the wire. By Claude Pelieu-Hashburn, translated by Hary Beach. 79 p. Claude Pelieu-Bashburn; 15Jun77: A931289.
A931290. Conrad Kohrs: an autobiography. 101 p. Appl. au: Conrad Kohrs Barren. Conrad Kohrs Barren; 130ct77; A931290.
A931291. The Basp in a uiq; a "suppressed" episode of Through the lookinq-qlass fi • hat Alice found there. By leiiis Carroll, pseud, of Charles Lutuidqe Dodgson, with a pref., introd. & notes by flartin Gardner. 68 p. O Philip Jaques e Elisabeth Christie, trustees of the Estate of the late C. L. Dodgson: 31iug77: A931291.
A931292. The Basp in a wig; a "suppressed" episode of Through the looking-glass 6 what Alice found there. By Lewis Carroll, pseud, of Charles Lutwidge Dodgson, with a pref., introd. £ notes by Hartin Gardner. 68 p. Add. ti: Preface, introduction and notes to Levis Carroll, The Basp in a wig. O on pref., introd. & notes; Hartin Gardner: 31Aug77: A931292.
A931293. Sound the alarm. By Harilou Brooks, foreword by Dick Hills. 128 p. Harilou Brooks: 110ct77: A931293.
A931294. Escapades. By Owen Sanders. Card. Owen Sanders: 25Nov77: A931294.
A931295. Bater. By Owen Sanders. Card. O Owen Sanders: 25»ov77: A931295.
A931296. Dusty trails westward. By Owen Sanders, card. Owen Sanders; 25Hov77: A931296.
A931297. Hen of the sod. By Owen Sanders. Card. C Owen Sanders; 25Nov77; A931297.
A931298. The United States patents quarterly annual digest, 1976. Vol. 188-191. 720 p. The Bureau of National Affairs, Inc. ; 23Aug77; A931298.
A931299. The Effects of curiosity training on second and fifth grade boys and girls. By Jacqueline Jeanne HacAfee. Hicrofilm. O Jacqueline Jeanne HacAfee; 1Dec77; A931299.
A931300. Bevenue growth and a state's tax structure: the case of Louisiana. By Lloyd Bayne Shell. Hicrofilm. C Lloyd Bayne Shell: 1Dec77: A931300.
A931301. Towards Paideia: the promise of holistic higher education. By Lin Barvie Poa. Hicrofilm. O Lin Harvle Foa; 1Dec77; A931301.
A9313a2. A Study of the American liturgical revival, 1825-1860. By Ralph Gerald Gay. Hicrofilm. Balph Gerald Gay; 1Dec77; A931302.
A931303. 1. Synthesis and anticonvulsant activity of novel diphenylhydantoin analogues. 2. Disposition of 5, 5-bi.s- (1-trif luoromethyl- phenyl) -hydantoin in the rat. By James Douglas Henderson. Hicrofilm. James Douglas Henderson: 1Dec77: A931303.
A931304. Byron y Bnamuno: el destino, "el otro". y el fratricidio en Cain y Abel Sanchez. By ofelia Hartin De La Vega Hudson. Hicrofilm. O Ofelia Hartin De La Vega Hudson: 1Dec77: A931304.
A931305. Buether*s theology of the Church and its implications for the structures of the local church. By Kennon Lee Callahan. Hicrofilm. O Kennon Lee Callahan; 1Dec77; A931305.
A931306. The Ecology and educability of children: a three country study. By Chander Kanta Sahota. Hicrofilm. O Chander Kanta Sahota; 1Dec77; A931306.
A931307. Bomen in the economy: a case study of Lynn, aassachusetts, 1760-1974. By Libby Zimmerman. Hicrofilm. O Libby Zimmerman; 1Dec77: A931307.
A931308. Coagulation studies on selected copolymers of [non-printable data ]- L-benzylqlutamate, L-leucine and L-phenylalanine. By Patrick Joseph Parks. Jr. Hicrofilm. Patrick Joseph Parks, Jr.; 1Dec77: A931308.
A931309. Interorqanizationa 1 cooperation in human services administration: a third-party intervention process model. By Gary Dale Bobinson. Hicrofilm. O Gary Dale Hobinson; 1Dec77; A931309.
A931310. The Theories of Josef Hattias Hauer: an Enqlish translation of selected writings with critical commentary and a list of works. By Roger Stanley Gustafson. Hicrofilm. Appl. states all new except musical examples on p. 154-178. fioger Stanley Gustafson; lDec77; A931310.
i931311. The Abolition of the Danish Atlantic slave trade. By Joseph Evans Loftin. Jr. Hicrofilm. 6 Joseph Evans Loftin. Jr.; 1Dec77: A931311.
A931312. A Simulation study of respiratory therapy: evaluation of alternative work shift patterns. By Harshall Lewis Carson-
A931313. Horphology, grain size characteristics, and fluvial processes of two bars. Colville River Delta, Alaska. By Donald Franklin Nemeth. Hicrofilm. O Donald Franklin Nemeth; 1Dec77; A931313.
A931314. The Detoxification of skid row: a field investigation into the implementation of the Uniform alcoholism and intoxication treatment act. By Harilyn Clair Regier. Hicrofilm. Harilyn Claire fiegier; 1Dec77; A931314.
A931315. Horphological and electrophoretic evidence of population relationships in stream snails of the family Pleuroceridae (Prosobranchia) By Kenneth Alan Krieger. Hicrofilm. Kenneth Alan Krieger; 1Dec77; A931315.
A931316. Coleridge on hope and history. By Julia H. Di Stefano Pappageorge. Hicrofilm. O Julia If. Di Stefano Pappageorge; lDec77; A931316.
A931317. Commerce, Christianity and the gunboat: an historical study of Halawi lake and river transport, 1850-1914. By Hurlene Elisabeth HcKinnon. Hicrofilm. O Hurlene Elisabeth HcKinnon; 1Dec77; A931317.
A931318. Determining the internal consistency of English compositions using selected criteria. By James Howard Hynn. Hicrofilm. O James Howard Bynn; 1Dec77: A931318.
A931319. Literary tradition and psychoanalytic technique in Berryman's Dream songs. By Anne Bradford Barner. Hicrofilm. C Anne Bradford Barner; 1Dec77; A931319.
A931320. A Comparative study of moral development in Jewish religious school settings. By Hichael Norman flenitoff. Hicrofilm. O Hichael Norman Henitoff; IOec77; A931320.
A931321. The Formal logic of the efficient markets argument: theory and application to the market for auctioning U.S. treasury bills. By Arnold Lawrence Langsen. Hicrofilm. Arnold Lawrence Langsen; 1Dec77; A931321.
A931322. Divorce and remarriage; socio-religious bases for a proposal for a public policy change in the area of marriage and separation in Brazil. By Edijece Hartins Ferreira. Hicrofilm. O Edijece Hartins Ferreira; lDec77; A931322.
A931323. Nueva presencia: the human image in contemporary Hexican art. By shifra Heyerowitz Goldman. Hicrofilm. O Shifra Heyerowitz Goldman; 1Dec77; A931323.
A931324. Structural and orientational studies of molecules partially oriented in quaternary lyotropic mesophase systems. By Stephen Allen Spearman. Hicrofilm. O Stephen Allen Spearman; 1Dec77; A931324.
A931325. Structural studies on human colonic mucoprotein antigen obtained from normal
and tumoral tissue. By David Victor Gold.
These entries alone may not reflect the complete Copyright Office records pertaining to a particular work. Contact the U.S. Copyright Office for information about any additional records that may exist.